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Impressive health benefits of spirulina discovered by the extensive world-wide research:

 Inhibits penetration of viruses into body cells

 Inhibits replication of HIV-1, Herpes, Influenza, Mumps and Measles virus
 Prevents and in some cases also reverses cancer (all types)
 Supports the formation of red blood cells
 Protects you against allergic reactions
 Reduces blood cholesterol
 Regulates blood sugar
 Decreases appetite
 Helps to control your weight
 Reduces inflammations
 Boosts your immunity and energy levels
 Removes heavy metals (cadmium, arsenic, mercury, lead, PCB, ...)
 Protects from environmental toxins
 Increases mental energy
 Repairs DNA damage
 Reduces high blood pressure
 Increases antibody responses
 Accelerates recovery from any ilness
 Improves digestion
 Increases energy and alertness
 Improves gastrointestinal and digestive health
 Enhances natural cleansing and detoxification Protects against arthritis
 Protects against multiple sclerosis
 Protects against asthma
 Protects against cardiovascular diseases
 Protects kidney and liver
 Protects against degenerative diseases
 Protects brain against age-related memory loss
 Treats gum bleeding
 Treats diabetes
 Treats hypoglycemia
 Helps to generate new blood cells
 Reduces the incidence of eye diseases
 Treats essential acid deficiencies
 Treats mineral deficiencies
 Treats intestinal ulcers
 Treats constipation
 Treats hemorrhoids
 Treats depression
 Boosts resistance to toxins
 Improves healthy bowel function
 Increases antioxidant protection
 Helps to recover from ilnesses faster
 Removes body odor
 Boosts energy and vitality
 Strengthens and balances your health
 Prolongs your life

Dosage and administration of Spirulina (


Spirulina is available in capsules, tablets, flakes and powders. Typical doses of spirulina range from 250
mg to 5 grams daily per day.
A dose of one gram (in capsules/tablets) twice daily with meals has been taken by mouth has been used
to fight diabetes. For weight loss, a dose of 200 mg has been taken three times daily by mouth just
before meals.

Due to the wide numbers of the nutrients that it supplies us with Spirulina is an extremely high
energy food, great before or after a workout. Spirulina is a great combination with the workout
since it provides the body with the eight essential amino acids, which are the building blocks of
proteins. A good workout along with a good diet will reward you with good health and life.

Spirulina are said to increase the stamina, endurance and recovery. After a strenuous workout
where the body is pushed to its limits, the Spirulina consumption helps the body to rebuild the body
and muscle tissue that has been torn down. Spirulina when taken before a meal also helps the
stomach prepare for proper digestion since it helps to accelerate the reproductive rate of

Thus Spirulina is a great supplement along with regular exercise to give you the desired result and
good health.

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