Temper Time

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“Temper Time..?

(Clarissa S. Rosalia)

Behold! Step out of the way

Step aside, don’t block the alley
Spare this time and cross the line
Tremendous volt is out of rhyme.

Anger, hatred, for so long been kept

Heart and thoughts, soulfully leaped
Memories and moments grievously swept
Forgotten sweetness, days had gone deep.

Rights are meddled, views, treated cold

Even opinions long been ignored
Astounded with troubles after all the effort
Temper turned anger, these can’t be hold.

Let it go, don’t hold back, show to the world

Hurts and pains been hidden, grief should be told
Cry out loud if you have to, rage and let it go
It only takes a minute for everything to blow.

Crash anything that hinders, throw all the pains

Pound all the grief that reckoned your days with
After all it’s your life that matters in the end
Just don’t forget to pick the debris of your rage.

In every deed there’s always an equal opposite

And there’s never been a treasure so indifferent
Like memories and sweetness of beautiful moments
It’s hard to pick and gather back all the pieces.

Go on! Rage your anger, but don’t forget these please

Once you break an egg shell, it can never be replace
And those things will just be a memory of the past
And you can never turn back times once it had passed.

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