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1. Mangalam Hospitals Pvt. Ltd.

As a part of its philanthropic work mangalam has ventured in to healthcare which was

launched with the mission of establishing a string of diagnostic facilities and especially

hospitals with the state of the art facilities at affordable cost for the common man.The new

venture has already made a mark for itself.Established in 1985 at Ottawa , as a unit of

Mangalam hospitals (p) Limited, an ultra-modern diagnostic Centre named the ‘Mangalam

Diagnostic Centre’ with fully and well equipped laboratory facilities and highly qualified

professionals .The Centre functions in close cooperation with the Bhaba Atomic Research

Centre, Mumbai and Christian Medical College Velloor

2. Mangalam Confectionary Pvt. Ltd.

It is a well-established manufacturing unit that is producing delicious sweets with the

brand name of Triffany.Eclairs in different flavors like coconut chocolate and coffee are

being produced here by using most modern and advanced technology. Keeping up all

the international standards under the strict advice and supervision of experts from abroad
3. Mangalam Homes and Resorts Pvt.Ltd

As an attempt of the Mangalam Group outside the media related activities, a new project

under the name and style of Mangalam Homes and Resorts Pvt. Ltd. was launched as a

new venture to ensure home for all. Excellent flats ,villas and resorts of the Mangalam

Homes and resorts were spread all over the length and breadth of Kerala.Commerecial

complexes are also therein the hearts of the major cities in Kerala. Luxury appartments at

affordable cost is the motto of Mangalam Homes and Resorts Pvt. Ltd.

Mangalam Charitable Work

1.Mangalam Educational Society

The Mangalam Group under the continued stewardship of its founding chairman and Managing

Director have expanded its activities. It includes not only the highly successful business

ventures carving a niche for itself in the annals of enterpreneurial success in independent India

but also a forerunner in many a humanitarian social service including Mangalam Educational

Society.A philanthropic foundation committed to the progress of quality professional education

in Kerala.

Various Educational Institutions Owned by Mangalam Group are:

2.Mangalam College of Engineering (MLMCE)

The mangalam college of engineering , a coeducational professional institution promoted

by the Mangalam Educational Society, is accredited by All India Council for Technical

Education (AICTE) and affiliated to the MG University, Kottayam.Recogonizing the

current trends in the field of engineering the college offers B.Tech, degree in five

branches: Electronics and Communication,Computer Science, Electrical and

Electronics,Information Technology and Mechanical Engineering and besides these

branches in engineering education, the college provides facility for higher education in

Master Of Business Administration (MBA) as well.

3.Mangalam College of Education

It is affiliated to the Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam and recoganized by

National Council for Teacher Education(NCTE),New Delhi. Mangalam College Of

Education is the only college in the unaided sector which is accredited by the National

Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC),New Delhi.Hundreds of students are

graduated from this college for B.Ed degree every year

4.Mangalam English Medium Higher Secondary School

One of the premier institutions of its kind in Kerala is the Mangalam English Medium

Higher Secondary School.It has a highly beautiful campus with a vast area at the scenic

village of Ettumanoor in Kottayam. The institution has become a flowing stream

,watering many and a source of light illuminating many a thirsty mind.

5.Mangalam Teacher Training Institute (TTI)

It provides education for those who seek education for being teachers in primary schools

in the country.The institute is also recogonized by NCTE, New Delhi.


The Mangalam Online Store facilitate customers to book and purchase their needy items

such as various Mangalam publications.Selected writings of renowned authors,varied gift

items to their kith and kin and apparels for their kids.It also makes it possible for a citizen

to read the Mangalam Daily Online.All these advancements in this information super

high way show that nothing can suspend the growth of Mangalam Group even in this

present era of technology

Other activities of Mangalam group .

 Mangalam Group of publications took initiative in organizing dowry less

community marriages for economically and socially depressed women in Kerala

apart from literacy campaign.

 The mangalam readers cancer ward at Kottayam Medical College was built with

the participation of the readers of the Mangalam Publications.

 The weekly continues its charity service by finding out the financially weak and

depressed people for providing financial aid collected as readers

contribution.Mangalam has also constructed and donated houses for the homeless

in various parts of the state.

 Not only through the weekly and other publications but also through a variety of

projects the Mangalam group has contributed for the development of arts and
culture.The Mangalam ‘kalasahitya vedi’, an organization formed under the

patronage of Mr.M.C.Varghese for the promotion of art,literature and social

service activities have now grown to a world wide organization that is doing

credible services in various areas of human life.

 Leadership training programs for youths and social service activists is conducted

through Mangalam ‘kala sahitya vedi’.

 Mangalam also sponcered Women’s club, Teacher’s Forum,children’s club

international, Mangalam Orchestra and film club


It was an immaculate day in the history of kerala which she gave birth to the Mangalam

magazine which is the primary product of the Mangalam Group almost three decades ago.It can

be viewed only with a miraculous age.the growth of this Publication from a nascent stage to a

more matured and incredible position in the newspaper industry.The effort of this novice in the

newspaper industry is not at all an accidental one.It is a result of hundreds and thousands of

dedicated men and women who shed their flesh and blood to the well off of the paper.But the

impetus behind all these achievements is a great man, Mr .M.C.Varghese , a noted philanthropist

and a visionary .So I think its more important to have a development stages of the Mangalam



The Mangalam Publications (India )Private Limited has got a kick off in the year 1969 as a

monthly journal with a meager circulation of 250 copies, turned to a fortnightly and become a

weekly smashing the record in Indian journalism with a circulation of over 1.5 million copies.

The weekly deep with a widely varied package of humorous stories , human sentiments and

helpful information, guide people in all walks of lives

In the three decades of its existence , the Mangalam adherence to the fundamental human

values ,Keralas literature and culture have become timeless legends. The main motto of various

publications of this group is to take them to the common people in the language of their own

hearts.Ignoring the barriers of caste ,community and religion and thus became a true keeper of

the society.Those who are having a glimpse of these publications can easily construe its

adherence to its off shoot and its principles.So in Mangalam you can see there is a whole world

of images,ideas ,emotions,passionsand feelings communicated with originality, force and depth

under the stamp of credibility which are unique to the Mangalam Group.

The effort behind the group’s unique style of functioning is its Founder Chairman ,Mr

.M.C.Varghese. As a dedicated servant of the society , he has left his footprints in the sands of

humanitarian service. Born on 29th June ,1933, he entered the field of printing and publishing.

In the early ages being a philanthropist he dedicated his life to the well being of the

community.One Of his dreams came true when he organized the first dowry less community

marriage in the year 1980 .Obviously this was the first shot fixed in Kerala in the war against the

monster of dowry.

He stretched his helping hand through Mangalam Publications by collecting generous donations

from the readers all over the world for the victims of accident, natural calamities and social

The very first publication of Mangalam Group was printed from a cylinder press cranked with

hand.Advancement in science and technology, the winds of change interms of social

enlightment, cultural enrichment etc . have had its direct impact on Mangalam as well.It was

because of this surge in technology and increased demand ,a new automatic German printing

press had been introduced., which lead to the improvement in the priniting quality and reduced

the time needed for printing as well.

It was a significant achievement in the history of the company from its infancy to a more

developed phase when the company planned to start a news paper in the year 1989.Thus it

successfully launched the Kottayam edition of the daily on 16th of March,1989, though it had a

humble beginning with only one edition from Kottayam district, later it dialated its wings with

four more editions from Kozhikode ,Kochi,Trivandrum and Thrissur, and now the Mangalam

weekly is in a fabulous position in this competitive industry, by its lucid, candid and impartial

editing and by its affordable price.Its circulation is about around 300000 now.This I think

enough to tell all about this news paper which would capitalize on the appetite of an average

malayalee reader

The Mangalam Group is now one of the major business groups in Kerala.

The Sum of its four concerns are:

(1) The Mangalam Publications (India) Private Limited

(2) The Mangalam Hospitals Pvt. Ltd.

(3) The Mangalam Confectionary Pvt. Ltd.

(4) The Mangalam Homes and Resorts Pvt. Ltd.


The Mangalam daily has commenced its operation in the year 1989.Within this short span of

time the organization achieved most both in technical and administrative fields.And it is very

happy to declare that the company is now running in a very strong position.

The news paper wing of the company is running in an excellent position as per the record of the

ABC(Audit Bureau of Circulation ).Mangalam daily is the newspaper which ranks the second

position among the dailies published from kottayam town.The ABC has approved onelakh

fourthousand copies.


Like Mangalam daily Mangalam Weekly also had advanced a lot. Now newspaper and all other

publications are printed by using the most modern German technology offset press using “News

Line 45” and also the counting and packing are done by using machines

The world of information has extended its boundaries to an extend which cannot be

measured.Information as a tree has spread its branches all over the world.The world has literally

become a ‘Global village’.Obviously there is a competition in this modern era.this competition is

visible in this news paper industry too.The Mangalam group as a part of taking up these

challenging trends that the global world offers, planned to start a newspaper in the year 1989.As

a result it successfully launched the Kottayam edition of the daily on 16th March,1989.Now with

its lucid,candid and impartial writings it conquered the hearts of Malayalee readers with a

circulation of about three lakh copies per day.Apart from regular

national,international,local,sports,editorial,classified ,obituary and business news the Mangalam

Daily is exclusively publishing the following columns as well

Educational News

This column provides moderate guidance for youth and much university news

Job oppertunities

Through this column the Mangalam Daily gives us the national as well as international jon

Letters to the Editor

The Mangalam Daily creates a healthy relationship between its readers and the editor through

this column.Readers can write their opinion to the editor through this column,which makes the

mangalam daily more friendly with the general public

Charitra Vazhi

This column tells you about important events that took place in the past years on the issue date of

the daily.Besides these , the mangalam daily has the following facilities too to make it more



One can convey his/her views and suggestions about the daily over telephone.The Mangalam

Customer Care Cell renders valuable services for the readers

Talk Time

Like Mangalam Customer Care Cell the talk time is also facilitating its customers to let it know

their opinion of an important issue or event



1.Mangalam Daily

It is one of the leading newspapers in Malayalam

2.Mangalam Weekly

A malayalam magazine published from Mangalam started in 1971

3.Kanyaka Fortnightly

A women’s fortnightly started in 1985

4.Cinema Mangalam

A film weekly started in 1997


A children’s weekly started in 1994

6.Balamangalam Chitrakadha

A children’s fortnightly with pictures started in 1994


Weekly in kannada


Childrens weekly in Kannada

9.Balamangala Chitrakadha

A children’s fortnightly with pictures in kannada

10.Jyothish Bhooshanm

Astrological magazine started in 2006 December


A health magazine started in 2008

Mangalam was started in 1969 as

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