Camp Meeting

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Report of Camp Meeting Held

December 15 – 17, 2005 at the

Kencot Seventh Day Adventist Church

Before I give my report, I would like to give a brief experience.

…………………………………….. Then I said to him, before He can use me He has to

prepare me for the task. He has to transform me by His grace. And how fitting was the

theme for Camp Meeting – Transformed by His Grace.

Pastor Calvin Watkins from the USA was the speaker for Friday night and Sabbath. He

said that before God can use us He has to clean us up and make us ready for the mission,

and I thanks God that He has allowed me this opportunity.


On Friday night his message was based on Joshua Chapter 7. This talks about the

defeat of the Israelites because of the sins of one man - Achan. He said, as God’s

children we are called to tear down or overcome strongholds in our lives that cause us to

be defeated spiritually. He said that this story can be applied to the spiritual battles that

we have to fight every day and without the strength of Christ who indwells us, the

Achanism in our lives will not be eradicated.

He said that we need to get rid of the Ackanism in our lives, surrender to God’s power

and direction, and allow God to santify us by His grace, there and then the spiritual defeat

can be reversed

He also spoke about the Holiness of God. His text was based on Isaiah Chapter

6. He said as Christian, we should allow the holiness of God to guide and govern our

lives. He said that like Isaiah we should have a deep awareness of the holiness of God

because this knowledge will do the following for us:

• We will become God-pleasers rather than man-pleasers.

• It will change our attitude and conduct in worship.

• It will produce a fear(reverence) in our heart at all time especially when we come

before Him to worship.

• It will cause us to hate and avoid evil

• It will produce the wonderful fruit of the spirit which will spring forth from a

heart which has come to reverence God as the Holy one.

• It will convict us of our personal sin and our desperate need for forgiveness.

He said like Isaiah, when the obstacle in our lives have been removed and our heart is

truly revived, like Isaiah we will see the Lord high and lifted up and become aware of

the holiness of God and be aware of our sins and our desperate need to be cleansed from

our unrighteousness. Only then will the Lord indwells us with His holy presence,

perfects us in love, enables us to live in moral uprightness and empowers us to serve.

Brethren, I want to see the Lord high and lifted up. What about you.

Pastor Cottrell also spoke about the initiative for the city of Kingston to evangelize

for 2006, and he has urged all of us to be involved in whatever way we can to win at

least one soul for the Lord.

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