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What is chemistry ?

Chem·is·try (kĕm'ĭ-strē)

The science of the composition,

structure, properties and
reactions of matter, especially
of atomic and molecular systems.
Atomic Theory
The Greek philosopher Democritus, circa 430BC, claimed that all materials in
nature are built of tiny particles that cannot be broken down any further. He
called these particles 'atoms' (from the adjective atomos, or 'undivisible').

Democritus demonstrated that an element is a substance made entirely from

one type of atom. He did this by splitting a stone in half, and exposing the
grains of sand (or stone) that make up the rock.

He believed that atoms could have a different shape, position (e.g. upside
down), and weight. Water was made of smooth spheres (because it flows so
easily). Earth is made of tiny cubes (because it's stable), and fire is made of
very pointy atoms (which is why it hurts!).

Everything is made from combinations. No atom can be destroyed, but a

combination can be changed into something else. It was this "something
else" that drew attention. After all, gold is better than lead!

There is some evidence that they thought lead was a good starting place for
making gold. This transmutation of metals became known as 'alchemy', and
the practitioners as 'alchemists'. Which evolved into modern day chemistry.
Atomic Theory
26 16

Fe + S

Iron Sulphur
Iron sulfide
11 8

Na + O

Sodium Oygen
Sodium oxide
Atomic Theory
Iron sulfide
H2O molecule
1 Oxygen atom

2 Hydrogen atoms

1 Carbon atoms

2 Oxygen atoms
Atomic Theory

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