10 Pharmacology Questions

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10 Pharmacology Questions

1. The client newly diagnosed with osteoporosis is prescribed calcitonin by nasal spray.
Which assessment data would indicate an adverse effect of the medication?
a. The client complains of nausea & vomiting
b. The client is drinking 2 glasses of milk per day
c. The client has a runny nose & nasal itching
d. The client has had numerous episodes of nosebleeds

*correct answer – d

Nosebleeds are adverse effects and should be reported to the client’s HCP.

2. When assessing the client six hours after having a right total knee replacement, which
data should the nurse report to the surgeon?
a. A total of 100 mL of red drainage in the auto transfusion drainage system
b. Pain relief after using the PCA pump
c. Cool toes, distal pulses palpable, and pale nail beds bilaterally
d. Urinary output of 60 mL of clear yellow urine in 3 hours

*correct answer – d

The urinary output is not adequate; therefore the surgeon needs to be notified. This is only
20 mL per hour and minimum should be 30 mL per hour.

3. The 84 year old client is a resident in a long-term care facility. Which intervention
should be implemented to help prevent complications secondary to osteoporosis?
a. Keep the bed in the high position
b. Perform passive ROM exercises
c. Turn the client every 2 hours
d. Provide nighttime lights in the room

*correct answer – d

Nighttime lights will help prevent the client from falling; fractures are the #1 complication of
4. The client that is one day postoperative total hip replacement complains of hearing a
“popping sound” when turning. What assessment data should the nurse report
immediately to the surgeon?
a. Dark red-purple discoloration
b. Equal length of lower extremities
c. Groin pain in the affected leg
d. Edema at the incision site

*correct answer – c

Groin pain or increasing discomfort in the affected leg and the “popping sound” indicate
that the leg has dislocated and should be reported immediately to the HCP for a possible
closed reduction.

5. During the morning assessment, the nurse determines that the 80 year old client
admitted with a fractured right femoral neck is confused. Which action should the nurse
implement first?
a. Check for a positive Homans’ sign
b. Encourage the client to deep breathe and cough
c. Assess the left pedal pulse
d. Monitor the client’s Buck’s traction

*correct answer – b

Encouraging coughing and deep breathing will aid in the exchange of gases. Mental
changes are early signs of hypoxia in the elderly client.

6. The client is being evaluated for osteoporosis. Which diagnostic test is the most
accurate when diagnosing osteoporosis?
a. X-ray of the femur
b. Serum alkaline phosphatase
c. Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA)
d. Serum bone Gla-protein test

*correct answer – c

DEXA test measures the bone density in the lumbar spine or hip and is considered to be
highly accurate.
7. The HCP prescribes glucosamine and chondroitin for a client diagnosed with
osteoarthritis. What is the specific rationale for prescribing this medication?
a. It will help decrease the inflammation in the joints
b. It improves tissue function and retards breakdown of cartilage
c. It is potent medication that decreases the client’s joint pain
d. It increases the production of synovial fluid in the joint

*correct answer – b

That is the rationale for prescribing the medication

8. When preparing the discharge teaching for the 12 year old with a fractured humerus,
which information should the nurse include regarding cast care?
a. Keep the arm at heart level
b. Handle the cast with the tips of the fingers only
c. Apply an ice pack to any area that itches
d. Foul smells are expected occurrences

*correct answer – c

Applying ice packs to the cast will relieve itching and nothing should be placed down the
cast to scratch. Skin becomes fragile inside the cast and is torn easily. Alteration in the
skin’s integrity can become infected.

9. The nurse is administering 0730 medications to clients on a medical orthopedic unit.

Which medication would be administered first?
a. The daily cardiac glycoside to a client diagnosed with back pain and heart failure
b. The routine insulin to a client diagnosed with neck strain and type 1 diabetes
c. The oral proton pump inhibitor to a client scheduled for a laminectomy this a.m.
d. The fourth dose of IV antibiotic for a client diagnosed with a surgical infection

*correct answer – b

Clients with type 1 diabetes are insulin dependent. The medication should be administered
before the client eats.

10. The client is diagnosed with osteoarthritis. Which sign/symptom would the nurse
expect the client to exhibit?
a. Severe bone deformity
b. Joint stiffness
c. Waddling gait
d. Swan neck fingers

*correct answer – b

Pain stiffness and functional impairment are primary clinical manifestations of OA. Stiffness
of the joints is commonly experienced after resting, but usually lasts less than 30 minutes
and decreases with movement.

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