Winnall Famil Hisotry

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The Winnall family was part and parcel of the parish of Wolverley for many years but, apart from an few isolated burials and the odd marriage Winnall entries in the Wolverley registers cease in the mid-1720s. It is, however, possible to trace the family back to at least 1634 in that parish.

Mary Winnall married Joseph Harvey at Wolverley 2 July 1778 with William Winnall as a witness.

Mary had been born in 1752, the fourth child of William and his wife Phoebe. William Winnall and Phoebe Oldnall were married at Pedmore 16 November 1745, he was said to be of the parish of Old Swinford and she 'of this parish'. All the children were baptised at Pedmore.

William John Mary Mary Elizabeth

23 August 1746 8 May 1748

30 September 1750 (died when November 1752

9 1755

Phoebe, wife of William was buried 27 January 1756, so had survived only four months after the birth of her last daughter,

22 October 1794, The will of William Winnall of Wolverley , deceased, was proved by Samuel and Ann Boucher, the executor and executrix. The burial register shows that he was 76 years of age, so had been born in 1718, which coincides with the date of birth of Mary Harvey's father.

The name Phoebe turns up in another Pedmore Winnall family and this was William's granddaughter. William Winnal1 Jr had married c.1772 to Sarah

Phoebe Ann Ann John William

31 January 1773

March 1775 (died) 31 August 1777

27 August 1780

9 March 1788

Sarah was buried at Pedmore 4 February 1795 and William 2 May 1833 aged 88.

William #1's baptism in 1718 was as the son of William and Elizabeth, but his mother's maiden name is open to debate,

William Winnall of Wolverley had married Elizabeth Pardoe of Ombersley at St Swithin, Worcester 31 January 1708/9 but the next sequence of events in Wolverley leads to the conclusion that Elizabeth gave birth to a son, who died at a matter of days old, and six days later William buried his wife.


18 January 1709(10, buried 20 January 1709/10

Elizabeth, wife of William Winnall, buried 26 January 1709(10.

William is next found baptising children with a wife named Elizabeth in 1713) so presumably he remarried sometime in 1712, a decent interval. The marriage was not solemnised in Wolverley and her maiden name is not known.

John Elizabeth William

7 August 1713 30 May 1715 20 May 1718




Since William went to the trouble of naming each of his eldest sons John it appeared probable that he was naming them for his own father. There were two William Winnalls baptised in Wolverley at dates allowing them to be of an age to marry in 1708/9. One was baptised 28 September 1675, son of John, the other's father was named Thomas and that William was baptised 12 November 1688. The William who was son of Thomas and Eleanor was buried 29 March 1700, so that leaves only the son of John alive in 1708/9.

There is no evidence that "Anne, wife of John Winnall", buried 4 January 1668/9 was a young woman primarily because there are no marriages for John in the parish, but from later evidence it does appear that this might have been the first wife. John baptised several children in Wolverley between 1675 and 1687, but none of the entries record the name of the child in question's mother. The regularity of the births tends to indicate that all would have had the same mother. There seems insufficient time for a wife to have died and for John to have remarried, so "Joan wife of John" who appears in the burial register 6 August 1680 may be his rna ther , or the spouse of an uncle or other relative.

William (as above) James





28 September 1675 21 June 1677

30 April 1680

3 July 1682

24 March 1684/5 24 September 1687

There are two John Winnall burials where the deceased is an adult. Neither can be positively identified as William's father from the registers. One was buried 20 January 1688/9, the other 31 October 1699, fortunately what does identify the relevant man is his will.

In the Prerogative Court of Canterbury (the P.C.c.) the will of John Winnal1 of Wolverley was proved in 1700 and its contents confirm not only John's identity in relation to William but also the name of his wife who doesn't get a mention in the baptisms.

John Winnall, Yeoman of Kinsford (referred to in other documents as Kingsford) in the parish of Wolverley made his will 25 October 1698 which proves conclusively that his is the burial on 31 October 1699. To his eldest son, William, he left all his stock, goods and cattle together with his estate at Kinsford including the lease and from this he was to pay his mother, Mary, £10 a year for the first five years of her widowhood. She was to have possession of a number of items in the house and use of several rooms, unless she remarried, in which case everything reverted to William. Bequests were made to John's sons James and Samuel and to the daughters Frances, Anne and Elizabeth. In all the bequests totalled several hundred pounds sterling, which was a substantial sum, providing that there was sufficient real and personal estate to cover them. As his executor John appointed his brother-in-law James Rushbury, so here is the confirmation of Mary's maiden name. John Winnal1 had married Mary Rushbury at Ribbesford 19 September 1674 by Licence.

In James Rushbury's own will, which was proved in 1718, he names his nephew Samuel Winnall as the sale executor and specifies bequests to a number of his brothers and sisters' children, confirming in the will that his sister Mary Winnall was still living. "Mary Winnall, widow" was buried at Wolverley 18 September 1723. She may have been a good deal younger than her husband, since she outlived him by nearly a quarter of a century. As she was married as a spinster in 1674 we may assume that she had been born 1656 or earlier, so she would have been at least 67 years old when she died. The Ribbesf'ord register does not say whether John was a bachelor or a widower when he married, so we are left with the possibility that Anne, buried in 1668/9, may well have been his first wife, putting his potential birthdate back into the 1640s or earlier.

The fact that John had written a will and, seemingly, had money means that there were likely to be other relevant Winnalls who left wills which were proved in the Consistory Court of Worcester, just as his grandson William's will was in 1794.




The earliest mention of the Winnall/Winnoll/Wynnall etc name in Wolverley's registers comes on 9 May 1634. Upon this date JohnWinnaII baptised a daughter. There are only four baptisms attributed to children of John between 1634 and 1643 so there is always the possibility that other children were born at a different location. Although John's wife is not named in the first baptism subsequent entries confirm that she is 'Jone'.

Anne John William Thomas

9 May 1634

8 November 1638 21 February 1640/1 18 June 1643

John, born in 1638, makes sense as the man who died in 1699. His birthdate also makes the fact of an earlier marriage than that in 1674 a distinct probability. The youngest child of John and Joan being named Thomas raises the possibility that the Thomas Winnal1 who, with his wife Eleanor, had a dozen children in Wolverley between 1668 and 1692, was John's brother and that all the WinnalI children in that era were first cousins.

The fact that Thomas and Eleanor named one of their daughters Joan underlines the connection.

This is a family whose descent can be traced from the time of Charles I (1625-1649), but John and Joan must have been born during the reign of James I (1603-1625).




John Winnall's second wife, mother of his children and his eventual widow was named Mary Rushbury. They were married in Ribbesford but there are only a few register entries bearing this family's name, and none showing Mary and her brothers and sisters who had to have been born in the 1640s and/or 1650s.

We know from John Winnall's will that Mary had a brother named James and we glean from this James Rushbury's will in 1718 that he had other siblings than just Mary.

Will made 13 June 1717 proved in the P.C.C. 16 June 1718.

James Rushbury of Oaken Gates in the parish of Wombridge in the county of Shropshire, Gentleman (he was actually a farmer, but one with more than one property)

Legatees and relatives named:

1. My loving wife Elizabeth (to get the lands and buildings etc in Horton in Wellington, and that recently purchased from William Roe in Wellington, plus the dwelling house at Oaken Gates and £60.)

2. Nephew and kinsman Samuel Winnall

3. James Rushbury, youngest son of my brother George

4. Richard Rushbury, eldest son of my said brother George S. Thomas Rushbury, second son of my said brother George

6. Elizabeth, daughter of my brother George

7. My brother George

8. My loving sister Mary Winnall

9. William Winnall, son of sister Mary

10. James Winnall, son of sister Mary

11. Frances, Ann and Elizabeth Winnall, daughters of sister Mary

12. Nieces Elizabeth, Mary and Ann, daughters of my brother John (deceased)

13. Nephew James Bray

Nephew Samuel Winnall to be sale executor and kinsman William Winnall of Kingsford in the parish of Wolverley, Worcestershire and John Hampton of Witheford Magna in the parish of Shaw bury , Shropshire to be overseers (of the inventory).

Apart from bequests to his kith and kin James instructed that £3 a year was to be paid towards maintaining "an orthodox preaching parson" at Wombridge, who was to preach a divine service and give a sermon every year on the anniversary of the testator's death. He also left twenty shillings a year to the poor of Wombridge and the same amount to the poor of the parish of 'Stotesdon', "this being the parish wherein I was born".

'Stotesdon' is actually Stottesdon and the registers of the parish list several Rushburys, all apparently related and the name features in the records back to their very beginning in the mid 16th century.

The immediately relevant family is that of Thomas Rushbury who married Frances Voyel/Voyle 9 June 1640. It was a little over 16 months after their marriage that the first baptism took place, followed in less than a month by the burial of the infant.

Ann 31 October 1641, buried 29 November 1641

Elizabeth 10 October 1642

(a baptismal entry in the same names child/parents appears three months later in the parish register of Ribbesford, 15 January 1642/3)

Mary 1 June 1645

Thomas 23 December 1646, buried 7 January 1646/7

Thomas 17 January 1647/8

John 8 April 1649

George 10 June 1651

James 7 November 1654




Frances Rushbury, widow, is shown the registers as having been buried 13 June 1689 but there is no surviving entry preceding that date showing Thomas's burial. Frances was approximately 77 years old.

In the preceding generation Thomas Rushbury married Ann Nasshe (sic) 3 February 1609/10 and they baptised' Humphrey Thomas

25 November 1610, buried 20 June 1618 23 February 1611/12

25 May 1618, buried 7 November 1635 17 February 1621/2

Mary George

There have to be others.

Other wills for Rushburys were proved in the Diocese of Hereford, and one other in the P.C.c., all were living at Stottesdon, although the renditions of the surname and the parish name vary in spelling quite often.

Diocese of Hereford: 12 March 1543/4

Elizabeth Rushbury to be buried in the chancel at Stotesdon parish church. Daughters Elizabeth Marsh, Margery Weber (7), Ann .. oppe (7)

Son William Rushbury

Margery daughter of Thomas Weber (7)

3 November 1552

John Rushbury of Stotesdon

Wife Joan, daughter Joyce, son Richard Relative named Robert Rushbury

1 April 1559

Joan Rushbury of Stotesdon

Son John, Mary daughter of my son John Son Thomas, Thomas son of my son Thomas Son Robert and his wife Anne

Daughter Joyce

3 February 1591/2

Elizabeth Rushbury of Stotesdon, widow Sons George, Samuel,

Daughter Joan and her husband John Hynton, and their two daughters Joan and Joyce Daughter Mary and her husband William Grannge and their two daughters

Daughter Joyce Smith

Thomas Butler

23 Novemver 1614

Ann Rushbirie of Ribbesford, Worcs

Abigail the daughter of Rebecca Warde my natural daughter, Symon Warde my son in law and Rebecca his wife.

22 October 1632

Edward Rushbury of Stotesdon Wife Anne

Ann Rushbury daughter of Thomas Rushbury deceased

The children of Thomas Gough: Thomas, William, Edward, Joseph, Jane, Elizabeth George son of Thomas Rushbury deceased

Richard ... icher

Elizabeth Barker



P.C.C. will of John Rushbury of Bagginswood in Stokeston (sic), Shropshire, made 14 April 1657, proved 4 May 1658 by William Grenowes (actually 'Greenhouse') husband of John's sale heir and daughter Elizabeth. Wife Elizabeth still Jiving.

Diocese of Hereford from the Act Books:

Thomas Rushbury of Stotesdon, 1658, proved by ......... relict of George Rushbury, value £116 17s. 3d.

Frances Rushbury of Stotesdon, 29 April 1690, proved by James Rushbury, son, value £5

13s. 6d. I

John Rushbury of Stottesdon, 15 July 1701, proved by Elizabeth the relict, value £264 lIs.

Richard Rushbury of Stottesdon, 30 May 1703, proved by Jane and George Rushbury, value £693 16s. 9d.

George Rushbury of Harcourt in Stottesdon, 20 February 1704/5, proved by George Jr, value £275 12s.

Edward Rushbury of Harcourt in Stotesdon, made 4 November 1704 proved 1706, by Mary the relict, no inventory value given.

16 February 1722/3

George Rushbury of Abdon Eldest son Richard

Second son Thomas to receive property at Newton in Stottesdon Third son James

Daughter Elizabeth Millichap, grandson William Millichap Good Friend Richard Rushbury Vicar of Stotesdon

Mr James Winnall of Billingsley

31 March 1727

Richard Rushbury of Stotesdon, Gent.

Nephew Joan Oakeley, niece Elizabeth Oakeley, nephew Jeremiah Oakeley, nephew Thomas Reignolds, niece Anne Reignolds

Brother John Rushbury

Sister Catherine Reignolds

P.C.C will of Jane Rushbury of Bridgnorth, widow of Richard, made 26 May 1738. To be buried in the Chancel of the church at Stotesdon as near as possible to her late husband Richard who was vicar there. She goes on to name numerous relatives, none of whom bear the name Rushbury or Winnall.




Frances Voyle, wife of Thomas Rushbury, was, like her husband, a native of the parish of Stottesdon.

The Voile/Voyle/Voyel name appears in the earliest of the registers but there is no indication in any of the entries of what trade the men followed.

John Voyle married Joyce Giles 1 November 1573 so it is not unreasonable to assume that both were born before 1550. There is only one child listed in the baptisms who appears to be theirs. He is Robert and he was baptised 9 August 1579. His mother was buried 31 August 1580 but there is no sign of a burial in the surviving register entries of this parish for his father.

Having been born in 1579 Robert could have been married at any time from about 1600 onwards. The given name of his wife is known but they were not wed in Stottesdon, or at least, no parish record has survived recording such an event so her surname is not available. Robert's wife was another Joyce, just like his mother.

Robert and Joyce were the only Voyle couple baptising children in Stottesdon.

Jane Frances John

23 August 1607 26 July 1612

born before 25 March 1614/15, buried 20 April 1615 aged only a few weeks

Robert Mary

31 August 1617 10 June 1618

There is no guarantee that the copy of the registers from which the information has been gleaned is complete. Due to the age of the material from which the copy was made it is probable that some entries were entirely illegible and that some pages may have been damaged or not survived at all. There may have been another child between Jane and Frances.

Joyce wife of Robert was buried 13 November 1620 and Robert, of Walton, was buried 4 September 1630, having attained only the age of 51.

When Frances married Thomas Rushbury she was approximately 28 years old, so she matches in age with her husband by all but a few months, he having been baptised 23 February 1611/12.

There has been no trace of any probate material in the Voyle name.


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