1611 King James Version-Scan

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BIBLE, onteyiung the Old Teffarmen | i | TO THE MOST ee AND MIGHTIE| Prince, [ames by the grace of God King of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, ! Defender of the Faith, &c. THE TRANSLATORS OF THE BIBLE, wish Grace, Mercie, and Peace, through lesvs Curisr our Lorp. Reat and manifold were the blessings (most dread| Soueraigne) which Almighty Gop, the Fath of all Mercies, bestowed vpon vs the people aff @ ENGuAND, when first he sent your Maiesties Royall person to rule and raigne ouer us. For whereas it was the expectation of many, who| wished not well vnto our Sron, that vpon the| setting of that bright Occidentall Starre Queene Evizasets of most happy memory, 50! thicke and palpable cloudes of darkenesse would so haue ouershadowed this land, that men should haue bene in doubt which way they were to| walke, and that it should hardly be knowen, who was to direct the vnsetled State: the appearance of your MAuesTIE, as of the Suxze in his strength, ‘instantly dispelled those supposed and surmised mists, and gaue vnto alll that were well affected, exceeding cause of comfort; especially when we be-| held the gouernment established in your H1cuNesse, and your hope- full Seed, by an vndoubted Title, and this also accompanied with Peace! land tranquillitie, at home and abroad. But amongst all our Ioyes, there was no one that more filled our hearts, then the blessed continuance of the Preaching of Gops sacred word a- mongst vs, which is that inestimable treasure, which excelleth all the rich of theearth, because the fruit thereofextendethit selfe, not onely tothetime| spent in this transitory world, but directeth and disposeth men nto that: Eternall happinesse which is aboue in Heauen. Then, not tosuffer this to fall totheground, but rather to takeit vp, and ito continue it in thatstate, wherein the famous predecessour of your Hiex- ‘wns did leaue it; Nay, to goe forward with the confidence and reso-| lution The Epiftle lution of a man in maintaining the traeth of Cunisr, and propagating it| farre and neere, is that which hath so bound and firmely knit the hearts. fall your Marestizs loyall and Religious people vnto you, that your! very Name is precious among them, their eye doth behold you with] |comfort, and they blesse you in their hearts, as that sanctified person, whol |vnder Goo, is the immediate authour of their true happinesse. And this| their contentment doeth not diminish or decay, but euery day increaseth| land taketh strength, when they obserue that the zeale of your Maiestie to-| lwards the house of Gop, doth not slacke or goc backward, but is more aud] lmore kindled, manifesting it selfe abroad in the furthest parts of Christen. dome, by writing in defence of the Trueth, (which hath giuen such a blow |rnto that man of Sine, as will not be healed) and euery day at home, by| Religious and learned discourse, by frequenting the house of Gop, by, hearing the word preached, by cherishing the teachers therof, by caring! for the Church as a most tender and louing nourcing Father. ‘There are infinite arguments of this right Christian and Rel fection in your Maresti£: but none is more forcible to declare it to o-| thers, then the vehement and perpetuated desire of the accomplishing and| \publishing of this W orke, which now with all humilitie we present vnto| lyour Matesrie. For when your Highnesse had once out of deepe indg-| Iment apprehended, how conuenient it was, That out of the Originall s2- lcred tongues, together with comparing of the labours, both in our owne| land other forreigne Languages, of many worthy men who went before vs, there should be one more exact Translation of the holy Scriptures into the| English tongue; your Matestie did neuer desist, to vige and to excite! Ithose to whom it was commended, that the worke might be hastened, and| |that the businesse might be expedited in so decent a maner, as a matter of jsuch importance might iustly require. And now at last, by the Mercy of Gop, and the continuance of our La-| lbours, it being brought vnto such a conclusion, as that we haue great hope| that the Church of Hngland shall reape good fruit thereby; we hold it our \duety to offer it to your Matestis, not onely as to our King and Soue-| lraigne, but as to the principall moouer and A.utbor of the Worke. Hum-| \bly crauing of your most Sacred Maiestie, that since things of this quality| lhaue euer bene subiect tothe censures of ill meaning and discontented per-| lsons, it may receiue approbation and Patronage from so learned and iudi- |cious @ Prince as your Highnesse is, whose allowance and acceptance off yur Labours, shall more honour and incourage vs, then all the calumniati-} lons and hard interpretations of other men shall dismay vs. So that, ifon! ithe one side we shall be traduced by Popish persons at home or abroad, |who therefore will maligne vs, because we are poore Instruments to make| |Gons holy Trueth to be yet more and more knowen vnto the people, Iwhom they desire still to keepe in ignorance and darknesse : or if on the| other| Dedicatorie. other side, we shall be maligued by selfe-conceited brethren, who ranne) Itheir owne wayes, and give liking vnto nothing but what is framed by| Ithemselues,and hammered on their Anuile; we may rest secure, supported] lwithin by the trueth and innocencie of a good conscience, having walked| the wayes of simplicitie and integritie, as beforethe Lord; And sustained without, by the powerfull Protection of your Maiesties grace and fauow, lwhich will euer giue countenance to honest and Christian endeuours, a- lgainst bitter censures, and vncharitable imputations. ‘The Lono of Heauen and carth blesse your Maiestie with many and| Ihappy dayes, that as his Heauenly hand hath enriched your Highnesse| with many singular, and extraordinary Graces; so you may be the wonder of the world in this later age, for happinesse and true felicitie, to the honour of that Great Gop, and the good of his Church, through Insvs Cunist ‘our Lord and onely Sauiour. i (eo) qTHE THE TRANSLATORS TO THE READER. bot cold intertainment in the ward. Te is welcommed wi cion in stexd of love, and with emulation in stead of shankes: there be any hoe left for eal wo enter {and eauil.iie doe not nde a hole, will make one) it is sure ta bee misconstrued, and in danger| tobe condemned. ‘This wll exsily be ranted by as many a8 iow sory, or hawe any experience. For, was shere eder anything peo: iectedthat ssuoured any way of newnesse or renewingsbut thessme endured many 2 norm of ine-saying, or opposition? A man would thinke that Cullite, hte tome Lawes, learning and cloqnence Synods, and Chureh-maintenance,(that we speake of 20 more things of this Kinde) should te a safe 2a Sanctaary and lout of shot, 35 they tay, that no mam To the Reader. hough not im verte, yet in power: and by his power and wisdome he built Temple tothe Lown, och sone as was the glory ofthe land of Isacl, and the wonder of the whole work, Bot was that his magaifcence iked of by 311? We doubtofi. Otherwise, why doe they ly it in hie sonnes dish and all vato hin for easing ofthe borden, Make, say they th griewns erste of thy fae, end bi sre sob, lighlr. Belike he had charged them with ome lees, nd toubled them with some ci riagees Hereopon they esse wpa tagedie, and wishin thei heat the Temple hed neuer beoe built, So hard a thing it iso pleaeall, even when we please God best, and doe seeke wo approue our selues to euery ones conscience. he comected the Calender, and ordered the peeve according to the course of the Sunne: and yet thiswas imputed to him for nnnelte, snd arrogance, and procured tc him greatebloguie. So the fst |Christened Erperour( atthe lastwise hat openty professed the faith himselfe, 4nd allowed others 0 doe the like) for atrengthening the Empire his grat charges, and providing fr the Church, a he Aid ge for his labour the name Pupllr,2e wha would sxy,a wartfall Princ, that had neede of JGuardian,or overser. So the best Chrstened Emperour, forth lve tht he bere wnto peste, there by to enrich both himself znd his bier, snd because he did nat aetke watre ut find it, was adged tobe mn man at armes,¢ though in deed he excelled in fests of chimalrie, and shewed o moch whes| ne was prouoked) and condemned for giuinghimselfe to his ease, and to his pleasure. Tobe short the most learned Emperour of former times, (at che east the grestst politician) what thankshad he Este to promote the common good, whether it be by devising an I wee will descend to later times, wee shall fade many the like examples of such kind, o eather thing ov snes, or reisig that which hath Bene Iaboured by o eakind acceptance. The rst Romane Emperour did wener doc a more plessing deed to the learned, | ne thersdeseracth certainly much respect and eteeme but yet finde | nor more profitable to posterite, for conseruing the record of times intrue suppatation: then when == eovld ie vp she hecleno.nor dogge moove his tongue against the mosioners ofthem. For bythe orcurting off the uperuities ofthe aves and digesting them into some orderand method? This, Erste are distinguished from brit bem Ie withensaltie: By the secand, we are ridiedand re that be hath been Hated by some to bee an Epitomin, that one rhareatingwihed worthy whale trained from onragious behenionrand from doing of inirienmbether by Fodor by vilence: By solumes.obring bisabeidgement fun requer. This ithe meaare tat hath been vendredtOet the third, we ate enabled to informe and reforme others.by the light and feeling that we have ata lent Princes im former times even Cem Ba ferent, mal endre, Fr thir good decdes tobe el nd wato our sclues: Brief, bythe fonrth being bronght together toa patle fee to facewe soonet spoken of. Nether is there any likelbood, tht envie and maligitie died, and were buried withthe eompose out differences then hy writings which ae endlesse: And lastly that the Church be suff srcent. Xo, n9, the reproofe af Movs aketh hold of most ages: Yow are ren xp i or faders stead Newb 04 [Seay provided fri so agreeable to good rasan and conscitnce. that those mothers are holdento ascnmspiifitennt What tat stash estone? Serves aul tors vod Thee ramen] = be ese cre sat il th cildren astoone a they areborne.then thotenoursng aers nd mo rss | ing der the Senne ssith the Wiseman: and S. Stare, As Jour ftbers dds dee yor. This, and] Aor hers(wheresoeuer they be hat withdrew from them who hing vpontheit breasts (and pon whose orn more to this porpose, His Maes that now reigeth and log, and long my he reigne and his of | breasts again themselnes doe hang toreceine the Spiral and sincere mike of the word ively: gctinai [spring for ver, Hilfe and children, and childrens bdrm abe) knew fll well according othe bod and sepport for thir extatex.. Thus it ix apparenthat thee things which we speak afar SEVER _| singular wisedame guuen vo him by God, nd the rare earning snd experience that he bath aah of mont nectssry ve.andthereforthst dope, ether witha absuditic can spake aguost chem. ‘ed emoy namely tht whosocucrattemptcth anything forthe publike(=pecily i it pertine ta thour note of wickednese cam sparne agalnm them. : jon and othe opening and clearing ofthe word of Go) the same setethhimselfewpon ase ermtens |” Yet forall thatthe learned know that ceraine worthy men ane beat brongbt to vntimely desth abe glouted vpn by eueryeuil ese ye hecatethhimaelfe headlong rpon pikes, tobe gored by ewe State: |r none other fel, bat for seckiog to redace the Countrey-men to god order and discipline: nd ! ry sharp ongee. For he that medieth with mens Weligion in any par, medieth with thee costore,| be that in some Commoo-weales it wat made a xpi cimesonce to motion the making of new Law| say, with ther feehold: and though they finde no coment i tht which they have, yet they en or the abvogatng of 0 old,thougrh the amne were mont pernicinos: And that ceainesehich woold| rot abidevo heat ofaleving. Norwithscanding his Royall hest wat nat daunted or discouraged for const, {Be counted pillars ofthe Stateand paternes of Verrae and Prodesce,could not be braught for long tnisor that cology, but stood resclte,esastterimacorote end aarailenotesieto We ten én lt, me to gine way to good Letters and refined spech, but bare hemseles as averse fom thers, #5 sone sayth; he knew who hadchoren him to be Sooldcr, or thers Captine and being aaured| Jemeevin | 0M rocks or boxes of poison: And ourthly, that hee was no babe.but a grestclearke that gave tha the cause which he intended made much forthe glory of God, & the building wpa bis Church, BIT” rooreh (30d in writing to remaine to posteriie in passion persdoenture, bat yet he gave foonh.that ee had net seene any profit to come by any Syode, or meeting ofthe Clergie, but rather the con- teary: And tly against Chureh-maintenance and allowancei such sor,a5 the Embassadors and ingot Kings should be ernished,itis notnknowen what fiction or fable (20 it exteemed, and for no beter by the reporter himsele, though superstitions) was deuised he would not safer it tobe broken off for whatsoever spesches or practises. Ie dotheertinely belong ento Kings, yeait doth specially belong ent then, thane care of Religion, yes to know i atight, ya, to proteie it reslously, yea to promote it to the wtermost oftheir power. This i their glory before all eations which meane well, and this wll bring ta them a farre most excellent w eloryinthedsy oftheLordlesus. Forthe Scriptaresaithnotin sine, Them fb four me lhe, bie amely, that at such time a8 the professours and teachers of Chrisianite inthe Church of Rome, neither was ita vaine word that Eusebins delivered long agoe, that pitie towards God wasthe wes then straeCharch cere liberally endowed voyceforsoath was heard fom Reawenaying:. Now 5 Pon, and the onely seapon thit both prserued Cantentns pevon, and atenged him of hs poison powred down into the Church. Thus nt only a oftas we speske sone sith but anos Eoemien oftas we doany thing of ote or consequence, we sublectour seats oeoery ones censured KF Bot wow what pie without troeth? what tueth( what sting eth) without the word of God? she that seas orsed wpoatongoes: for trl to excapethe saath themitis imposible. Tn TORS | snae word af God (whereof we may be sore) without the Scripture? The Seriptnres we are comma an cncetshat this isthe lot and portion of th meaner sort oney,ondthat Princes are prised edo search. fobs 39 Ex 8.3. They se commended that starched stadia ther, Ac¢7 and sensi, |Bytheithigh estteheisdeciged, Aa Ube rrd dcurt nee ont eter gst isa Sama ny | Satay. Theyareeprovedthac were vasklul nthe, or slow o beleeue them, Ma.23.29. Lt. athe great Consmander charged is souldiersfaacertane belo trike st partof te emi. | a5, Taeyean makes wisevatostanion 2 Tim... twee ignorant they wil instructs ioxt of segseay [Ratatthe fice, Anda the King of Sri commanded hie chiee Captains fo fb nit th sews they wil bring eshome:ifoutof ode, they wlelorme ve, fim heuine, comforts i dll, or ereetsonoey asi te King ofliract:sivistoo ue.that Envieakethmostaitflly athe { quicken vs; fede iname vs. Tall ge: Toll lege, Take vp and ake panded the Scrip. | st facenecdm aes i Se fren them nthe deinst esd et gen bys prs eee oe emacs, _ [$85 de2des,and yet (or a5 worthy anacteas eur he did (even for bringing bake the Arke of God i Waiocnar sn the Scriptures, eee me, siththe same S. Auguiing i higband dine; ter i ceil] SA, truth and a dcr ine mest forthe refreshing and renewing of sent mindes end tracy w tempered, the | op i I wry im solemuitie) he was scorned and scoffed at hy bis one wife. Salzmon tas greater t The Translators To the Reader. Sec see sae egatag aos, Tom Paste ocd (oma mast nats be maddie, This moved 5 Hirome + mos lesacd fet ad ce bet is without controversies bis ager fay at eat efor to vderae te wana ofthe OM Tess, onto he very faba thenasaes; which be performed with htc eae of reat ahi oder ad fxhfanes, th hath ever band the Church eatin insdebyof special remembrance and thankeulacae. "Now tough the Church were thas furised with Gree and Lali Translations, ena bear et of Cun tet was geally embraced i he Empire (forthe lerned oo hte aS irons tine Costa fe sod his wite wre bth Eich ad about the ue ce the re ext partot the Secs) yer oral eh he ally eared were ot centent ohaue th Srp ia tke Language which thenelsvndesool, Gee and Laie (8 the god Lepr wee 8 utc tare wll heave, bt sequsated ter neignboors wih the tre tha God hd that heya might prosie for themseoes) bt alo fo the beboae and eiyngf the valearoed| eich bongsed sed ied ae Righteowsneseandhad aes oe ne awe at tey hy Po ie asin euler hr Conner, inom et ma aes ah Jorn dd shor ae heir conaeréon, ase Cnist apesling vo them in thir mother wage potty he aye of thei Miner only bts by she writen ond soe. any daub beet mite uampcoaghfemwiracicene ts Mirth ae Paige Sparc rw facie an sh Srp ig [eter ofany tia a et gs nt aby Ea ey ia )are fa. SoS Huromesn hs pace, "The sone Marne esse sme tat ete ie fed st on he tantatn ofthe etn es aus ocarfr be ounteyeen of Delma is: Which words otoaly Evans doth vaderstand mo parpors that 5, Marana ansted the Sep tothe Dalmation toga, bat so Sra Senn an Apna Car shat peak 00 more men wa tobe excpedsgnnt by them of Rat doe ngeotouly conse mach. 50,5 Cryatome ta sed nS Hirome itech eudence wih bi: Tr darie fm sah be) nt mc rt sth Patnopers i) eo yb he Srion gyto Indo Pra tpn and fi tents ng rks pp rated ahr arg oe radio tir) Php estes Chita. Tothis ay beadéed Tart sven to i, bth orange rad for ining. Hi ward be thee ary Comin it der i Same flo thaewor (the Apo and Drops) end te Heir ogo (he eames he Seip tein te Hast) terna et nln ie Langue ete Grats ba eof ie Ramses, ent xyprand Portail ations nd Arneson iytonndSemromain ond fyi ei hr Lengngs ta ony Nati ot Sobek ares repoed by Pose Deon sb iar (and before hes by Some to bate alate th Scriptres at the Gal oogu a Bishop ofS by Vaio hae tne them nto deahts,sbot the yer of or Land 737: Bad by Certs, have snd gest pr ofthe iat Senen:Efvard by Tv! to ace sige the Pench Pale, Beeb done he Hera soe the Yer 800: Rig ted bythe sida han ed th seat Sem Mesas by darted ged) fo tae tred she Seite ino [Sseunen + Fel, Bishop of Fate by Bas tenet suc cased stout that ime, the Govpls tobe srslated inte Duets een nthe Libary of Corben: Vali, by dines hea trned them hima orto Bae gen tem aed at Frmch abot the yee tio Chiles of that pe, sutnated Ta ws, thane cated them bested into Prac, aboot 30. eres se eld is time of which ances tere en opis yeccstan, ax winnie Berar, Much boo tht oe, oem in out King lard tes os te Fa ane she nt Em my Bg Be we yet be ere wit ier tanslted sti ey patent ape So the Sion tain ofthe New Testament sin act learned mens Lib, of Wings ssetng rts the Paster Arahat with many of degutnes Neb setng forth, So Pol aati te ‘steric saw theGorpet inthe Eton tng Andie Tava lege oer headin, which heteieh nage bene et rth by Pen rian characters: Sot, ose the Saiprares inthe mothersongue aot squint conc ately ae py ether by the Lol Cro et a Entnd or by the Loxd Radel in Poi, bythe Lad Vaan in he Expects | minion, but hath bene thought vpon and putin practise of old, even from the firs times ofthe con] rn any Nan: wo ot cue oer mo pele anc hn ws ens ears the sone! and te matctbes to beable sry wth te words othe Pas, ie Su es artes Mictosay ith te vords ofthe Pals Tow th Cheer of Roe would sc the lengths ee ste on towards her tsa tow eth Separates tongue, bur dedi ce bingo bald git swept pt ey must fst get Licence im writing Befoxcshey may ing of our smtetia oe “ae them, and to get tt, they must approve themselues to their Confessor that to be such as are. Have feegen inthe drege,yet sowred withthe Jeauen oftheir superstition. Howbeitit seemed too rruch to Clement the dt there should be any Licence gramted to have them in the vulgar tongue, ind theretre he ouerruleth and feustratetb the grant of Pi the fourth. So mack arg they afraid tebe light ot the Scripture, (LaefSeriperarum,s Tvtllen speaketh that they willnottmnst tbe people with it, no nota iv ser foorth by their owne sworne meD, no not with the Licenes oftheir eehe Bisbops ad Inguiseors.Yea.so-eawilling they areto commonest the Sripturestothe peo- Fer endertending im any sorathst they are wt ashamed to conese that wee freed them totam [7 ine ciate English against their wills, This seemeth to argue a bad cause ora bad conscience, both. Sure we are, thitit isnot he that hath good gold, satis afraid wo bring ito the tovcb-stone Bot he that hath the counterfeit The tne man shat shunneth the fight, but the males | nn ovr lot Bis decdes should be reproved: aither it the plaiue desing Sterchant that is wawilling | fou 2 tae the watghtso the meteyard brought in place, but he that veth deeit, But we wll let them Alone for this faultand retarne to translation. ‘Many ens mouths have bene open » good while (and yet are not stopped )with speeches abot tbe Travslaion so long in hand,or rather perosalsof Translations made before: and aske what mas re the reason what the necssitie of the employment: Hath the Church bene deceived, say theyll this while? Hith her wet bread bene mingled with lesven,her sluer withdrossr her wine with ¥=" ec ter mike with Pine? (Lactegrpom male niscter, saith Seve) We hoped that we bad bene fa | 5m. ac right way” that we had hed the Oracles of God delivered watav3, and that though all che world |*% fad cause tobe offended aud to compiaine, yet that we had none. Hath he nurse holden out the rests and neing but winde init? Hath the bead bene delivered by the fathers ofthe Church aed the same proved tobe lpidenyas Senera speaketh? What is tm handle the word of God de sEntulty ehisbe not? Thascertaine beticen. Also the adversaries of fadaband Hiermatem tke Senta in Netemiah, mocke,as we heare, both atthe worke and warkenen, saying Hat de ties eet Lewes. ell ty ade tle sons ble againe oa of tees of dat which are bern? lito thoy bidet fa fove foe vp, Ball ven benke dee ter sony wall. Was this Translation ood) foctoce> Why doc they now mend it? Was zt mot good? Why then was it obtraded tothe people? Yenc why did the Cathicks (meaning Popish Romeuisr)alwayes poe i feopande, fo refusing to] foe wheareit? Nay, iit must be translated into English Caholihs ace test wo doe its They have Feraing. and they know when thing i well, they can menu de tabuld. Wee will answere then both brits and the former, being brethren thus, with 5./feranc, Damsom eteres? Moni sc post priru sedi in dome Domini goad possess Ioramas. ‘That 3, Duc we contre tl sores bt aftr the endeasars of them Hl were fre x27 take Ue Bs pines wx can in Bb bows (Gud. As if be said, Being prowoked by the crample ofthe learned that ued before my time hae] though it my cucsie,toastay whether my talent i the knowledge of the rongues, may be profitable fa my measure wo Gass Church, lest | should seeme to have laboured fa them jn vaine and lest 1 shouldbe thought to glory in men (although ancient) above that which Wasi nent, Thus Sie rane may be thought to speake. “And tothe same effect say wee that we ate so fare off rom condemaing any oftheir labours that raueile before sin this hinde, either in this land or beymad sca, either in Wing Henry time, of King Exioads (if there were any translation , oF correction of a translation iw his time) ar Queene Elizibis of evertenoumed mersori, that we acknowledge shem to hae beeat raised xp of God, forthe boilding nd furnishing of his Chorch, and that they deseroe to be had of vs and of posterite in encrlasting remembrance. ‘The ludgement of Aritellis worthy and well knowen: If Timoltevs ed ot Bene wea ot Bod nach sce side: Bul if Frys Timetbeas bis aster) ba et bee, ed wat tod Timathees. ‘Therefore bleed be they, and mest honoured be heir mamse.that brake th ee aad glueth onset spon that which beipeth forward othe suing of soutes. Now what can bee ove susteabte thereto, then to deliver Gods booke vato Gods people fa tongue which they vm sa vent? ta | ake rors d man ad yetter Bec sd ten th raner(whase tongue is strange voto him.) Yet} au Tovall hat ss nothing is begun and pected at he same time, snd helater though are thought to} = be he wiser: 0, if we building vpon thie foundation that went Before ws, and being holpeu by thee tours dor eodeuour to make at better which they Tete good; noman, we ae sire hatheasse tomislkers; thes, ne pevswadeu sels if they were alivewould thanks ve. Thevintage af A onthat rake ve tonke: yee geaning of grapes of Epirain was not tobe despise. See Inge tte f cies, lor'the inget ler didnorsatife Niet. hd smitenthe ground thre times fad yer hee cence! ae Fropi or ising over thea, yisf wher. wee spake before, ants] "©"? ‘ed derstand? Since of an hidden treasure,and of sfountaine thats sealed, there is wo prof, as Plolamce| 5.1 Phiteelpb wrotetothe Rabbins or masiers of the fewes, as witnesseth Epplonias: and as. Augustine) 70, The Translators To the Reader. ted the Bible ascarefolly.ahd a shila s he could; and et be thought goad to goe over it againe il ig? Condemne i? Nayithey seed it, (a its apparent, and as Saint Hierome and most learned mt2 tine |andtbeit go te erolit withthe lemesobe lle era deyi8ea, thats, acsoratly done, ax Salat Hierame| doe confesse) which they wauld uot bate done,cor by their example of sing it, r0 grace and com Emtser)- |witnesseth. How many bookes of profane learaing have bene gone outr agsine and againe. by te| ruead itto the Church, iff had bene wa worthy the appelizion and nause ofthe word af God. Acé| Same translators, by others? Of ane ain the same booke of Arista Ethikes, there are extsot not whereas they vrge for their second defence of ther vilifying and abusing of the Englih Bibles.or so few a4 size or seven secerlltrpslations. Now if this cost may bee bestowed vpon the goord, I! some pieces theteot, which they meete wih, for that heretikes(forsooth) were the Authoursof the which aBordeth wea lle shade, aud which today fourisherh, but to meraw is cat dowue; what translations (hevetikes they eal vs by the same right that they call thenselues Cathoikes both ray we bestow nay what ought we aot to bestow vpou the Viae,thefralte whetenf maketh glad the ing wrong) wce marucile what divinite tught them 20. Wee ace sure Terillian was of another conscience of man and the stemme whercot abideth foreuer? An this isthe word of God. which we inde: Ex personis probes fem aw ex fie ertmas? Doc we trie steus faith by thet persons? we | atl re alte. Wal i le chef th wh, ith the Lad? Tent tenant vera margin ith should wie their persons hy their faith. AlcoS. angen wa of another inde: fr he ighng op |see Tevtalian,) if toy ofglste be ofthat reckoning with vt, how ought wee to valve the true pearle?| Jon certine rules rade by Tylunias« Doutist, fr the better vnderstinding of the word, was Hot Therefore fevwo manseye be euill because Ie Maierie is good: ucther let anybe grieued, hate shamed to make vse of them, yes to insert thea iat his owne booke, with gluing commendatin| ave sPrince shat seeketh the incceas ofthe spititual!wealthof lsrel (let Sanballats aud Tobias doe rathem so frre foorth as they were worthy to be commended, ais tobe eens ia S tucetin thi so.whch therefore doe beare ther (ust reproofe) but ft vs eather blesse God fram the ground of 027 ooke De dectcind Christina. Tw bethort,Origorand thewhote Church of God fr cerain hundced | foe Near, for working this religious care in him, to have the translations ofthe Bibi maturely conside eres, were afan other minde: for they were ao fare from treading vader foote, (mach more frm]? red of and examined, For by this meancs it commeth to passe that whatsoeuet is sound alreadie| barnisg )the Translation of guts Proselite, that isjone tha: had turned cw; of Syaamachws, and] (aud all i sound for substance, ia one ar ather of our editnns and the worst of ous fare beter then ‘Teedston, both Ebinies, that isos ile hevetkes, that thes ioyned thems together with the He Heir suteosike vulgar) the stare wll shine x gold more brightly being rbbed and polished; alo, i trove Original.and the Translation of the Scarfe (at hath bene befor signified out of [pipharie: Eny thing be halting, or superfluous, or not xo agreesble tothe origivall the sane may bee correeed sud set them forth openly tobe considered of and perused by all. But we weary the wsleartedyeho} and the trae stim place. And what can the King eoenmand o bee done, that wil bring him more ; need rot know 30 much and trouble the leraed,eho bnow it resds. Eroe honour then this? and wherein could whey that baue beene sta worke approue their duetic to { Yet before we end, we mort snrwere athird caull sad obiection of theirs agaiust vs, for altering the King, yea their abedieucetoGod,and love to his Sanus more, then by yeeling ther seruice and} and amending our Taanslations so oft; whereintraely they date havdly,and strangely with vs. For aMehat within them fr the furoithing ofthe worke? But besides al tht, chey were che principal owhom ever wat it imputed fora fault (by auch st were wise) to gor ouer tat which hee had done. otives of tani therefore ought least to quarrel it: forthe very Historical oeth that pon the t snd to amend it where he saw cause? Saint tuputine was not afeide to exhort S. Micromet Pali | Stan Eg mporuanate petitions ofthe Puritanes,2this Maiesties coming to this Crowne, the Conference at nadiaotreczutation; the tase S. Augustine was nat ashame to retacate, we might say evoke, mi ?=t¢A-e : Hampton Court hauing bene appoiited fr hearing their complaints: whew by free of reason they i ny things that ad pasted him,and detheuea glory that he sets his infirmities. Ife willbe sonnes| Faden were put fom all orher grounds, they had recourse athe lst 10 this shift, that they could not with ofthe Truet, we must consider whatit speaketh, and trample vpon our owne credit, yea, and vpow| ea es, good conscience subscribe ta the Connanion booke, since it maimuined che Bible as it was there| other mens tonifeither be any way au hiterance tot. This tothe cause then tothe persons we| translated which wat a they said, a mast corrupted translation, And ahovgi this was iadged | : sos, that ofall men they ought robee most silent inthiscase, For what cartes haethes aid what bc but a very poore and emptie shift, yet even hereupon did his Maestieheginue to bethinke hime ! one oftheir Seruice hookes, Ponesses and Breuisics, but also of self of the good that might eniue by2 new translation, amd presently after gaue order for this Trans their Lalne Translation? ‘The Service booke sopposed to be made by S. Amiresc(Oficiens Ambre laion whichis now preseuted vata thee. Thus much to satisie our srupoloas Brethren. ; siamaan) was 3 grezt while in specill vse and request: bot Pope Hadriem calling sCoancill with the] tei ‘Now io the ince we ausweres that wee doe not deny. nay wee ame and auo%, thatthe very tanec syde of Certs the Eruperourabolishe i, yes buen it and commanded the Seraice-booke of Saint} ”* eveanest eansetion ofthe Bible in English, eet forth by mien of ove profession for wee have sene Mie Grigori sniuerally 0 be vad. Well, Off cium Gregoriennn gs by this meanes to be in credit Fa serena art mer ee eet eerie Be ee acta eet reese eee nor pcttuenareso ly orphrase nor so eres or snse, cue where. For its contest : pte de Bn, ho aboot the yece of ovr Lor, ta77- Pope Nese thind removed ou of the un. | ongenreto ube thee Geyortoation of the este partys ara i eal 327 Pert si i harsher of Romey the more ancient Books (of Senice) aud booght ina sae te Miss of te Ue ei carmae nn fe fo ofeder warts. inan suaybecovsed 3 vetuoos man | Fries Minstenand commanded them t bee obseraed thre; inomich tha aboot av hundred moss [tough hr Rave vouse munystipain hile (elthere cre move verano it many nr of ! secre after, when the above nared adultes hapeved tote Rr, he fund ah the Boke 9 [fuze ako» comely man and Tovey though fee hrve some warts pon hs sd, yes, not ome Benew(ofthe new stampe) Nester wat there ts chopping aud changing in the more sncem ‘rakes spn his ace, bat tha shares, No cae therfore why the word wanted soul ve de \ ines ney but at of ter Pon Quits himsllecomteserhy tht cacy Bishopric amon ha Vedio be he word.or forbidden tobe corany, notwithstanding thal some onecetions a pclae kindof sericemost vite osha whichoters ad: hich mowed into abishal ater shes nay be noted inthe setiogfoorth oft. For whatever was perfect vader the Sanne, here A Brewarcs, though never s0 ancient, and pruiledged aud published by Bishops ia thee Dioces postes or Apostolike men, itis, nen indued with an extrsonlinary mexsare of Gods spititad ses and to exablish and ratifies onely which was of his owne seting foorth. inthe yeeter568, prviledged withthe pruiledge of ified not thei bawJ? The Rumanistestuerefore in 4 Now, when the father oftheir Church, who gladly would hale the sare of the duughter af his peo felasing to beargaad daring to burne the Word tanalated, dd an less then despite ve spt of plesofly aud slightly aad make the bestof i, fndeth 50 great le with then for their oes and graceeom won originally it proceeded. and wbore sense and meaningaas will 5 mans weakenese eriag: we hape the ehildcen haue no grest cause 1 aunt of heir siformitie. But the diference feould exible, it did express. Tudge ty an example wc eno. Pularh writeth, hat after that Rome] i tba appeareth beencene our Trerslationsand ou often corecting of them. isthe thing that wee bad beeue barat by the Galley, they fll oone to hulle it againe: bot doing iti hate, they id woe } are specially charged with; let vs see therefore whether thes themselues bee without fault his way, lessee suees;nor proportion the houses in such comely fashion. hal bene mos sgl aud cou (iFizbeto be counted flo corect) and whether the bee Git men rothrow stones 2¢°3: Ofer a, enieuts was Catfine therefore an honest man, oa good Patox that soughtto brig it x

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