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Greeshma Pandey,
DCHSS 2010-2011
Definition of Advertising
 According to American Marketing

“Advertisement is any paid for of non personal

presentation and promotion of ideas, goods
or services by an identified sponsor.”
Features of Advertising
 It is consumer oriented

 Creates prospective consumers and customers

 Provides information about the products and services.

 Done by the sponsor or manufacturer or seller.

 Establishes impersonal contact between manufacturers

and consumers.

 Paid form of non personal communication

Objectives of Advertising
 Create demand for a new product by publicising its merits.

 Sustain the existing demand for old products.

 To attract new customers

 Help the salesman in sales promotion

 To increase the goodwill of the firm.

 To cope with the rivals and competitors.

 To make the customer aware of the qualities and speciality of the product.

 To provide information about any change.

Functions of Advertising
 Tool for marketing

 Means of Communication

 Means of persuasion
Importance or Need
 Expansion of market

 Gives fillip to production

 Brings down the cost of production

 Reduces the cost of distribution

 Helps improving the quality of the product

 Educates the potential buyers

 Employment opportunities are created

Advantages of Advertising to the
 Creates demand for new products

 Helps in reintroducing a product

 Creates Goodwill

 Reduces cost of distribution

 Creates direct contact between manufacturer

and buyer
Advantages to Retailers
 Reduces retailer’s expenses on sales
promotional work to get customers.

 Since brand image has already been set,

retailers now focus on rendering better services.

 Helps boosting the sales turnover of the retailer

 Leaves no scope and hassles about negotiations

for price with retailers
Advantages to the Consumer
 Facilitates Purchasing

 Due to increased competition better

commodity is sold in the marketing
benefitting the consumers

 Reduces the possibility of being cheated.

 Mass demand, increased sales etc reduce the

cost again benefitting the consumers.
Advantages to the society
 Uplifts the standard of living.

 Generates employment opportunities.

 Provides a regular source of income to

various media.

 Influences fashions, habits and tastes as well

as preferences of the consumers
 Sometimes increases the price of the product.

 Acts as an instrument of cheating.

 Multiplies the needs of the consumers.

 Encourages vulgarity and indecency.

 Breeds unhealthy competition.

 Unnecessary changes in fashion and tastes.

 Lot of money wasted in brand endorsement.

Essentials of an Effective
 Knowledge of potential customer

 Study of their problems

 Arousing interest

 Attractive Information

 Simple and understandable language

 Use of diagrams and photographs

 Highlighting the quality of the product

 Exhibition of novelty
Media for Advertisement
 Newspapers

 Magazines

 Radio

 Television

 Direct Mail

 Billboards

 Window Displays

 Other media (cinema slides, loud speakers)

Selection of Suitable Media
 Nature of the product

 Extent of the market

 Type of customer

 Circulation of media

 Media Cost

 Message Requirements

 Advertisers usage

 Objective of advertising

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