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Industrial relations concept

Prepared by: Chandni Shahani

IR concept
•Among all other problems prevailing in an organization, IR
is the most prominent.
•It is due to one factor that it deals with people who are the
base of the industry: who can make things happen.
•IR is defined as employer-employee relations in both
organized and unorganized sectors of the economy.
•IR is born out as employment relationship in the industry.
•It is characterized by both conflict & co-operation.
•It also includes vital environmental issues like technology,
political environment, labor policies, trade union, global supply
& demand.
•It involves the study of conditions conducive to the labor &
management cooperation as well as practices and policies
required to elicit the desired cooperation from both the parties.
•Includes the government framework as well pertaining to the
laws, rules and regulations.
•Institutions: include government, employers, trade unions, labor
courts and other organizations which have direct or indirect impact
on the industrial relations system.
•Characters: studies the role of workers, unions, shop stewards, IR
manager, mediator ( arbitrator/ conciliator), judge of labor court,
tribunal etc.
Methods: the focus is on collective bargaining, workers participation
in IR schemes, discipline, procedure, grievance redressal machinery,
dispute settlement team, union recognition, org. protests through
methods like strikes, lockouts, formulation & revision of existing
rules, regulations, decisions of labor courts etc in defining the rights
& obligations of the parties.
Contents: includes matters pertaining to employment conditions like
pay, leave with pay, safety & health actions, lay off, dismissals,
retirement etc laws relating to such activities legislation governing
labor welfare, social security, IR, issues concerned with workers
participation in management, collective bargaining, sharing gains of
productivity profits.

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