Casio Fx-83WA Manual

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User's Guide

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ft-85WA .

ft-270W PLUS ft-300W fx';'350T~; ft-911W'~

User's Guide


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• To Remove the cover

G~P. tl)e. top !Jf, tl!e .cover, anc~ slide the unit out from the

bClttom •.. , ••.• _ , " "

• To Replace tti"ecov'er • • •• .' '

Grasp the top' of the cover. and sliCe t~e unit in from the

botlom ... ", .... ,~ .. 't~·,.; ~

_-.., ... , .. '

Alw~ys ~Jije' the' ~nit into the' cover with the unifS" display endflm; Never slide the keyboard 'end'of the unit into the

cover. ,1 ::,.(.,.' :",1 :1 •• (. ~..... .,'. ";>'.

~~.. , "E" , "'~ CASIOELECTRONICS'CO •• LTD.

," '" " 'r UnIU:1000 North CII'ciI'la"r ROad.

• " • - M 'London NW27JO. U.K.' , "

" .. ".. ~ " .. -" '. ,. , . ,. . ~ .,. , . .... '"

,6e sure to read the following safety precautlo!,!s- before using tl'!is calculator. Keep this manual handy for later reference. '

This syinbol Is used to Indicate information that can result In personal injury or material damage if ignored.

Batteries, , ,

• After removing the batteries from the c8tculator. p~ _ them In a safe place where there is no danger of

them getting into ,the hands of smail children and

accidently sw8Ilowed. _' ' ,

• Keep betferlei' out of the reach of small children. If , accidently swallowed, consult with a physician lm-

mediatelY. _ ",' , i

• Navar charge batteries. try to take batteries apart. or , allOw batteries to become shorted. Never expose bat-

• t,rlas tl? ~Irect heat or dispose of t!1em by inclnera-

• tron;"'· .. '

• Misuse of batteries can cause them to leak acid that can cause damage to nearby Items and creates the possibility of tire ai1cI personal Injury.

• Always make sure that a battery's positlv, E9 and ,negative e, sides are facing correctly when you load It into the calculator.

• Remove the batteries if You do not plan to,use the

calculator for- a tong time. '

• Use only,the type of batteries specified for this cal-

culator In this manual. '

Disposing of the Calculator

• Never dispose of the calculator by bumlng it. Doing so can causa certain components to suddenly burst, creating the danger of fire and personal Injury.

• To Remove the cover

~~~~e:t: :Of: ~e ::er, an~ ~lIde the un~ out from the

• To Replace tIia Cciv'er' • • •• • _ , _

Gbo~ ~e: t~p: of tfwi cOver. and sliCe ~e' unit In from the

ttom. ~ t lo.r~·1.; ~

t " .. " .. ,

Always S1Jije' the'~nit Into the' COVer WitI'I t!1e unift" display , end'tI~ Never slide the kayboarcfend'of the unit into the

cover. J ~t",. . .., ~: •• l' ~ .... , <#', ""l":

, ':.,

~ '.~

t:':.,,'-" • ",.,,:: .v , l··. _ .

.. "'t' ~ '. e CASIOELECTRONICSCO. LTD :'" =. "~ ~ ~ UnItS. :,1 000 North ClicU'Jai' Road.'

, ' " • L.oi1dori NW21JD. U.K' <" ,

, __._, .' " '"'''' .. ~ , ,.. .,'

• • • • • • .. ~ e Iir.' • ., : ... -..... f :' ., ....

.:::: .::.':

,Be sure to read the following safety precautions before ' using tl'!1s calculator. Keep this manual handy toflater ref~ eranca,. '



.r; A\. C~~~(~?':":"'~_" ____ '_:'U __ '7' '
This syinbol ,Is uSed to indicate information that can
result In personal Injury or material damage if Ignored.
Batteries, r ~.
• After removing the batteries from th~ eiilculator. p~
, them In i safe place where there Is nO danger of
them getting Into ,the hands of small children and
accidently awanowe'd. .' ..
• Keep batferles-'out of the reach of sman children. If
, accIdenUy swallowed. consult with a physician Im-
mediatelY. • ','... "i _ • ' , '
• Never charge balta ...... try to takI batteries apart. of
, aJkjw batteries to become Shorted. Never expose bat-
• ~~~ ~ ~rect heat or dispose of t!1em by inclnera-
• tfon;" ," .. ,,' ' ' ,
• Misusa of batteries can causa them to leak acid that
can cause damage to nearby items and creates'the
J)OSSIbIDty of Ora ai1cI personal Injury. ;.
• Always make sure that a battery's positive E9 and
,negative e, steles are facing correctly when you
load it,lnto" tha calculator. '
• Remove the batteries If yo\! do not plan to use the
calculator for- a long time. ,
• Use only, itte type of batteries specified for
culator In this manual. • ' '
Disposing of the Calculator :
• Never dispose of the calculator by bur:nlng it. Doing
so can cause certain components to suddenly burst,
creating the danger of Ore and personal Injury. ...... ~ ..

'" .' ..

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• The displays and illustrations (such as key markings) shown in this User's Guide are for Illustrative pur. poses only, and may differ somewhat from the actual Items' they represent

• The contents of. this manual are subject to change without notice.

~ In no eve()t sl)all CASIO Computer Co., Ltd. be liable . . io anYone' for special, cOllaieral, Incidental, or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the purclJase or use of these ~terials. Moreover, CASIO. computer Co., Ltd. shall not be liable for any claim of any kind whatsoever against the use of these materials. bY any other party.

. , ., ....

• Be sure to press the P buttOn on the back of the' calculator (step<B) on page 29 or 30) before using It for the first time (fx-82TUtx-83WAlfx-270W PLUS/fx-

35OTL). ,,1 . . '. '.: .'

• Be sure to preSs the @!l key before using the calculator for the first time (fx-85W Ifx-85WA/fx-300W Ifx-

911W). .

• Even It the calculator Is operating normally, replace the battery' at least once every three years tor the fx-83WAlfx-85W/fx-85WA/fx-270W PLUS/fx-300WI tx-35OTLlfx-911W, or at least once every two years

tor the tx-82TL.· <" . '.' •... : .

Dead battery can leak, causing damage to and malfunc· tion of the taIcuIator. Never leave the dead battery in the

calCulator:" : . " ',;; . .

• The battery that com" with the Cjllculatorwhen you purchase It Is for testing only. It may not provide full

service lite. .'>' ... ,J:",,:. '.' ,

• Low batte.ry power.can cause memory contents to . beCome corrupted or lost completely. Always keep

.Wiitten recorda' of ali'lmportai'lt data. '

. ·2-

- Avoid use and storage In are .. subjected to tempera-

tUre extrema. . ..

Very low temperatures can cause slow' display response, total fallure of the display, and shortening of battery life .:

Also avold'ieaving the calculator in direct sunlight, near a window, near. a heater or 8/lYWhere else It might be-

.. eame exposed to very high tamperatures. Heat Can cause •• alscolorattorror deiorl;,,,,~·;;;\·;;f!h ... caiculator'scase, and ". damage to Intemal CircuitrY •.

- Avoid use and storage In areas subjected to large amounts of humidity and"dust.

Take care never to leave the calculator where It might be splashed by water or exPosed to large amounts of humidity or dlJllt Such elements can damage intemal cir· cuitry.

• Never drop the calculator or otherwise subject it to strong Impact.

- Never twist or bend the calculator.

Avoid carrying the calculator In the pocket of your trousers or other tight-fitting clothing where it might be subjected to twisting or bending.

- try to take the calCUlator apart

- Never press the keys of the calculator with a bell-polnt

pan or other pointed object. .

• Use a soft, dry cloth to clean the exterior ot the unit.

If the CIIIculator becomes very dirty, wipe It off with a cloth moistened in a weak solution of water and a mild neutrel household detergent Wring out all eXCess moisture before wiping the calculator. Never use thinner, benzine or other volatile agents to clean the calculator. Do. Ing so can remove' printed (TlSrkings and damage the case •


.""=1. -

- The displays and IUustretions (such as key markings) shown In this User's Guide are for illustrative pur. poses only, and may differ somewhat from the actual . Items·they represent

• ~e conte~ at this manual are subject to change

_ Wl!hout notice. .'

.. - In no ~~ sl)all CASIO .<;:Ol\1puter Co., Ltd. be ilabl~ ' . '. to anyone for special, collateral, Incidental, or consequential damages In COMection with or arising out of the purcqase or USe of these ~terlals. Moreover, CASIO, computer Co., Ltd. shall not be Dable for any .claim of any kind whatsoever against the use of these materials. by any other party •

. ...... ,

.111' ••


· - Be sure to .preas the P buttOn on the back'of the cal- . culator (step <B) on page 29 or 30) before using It for

· the first time (fx-8~-83WAIfx-270W PLUS/fx-

35OTL). "!"'." . . ... :... .

- Be sure to PrUa the @!l key befOre using the calculator for the first time (tx-85W Ifx-85WA/tx-300W Itx 911W).· ',,; ... :' . , -

. ... -. e;".,. It the caleulator IS operating normally, repl'lce . th~ battery at leest once every three years tor the fx-83WAlfx-85W/tx-85WA/fx-270W PLUS/fx-300WI . fx-35OTL/tx-911W, or at least once every two years

tor the tx-82TL', :". . v ' •••• , •

Dead battery can I8ak, causing Qamage to and ritalfunc. tion. 0( the.,~~r: Never leave the dead battery In the cal!:ulator. . . " .,: •

• The ba,ttery that ~~ with the CjlI~latorwhen you purchase It Is for testing only.' it may not provide full'

service lite. •. !l.:, -, ~.i'~·1 h'... , ,.. :

-. Low ba,ttery po_r.can ceuSe memory conte;'" to

· ~corru~~.~r.l~.~.rnPletely •. Always keep

. ." ....... r8cQrds of all Important data. '

: -2-

: ~;.


. ... :

- A~ use and storage In areas subjected

ture extremes.· . '. .

Very low temperatures can cause sIow'dlsplay response, total failure of the display, and shortening of battery life •. Also avold'lea~ng ~e calculator In direct sunHght, near a window, near a heater or 8(1yWhere elae it might be-

. come exposed to very high temperatures. Heat Can caUse'

· dIscolofatlon or d,"orrnation oJ the caJculator'1t case and

· dainaga to intemal circuitrY; .' . • '......

. • Avolc;l use and storege In ...... subjected to large amounts of humidity and-dust.

Take care navarto leave the calculator where It might be splashed by Water or exposed to large amounts of humidity or dlJllt Such elements can damage Intemal cir.

· cuItry.. . .'. .

• Never drop the calculator or otherwise subject It to

~Impact. '. .

• Never twist or bend the calculator.

Avoid carrying·the caiculator In the peCkat of your trou- . sers or other tight-fitting clothing where it might be sub-' jected to twisting or bending.

• Never try to take the calculator apart.

• Neverp ..... the keys of the Calcuiatorwlth a bali-polnt pen or other pointed object.

• Use a Soft, dry cloth to elasn the exterior of the unit. ~ the Clllculator becomas very dirty, wipe it oil with a cloth moistened In a weak solution of water and a' mild neutral household detergent. Wring out all excess moisture before wiping the calculator. Never use thinner, benzineor other volatile agents to clean the calculator. Do-

· Ing so can remove' printed (!Iarkings and damage the case.


. :.' .. '

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Safety Precautions .: ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 .

Handling Precautions 2

Two-line Display 5

Key Layout 6

Before Starting Calculations ~ 8

.Modes ••••••••••.•••••.••••••••.•••••.••••..•••••••..•.•.•••••••••••••.... 8

• Input Capacity 9

• Making Corrections Ou'ring Input ••••••••••••.•••••.••••••.• 9

• Replay Function ••••••••••.••••••.••••.••..•••••••••••••.•. : ••••••.•• 9

• ErrOr LOcator 9

• EXponential Display Formats 10

.Answe~ Merriory 10.

Basic 'Calculatlons : 11

M~rnory C~I~ul~tlons : , 11

.Indep,enclent Memory .•.••••••••.•.••...•••.••••••••••••••.••••. 11

.Variables .•.• : 11

Fraction calculatlo~~ ; : 12

• Fraction Calculations 12

.Dedmal-to-Fraction Conversion 12

• Fractlon-lo-Declmal Conversion 12

Percentage Calculations 13

Scientific Function Calculations 14 r

• TrigonometricllhVerse Trigonometric Functions .••• 14

• Hyperbollcl1nverS8" HyperbOlic Functions 15

.Angle UnifConversion •• ; .. : .; : : 15

• Common and Natural Logarithmsl

· Antilogarithms .; ; •••• : : ; 15

• Square ROOts,' Cube Roots. RoOts, Squares.

CubeS, ReciproCals, Fadorials,

Random Numbers arid x _ _.:. .. ~. 16

• FIX, SCI, RND.:.;;::~, ••••• ;:.:,.:., ••• : ~:.: .. 16

.ENG Calculations .;::.:; :; ~ •• : 17

• Co?rdlnate q,or,tr!,~!~;n JPoI(.r,,), fl~.(r, 8) .. : .. ~ .. ,: 18



• Permutation ._ : : : ; .. 18

• Combinatl~n : •• ~: •• 18

Statistical Calculations _ •• 19

.Standard Deviation (SO Mode) 19

• Regression Calculations (FIEG Mode) 20

•• • r ' .. ". ". .

Formula Memory .(fx-85W) :;.: ~ :.~23

Base-n Calculations'(fx-85W) ; ~: ••••• .:S

Degrees. Minutes. Second~ Calc'~latl~nl~:: 25

Technical. Infor.matlon 25

.Wh8nyou have a problem :.: ,;.; •• 25

• Error MessageS' : ~ ; ; 26

.Order of Operations 27

.Stacks , 27

• Power: Supply : ••.•. : , ~ •••••• ,.: :28

.Inp~t~~ges •••• : : £ ••••• .; ; .. ; : 31

SpeCifications : 33

5>::3+2::: i n: se :,cn3' :ln5"8 I ·'U.' [U U ,


You can simultaneously check the calc;.ulatlon . formula and its answer.-

The first line displays the calculation formula; The second line displays the answer.


. ' ..


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Safety ~recautions ; ~ .. ,

Handling Precautions 2 '

Two-line Display ~ : 5

Key Layout :. 6

Before Starting Calculatlons ~ ~ 8

.Modes· • 8

• Input Capacity 9

• MaJdng Corrections Du'ring Input 9

• Replay Function : : 9

• Error Locator ,. 9

:=~~aI Display Formats 10

. ~ emorr 10:

Basic 'Calculations ~ ;..:. 11

M~rnory. C~I~~,~tions ~ ~ •••• , 11

.ln~eRenc;f~l1t Memory ~ 11

.Va~les , 11

. Fraction Calcuf8tJo~~ :~ : 12

• Fra~n Calculations 12

.Decunal-to-Fractlon Conversion ., : 12

• Fraction-to-Oecimal Conversion 12

.. Percentage Calc'Jb,t!ons .. ! 13

Scientific Function Calculations ;~ .. ~.14

• Trigonometricl1nVElrse Trigonometric Functions 14

• Hyperbollcllnverse HyPerbOlic Functions 15

.Angle Unlt.~nversion .. : .. :~ ; : .; •• _ 15

~Comrnon iIi'ld Natural Logarithms!

Antilogarithms .• ~ ;.::: ; ; : ; 15

• Square Roots, c,ube Roots, Roots, Squares, '. ,

Cubes, Redpi'oCals, Factorials .

Random Numb.·ra: arid x· ._ .. ..::._ _ :...=.. 16

• FIX, SCI. RND ,,:.;~::., _:; .. , ; :: •• ~:..; .. '16

• ENG CalculationS •• :;.;;' : .. :;; ~ .. : ~ 17

.~~ q_ol)~!I!.I!ioI1 (PI?I(.r,,), ~ec (r, 8) .. _ 18

· ' .... _'." u.4~· , -. ,.... :;':


: .. :;::'.

.. :.

• Permutation ._ ; ~ ; •• 18

.COmbinatlon , :.~: 18

Statistical Calculations ~ 19

"Standard Oevlatlon (SO Mode) 19

.Regressl~ 9alculat!Ons (FIEG Mode) 2P .

• t ~ , •

Formula Memory (tX-85W) :;L .: ..... ~ ..... ;; .. 23

:. :'Ba~,;' carculiitionS~(fX:.asw r: ~.:;::'.::.~~:.~;.; ~ .'

Degr ..... Minutes. s8cond~ Calc~lati~n~:~:~ 25 .

Technlca. Infor.matlon 25

.When you have a problem :.: ~;.:.: 25

• Error Messages : _ : ; ; ; ~ 26

.Order of Operations _ _ 27'

• Stacks , _ .. 27

•• IPower: Supply : ; , ,.~ :28

np~ l'~ges :- £ :; : :_ 31

Speclfl~tlons •• _.~ .. _ _ ~ ~ •••. 33



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.. .

You can s1niulta~eously check the calculation

. fOrn:lu.l~ and Its answer. .

The first line displays tha Calculation formula; The second line displays the anSwer. .

l .

. ....


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, ,


• Modes

Application Mode Mode
Name Indicator
Calculation Modes "
Normal calculations CaMP _
Standard deviation:' ,
SD ; SO "
calculations " , ,
Regression calculations REG REG
Basl!-iJ calculations BASE-N b (binary} "
(fx-85Wonly) , " ; " ' 0 (octal). ':; ,,;1:
d (decimal)
H (hexadecimal)
Angle Unit Modes r ' - ' . .'.:
Degrees" . , bEG iii "
, Radians, RAD m
GradS ' GRA m
Display Modes ,1., 'i' l
Exponential notation NORM1
(Canceling FIX and SCI _
specification) NORM2 _
Number of decimal FIX
place specification Fix
Number of significant ' SCI Sci
digit speciflcaticin ' , '._ .: ....

r -;::,-


• Mode Iiidlcators appear in' ~e lo~ part of the display, except for the Base-n indicators whiCh appear in the ex-

ponent part of the display. '

• You cai1no~ se! the angle unit or the display mode while

the calculator Is in th.'BASE-N mode (fx-85W). ,,'

• The CaMP, SO, and REG modes can be used in combinatioll with the angle unit modes.

• Be sure to check the current calculation mode (SO, REG, COMP) and angle unit mode (DEG. RAD GRA) before

beginning a calculallon. '


• Input Capacity

• The memory area used fo'r calculation input can hold 79 "steps.' Whenever you input the 73rd step of any eatculallon, the cursor changes from "_. to " •• to let you know memory is running low. If you stili need to Input more, you should dMde your calculation into two or more parts.

iii Makl~g Corrections During Input

• Use I3l and IE to move the cursor to the location you

want ,

_. Press @i) to delete the number or funCtion at the current

cursor position. '

• P~ ~ ff!!I to ct\ange to an insert cursor ~ J. Inputting something while the insert cursor is on the display in'serts the Input at the ,Insert cursor position •

• Press 13l,IE, 8 ff!!I; or EI retums to the normal cursor from the insert cursor.

• Repiay Function

• Pressing IE or I3l recalls the last calc!Jlation you performed. You can then make any changes you want in the , calculation and re-execute it.

• Pressing Eli does not clear Replay memory, so you can recall the last calculation even after you press Eli.

• Replay memory is cleared whenever you start a new calculation, change to another mode, or tum off power.

• Error Locator

• Pressing IE or (3J after an error occurs displays the calculation with the cursor positioned at the location where the error occurred.


. _. - ... ,,' .....

~. ;.


Normal calculations


Mode Mode
, Name Indicator'
CaMP _
.4, ,
. :,SO .: SO "
, Calculation Modes

Standard deviation" I

calculations "

Rearession calculations


Bas .. iJ Cak:ulations (fx-a5w :only) " ."

BASE-N b (binary}, .'

;. .~.. ; . 0 (Octal) .: ~{ . .:r,,'·

d (decimal)

H ihexadeclmal)

Angle Unit Modell

iii .' , .'
_' 0cI DeQn,.s~ • •

, Radians,


GradS, '


Number of decimal 'place specification


Exponentlalnotallon (Canceling FIX and SCI

specification) "


Number' ", significant '

digit soeciilcaticin ' : ... .,.. i

-: .>.

Note! . '

• Mode _liidicators',a~pa~~ in'~e ~r,Part of iIle display, except for the S,,""n Indicators which appear In the ex- '

ponent part of the display. ,

- You cai1no,t Be! the angle unit or the display mode while

the calculator is in the'BASE-N ,mode (fx-85W). "

• The COMP, SO, and REG modes can be used In combi-

natioll with the angle ,unit modes.

• Be Sure to check the current calculation mode (SO REG , CO~P) and angle unit mode (DEG. RAD, GAA) befo(~

, begInning a calculation. ' ' ,


.~ ..

. ....

. :


.,Input Capacity

.. The memory area used for calculation input can hold 79 "steps.' Whenever you input the 73rd step of any calcu- ' lallon. the cursor changes from "_" to " •• to let you know memory Is running low. If you stili need to input more. you should divide your calculation into two or more parts.

'.Niaki~g Corrections During 'Input~' , , -,

• Use I3l and IE 'to move ihe cursor to the location You

want ,

• Press@i) to delete the number or funCtIon 'at the current

cursor ~sItIon.' .'

• ~ss B ff!!I to ct\ange to an insert cursor ~J. Inputting something while the insert cursor Is on the display In'sarts the input at the Insert cursor position.

• Press 13l, CEI, 8 8; or EI retums to the 'normal cur-

sor from thl! in"r:t cursor. ' , ,

... !

• Repiay Function

• P~8S$I~g IE or (3) recallS the last calclJlation you per-

· formed. You can then make any changes you want in the calculation and re-execute it.

• Pressing Eli does not clear Replay memory, so you can , recall the last calculation even after you press EI!J. '

'. Replay memory Is cleared whenever you start a new calculation, change to another mode, or tum off power.

• Error Locator

• PreSSing IE or (3J after an error occurs displays the calculation with the cursor positioned at the location where the error occurred.

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• Exponential Display Formats

This calculator can display up to 10 digits. Larger values are automatically displayed using exponential notation. In the case, of decimal values. you can select between two formats that determine at what point exponential notation Is used. Press I!!!I 8 8 8 CD CD (or m) to select NORM 1 or NORM 2 (fx-85W). For other models. press 888CDCD(orm).

• NORM1·

With NOFl~ 1. Elxponential notation is automatically used for integer vaiues with more-than 10 digits and decimal values with more than two decimal places.

• NORM 2

With NO:RM 2. exponential notation is automatically used for integer values with' more than 1 ° digits and decimal values ~ith 'more than nine decimal places.

• All ,of the examples in this manual ,show calculation re-

sults 'using the NORM 1 format. '

, 9. .

• Answer Me'mory

• Whenever you press'lil after Inputting values or an expression. the calculated result is automatically stored in Answer Memory. You can recall Answer Memory contents by pressing ~.

• Answer Memory can store up to 12 dlgits.for the mantissa and two digits for the exponent.

,. Answer Memory contents are not changed If the operation performed by any of the above key operations results In an error .

Baste:: C~Jculatl.C?n~ ~l=:tt:S~Bf31

• Use the COMP mode for basic calculations.

• Example 1: 3x(5x1~)

3 EI CD 51!iliEl 9 CD ElI..I 1;,.:;.5::,.-ot...l1

, .;.

": :!xamplu':: 5X(9+i)

5 EI CD 9 II 7 CD EI' ,-I __ ......;;.80;.;.,. _,

• You can skip all CD operations before EI.

, M~(Il(),ry:, Cilll~""ji~.I,~n~":f?i~:,~~':~0':\~

• Independent Memory '"

• yalues can be input directly into memory. added to memory. or subtracted from memory. Independent memory Is convenient for calculating 'cumulative totals.

• Independent memory uses the same memory area as variableM. '

.' To clear independent memory (M). Input (]J I!!!l C!1

• Example:

23+9-32 230 91!!!l1Xl 1 32.
63 - S .. 47 631:1 sliQ 1
-) 45x2=90 47.
(Total) -11 4513 281M3 1 SO.
(ill) C!J 1 , -11. • Variables

• There are nine varlaples (A through F. M. X and Y). which can be used to store data, constants, results. and other values. "

• Use the following operation' to delete data assigned to

all nine variables: 81!!D EI. '

• Use the following operation to delete data assigned to a particul~r variable: m 1m! CD. This operation deletes the data assigned to variable A .

• 11. -

• Exponential Display Formats

This calculator can display up to 10 digits. Larger values are auto~atically displayed USing exponential notation. In the case of decimal values. you can select between two formats that determine at what point exponential notation is used. Press I!!i!I 8 8 8 CIJ CD (or CIJ) to select

, NORM 1 or NORM 2 (fx-85W). For other models. press 88 eJ III CD (~rm).

• NORM'1'"

'vYIth, NOflM, 1! flXPonential notation is automatically used for iliteger values with more' than 10 digits and decimal values with more than two decimal places.-

• NORM 2

WIth NQRM2. expon~ntial notation is auiomati~l!y used ' for Integ~r values with' more than 10 digits 'and' d8c:imal

values ~~ more than, nine decimal places. '

• All ,of the exampleS in thfs manual show calculation re-

sul~ 'using the N9.RM 1 format.,' '

• Answer Memory

• Whe~ever you press'lil after Inputting values or an expressIon, the calculated result is automatically stored in Answer Memory. You can recall Answer Memory eentents by presslng~. ,

• AnsWer Memory can store up,to 12 dlgits.forthe mantissa

and twQ dlgftsfor the exponent '

" Answer Memory contents are not changed if the opera- ' tion ~erformed by any of the above key oPerations rs-

, sults'ln an error.



.... :



• Use the COMP mode for basic calcuh:itions.

• Example 1 : 3x(5x10':')

3 13 CD 51!iliEl 9 CD EI ... 1 __ ....:.:1.5:::..-OI...J1 • :!xamplu :,: 5X(9+7)

513 CD9 II 7 CDEI· ... I __ .....;80:;:, • ...J

,~ You can '~kip aU CD operations before EI.

,M.~(Il(),ry,:, C:~,I,e4Ijt~;~;'~':f~~~~r.~~

• Independent Memory ',

• yalues can be Input' directly Into memory. added to memory. or subtracted from memory. Independent memory Is convenient for calculating 'cumulative totals.

• Independent memory uses the same memory area as

variableM. " ,

, • To clear independent memory (M). Input (]J mI m

• Example: 23+9-32 53 - S .. 47 -) 45 x 2 .. 90

(TotaO -11

23 D 9 mi C!J 1=1 ==::::;:32;:.~ 53 lID sliQ :=' ==::;4;:7.:::: 45 13 281M3 ::' ===9::0.::

(ill)C!J1 -11.

• Variables'

• There are nine variaPles (A through F. M. X and Y). which ' can be used to stor.e data, constants. results. and other values. , ' ..

• Use the following ~eration' to delete data assigned to

all nine variables: ~ I!!i B., ' ,

• Use the fOllowing operation to delete data assigned to a particular variable: CD IiiiI CIJ. This operation deletes the data assigned to variable A.


... ,: .. ,

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• Use the COMP mode for percentage calculations. . .i. .• Use the COMP mode for percentage calculations.

• Example 1: To calculate 120/0 of 1500 • Example 1: To calcul!1te 12% of 1500

150013128001 180. 15001312800'''''1---1-80''''.-

~ Example 2: To ~Iate what percentage of 880 is 660

66008808001 75. I·

• Example 3: To add 15% onto 2500 .

:,.: .' 2500131580001 2875 .

• . Example 4 ~ To discount 3500' by 25%

3500 13 25 SOO 1:1 1'"1--~26~2~5.""

• Example 5: It 300 grBms are added to a test sample ?riglnally weighing 500 grams, what Is the p~rcentage

Increase In weight? .

300 + 500·

500 x 100- 160 ('II.)

.. 300 0 saC 8 00 I 160. I·

• Example 8: If. temperature changes from 4Q°C to 46"C,

· .\Vhat percentage did It rise? .


~x 100 -15 (%)" .

. 461:1 408CiJ I 1.5.

• Example: m.2 + 23 = 8.4

. .

m.2 + 28 = 6.9

193.21Wi ill. 0 23 al 8.4

~ co 028 a ::1 =======6=.9~

.'.' .


• Fraction Calculations


• Use the COMP mOde for fraction calculations. ..,

• Values are automatically dlsplay~d In decimal format whenever the total number of digits of a fractional value (integer + numerator + denominator + separatprmarks)'

· exceeds 10 .

• Example 1 :..!.+ 1.i.

.' 3 5

2@3 0 1 (!!) 41dl 5 a Lol _...:2.J=-:.:7 ~::.:.;15:::. . ..J

1 .

• Example 2: "2+1.6

,; ..• 1 (!!) 2D 1.6 a LoI __ -=2:.:,.1..J

• Fraction/decimal. calcula~on results are always decimal.

• Decimal-to-Fraction Conversion

• Exa~~le: 2.75·~ 2! 2.75 a·""1 ---2.-75--'

(!!) I . 2.J.3.J 4.

81i!!J 1.1 ~_...;1:..:.1~:....;.;4.:...i

• Fraction-te-Declmal Conversion 1

• Example: 2H 0.5 (Fraction HDecimal)

, ," ... 1l!!l2 a 1'""1 --~1';"'~2"";""

.•. 12-

(!E ... 1 ....;.:0.:;;.,5..J

(!E L.1 .:.;1~::.:2::. • ...I

• Example 2: To calculate what percentage of 880 Is 660

6600880800 I 75. I·

• Example 3: To add 15"10 onto 2500

:,: ~50013158OOO I 2875.

• Example 4 ~ To discount 3500 by 25'Yo

3500 13 25800 all'" --~26=-=2~5.""

• Example 5: It 300 grams are added to a test sample . originally weighing 500 grams, what is the percentage

increase In weight? .

3°°5;0500 x 100 '" 160 ('Yo)

. 3000500800 I '160. I·

• Example 6: If temperature changes from 4Q°C to 46'C, what percentage did it rise?


---;W-X 100 = 15 ('Yo)' .

461:140 8 00 I 1.5 .

• 1'3.

~ Example: m.2 + 23 - 8.4 1S.3.2 + 28 - 6.9

193:21Wi ill. 0 23 al 8.4

es (]J D 28 EI ::1 :::;:::===6=.9 ~

• Fraction Calculations


• Use the COMP mOde fo~ fi-action calCulations. _. ..

• Values are automatically dl~play~d In decimal format whenever the total number of digits of a fractional v&iua (integer + numerator + denominator +. ~paiatpr.marksi

· exceeds 10.' .

· • Example l' :..!.+ 1.i.

-: 3 5

2 (!E 3 0 1 (!!) 4 (!!) 5 EI Lol _...:2.J:::..:.:7 ~::.:.1 ::;5 • ....J

1 .

~ Example 2: 2+1.6

: .: .. ' 1; .... :11!iJ 2 D 1'.8 EI L __ --=2::.,:1...J1

- ..

• Fraction/decimal. calcula~on r.esults ,ue alwa~ decimal.

. . ", ....

• Declmal-to-Fractlon Conversion

• Exa~~le: 2.75·~ 2! 2.75 Ell 2.75

~ I . 2.J.3.J 4.

El~ L.1 __ ..:1..::1~::..;4::.:. • ...I

• Fractlon-to-Declmal Conversion

·1 .

• Example: 2H 0.5 (Fraction HDecimal)

" ,~ .,:; \\!!l2 a ""I ---1~-2.;-·'"

• ·.12·





(!iJ ... 1 __ ...:0.::::..5..J1

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.:.,: ::: .

. : -; ','

.' :.'.

• Use the COMP mode for scientific function calculations.

• 11 = 3.14159265359

• Trigonometricllnyerse Trigonometric Functions

• Example 1: sin63°52'41"

fx-85W: E!! 8 8 OJ :" . .•

Other models;'1!!!l8 iJJ -+ m

~ 63 8 528 41 8 EI "'1 0~.8~9~7-85--9-~-12--'

· • Example 2: cos (..!!... rad)

. . 3

. ":. 1x·85W: 888m ••

Other models: 88m -+ m

: . ~ CD800 a 3mB I ,.. ---O-~--'

. n 1C

• Example 3: cos-, T = 4" rad .

fx-85W: 8 8 efm • •

Other models: 88m -+ m

8 ~ CD ~ 202m EI rl-:-0.-=78:-::5:-::3-:-98::-:1~~3~

~D8[[)ElI 0.25

• Example 4: tan-'O.741

fx-85W: 88 8 OJ • •

Other models; 8 8 OJ -+ m

8@0.741E1 rl ~36~.5==3:-::844~i:::77:--t

• Hyperbolicllnverse Hyperbolic Functions

• Example 1 : sinh 3.6

~ ~ 3.6 Ell 18.28545536

~ Example 2: sinh-' 30

" .:. , , ~ i~!r~r:;u;'" G.U~4622224 I'

• Angle Unit Conversion,

• Press 8 8 to display the following menu.

D R G "

1 2 3 .

• PreSSing OJ, m, or CD converts the displayed value to the,correspondlng angle unit

• Example :To convert 4.25 radians to degrees

fx-85W: 8 8 8 OJ -+" m • Other models: 8 E!J"OJ

4.2588 eo (A) ElI2~~070629

• Common and Natural Logarithms!

Antilogarithms _

• Example 1 : log 1.23 (EiJ 1.23 EI I 0.089909111

• Example 2: In 90 ~=Iog. 90)

CEl 90 EI 4.49980967

• Example 3 : .. '.

8010 EI 22026:46579

• Example 4: 10,,5 ,'8 !El1.5 EI 31.6227766

• Example 5: 24

2 CLJ 4 EI L- __ 1~6.:....J]

·'.1 ... ··.1~~~ ....· .. ·~·1:'t .. ·:·,·t ...

::_sc .. e~~f~~;r:~rt9tiOll" ¢~i¢uiations:'

4... Io.f .... ,.. ....... •••••••.•• ,.'... .'.

• Use the COMP mode for scientific fu'n~i~n C~~~I~~~~:

'11=3.14159265359 ' • _' .

',It'..' '

• Trigonometricllnyerse Trigonometric Functions' ,

• Example 1: sln63"52'41"

fx-asW: 88'8OJ -:-., ,

Other models:' 8 I!!!l iJJ -+ m·

~ 63 8 52,,8 41 8 iB 1r:0:-::.8:=97=::85~90:-::.~12~

. • Example 2: cos (_f!_ rad)

, ,3

- , ',,,:,, 1x-85W: 888m ••

Other model~: 88m -+ iii

: ,~CD8~D3mBIr- -,---o~~~

• Example 3: cos-, -f - ': rad ' 1x-85W: 88 8'm • •

Other models: 88m -+JiI

8 ~ CD~ 202m ElIr-O~.7==8~~3~98~1~~"""3 "'1

~D8[[)EI [_.,.._o:~]

• Example 4: tan-'O.741

Ix-asW: 888 OJ • •

, Other models: 8 8 CD -+ m

El ~ 0.741 Ell r 36-:-,~.53=844~W1~'"

. ..... : .

. ... ,',

:.::: ..... :

, • Hyperbolicllnverse Hyperbolic

Functions' '

. • Example 1 : sinh 3.6

~~3~6E11,18.28545536 I

• Example 2: sirih-' 30

.,:':...... ~. '""~.,."......,.....,,..,,.._....,

, ' =8·f~J'~~ 14.W4022224,·t··"


• Angle Unit Conversion

• Press 8 8 to display the following menu.

..___~_'_~_' _G_3_-I" ,

• Pressing OJ, (D"orCiJ converts the displayed value to

the,correspondlng angle unit ,

• Example: To convert 4.25 radians. to degrees 1x-85W: 888 OJ • •

Other models: 8 E!rOJ -+ m

4.~ 8 SID (A) ElI"'2-~-·2.""~""'07-0s-2-9-" ..,,'

• Common and Natural Logarithms!

'Antilogarithms ' '

• Example 1 : log 1.23 (EiJ 1.23 EI I 0.089905111 I

" Example 2: In 90 (-~ogr 90)

~ 90 EI 4.49980967

• Example 3: ,,'. 8010El 22026.46579

• Example 4: 10'" 8G:l1.5E1 31.6227766 I
.. Example 5: 24 2CLJ4E1 1e-. I .-'.

• Square Roots, Cube Roots. Roots, Squar:s, Cubes, Reciprocals, . Factorials, Random Numbers and 7t

• Example 1: 12+ I3x IS

, ILJ 2 D ILJ 3 £IILJ 5 1511 5.287196909 I

• Example 2: 31S+ 3j-27

. (!j 5 D Il:lIBJ 27 a 1-1.290024053 I

• Example 3: 7/123 ( = 123t)

78~ 123aI1.98864n95

.. ' .

• Example 4: 123+302

123 D 301:i:J a ~I __ 1,;.;0;::;23;;,. . ...J


. . ..... . .

:::: :::: ... ::;:;:ti;~);~~\:~;t~·::~::;;:~{~:;t:~·:·;:;\;,~:::Sr .


• Example 5: 123

121:i:J a 1 .... __ 1:..:..7::;28:.:,. . ...J

• Example 6: __ 1 _

1 1


CD 3 0 a 40 CD0 alL..... 1.:..:2;:., . ...J

• Example 7: 81

88@)1iI ~I _ __;.40;.,;;3;:;;;20;;,. . ...J

:';;£\'~f";yi~('~;') .. ·


• Example 8: To generate a random number between

0.000 and 0.999 .

• Example 9: 31t

8131511 0.664 I

EJcampIe (-.- NeII-) 38 [ID 1511 9.4247n961

-.' ....


• Example 1: 200+7x14=400

200 II 7 £114 alL..- __ 4OO:.;;;:,:. . ...J1

(Spociliu - - pIaca.)

fx-BsW: 8 ~ @i!!!E!JCDCD I 400.oooFil I

Other models: e E!J E!! CD CD .. -1.

=~~ uoIng 10 200 11.7151 ~I ===2~8=.5=7=1 ~I £114151 .... 1 _....;4O.;;,;0::,;.0:=0=.,0 ...JI

200 II 7 & 1~_--=2:;::8;:;;.5:.:.7.:..1 ...J 8 ~ 1L..-_.::;28::,;.5:,;.7..:..1 ...J £114 a ~I __ 3.;;;99::.;.9;.,;;9~4-1

• Press 8 ~ E!J ~ CD CD (fx-85W) to cleer FIX specification. For other mod.e1s, press.S e S CD CD .

... . :' .'-:

: -, ;' '~.' . .


. .: ':". ~:, ~:':~~

• Example 2:1 + 3, cflSplaying result with two significant · digits (SCI 2)

fx-85W: 8888 CD CD' Other models: 8 S 8 CD CD

1113 ElI~--3-.~-'11

• Press 8 ~ 8 8 CD CD (fx-BsW) to clea~ SCI speci· flcatJon. For other I1!Odels, press S S S Ci) CD.

.... : ..


-, :'.'

. . ~ . . .....

. "

.:" ' ' .. ' .

• ENG Calculations

• Example 1: To convert 56,088 meters to l(iJometers

. ' -. ' : .....

-, .: :: ...

-; ...

.,' :::::=:: , ..... ,

·.·\;::::L.· ::" .

56088 a I!!! ~I _....;5;.,;;6,;.;;.0,;:.;88:..03-11

.. .v. :'.'

.... : '. : -,

• Example 2: To convert 0,?8125 grams to milligrams

0.0812~ a I!!! 1 81.25-1

• Square Roots, Cube Roots. Roots, Squares, Cubes,. Reciprocals, . Factorials, Random Numbers and 7t

• Example 1: 12+ {3x IS

ILJ 2 D ILJ 3 £IILJ 51511.5.287196909 I

• Example 2: 3{5+ 3/-27 .

. (!j' 5 D fl:J (EiI 27 a 1-1.290024053 I

• Example 3: 7/123 (:0 123t) 78r£:)123aI1.98864n95· I

• Example 4: 123+302

123 D 30.1:i:J EI ... 1 _.....;,. . .;.::102=3:.:. . ...J

• Example 5: 123

12 lEEI ,-I __ 1;.:,7.::;28::::, . ..J

• Example 6: __ 1_ ..1._..L 3 ~

CD 3 0 a 4·0 CD C! __ _.:.,:12.::::...J

• Example 7: 81

88 @) Ell 40320 .


" ~;n~IG &;";".)· a. random humber between 0.000 and 0.999

...... :

8SElI 0.664 I'

~( __ NeII_)

38 [ID a I 9.4247n961

• Example 9: 31t

:'.: -. ::


• Example 1: 2OO+7X14-400

200 II 7 £114 EI ... I __ _,;40.;,.;0;;,;. . ...I

": ....

.' .. "

..... ":

(SpocIIIos 1I!i.. _ p_,

:.:::.~;:.; . Oiher ~~:~ ~ ~ ~~ gs CD I 4OO.~ I

.' . =-=.~ uoIng.l0 200 11.7 Ell 28.571

£114 Ell· 400.000 I.

.. , .. ··F"'ioTrnlrlg .. th~.S'ame' i;ia1t;"I .... iiJl. :ulllii" ·lI·ie··speciffed

':~. number of decimal places .

200117&1 28.571

c- raundIng) 81i!J1· 28.571

£I 14E11 399.994 • Press e; ~ 8 8 Ci) CD (fx-BsW) io clear FIX spaclflcatlon. For other models, press 8 8 8 CD CD.

• Example 2: 1 + 3, displaying result with two significant · digits (SCI 2)

fx-BsW: e; 8 8 8 CD CiJ .

Other models: 888 CD CiJ

1113 ElIr;;;--3-·r ..... ' I

• Press 888.8 Ci) CD (fx-85W) to cle';' SCI speci· fJcatJon. For other l1!Odel!l, press S S SCi) CD.

• ENG Calculations

• Example 1: To convert 56,088 meters to klJometers


56.088031 .

• Example 2: To convert 0.08125 grams to mlUigrams.

0.0812~ EI ~ 1 81.25-031

........ :-.

.' .. ' :.:: ":' ' ..

. ·:::·:.:;·::;::/;:;~A?X:~:;:~~ .. ;::j~:'iP:!:!;{\(>:'·:·

:\:.::.:.;~/i"\W·:>::;i;}::~~iiil!;;3~~.;?:!!~~:l:i~;~j!~i~!:~::tC' -. ;

-;' ..... : ... ::: ..... ::.' .... :.: -.

. ' ' . ..

.':.: ... _. ... . .....

,li~,~;~'~i,i~~r;:~JI~~~~;;~I~,;_ .. ,.

':'. -; : .',: -

.' _.:: .

'.' .

:., :',,:" . ." :: -, ' ::':-= : .. '

:'M :.:,:<'. ",:' ::: .. : .... ,

••••• ' ••• : •• ' Z·.

.: .... :. ',:;:. ::";'; :'~':::':~:.::.: .' ..

. .~'.' .~: :.:. :':' . , :.: .

, .. .:i~::::' .'. .:' .::'... ··:\·:F·: .. : .:.=.:,::

.. .;.

:. _'::'

' ... ',~, '.:.' .

-. :.:~ .... ': , .' :'

.' ..



... "

. ::":::;. '.' .

•• : •• : -'>,

. ~ :: -. ,:': .... : ". '.: :: ..


. ".:' .

"': ,',

" -,' ','

• Coordinate Conversion (Pol(x,y), Ree (r, 9)}

• Calculation results are automatically asSigned to vari-

ables E and F. . .. .

• Example 1: To convert polar ~oordlnates (r .. 2, 0=60.) to rectangular coordinates (.f, y) (OEG mode)' .'

E1~2QJ60cDElI .1·1

y . . . Iilll CD ;:, =1==.7:;32;:O::::5:;08=O=8~1 • I!§ m, Iilll CD swaps displayed value with value in · memory.

• Example 2: To convert rectangular coordinates (1, (3)

to polar coordinates (r, II) (RAO mode) .


~ 1 QJ ~ 3 iJ:J Ei I ... · ...;:;..·...11

9 Iilll CD 11.047197551 I

• I!§ m, Iilll CD swaps displayed value with value In memory.

• Permutation

• Example: To determine how many different 4-digit values can be produced using the numbers 1 through 7

• Numbers cannot be duplicated within the same 4-digit

value (1234 is allowed, but 1123 is not).. . .


• Combination

• Example: To determine how many: different 4-member groups can be organized in a group of 10 individuals

.10~4E11 210.

(fx-85W: 8 ~)


• Standard Deviation (SO Mode)

• Press E!!I E!!I OJ (fx-85W) to enter the SO Mode tor statistical calculations using standard deviation. For other

· (Tlodels. press E3 CD. .

-··~tiata· input'idwayti Ii.b.;", wiu', t;$ §ilS·t.> c: .. arstatistical memory.

• Input data is used to calculate values for. n, Ix,1:.1.4, i, a" and a,,., which you can recall using the key operations noted nearby.

IilllIlJ l:xZ
IilllCD Ix
IilllIlJ n
81lJ 1
8~ an
8 liB all-' • example: To calculate 'a"-,, a.,;r; n, Ix, and:t.~ for the following data: 55, 54, 51, 55,53, 53, 54, 52

Enter SO Mode

fx-85W: 8 E!!I OJ

Other models: 8 CD

8 l!Sil EI (Memory Clear)

55@!J 54!§!l 51 !§!l 55!§!l ,.... __ ~~..,

53 !§!l !§!l 54 !§!l1l2 !§!l so 52.

(SampleSI_o_~a.-,) 8 liB EI 1.407885953 (PopuIaIion _lid Oevlallon a.) 8 @3 EI 1.316956719 (AItIIvMlIcMean.f) 8·1lJ EI 511.375

c-rolCalall) Iilll m 8.

(sum 01 _1:r) Iilll CD 427.

(SumolSqUl"'oI_Ix~ Iilll CD 22805 ..

• Coordinate Conversion (Pol(x,y), Ree (T, 9))

• Calculation results are automatically assigned to varfabies E and F.

• Exa.mple 1: To convert polar ~rdin~tes (,...2, 0 .. 60.)

to rectangular COOrdinates ~r,y) (OEG mode)" ..

E1!!!il2QJ socDElI • 1'.1

y . . . .' Iilll rnl;:: =1.:;73:::::2=05=0=80=8~1 • 8 CD, Iilll CD swaps displayed value with value in

· memory. . .

· • Example 2: To convert rectangular coordinates (1, (3) to pOlar coordinates (r, II) (RAO mode) '.

15I1QJ ~3iJ:JEiI :./

9 . 8 rn ~l1;:.04;· ;71;9;;75;;5~1 ~I

• I!§ CD, tm1 CD swaps displayed value with value in memory. .


• Permutation

• Example: To determine how many different 4-dlgit val. ues can be produced using the numbers 1 through 7 .

• Numbers cannot bli duplicr.tErd witt,;" tt,e 8&,n,,'; .Jj. i •

value (1234 is anowed, but 1123 is not), iJ

.':: ....

.. ~ .,

• Combination

• Example: To determine how many' differ~nt 4--member · groups can be organized In ~ group of 10 individuals .

.10~4E11 210.

(fx-85W: 8 ~)

.... :

. ::;'::' .

.... ;.


j~§1¥f~!!t~l:£~.'~~~~!!§,h!J~;~}~:'·~ 4'{

• Standard Deviation (SO Mode)

• Press 8 8 OJ (fx-85W) to ";ter the SO Mode1or ~~ tistlcal caiculatlons using standard deviation. For other

r:nocIels, press E!lI CD. .

. .... t::;atil:inptlt"&lWllYw·liii:.rl:iwi~;;a;;'liiiI3·t .. ,,: .. &1'$::';'';'',

cal memory. .

.• Input data is used to calculate values for r::1!§= .. ;"",:m::;:;-,r:I.1;:-.z::"1 n,Ix,l:r,i, a. and 0"., which you can I!§ CD Ix

· recall using the key operations noted Iilll m n

nearby. . 81lJ 1

8e1 an 89 a ... ,

• example: To calculatB 'a"-1, a., 1; n, Ix, and l:r for the . following data: 55, 54, 51, 55, 53, 53, 54, 52

Enter SO Mode' .

fx-85W: E!lI E!lI CD

Other models: E!lI m .

8 l!Sil EI (Memory Clear)

55 i!fj 54!§!l 51 @!l 55!§!l r-----=~

53!§!l!§!l54@!l1l2!§!l1 so 52. I'

(SImple SIIndanI DevIaI~ a.-') . 8 8 EI 11.407885953

c ......... don __ IdDeviallona.) 8 t!i3 Ell 1.316956719

(AdIIrnetIc Mean 1) BIlJ EI I 53.375

(NurrOooI'oI c.aa.~) ~'il:J 1 8.


(Sum 01 Squarea 01_ Ix . .,

IilllCD I 427.

[ill) CD"::: ===22:::8=05=.:;

-,. , ,,'

.... " .. " ~ "

•.. ';':':/",:;::1tii:Ul ..•.•

., .....

',_ ..


.... . ',' .

. :. :',::' ','. !:-:. ::': .' " :' .

-.:.:' ':. _,'


",:: -, .

. ,.

-. -. .. . : ": ::- ' .

. ; . '.' ;':;' . -. \ . ./\ .... : .~': \';:

. " :" . .~'" ',' :: .' .

.: ....

Data Input Precautions

• ([!J ([!J inputs the same data twice.

• 'Iou can .also i~put multiple entries of the same data usIng 8 CD. To Input the data 110 ten times, for example' press 110 E3 CD 10 ([!J. '

• The above results can be obtained in'any ~rder; and not

necessarily.that shown above. .. .

• To delete data you have just input; pressE3 lliJ.

• R~gresslon Calculations (REG Mode) -

• Press ~ 8 CD (1x-8SW) to enter the REG mode and then select one of the following .regreSSion types. For

other models, press 8 CD. -. . .'

CD: Unear regression .. ,.,

CD: Logarithmic regression 'CD: Exponential regression

IE CD: Power regression IE CD:' Inverse regression IE CD: Quadratic regression

• Data input always starts witt, E3 f§ijJ a to clear statistical memory.

• The values produced by a regression calculation depend on the values in,Put, ~d results can be recalled using the key operations shown In the table below

!!!!I(IJ !.\.2 E31.23 xcs .. ,
!!!!II]) U BC!J .v
!!!!1m n 8[lii;) ycs.
!!!!II]] 1:y2 B~ ycs ... ,
. !!!!I ([) 1:y 8(]J Regression coefflcfent A
!!!!1m ixy 8m Regression coefficient B
!!!!II]!) l:r 8m RegreSsion coefficient C
!!!!I 00 I.ry 80 Correlation coeffiCient r
!!!!Iul 1:.T" 8CI) 1
8GD x 8CLJ ,
Be! . res. • Unear Regression

. ".

The regression formula for linear regression is: y .. A + ex. • Example: AtmospheriC Pressure vs. Temperature Perform IInear.regression to determine the regression formula terms and correlation coefficient for the c:!~la:ilE;arby.'Ne;j; l;isa:l'ls'i~; ;;" sion formula to "estimate atmospheric pressure at 18·C and temperature at 1000 hPa.

Enter REG Mode (Unear Regression)

fX-85W: 88 m CD

Other models: e!!I m CD

Ell f§ijJ a (Memory Clear)

1 0 0 1003i2!J 15 8 1005 (2!J

200 1010i2!J 2581011 (2!J .._----

. 3081014@!) I REG 30.

::::=::::::::::! (Rogreoalon COeIIIc*1I A) 8 m a ::1 ===99=7.=4~

(R_ionCoetlicionl B) 8 m a ~I ====0=.5=6~

(COnMIion CoetIIcienI r) 8 CD a I 0.982607368

(AImOIptIOriC P"SIU'UI 18"C) 18 81lJ I 1007.48

cr_luIutl000hPa) 10008CI) 14.642857143

• Quadratic'Regression

• The regression formula for quadratic regreSSion is:

y .. A+Bx+C.t2.· .

'. Input data using the following key sequence . <x-data; .. 8 <y-dala> (2!J

T...,...,... ",==",l
100C 1003 hPal
15·C .1005.J:!.f'aJ
.~~ .,; 1010 lrircl ..
25·C 1011 hPa 1
30·( 1014hPal "

. ~. .

Data Input Precautions

• I2!J ([!J inputs the same data twice.

• You can also i~put multiple entries of the same data usIng 8 CD. To Input the data 110 len times for example' press 110 81IJ 10 ([!J. ' ,

• The above results can be obtained in;.any~rder;and·not

necessarlly.that shown above. ,. .

• To delete data you have just Input; press 8 lliJ .

.• R~gression Calculatlo~s'(REG Mode) .

• Press 8 8 CIJ (1x-8SW) to enter ttle REG mode and then select one of the following .~resslon types For

other models, press 8 m. . -. . .' :.'

CD: Uneer regression . . .(" . . .

CIJ: Logartthmic regression

CD: Exponential regression

IE CD: Powar regression . IE CIJ:' Inverse regression IE CD: Quadratic regression

• Data input always starts witt, a f§ijJ a to clear statisti-

cal memory. .

• The values produced by a regression calculation depend

· on the values In,Put, ~d res~lts can be recalled using the key operations shown in the table below

: ,.:.,

@!IJ l:.t2 81.23 xes .. t
. §YiIl tr ~1lJ Y
I§Jm n 89 yes.
!!!!II]] 1:1 89 'ycs .. ,
·l§Jm 1:y 8m Regression coefficient A
!!!!1m ixy 8m Regression coefficient B
I§JI]!) l:r 8m Regression coefflclent' C
I§JOO l:ry 80 Correlation coeffiCient r
. 1SlC!J l:xA 8CI) 1
8GD ~ 8CLJ .9
8e1 xes • ..: .... . '

. .... ; ..


• Unear Regression

The regresSion formula for linear ragr~sslon is: y - A + ex. • Example: Atmospheric Pressure vs. Temperature

~ t=0
10·C 1003 hPa
15·C 1005 hPa
20"G' iOHl r.r- ...
25"C 101lhPa 1
3O"C 1014 hPa I Perform Dnear.regression to determine the regression formula terms and correlation coefflclent for the d\!!I!!\~~' ~~use .theregres~ sion formula to estimate atmos-·· . pheric pressure at l8·C and temperature at 1 000 hPa.

Enter REG Mode (Unear Aegra~siOn) .

fx-85W: 8 8 CIJ rn

Other models: 8 m CD

81ii1 a (Memory Clear)

10 0 100312!J 15 8 1005'12!J

20 81010 (2!J 250 1011 (2!J _----

. . 308101412!J1 11S130•

(~CoofIIc:IeNA) 8 m a I 997.4

P'IIII_CoeIIIcIenII) 8 m Ell 0.56

(~CoeIficIentr) 8 CD a I 0.982607368

(AImCIIpIIerio PleSlUI .. 1 11'Cl 18 81lJ I 1007.48

.cr_rat ... 1l1000hPa) 1000EJIlJ 14.642857143

• Quadratic' Regression

• The regreSSion formula for quadratic regression is: y .. A + Bx +c'l".

'. Input data using the following key sequence.

<x-datll> 8 <y-dala> ([!J . .

. :' .

•• _ .'4.'

-::-' "':" .'.:.

. : :::.:·:://;~;t;::;t!~:;::~~/t}:;i~/\:>r::



-s- .-: ... :: ..•.....

... ,


;!;i::;~'~1;;!)i;i;'!;;~';j~;!i~.!,.~·:. " .:

-, ." .' r

•• :: 4,0': .: ' .• ' •

.'::: .

., "::' .

. :. ..... ~ .:.

.... -,

. -, .. ' .. ::. :.: ':. ' .. =:: :. ":' .. :';:::':::::.:

........ " : :.: ::.

. ~: :;;:: :~:~:.: ; '. ~. "

.. ' .... '.


. ....

'.; .'

.: ::;' '.' ", .

'.' : ....


'.' :: .

:- .' -";

-: ....


• Example:

Xi .W
29 1.6
50 23.5
74 38.0
103 46.4
.118 48.0 Perform quadratic regression to de. termine the regression formula terms and correlation coefficient for the data nearby. Next, use the regression formula to estimate the values for v (estimated value of y) for Xi·= 16 and .r (estimated value of .r) for yi = 20.

Enter REG mode (Quadratic regression) lx-SSW: I!!!!!l e ill IE ill

Other models: 8 m IE CD 8li£iJa

29 CD 1.6 Ii!! 50 CD 23:SIi!!

740 38.0 1i!!103 CD 46.4@!) .-- __ ...,....__,

118 CD 48.0@!) I REG 118.

(R_sIan CoeIftcienI A) 8 ill a 1-3S.59856934 I

(Reg 1on Coefficient B) 8 C!J Ell 1.495939413 I

(Rog ion CoeIfIcionl C) 8 @] Ell -6.71629667""1

ti-whon.r;'18) 168 rn 1-13.38291067 I

~r,whon)"i.20) 2081lJ1 47.14556728 1

(.t.when.11.20) 81lJ I 175.S8721 05 I

Data Input Precautions

• @!) Ii!! inputs the same data twice.

• You can also input multiple entries of the same data using 8 CD. To input the data "20 and 30" fIVe· times, for example, press 200 30 8 CD 5 @!).

• The above results can be obtained in any order and not

necessarily that shown above. '

· • To delete data you have just input, press 8 @.

.... :


• Formula memory lets you input a single formula In memory, and then input values for the formula'S variables to calculate results.

• Memory can hold a single formula, up to 79 steps long. · This fllndinn can be IISed in the COMP mode only •

._ 'i~otefHiat"'J Ie 'iv, ii; ... i .. i .. acWal1y sto;·ed In memory when · YQu press the E!!I key in the sequence below.

• Example: To save the following formula, recall It, and then use it to calculate a result.Y = )(2 + 3X - 12

Input the formula •

9(]]9§J9. ooGi:lD I Y.X'+3X-12_

3900a 12_ o.

Store It in memory. E!!I X?
o .
Input a value for Its variable. 7E1 58 .
8E1 76. • Formula memory is cleared -whenever you start a new calculation, change to another mode, or tum off power.

• In addition to decimllil values, calculations can ,Ile performed using binary, octal and hexadecimal values.

• You can specify the default number system to be applied to all Input and displayed values, and the number system for individual values you input.

o You cannot use SCientific functions in binary, octal, decimal. and hexadecimal calculations. You cannot input values that include decir'nal part and an exponent.

o If you input a value that includes a decimal part, the unit . automatically cuts· off the decimal part. .

• Negative binary, octal, and hexadecimal values are produced by taking the two's complement.

• Example:

Xi Yi
29 1.6
50 23.5
74 38.0
103 46.4
118 48.0 Perf~rm quadratic regression to de. termlne the regression formula terms and correlation coefficient for the data . nearby. Next, use the regression formula to estimate the values for ~I (es- . timated value of y) for xt » 16 and f (estimated value of .\") for )'/ '" 20.

Enter REG mode (Quadratic regression) Ix-asW: 8 E!iJ CIJ IE CD

Other models: 8 CD IE CD 8li£iJEI

29 CD 1.6 Ii!! so CD 23:5 mIl

74G 38.0 mIl 1 03 CD 46.4@!) ... · _

1~8CD 48.0@!}1 1I!G118 .

8 ill ElI-35.59856934 I 8 C!J Ell 1.495939413 I 8@] al -6.71629667"""1 168QJ 1-13.38291067 I 20 81lJ I 47.14556728 1

. 81lJ I 175.5872105·1

(Regntllion CoeiIIcionl A)

(.t.- .. t-20)

: .

Data Input Precautions

o @!) Ii!! inputs the same data twice. .

o You can also input multiple entries of the same data usIng 8 CD. To input the data "20 and 30" five- times for

example, pr.ess 20 CD 30 8 m 5 mIl. '

o The abov~ results can be obtained In any order, and not necessanly that shown above.

• 0 To d.lete data you have just input, press 8 @.

.' <: :

. -22-

~.:' ..

"::.: ?·'J:~tm~.j~~M,e.:h)~rYt¥t~M:~~}1?

. . .•• 0 Formula memory lets . you Input a single formula In

memory, and then input values for the formula's variables to calculate results.

o Memory can hold a single formula, up· to 79 steps long.

This functlon can be used In the COMP mode only

,. ., ,.~-. )~o1S1Iiat"ili'ii i~;iii";i.1.i ilc{~8IIYstol'ea ii'(memory ~nim -

.: • you press the 8 key In the sequence below.

o Example: To save the following formula, recall It,·and then use It to calculate a result.Y .. )(2 + 3X -.12

Input the formula.

·.l!!3crJ9§J9. ooGi:lD 1 Y.X·+3X-12_

. . 39 !Xl a 12 . O.

Store It In memory. 81 X?


InpUt a value for Its variable. 7 Ell 5S.

EI f X?


. sat 76.

o .Formula memory fa cleared·whenever you start a new calculation, change to another mode, or tum off power.

·:tilse'5A· caicui'atiOn"s··bc' .... : .. , ... ,', , .

. ...• ,.'.' .".; .. : ... _';' .. _ .. '/ .. , ,t, ~.(;.,..~

o In addition to declml(llvalues, calculations can be per. formed using binary, octal and hexadecimal values.

o You can specify the default number system to be applied to aU input and displayed values, and the number system for Individual values you input. ..

o You cannot use scientific functionS In binary, octal; decImal, and hexadecimal calculations. You9&nnot Input values that Include decimal part and an exponent .

.• If you Input a value !hat Includes a decimal part, the unit

automatically cuts off the decimal part. . ,

• Negative binary, octal, and hexadecimal values. are prO-

duced by taking the two's complement. .


'. v.

.': .....

:.::::<:;/:<:\~~~::;:f::i:~(~~\~:~·::{I::j .. ?\};::·:~;:'.

... : .':"

.. .':: -, >: '.: .

.. ::> .. ' .. : .

. . .... ; ....


.: ..



:. •••••••••• v ,

.:":::. '.' .

.... : .....

,'::- .

': ;"

" .

• You can use the following logical operators between values in Base-n calculations: and (logical product), or. (logical sum), xor (exclusive logical sum), xnor (exclusive logical sum negation), Not (negation), and Neg (minus).

• The following are the allowable ranges for each of the

available number systems. .

Binary 1000000000 ;i x;i 1111111111

O;i.t:i 0111111111

Octal 4000000000 :i x:i 77777777n

O:i x:i 31771/7777

Decimal -2147483648;i.r:i 2147483647

Hexadecimal 80000000 :i .r ;i FFFFFFFF

o :i' x :i 7FFFFFFF

• Example' 1 : To perform the following. calculation and .". produce a binary result:

101112 + 11010a

Binary mode Ell rn I!i!J I 0. -I

101112011010.1 0. -I

Ell :: ==1=100::0=1=. :::_,

• Example 2: To perform the following calculation and produce an octal result

76540 + 12,. Octal mode

8 m@J .... 1 __ ---:0:..:.., ...... , @!!) @!!) @i!) CD (0) 7654.0 @!!)@i!)@i!)CD(d)12,. 1""1 ----0-. "'.,

EI ..... , _ __;5;..;,16=:, . ....1.1

• Example 3: To perform the following calculation and produce a hexadecimal result:

120,. or 1101. Hexadecimal' mode

Ell rn IE!!lI-I __ ---:0::.:.,. -IHI 12Q,.U!!!J m(or) @!!)@i!)@i!)m(b)1101. 1"'1 ---~O-. ~HI

EI .... 1 __ ...;.1;;;,;2d:..:.. ...... H I

~p,~f.~~~~,~~,~~,\,~! §~~8~,~~;~-:~*;'

· G.a.J.~!J'at .. (m~ .. ~t;~\;;;I:("' ... k. ;;;-",~rf.~"" :?'f.!.~ r,;e

• You can perform sexagesimal calCUlations using degrees (hours), minutes, and seconds, and convert between

sexagesimal and decimal values. .

• Exltmrlo 1: . T~-cGn~'€'~ m.~ ·dacl:-:1;::!':~' .: -:; 2.252 to a

.: 'Stlxigtilo,rnai "siue .. -,

2.258 Ell 2.258

8 § I. 2°15'28.8

• Example 2: To perform the following calculation: 12"34'56" x 3.45

128348568 £13.451 0.·

Ell 43'24°31.2

... it'W~,..-:..... .... .:'.;... , ", . '; .

.. Technical:, Information'''l' r: : ... .,j;.: .

.. .1_"'1o,~·1> .. .;.;..y;........,.:..-~ ..... ·~· .... .:-:r..t·_ .. ··•· .'_ ... - .. ,,_

• When you hay!' a problem .

If calculation results are not what you expect or if an error occurs, perform the following steps.

1.8 CD (CaMP mode) .

2. fx-85W: 13 !!!l.B CD' (DEG mode)

Other models: 8 8 CD

3. fx-85W: Ell !!!!I Ell 8 m CD . (NORM 1 mede)

Other· models: 8 !!!!II!!!!! m CD '

4. Check the formula you are working with to confirm it is correct

5. Enter the correct modes to perform the calculation and

try again.

dx-82TLIfx-83WAIfx-270W PLUSIfx-350TL>

If the above steps do nOt correct your problem, press the P button (see page 29 or 30) en the back of the calculator to reset It. Pressing the P button deletes all data stored In calculator memory. Make sure you always keep writ· .ten copies of all important data.


~ You can use the follOwing logical operators between values in Base-n calculations: and (logical product). or (logical sum), xor (exclusive logical sum), xnor (exclusive logical sum negation), Not (negation), and Neg (minus).

• The following are the allowable ranges for each of the

available number systems. .

Binary 1000000000 :i x:i 1111111111

O:i.t:i 0111111111 4000000000 :i x;i 711 II (( 7 II O:i.t:i 371111/71/' -2147483648 :i.r:i 2147483647 80000b00 ;Ii .r :i FFFFFFFF o ~'.l':i 7FFFFFFF


Decimal' Hexadecimal

• Example 1 : To perform the following. calCUlation' and . produce a binary result

10111.+ 11010a

Binary mode !!!!I m I!i!J , o. '1

10111.011010. ;' ====0::. ~'I EI .... 1 _...:1.:.;100;.;;.:,.01;.;., • ....1.1

· ~ Example 2: To perlorm the following calculation and produce an octal result

76540 + 12 .. Octal mode

8 m@JI ... __ ....;o;.:., • ....j., @i!J @i!) ~ CD (,j) i'c.:;~. :; @i!)eeCD(d)12,ol"",----'O-.-'·,

ElI ... _ __;5;..;,1,;;.;,6 • .....I·1

• Example 3: To perform the folloWing calCulation and produce a hexadecimal result

12011 or 1101.

. Hexadecimal mode

8 rn IE!!l .... ' __ ---:0;.;. .... "1

12Q,.e m{or) ...- __,

@i!)@i!)@i!)m(b)1101. ::' ==:::;:O;:.:;H I EI Lf __ ...;1:.:.2d;::, • ....IHI·

..:: ....

~Dfr~lt.~Miri-utes ·Seconds.--,_.;;:...:·_

.~'. :f~!:.g~.t-: ... :n.t·;:f':':~ e .. ~:: y.,y,'1',,;-:- .l; :it~~1fj,f .. tt~~'J;';· ,~~r" 1~""

· G.~J.~~,if~t .. ~m~j!'ii&il1"""'k. ;';t*~r .. "il:ii:~(; i?,f.!.: r,;e . ~ You can perform sexagesimal caJcUlations USing degrees

(hours), minutes, and seconds, and convert between sexageslmal and decimal values.

• Example 1: To convert the decimai value 2.258 to a

•• ' • .,;.·litixiQ~irnai ,,8iu~ _. .

2.258 Ell 2.258 I'

8 cs I 2"15°28.8 I

.... :


. ...

• Example 2: To perform the following calculation: 12"34'56" x 3.45

128348568 f3 3.451 O.

Ell 43'24OSt2

• When you hay!' a problem ...... ·

If calci,dation results are neit what you expect or if an error . occurs, perform the following steps.

1. 8 CD (CaMP mode) .

2. fx-85W: 8 8 8 CD' (DEG mode)

Other models: 9 8 CD

3. fx-85W: 8 8 88m CD (NORM 1 mode)

Other· models: 8 eJ 8 m CD .'

4. Check the formula you are working with to confirm it is

correct. .

5. Eriter the correct modes to perform the calculation and

try again.

dx-82TLIfx-83WAIfx-270W PLUSIfx-350TL>

If the above steps do nOt correct your problem, presS the P button (see page 29 or 30) on the back of the calculator to reset It. Pressing the P button deletes' all data stored 'In calculator memory. Make sure you always k~p writ.ten copies of all Important data.



,' .... ::", .. '

" ,', . . .'.-:' .

. :::~::[<l:!:it:::::~;::\:i;i:i~:;:~~.:::::~;:~\~:~~~:~/>

. ..•• v- ...•.•• : :-: •.• ::,'.", .:._ ••



:'::" •.. ,'. ;:.;. ::, .' <,',:: .. '.

. :: .. >. :: .. : ':. :. :,::':'. :. ":', ," ';:::,'.::.:

...... :: ":., .: : ', :.: : .. :- .


' ... / -, :~:., ,<' .:" . :." .

',' .:.'

.0" :.

" ... :: .... : ...

::: .. ,.' ":'

..... ~.::::::~:?:' ' .....

.. ' ....


.: "

. . : .. :: .. ~:.[::.~ ....







If the above steps do not correct the problem, press the @!l key. The calculator performs a self-check operation and deletes all data stored in memory if any abnormality is detected. Make sure you always keep written copies of all important data •.

• Error Messages

The calculator is locked up while an error message is on the display. Press mil to clear the error, or press E!J or IE to display the calculation and correct the problem. See "Error Locator" on page 9 for details •.


• Cause

· • Calculation result is outside the allowable calculation

range. . .

• Attempt to perform a function calculation using a value that exceeds the allowable input range.

• Attempt to perform an illogical operation (division by zero, etc.).

• Action

• Check your input values and make sure they are all within the allowable ranges. Pay special attention to values in any memory areas you are using.


• cause

• Capacity of the numeric stack or operator stack is exceeded.

• Action

• Simplify the calculation. The numeric stack has 10 levels and the operator stack has 24 levels.

• Divide your calculation into two or more separate parts.


• Cause

• Attempt to perform an illegal mathematical operation.

• Action

• Press E!J or IE· to display the calculation. with the cursor located at the location of the error. Make necessary corrections,


• Cause

• Improper use of argument

• Action

• Press E!J or IE to display the location of the cause of the error and make required corrections.

.. : '. ~ O,.-:t .. !'ofOper~tlo;'us

Calculations are performed in the following order of prec-

.'. edence.

(!) Coordinate transformation: Pol ~\". y), Rac (r, 6) <2> Type A functions:

With these functions, the value is entered and then the function key Is pressed.

),.2 r-t. xl .,.

<3> Po~e~ ~d rool$: ~', -r: ® ah/~ .

<5l Abbreviated multiplication format in front of 1t, memory name, or variable name: 21t, SA, 1tA etc.

(5) Type B functions:

With these functions, the function key is pressed and then the value is entered.

· r, 3r, log, In, i', lOr, sin, cos, tan, sin-to cos-t, tan-t, sinh, cosh,.tanh. sinh-t, cosh-t, tanh-', (-)

(1) Abbreviated multiplication format in front of Type B

functions: 2 [3, Alog2 etc.

® Permutation and combination: nPr, nCr ® x, +


• Operations of the same precedence are performed from

right to left. (''In [" 120 -+ 1f'(ln( [" 120)} ,

Other operations are performed from left to right.

• Operations enclosed in parentheses are performed first.

• Stacks

This calculator uses memory areas, called "stacks,· to temporanly store values (numeric stack) and commands (command stack) according tO'their precedence during calculations. The numeric stack has 10 levels and the command stack has 24 levels. A stack error (Stk ERROR) occurs whenever you try to perform a calculation that Is so complex that the capacity of a stack is exceeded.


<fx-85W/fx-8SWA/fx-300wifx-911W> "

If the above steps do not correct the problem, press the @!l key. The calculator performs a self-check operation and deletes all data stored in memory if any abnormality is ~etected. Make sure you always keep written copies of all 'mportant data..

• Error Messag"

. The calculator Is lOCked up while ~ error message is on

· the display. Press mil to clear the error, or press E!J or IE ~ display the calculation and correct the problem. See

Error Locator" on page 9 for details. ..' ..



• Cause

· • Calculation result Is outside the allowable calculation range.

• Attempt to perform a fI.Inction c:8tculatlon using a value that exceeds the allowable input range:

• Attempt to perform an illogical operation (division by

zero, etc.). .

• Action

• Check your input . values and make sure they are all within ~e allowable ranges. Pay special attention to values in any memory areas you are using.



• cause

· • Capacity of the numeric stack or operator stack Is ex-

ceeded. .

• Action

• Simplify the calculation. The numeric stack has 10 . levels and the operator stack has 24

• Divide your calculation into two or more separate parts.


:.~ .

,'.; ....

. .:; ..

• Cause

· .• Attempt to perform an illegal mathematical operation.

• Action

• Press E!J or (E). to display the calculation with the

· cursor located at the location of the error. Make nec-

essary corrections, .



" ,':


• Improper use of argument

• Action

• Press I3J or (E) to display the location' of th~ cause of

the error and make required corrections. .

." .. ~.,." .~l)r~'Ii!!~ Qf ~ticn.s- .. ,

Calculations are performed in the following order of precedence. •

(!) Coordinate transformation: Pol ,t, y), Rec (r, 6)

<2> Type A functions:

With these functions, the value Is entered and then the function key Is pressecl.

r 1'-t :rI .',

<3> pc:.;,e~ ~ roots: ~'. -r: ® Qb/~ .

<5l Abbreviated multlpllc8.tion format In tront of 1t, memory . name, or-variable name: 27t, SA, 1tA etc.

(5) Type B functions:

With these functions, the function key is pressed and .

· It!en ~e val~ Is entered.

.r, r, log, In, e', lOr, sln, cos, tan, sln-t, cos-t, tan-t, sinh, cosh, tanh, Sinh-I, cosh-t; tanh-t, (-)

<2> Abbreviated multiplication format ln front of Type B

functions: 2 [3, A10g2 etc. . .

® Permutation and combination: nPr, nCr .

<D> x, +. .

®+,- .

" Operetions of the same precedence are performed from ·rlght to left. (''In r 120 -+ crr!ln( [" 120)}

Other operations are performed from left to right.

" Operations enclosed in parentheses are performed first.

• Stacks

. This calculator uses memory areas, called "stacks." to temporarilystore values (numeric stack) and commandS (command stack) according to their precedence during calculations. The numeric stack has 10 levels and the command stack has 24 levels. A stack error (Stk ERROR) occurs

. whenever you try to perform a calculation that Is so coni- . plex that the capacity of a stack is exceeded.



.. ': ..

.. ~ ':','

. ..'i:;;';;r!;':;1;:t:'.;<~"?'.· •.••.

. ',' ',. ','



. ,;'" :-.

. '" .. '. ,', ';,': ... :: .:::.

".:- .


-.' -:',' ,',; .;.;.: :

'.' .

. :', ',::".: . . .. ::::~~(:'.:. :':::~:.~:

-. ~ :.

';-:; ,': .....

.:" .> ,,'.

: ..... : ... ','

" . ""; ;', !",::: ~~., ,'.


-; .

" .:

. .

': '::". .:

:-: ..

.... . '

'.::::', . ;: :':::::: . ,::,;,;::,,:,::

". ;" . .: ::: :;. .:....:.',. ~.

':. :" . :: ".: ... : :: .:: ;.':

• Power Supply

The type of battery you should use depends. on the model number of your calculator.

< fx-85W/fx-85WA/fx-300W/fx-911W >

The TWO WAY POWER system actually has two power supplies: a solar cell and a G13 Type (LR44) button battery. Normally, calculators equipped with a solar cell alone can operate only· when relatively bright light is present The TWO WAY POWER system, however, lets you continue to use the calculator as long as there is enough light to read the display.

• ReplacIng the Battery

Either of the following symptoms indicates battery power is low, and that the battery should be replaced.

• Display figures are dim and difficult to read in areas where there Is little light available.

• Nothing appears on the display when you press the

IWkey. .

• To replace the battery

<D Remove the six ser.ews that

hold the back cover in place

and then remove the back Screw

cover. <?J Remove the old battery. . <3> Wipe off the sides of new battery with a dry, soft cloth. Load It Into the unit with the positive EEl side facing up (so you can see it).

@ Replace the back cover and secure it In place with the Six screws.

(5) Press IW to tum power on. 8e · sure not to skip this step.


This calculator is poWered by single AA-slze battery.

• ReplacIng the Battery

. Dim figures on the display of the calculator indicate that battery power Is low. Continued use of the calculator when the battery Is low can result In imprope~ operation. R.El~I!'c .. !he.b!!!\ry ~·~"n"a$ POSl;ible whe(1 cilsplay tillures becom .. dim. .

• To replace the batterY <D Press!!!rl to tum power off. ~ Remove the six screws that

hold the back cover in Screw Screw

place and then remove the . back cover •

<3l Remove the old battery. @) Load a new battery into the unit so ifs positive EEl and negative e sides are facIng correctly.

cS> Replace the back cover and secure It In place with the six screws.

<G> Use a thin, pOinted object P button

to press the P button. 8e

sure not to skip this step.

<2> Press ra to tum power on.


• Power Supply

The type ofbaltery you should use depends on the model number of your calculator.

< fx-85W/fx-85WA/fx-300W/fx_911W>

The ~O WAY POWER system actually has two power supplies: a solar cell and a G.13 Type (LR44) button battery. Normally, caf~lators equipped with a solar ceO alone can operate only when relatively bright light Is present ~e TWO WAY POWER system, however, lets you continue to use the calculator as long as there Is enough light to read the display.

• ReplacIng the Battery

Either of the Iollowing sYn'!PtOms indicates battery power is low, and that the battery should be replaced.

• Display figures are dim and difficult to read in areas where there Is little light available.

• Nothing appears on the display when you press the

IWkey. .

• To replace the battery

<D Remove the six scr.ews that hold the back cover in place

and then remove the beck . Screw cover.

<2> Remove the old battery. (3) Wipe ·oft fhe Sides OT new u~,!ery with a dry, soft cloth. Load it into the unit with the positive E9 side facing up (so you can see It).

.@ Replace the back cover and secure It in place with the six screws.

(5) Press Wl to tum power on. 8e

· sure not to sklp this step.





this calculator is powered by single AA-size battery.

• Replaclng·the Battery

Dim figures on the display of the caJculator indicate that: battery power Is low. Continued use of the calculator when the battery Is low can result in irnprope( operation. Replace the battery as soon as possible when display

.' ·liiJUres· becoi'ri. dil1l.:· . _. ..' '.'.

.': • To replace the batterY <D Press!!!rl to tum power off. ~ Remove the six screws that"

hold the back cover In Screw Screw

place and then remove the. baCk cover.

<3l Remove the olel battery. @) Load a new battery Into the . unit so Ifs _positive E9 and

negative e sides are facIng correctly.

<S> Replace the back cover . and secure It In piece with .. the six screws.

. <G> Use i thin, pointed object P button

to press the P button. 8e

sure not to sklp this step.

<2> Press. to tum Power on.

. ... ~

. ':


'.' .

. .

<fx-83WAIfx-270W PLUSIfx~350T'->

This calculator is powered by single G13 Type (LR44) button battery.

• Replacing the Battery

Dim figures onth~ display of the calculator indicate ttia~ battery power is low. Continued use of the. calculator when the battery Is low can result In improper operation. Replace the battery as soon as possible when display

figures become dim. .

• To replace the battery CD Press @) to tum power-off.

<2> Remove the tWo screws that hold the battery cover in place and then remove the battery cover.

(3) Remove the old battery.

@) ~pe off the side of new battery With a dry, soft cloth. Load it into the unit with the positive e side

faCing up (so you can see It).

(SlReplace the battery cover and secure it In placa with the two screws.

(SJ Use a thin, pointed object to press the P button. Be sure not to Skip this step. .

<Zl Press £!II to tum power on.



C (+) •


P button

• Auto Power Off

Calculator power automatically tums off if you do not perform any operation for about six minutes; When this happens, press. (fx-85W/fx-85WA/fx-300W/fx-911W: (!!J) to tum power back on.


........ _--_ .. -_ .... - " ..

• Input Ranges Internal digits: 12

Accuracy: As a rule, accuracy is ±1 at the 10th digit

I Functions . .. : Input Range
J sim DEG 0:; ~\i :i4"'~9999999X 10"
RAO 0:0 ~TI :i785398163.3
'.'_ GAA .. ,. ,,,.". ~ ';" -,--' ----_.
O:i Ixl :i4.499999999 x 10"
cosx DEG O:i Ixf :i4;500000008 x 10"
RAO O:i Ixl :i785398164.9
GRA O:i.ixl :;5.000000009xl0'·
tan\' DEG Same as sin.\" except w~en I-li. (211-1) x 90.
RAD Simeassln.'c, exceptwhen I~. (211-1)xitI2.
. GRA Same as slnx, eiccept when Ixf. (211-1)xl00.
sin-'x O:i Ixf :i1 . ., r ~'. • :
cos-'x , '. ..
IaIr'X O:i I-ti· :i9.999999999x 10"' ..
sir:lh.l' :6:i'~~ :i~0.2~85092 .
sinh-'x ..
cosh-'x 0;& ~tI :i4.999999999x 10"'
tanh.t O:i IxI :'9.999999999X 10"
log.t'IIn.T O<x
10· -9.999999999x 10":; x :i 99.99999999 ,
II :..s.999999999X10":i or :i 230.2585092
IX 0:; :c <: 1 x.l0""
.. tI ~fl<IX10'"
lb: IXI< tx 10"";x*0
3IX ~tl< 1 x 10''''
.1"1 O:i x:i 69 'I' is an integer) <fx-83WAIfx-270W PLUSIfx~350TL>

This calculator is powered by Single G13 Type (LR44) but tim battery.

• Replacing the Battery

Dim figures on the display of the calculator indicate tha' battery power is low. Continued use of the calculatol when the battery is low can result in improper operation. Replace the battery as soon as possible when display figures become dim.

• To replace the battery .CD Press@!J to tum power off.

<2> Remove the two screws that hold

. the battery cover in place and then remove the battery cover.

(3) RemOve the old battery. . @) Wipe off the side of new battery . with is dry, soft cloth. Load it into

the unit with the positive e side faCing up (so you can see it).

(SlReplace the battery cover and secure It In placa with the two scraws.

(SJ Use a thin, pOinted object to press the P button. Be sure not to skip this step.

<Zl Press £!II to tum power on.

. . .



• J:t) •

i ; - 1'"""-

P button

• Auto Power Off

Calculatorpower automatically tums off if you do not perform any operation for about six minutes. When this happens, press. (fx-85W/fx-85WA/fx-300W/fx_911W: @!) ) to tum power back on.

. ·30·


. .. _ .. -- ~~-- . _- .~.- ". - .- ...

• Input Ranges

Intamal digits: 12 .

Accuracy: As a rule, accuracy is ±1 at the 10th digit •

Functions .. : . Input Range
sin\' DEG O:i ~\i :i4.499999999 x 10'·
':: 0:; ~\'I ;S78~911163,3.. .. .
1--"-", ~-'" '- .. ~-.--
0:; 1x1:i4A99999999xl0"
coax DEG O:i Ixf :i4.50000ooo8 x 1 0"
RAD O:i Ixl :;785398164.9
GRA .0:; ixl ;i~·OOOOOOOO9xl0'·
tan\' DEG Same as slnx; except when lxi- (211-1)x90.
RAD Sameasslr1.T, except'when 1xI. (2n-l)xitl2.
.. · .. GRA Same as slnx, except when lxi- (211-1)x100 •
sln-'x O:i Ixf :i1 ., : " \ ,!
(:os-'.I: .. ,' .
lair'.\' O:i '!xI :i9.999999999 x 1 0"'
sinh.r O:i J~ :i2;30.2~85092
sinlr'x' 0:; ~tl :;4.999999999X)0"
tanh.t O:i.1xI :'9.999999999X 10"
log.rlln,\' O<x
10· -9.999999999 x 10":; ;c :i 99.99999999
f'r -9.999999999xlO"~ x:; 230.2585092
IX 0:; x <: 1 x.l0'oo
.r Ixl< t x lOS'
lb: ~tl< 1xl0'''';x* 0
sri ~I:I< 1 x 10100
.r! 0:; .1: :i 69 ~,. is an Integer) " '

...... ;.


.... .

, ;


Functlons Input Range
liP, O::i n ::i99. r:i I,' (n. r is an integer)
1;:i {nV(II-r)l} ;:i 9.999999999 x 1 0"
IICr O;:i n ;i99. r:li n (II. r is an integer)
Pol(:T.Y) Ixl.lyl ;i9.999999999x10"·
(.A"+y2) :li9.999999999 x 1 0"
Rec(r./I) 0;;; r ::i9.999999999 X 1 0"
9: Same as sinx. cosx
lal,b. c-c 1 x 10'00
, . .' . O::ib. c
1x1<1 x 10'00
- Decimal H Sexageslmal Conversions
O"O"QO;:i Ixl ;i999999OS9°
x>O: -1 X 1 0,00<)1ogx<1 00
~T x-O:y>O . 1
X<O:y=lI, 211+1 (n is an Integer)
However: -1 x10'00 <.vlog~t'1<100
"ry -1 X10,oo<1/x I09y<1oo
.\""0: x>O . 1
.\'<0:X=211+1./I(1I ~ 0; II is an integer)
However: -1 x10'oo < '/xI09lvl<1oo
ablc Total of integer, numerator, and denominator
must be 10 digits or less (including division
marks).< 1 x1()!o
111< 1x1()!O
SO 1111< 1 X 10'00
(REG) so», YO'n, 1. J
XO'"..', )'0', ... , : n ~ 0, 1 • Erros are cumulative with such intemal continuous calculations as x·~, .Tr, xl, and "{i~ so accuracy may be adversely affected.

.- -:------- .- ..... _. -rr-«: '-'-JT-' .--" ..


Power Supply: .

fx-82TL: Single AA-s!ze battery (R6P (SUM-3)) fx-85W/fx-85WA/fx-300W/fx-911W:

Solar cell and a single G13 Type button battery (LR44)

fx-83WA/fx-270W PLUS Ifx-350TL:

.•. :. •. - .-. ·;;iiigi .. -G1S'Type-tlution battery. (LR44)

Battery LIfe: .' .

fx-82TL: Approximately 17,000 hours continuous dis-

play of flashing cursor. .

Approximately 2 years when left with power tumed off.


Approximately 3 years (1 hour use per day).

fx-83WA/fx-270W PLUS/fx-350TL: .

. Approximately 12,000 hours continuous dis-

play of flashing cursor:\;.:", .

ApprOximaiel~'3years when left with power

tumed off. .


. fx-82TL: 19.3(H)X76(W)X164(D) mm 314'·(H)X3·(W)X67I1s·(D) fx-83WA/fx-85W/fx-85WAlfx-270W PLUSItx-300WI fx-350TL/fx-911W:

10(H)x76(W)X1S0(D) mm

3/s'(H)X3'(W)XS7/s'(D) .


fx-82TL: 11Sg (4.1 oz) il)cluding.battery fx-85W/fx-85WA/fx-300W/fx~911W:' 80 9 (2.80z) including battery fx-83WA/fx-270W PLUS/fx-350TL:

90 g (3.20z) including battery

Power Consumption: 0.0001 W

Operating Temperature; O·C - 4Q°C (32°F -104°F)


Functions Input Range
liP, O::i " ;i99. r;i II (II, r is an integer)
IIC,. 1;i (nV(II-r)!};i 9.999999999x10"
O;i n :i99, r;;; II (ll. r is an integer)
Pol~T,)·} ~t'l. ~'I :a9.999999999x10'"
(.,\4+.v2J ;i9.999999999 x 1 0"
Rec(r./I) os r ::i9.999999999x 1 0"
9: Same as sinT, cosx
101, b. c-c 1X10'oo
... O;ib. c
1x1<1 x10'oo
- Decimal H Sexagesimal Conversions
G' •
OOQOQO;i Ixl ;i999999OS90
x>O: -1 x 1 O,oo<ylog.r<1 00
~T x,..O:y>O . 1
X<O:Y=II, 211+, (n is an integer)
However: -1 x10'oo <ylog~TI<100
.rry -1 X10,oo<1/x log)'<100
y=O:x>O. 1
y<0:x=2n+1'/I(1I * 0; II is an integer)
However: -1 X 10'00 < '1.<1091)'1<100
ablc Total of integ~r,. numerator, and denominator
must be 10 dIgIts or less (including division
Ixl< 1x10"
111< 1x1()!O
SO 1111< 1 x 10'00
(REG) XUI1. JUn, 1, y
XU"..I. )'0', ... 1 : Ii ~ 0, 1 • Erros are cumulative with such intemal continuous calculations as x·r, "1-, xl, and Vi. so accuracy may be adversely affected •


,,:".-.-~- .. - ~; .. - ·~"·-·.-.-_w ..


Power Supply: .

fx-82TL: Single AA-size battery (R6P (SUM~3» fx-85W/fx-85WA/fx-300W/fx-911W:

Solar cell and a single G 13 Type button battery (LR44) . fx~WAffx-270W PLUSlfx-350TL:

Single G13 -rypebutton lJattery (LR44)"

Battery Life:

fx-82TL: Approximately 17.000 hours continuous dis· play of flashing cursor.

Approximately 2 years when left with power tumed off.


Approximately 3 years (1 hour use per day).


Approximately 12.000 hours continuous displaYllf ~ashlng cursor."';<;

ApproximatelY. 3 years when left with power tumed off.


. fx-82TL: 19.3(H) X76(W) X 164(D) mm

. 3/4·(H)x3·(W)x67I1s·(D) fx-83WA/fx-85W/fx-8sWA/fx-270W PLUSItx-300WI fx-350TL/fx-911W:'

10(H)X76(W)X1S0(D) mm

3/s'(H) X3·(W)XS7/s·(O)


fx-82Ti.: 115 9 (4.1 oz) Il)cludlng battery fx-85W/fx-85WAlfX-300W/tX-911W: ' SO 9 (2.80z) inclUding battery fx-83WA/fx-270W PLUS/fx-350TL:

90 9 (3.20z) Including banery

Power Consumption: 0.0001 W

Operating Temperature: O·C - 40·C (32·F -104GF)


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