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There is only one boss, the customer.

And he can fire everybody in the company, from the

CRM Scenario
chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.”
-Sam Walton – Founder Wal-Mart stores

Objectives of This Project

In India
1) How Technology has helped organisations to take a customer centric view.
2) To learn and understand the changes in Relationship Marketing.
3) Analyse impact of CRM in the service sector with the help of case studies.

Executive Summary
Research has consistently shown that it costs four to five times more to acquire a new
customer compared to retaining an existing one. Developing close, co-operative
relationship with customers is more important in the current era of competition and
demanding customers than it has ever been before. Customer relationship management
(CRM) has attracted the expanded attraction of scholars and practitioners. This project
studies the nature and scope of CRM and developing conceptualizations regarding the
value and process of co-operative and collaborative relationship between buyers and
sellers. This project covers strategies and processes for customer classification and
selectivity. The various tools and technology required for CRM is covered in detail along
with related concepts like SCM, ERP and KM

A financial analysis of CRM benefits is elaborated with the help of case study on
Hutchison in Bombay. Also the various CRM solutions available in the market are
studied. Also CRM in traditional industries like pharmaceutical and cement were studied

To clearly understand the concept of CRM in services, a research was undertaken of

managers in 4 service industries. Then case studies on service firms like ICICI and
APTECH are covered in depth to analyse the implementation and effectiveness of CRM
in India.

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