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Written test Name:

I) Unscramble the following words to help Tyber , the Monkey make

a fruit salad:

1) abaann

2) epalp

3) gonera

4) aerp

5) mnaog ______________________

6) meonl

7) eagrsp

8) bawretrsesri
II. - Read the text and write right (R) or wrong (W).

1. - Patricio drinks fruits juice ……………………..

2.- He usually drinks milk and breakfast …………….
3. - He eats a lot of chocolate …………………………
4. - He has breakfast at 8 o’clock …………………….
5. - He likes healthy food …………………………………….

II .-Read again. Make a tick (v) in the correct column.

Food Likes Doesn’t like

Fruits juice

Patricio is ten years old. He lives in the South of

Chile. He eats a lot of vegetables and fruits. He
usually drinks fruit juice and he doesn’t like
chocolates and sweets very much. He usually has
breakfast at 7 o’clock. He has a glass of milk and
some bread. He takes and apple to school. He has
tea at 6 o’clock. He likes healthy food.

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