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MCA 3rd Semester

MCA – 303

Time: 3 Hours Full Marks: 70

Group A

Answer all the questions: [1 × 10 = 10]

1. (a) Inheritable knowledge is best represented by

i. Semantic Net
ii. First Order Predicate Logic
iii. Database
iv. None of the above

(b) Decomposable problem can be represented by

i. OR Graph
ii. AND Graph
iii. AND-OR Graph
iv. None of the above

(c) According to Modus Ponens inference rule, P and P →Q infers:

i. P
ii. Q
iii. P’
iv. Q’

(d) A Bayesian network is a

i. Tree
ii. Directed Graph
iii. Non-directed Graph
iv. None of the above

(e) Which of the following algorithm does not face local maxima problem:
i. Simple Hill Climbing
ii. Steepest Ascent Hill Climbing
iii. Best First
iv. None of the above

(f) The forward reasoning problems are generally represented by

i. OR Graph
ii. AND Graph
iii. AND-OR Graph
iv. None of the above

(g) If in a problem the neighboring states of the goal node are known better than the
neighboring states of the initial nodes, we should use which of the following?
i. Forward reasoning
ii. Backward reasoning
iii. Bi-directional reasoning
iv. None of the above
(h) Which of the following is not heuristic search?
i. Constraint satisfaction search
ii. Depth first search
iii. Simulated annealing
iv. Hill Climbing

(i) Skolem function is used in

i. Unification algorithm
ii. Natural deduction
iii. Conversion to clausal form
iv. None of the above

(j) The study of the nature of the knowledge is called

i. Belief
ii. Hypothesis
iii. Epistemology
iv. Meta knowledge

Group B

Answer any three questions: [3 × 5 = 15]

2. What is Pruning? Explain alpha-beta cut-off procedure.

3. What are the differences between procedural knowledge and declarative knowledge?
Explain with examples.

4. How is an uninformed search method different from an informed search method?

5. A game tree is basically an AND/OR graph. Justify the statement with examples.

6. Explain the difference between the depth first search and breadth first search? Illustrate
with examples.

7. What is Modus Ponens Rule? Explain with illustrative examples.

8. Define Bayes’ Theorem. Explain with an example.

9. How does α − β pruning procedure improve search space?

10. Give the A* search algorithm.

11. When a heuristic function is said to be consistent?

Group C

Answer any three questions: [15 × 3 = 45]

12. (a) Prove that if A and B are independent events P ( A / B) = P( A) .

(b) Explain Branch and Bound search with algorithm and an example.

(c) Discuss and compare Hill Climbing and Best First search techniques. [5 + 5 +5 = 15]

13. (a) Explain different types of knowledge. Illustrate with examples.

(b) What are deterministic and non-deterministic search?

(c) Explain the concept of the fuzzy membership function with examples. [5 + 5 +5 = 15]

14. (a) Write predicate logic for the following statements:

i. Every rational number is a real number.

ii. There exits a number that is an even number.

iii. Every woman loves a child.

(b) Using the resolution principle, prove that all lecturers are determined. Any one who is
determined and intelligent will give good service. Mary is an intelligent lecturer. Show
that Mary will give good service.

(c) What is a back propagation Neural Network? Illustrate with examples. [5 + 5 +5 = 15]

15. (a) Convert the following wffs into clausal forms:

i. ∀x : man ( x ) → mortal ( x )

ii. ∀x∃y : [ p ( x ) ∧Q ( x, y )] →z ( x, y )

iii. ∀x∃y : father −of ( y , x )

(b) Draw a semantic net for the sentence “Ram gave the book to Sita”.
(c) Explain the differences between data driven search and goal driven search. When are
they suitable for application? [5 + 5 +5 = 15]

16. (a) Using the best first search, show the order of expansion of nodes in a search tree
for the 8-puzzle problem whose initial and final states are given below:

Initial state:
2 8 5
1 6 4
7 3

Final state:
1 2 3
8 4
7 6 5

State clearly the heuristic function used and show the path from the initial state to the
goal state as obtained by the best first algorithm?

(b) Show that if A* uses a consistent heuristic, then f-values of the sequence of nodes
expanded by A* is non-decreasing along any path. [10 +5 = 15]

17. (a) How can the traveling salesman problem be solved using means-end analysis?

(b) What is induction based learning? Illustrate with examples.

(c) Explain multilayer feed forward Neural Network with examples? [5 + 5 +5 = 15]

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