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PLAN DE RUGACIUNE – Statul Delaware

Informatii adunate, traduse si aranjate impreuna de Dorin Pele


Location : “Delaware is bounded to the north by Pennsylvania; to the east by

the Delaware River, Delaware Bay, New Jersey and the Atlantic Ocean; and to
the west and south by Maryland.”
Statul Delaware este invecinat la Nord cu statul Pennsylvania; la Est cu Raul Delaware,
Golful Delaware, New Jersey si Oceanul Atlantic; iar la vest si sud cu statul Maryland si
Rhode Island; la Sud si Vest cu New York. (

Capital City: Dover. (

Population : “Est. 885,122 - Jul 2009 (2009 est.)“ (U.S.Census Bureau) Estimates in
2007 rank the population of Delaware as 45th in the nation, but 6th in
population density, with more than 60% of the population in New Castle
County.” Populaţia din Delaware ca numar, dupa estimările în 2007 se afla pe locul 45 pe
tara, dar la densitatea populaţiei se afla pe locul 6, cu mai mult de 60% din populaţie locuind
in New Castle County. (

Religions : “As The religious affiliations of the people of Delaware are:

Methodist – 20% , Baptist – 19% , No Religion – 17%, Roman Catholic – 9%,
Lutheran – 4% , Presbyterian – 3% , Pentecostal – 3% , Episcopalian/Anglican -
2% , Seventh-day Adventist - 2% , Churches of Christ - 1% , Other Christian –
3% , Muslim - 2% , Jewish - 1% , Other – 5% , Refused - 9% “
(source: American Religious Identification Survey, City University of New York).
Afilierile religioase ale oamenilor din Delaware sunt: Metodisti – 20%, Baptisti – 19%, fara
religie – 17%, Romano-Catolici – 9%, Luterani – 4%, Prezbiterieni – 3%, Episcolali/Anglicani –
2%, Adventisti de ziua a 7-a – 2%, Bisericile lui Hristos – 1%, Alti crestini – 3%, Musulmani –
2%, Evrei – 1%, Altii – 5%, care au refuzat sa decline apartenenta religioasa – 9% .

Other Facts(Alte Date Statistice/Realitati) :

- “ Delaware is divided into three counties. From north to south, these
three counties are New Castle, Kent, and Sussex. While the southern two
counties have historically been predominantly agricultural, New Castle
County has been more industrialized. “ Delaware este impartit in trei judete.
De la nord la sud, acestea sunt: New Castle, Kent si Sussex. In timp ce cele doua
judete din partea sudica au fost predominant agricole, istoric vorbind, judetul New
Castle a fost dintodeauna mai industrializat. (
- “Delaware was one of the thirteen colonies participating in the American
Revolution and on December 7, 1787, became the first state to ratify the
Constitution of the United States, therefore becoming known as The First
State.” Delaware a fos una din cele 13 colonii care au participat in Revolutia
Americana, iar in 7 decembrie 1787 a devenit primul stat care a ratificat
Constitutia Statelor Unite. Prin urmare, asa a devenit stiut ca Primul Stat.

- Origin of state name : “ Named for Thomas West, Baron De La Warr,

colonial governor of Virginia; the name was first applied to the bay."
Originea Numelui Statului: A fost numit asa pentru Thomas West, baronul De La
Warr, guvernator colonial in Virginia. Numele a fost aplicat pentru prima data
Golfului." (
- Nickname : The First State; also, the Diamond State. (
- Property crime (most recent) : 87,764 [34th of 51] Infractiuni asupra
proprietatii (cea mai recenta statistica): 87,764 (locul 34 din 51 de state) .
- Ethnic groups : Black Americans constitute Delaware's largest racial
minority, numbering 150,666 in 2000 and comprising about 19.2% of the
population. As of 2000, approximately 37,277 residents, or 4.8% of the
total population (up from 16,000, or 2.4% in 1990), were of Hispanic
origin. Americanii de culoare constituie cea mai mare minoritate rasiala,
numarand 150,666 in anul 2000 şi cuprinde circa 19,2% din populatie. Incepand cu
anul 2000, aproximativ 37,277 residenti, sau 4,8% din totalul populatiei (pana la
16000, sau 2,4% în 1990), erau de origine hispanica.
- Robbery : 1,735 [36th of 51] Talharii, hotii – 1,735 [locul 36din 51 de
state] (
- Motor vehicle theft : 2,816 [42nd of 51] Furturi de masini – 2,816
[locul 42 din 51 de state] (
- Violent crime : 5,817 [37th of 51] Crime violente – 5,817
[locul 37 din 51 de state] (

- Abortions ( Avorturi) . In 2005, 5,150 women obtained abortions in

Delaware, producing a rate of 28.8 abortions per 1,000 women of
reproductive age. Some of these women were from other states, and
some Delaware residents had abortions in other states, so this rate may
not reflect the abortion rate of state residents. The rate declined 8% since
2000, when it was 31.3 abortions per 1,000 women 15-44. Abortions in
Delaware represent 0.4 of all abortions in the United States.
În 2005, 5,150 femei au facut avorturi in Delaware, producand o rata de 28,8 de
avorturi la 1000 de femei de varsta reproductiva. Unele dintre aceste femei au fost
din alte state, precum si unii locuitori din Delaware au facut avorturi in alte state,
astfel incat acest procent s-ar putea sa nu reflecte cu adevarat rata avortului a
rezidentilor din acest stat. Rata a crescut cu 12% incepand cu anul 2000, cand a fost
21.1 de avorturi la 1000 de femei intre 15-44 de ani. Avorturile in Connecticut
reprezinta 1.4% din toate avorturile din Statele Unite. (
- “Delaware was admitted to the union on December 7, 1787
(Connecticut is the 1st state admitted to the union) ". Statul Delaware a
fost admis in uniune la 7 decembrie 1787( A fost cel dintai stat acceptat in uniune.
- The largest ancestry groups are ( Cele mai mari grupuri de nationalitati
predecesoare sunt): 1. Irish - 16.6%, 2. German - 14.3%, 3. African American –
14%, 4. English - 12.1%, 5. Italian 9.3% (
- “In Delaware a child needs a parent's permission to get her ears
pierced, but can have an abortion without a parent's consent.” In Statul
Delaware, un copil trebuie sa ceara permisiunea parintilor ca sa-si gaureasca urechea
pentru a-si putea pune cercei, dar poate sa faca avort fara permisiunea lor.

Provocari pentru rugaciune: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the

Lord”. Psalm 33:12 “Ferice de poporul al cărui Dumnezeu este Domnul!”

- “Let’s pray that the gospel can spread and be heard by everyone in this
state.” Sa ne rugam pentru ca Evanghelia sa fie raspandita si auzita de fiecare
persoana care locuieste in acest stat .

- Let us pray for the Romanian community in Delaware to reach God

and to accept Him as a personal Savior . Sa ne rugam pentru
comunitatea de romani din Statul Colorado ca sa-L caute pe Dumnezeu si sa-l
accepte ca Mantuitor personal.

- “Pray that God would be the center of each family unit and that
strained families would experience healing and reconciliation. Pray for
broken family relationships to be restored through Christ’s grace and
the power of the Gospel.” Sa ne rugam ca Dumnezeu sa fie centrul
fiecarei familii, iar in familiile cu tensiuni si certuri sa se experimenteze
vindecare si reconciliere. Rugati-va pentru ca relaţiile rupte din familii sa fie
restaurate prin harul lui Hristos si puterea Evangheliei. (

- Pray for America's Youth to Know God's Love and Truth. Sa ne rugam
pentru tinerii americani ca sa cunoasca Dragostea si Adevarul lui Dumnezeu.

- Pray that schools would be a place where students learn not only
knowledge, but also morality and integrity. Sa ne rugam ca scolile sa
devina un loc unde studentii sa acumuleze nu numai cunostine, ci sa invete
despre moralitate si integritate. (

- In the last century the United States has sent out more missionaries
than any other country, impacting every nation on earth. 35% of all
foreign missionaries are American. Pray that these missionaries would
be able to work in partnership with local churches. In ultimul secol,
Statele Unite a trimis mai multi misionari decat orice alta tara de pe pamant,
avand influienta in orice tara pe pamant. 35% dintre misionarii straini sunt
americani. Sa ne rugam ca acesti misionari vor fi in stare sa lucreze in
parteneriat cu bisericile locale. (

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