Colon Cancer

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also called colon cancer or large bowel cancer,

includes cancerous growths in
the colon, rectum and appendix. Colorectal cancers arise
from adenomatous polyps in the colon. These mushroom-
shaped growths are usually benign, but some develop into
cancer over time. Localized colon cancer is usually diagnosed
through colonoscopy
 change in bowel habits
 blood in stools
 unexplained anemia
 Anorexia
 Weight loss
 fatigue
 dull abdominal pain
 melena
 narrowing stools
 constipation
 distention
 bright red blood in the stool
 abdominal pain and cramping
Benign polyp


Invasion and destruction of normal tissues

Liver/other parts of the body

 Abdominal and rectal examination
 Fecal occult blood testing
 Barium enema
 Proctosigmoidoscopy
 Colonoscopy
 CEA (not so reliable)
 Auscultating the abdomen for bowel sounds
 Palpating the abdomen for areas of tenderness,
distention and solid masses
 Inspection of stool specimen for character and
presence of blood
 IV fluids and nasogastric suction for patients with
symptoms of intestinal obstruction.
 Blood component therapy if there is significant
 Treatment includes:
› Surgery to remove tumor
› Supportive therapy
› Adjuvant therapy
 Imbalanced nutrition, less than body requirement, related to nausea
and anorexia
 Risk for deficient fluid volume related to vomiting and dehydration
 Anxiety related to impending surgery and diagnosis of cancer
 Risk for ineffective therapeutic regimen management related to
knowledge deficit concerning the diagnosis, the surgical procedure,
self-care after discharge
 Impaired skin integrity related to the surgical incisions (abdominal &
perianal), the formation of a stoma, and frequent fecal contamination
of peristomal skin
 Disturbed body image related to colostomy
 Ineffective sexuality patterns related to presence of ostomy and
changes in body image & self-concept.

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