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The Lord of the Flies

Pages 17-31

1. What does the conch represent? What is its purpose, and how is it used?

2. Describe your first impressions of the choir (look on page 19). Give at least three examples.

3. On page 21, we see the group of boys taunting Piggy by calling him Fatty. As everyone is
laughing and teasing Piggy, Ralph stands up and says, “He’s not Fatty! His real name’s Piggy!” Do
you think Ralph was defending Piggy, or was he making fun of him too? (Remember: In the first
half of the chapter, Piggy specifically said he did not want to be referred to as Piggy. Hint: Also
look at page 25!)

4. Why does Jack think he should be elected chief? Pages 22-23

a. Why does Ralph end up winning the election?

5. Use the table below to list 3 examples of leadership for each character.
Ralph Piggy Jack

Why wouldn’t the boys let Piggy go with them to discover the island? Page 24

7. Read the following excerpt from page 30:

Every point of the mountain held up trees—flowers and trees. Now the forest stirred, roared, flailed.
The nearer acres of rock flowers fluttered and for half a minute the breeze blew cool on their faces.

Ralph spread his arms.

“All ours.”

They laughed and tumbled and shouted on the mountain.

“I’m hungry.”

When Simon mentioned his hunger the others became aware of theirs.

Explain how the mood in this passage shifts.

8. Why didn’t Jack kill the pig? What does this suggest about Jack’s character? Page 31

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