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Cuddle up and

read books
Today your child will start bringing home what we refer to as
‘cuddle up and read’ books. These are books that you will read to
your child.
Look through the pictures and talk about what they think will hap-
pen in the story. Discuss with them what they liked or disliked about
the story when you have finished. Please record the book title in your
cghld’s book lof. As tge year profresses tgey can do tghs for tgem-
Please remember tgat tghs hs your cghld’s cgohce of book, tgey may
want to bring the same book home more than once, please embrace
this as repetition is one way that we learn and develop as readers.
We hope you thoroughly enjoy this time with your child to foster
their love of books.
The Year 1 team.

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