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• Stem cell : stem cell has the remarkable potential to develop

into many different cell types in the body, serving as a sort of repair
system for the body.

• Three categories of mammalian stem cell

• 1.embryonic stem cell
• stem cell
• 3.cord blood stem cell
Stem cell- biological overview
Stem cell in mammamlian
Stem use in various disease
• Aging
• Arthritis
• Blood disoders
• Cancer
• Diabetes
• Heart and circulatery disease
• Liver system
• nervous system
• Disorder of eyes
Recent research
• Stem cell therapy for rheumatoid arthritis-
Treatment based upon high dose chemotherapy, then followed by
hematopoietic stem cell transplantion.
Long term therapy
Study says stem cell derived from bone marrow used for RA.

• Stem cell cure for heart attacks-

• stem cells are the basic building block cell that can grow and
change into different type of tissue.
• After angioplasty those patient who agree will have stem cell
removed from their hip using a needle under local anaesthetic.
• The stem cell will then be placed in the same artery as the
angioplasty all within 5 hours of their original attack.
Heart muscle repair with adult stem
• Stem cells used to repair damage of breast

• Adipose tissue is a rich source for stem cells and other regenerative
cells that are believed to contribute to repair and healing.

• Embryonic stem cells can kill cancer cells

• Especially leukemias and lymphomas.

• In resent studies scientist have observed stem

cell acting as anti-inflammatory agents reducing
swelling and even scarring when administered to
injured tissue.

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