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Lesson plan Model

Date: September 7th, 2010 Level: 8th grade A

Skill: listening, reading, writing, speaking

Expected Outcomes: Student will be able to recognize common adjectives with the
comparatives and Superlatives forms.
Flash cards, Power point Presentation, data show, whiteboard, markers,

Time Comments

Introduction 5’ Students greet the teacher; look at the date and the objectives of the
class written by the teacher on the whiteboard. Students recall what
they have study the previous class.

10’ Students participate in a warm-up activity related to the topic of the

lesson to be taught.

Core of the class 15’ Students are introduced to the new topic by remembering common
Pre-stage short and long adjectives. The teacher shows flashcards to make it
more comprehensible. The students are asked “closed questions”
about what is the main function of adjectives?

While-stage 15’ are showed a power point presentation “Recognizing short and long
adjectives, comparatives and superlatives”. And their rules and
Post-stage 25’ Students are asked to read for gist and underline the superlatives in the
text of the page 74 “Festivals and Events”. Teacher checking, Student
practice chorally pronunciations of superlatives in the text.

Student practice the use of superlatives in a guide prepared for the

teacher. (peer checking and teacher checking)
Closing 10’
To check understanding students are asked “closed question” about the
topic studied. Ex: Is the comparative of good better or more good?.
Is “Happiest” the superlative of the comparative of Happy?. Etc.
Students finish the class with short game or activity related to the topic
recently studied.
Students say good bye to the teachers.

Different lives (Superlatives)

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