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Project Proposal
Restaurant Reservation System
BCS PGD Level- Professional Project

Name: Chandima Vitharana

Membership No.: 990289096

BCS Professional Project | Restaurant Reservation System

Table of Contents

1.0 Background: ................................................................................................................2

1.1 Project Overview: .............................................................................................................2
1.2 Aims of the Project: ..........................................................................................................2
2.0 Project Scope and Approach: .......................................................................................3
2.1 Overall picture of the Proposed system:………………………………………………………………………3

2.2 Basic functionalities:…………………………………………………………………………………..……………….3

2.3 Development approach and technological overview:……………………………………………..…..4

3.0 Milestones: .................................................................................................................6

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BCS Professional Project | Restaurant Reservation System

1.0 Background:

1.1 Project Overview:

This document represents the Project Proposal put forward by me for the completion of the BCS
PGD Professional Project.

The proposed web application is an online Restaurant Reservation System which mainly focuses on
the Sri Lankan restaurant industry. There are similar solutions available for restaurants worldwide
but the systems where Sri Lankan restaurants are subscribed in or that cater the Sri Lankan market
are very rare.

This issue is expected to be addresses by the proposed system where the local customers are given
the opportunity to reserve a table and a selected meal at time and a restaurant of their preference in
a very convenient manner. In addition, the orders made through the system will be processed by the
time the customers arrive at the restaurant thereby reducing the time taken to serve the orders
unlike in the traditional “come-dine-pay” system. Therefore from the restaurant’s perspective,
subscribing to the system will help them offer an efficient, more customer focused service without
having to bear the additional costs to maintain their own websites, servers etc.

1.2 Aims of the Project:

The ultimate objective of this project is to provide customers a hassle-free dining experience.
Therefore the system focuses on the following aspects.

 Improve the efficiency of the restaurant by reducing the time between servings
 Reduce the customer’s waiting time by placing orders prior to arriving at the restaurant
 Minimize the kitchen idle time by utilizing the resources to process pending orders
 Enhance customer relationships through on-time service and customer review mechanism

The proposed system is not developed for a particular client. It is a generic web application (hosted
on a common server) where any of the interested service providers can subscribe and utilize the
services as it will be developed to cater the common requirements of restaurants of any scale.

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BCS Professional Project | Restaurant Reservation System

2.0 Project Scope and Approach:

2.1 Overall picture of the proposed system

 The restaurant service providers (RSP) can subscribe to the system by paying the annual
subscription fee and create an account for transactions.
 The subscribed RSP can customize their page by editing restaurant details, uploading their
menus etc.
 Customers can visit the site and browse through the range of restaurants available.
 To make table reservations, the customer will have to create an account by signing up. This
service is offered to the customers free of charge.
 Customers can make reservations by making the necessary payment through Credit Card or
PayPal accounts using the system’s secured payment gateway.
 As soon as a reservation is made, the customer will be issued a token number which s/he will
have to provide to the restaurant.
 This token number along with the order details will be e-mailed to the customer as well as
the restaurant manager.
 The restaurant manager then can co-ordinate the orders according to their internal business
 Order cancellation and refund (full/partial) will be depending on each restaurant’s policies.

2.2 Basic functionalities:

1. User Levels:
The proposed system will consist of three user levels, namely Admin, Restaurant Manager
and the Customer with different access rights given to them.
Some of the interfaces, such as account customization, will be slightly different for each user
level with the admin having extra features for controlling and monitoring the operations.

2. Sign up/ Sign in:

Users who access the services of the site for the first time will be prompted to sign up to the
system and create their own account. After that, whenever the system is accessed the users
will have to sign in.
The Restaurant Service Providers (RSP) will have to pay the subscription fee while the
customers can sign up free of charge.

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BCS Professional Project | Restaurant Reservation System

3. Account Customization:
The users will be provided with an interface to customize, edit or cancel their user accounts.

4. Profile Management:
The subscribed Restaurant Service Providers can make modifications to the content in their
restaurant profile.

5. Payment Management:
Integration of PayPal accounts, making secure payments and request for refunds of
payments will be dealt.

6. Email order details:

Order details and token numbers will be automatically emailed to the customer and the RSP
using the email addresses provided in the user account.

7. Report Generation:
The Restaurant Service Providers can generate reports on pending, completed and pending
orders while the admin will be able to generate reports regarding the users and transactions.

Features of the system:

User friendly GUI that will be created in compliance with the Web Accessibility guidelines
(icons, tool tip texts, descriptive error messages)
Security is ensured by user authentication, access control, secured payment mechanisms and
disabling the posting of scripts as comments.

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BCS Professional Project | Restaurant Reservation System

2.3 Development approach and technological overview

The system design approach suggested for the system is the Spiral Model as it is an iterative,
incremental model. The system is expected to undergo changes depending on the user
requirements. Since this model does not specify any fixed stages, the development is flexible and the
explicit risk assessment in each stage is critical for newly developing systems.

The project will be managed based on a Work Breakdown Structure and the timely completion of the
stages will be monitored by the project mentor. Since this is an individual project, the development
will be more sequential with lesser parallel activities.


 XHTML 1.1
 CSS 2.0
 JAVAScript 1.8.1
 PHP 5.3.0
 SQL 2008


 Spry Framework 1.6.1


 Adobe Dreamweaver CS5

Hosting Environment

 Apache 2.2.11
 MySQL 5.1.36
 PHP 5.3.0

The main reason to choose the above technologies and frameworks is that they are free and open
source except Adobe Dreamweaver. DW CS5 was chosen because it supports HTML, CSS, JS, PHP,
Spry integration and FTP connectivity to the server under one roof.

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BCS Professional Project | Restaurant Reservation System

3.0 Milestones:

Project start date :1st May 2010

Project end date :1st August 2010

Allocated no. of hours :300

Timeline for the proposed project

Testing & Implementation

Requirement Analysis


0hrs 90hrs 120hrs 165hrs 270hrs 300hrs

 The scope of the system that is covered in the BCS project is expected be developed in a
single iteration of the spiral model. However, future modifications and enhancements will be
carried out through multiple iterations.

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