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01-04 incompetent anvil-dropping halfling's-armpit

05-08 stinking lily-livered snotling-fondler*

09-12 perfumed* willow-waisted* lump of antracite
13-16 cantankerous cave-slinking sissy*
17-20 drooling pointy-earned* goblin/orc/troll-friend*
21-24 beardless* fish-catching pixie*
25-28 hidebound toe-biting cave-in
29-32 gibbering nib-chewing troll-barf*
33-36 repugnant poetry-reading* thumb-basher
37-40 babbling rat-eaten gas spore
41-44 nitpicking porridge-eating pestie
45-48 clanless* ballet-dancing* sewer rat
49-52 pompous axe-breaking crybaby*
53-56 dangling nose-picking puke-for-brains
57-60 slothful lice-ridden rockrunt
61-64 hideous tree-climbing* stench kow
65-68 tentacled hanky-waving* bat-dropping
69-72 warty adle-pated smudge-rubber
73-76 dainty* lantern-lugging oathbreaker*
77-80 witless elf-kissing* tunnel worm
81-84 craftless two-faced rust-bucket
85-88 rickety mucus-oozing goblin/orc/troll-spawn*
89-92 girly beard-shaving* cave gherkin
93-96 corroded milk-drinking fossil
97-00 moth-eaten tool-snatching stalactite

Insults marked with an * are so exceptionally vile (to a dwarf) as to be considered fighting talk.
d fighting talk.

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