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Would It Be Feasible To Build a Resort In Tunisia (Tunis)?

Introduction: Tunisia is a country which has had many problems, but over the past few
years it has become better. The country is located between Algeria and Libya. Its closeness
to the ocean is a respectable factor in helping its tourism industry which is growing. With the
amount of tourism activity already there; Tunisia is soon going to become one of the biggest
tourist hotspots (Ritchie, 1994). There are some places one wouldn’t build new hotels or
resorts, such as Tunis the capital with its high crime rate, but with the help of getting the
place cleared of crime, it can be an ideal location for a new resort. It is never simple creating
new projects in a place where construction is debatable; many factors are put into
consideration of the cost is another factor, and as long as the money is being well spent and
for the benefit of the country, it is not a problem. The growing stability of the country,
economically, environmentally and governmentally will allow Tunisia and specifically the
capital Tunis to be a country for excellent tourism.

Negative Aspects: Tunisia has had some bad publicity in terms of crime rates, and
instability. Security is a huge factor to consider when opening a new place, and unfortunately
that problem has not been completely solved yet. As most places around the world safety is
a big issue and with the history of violence in Tunisia it doesn’t help its tourism attractions.
Crime can be from the smallest thing such as stealing, to murder of innocent people. That
effect is has on the country and if others hear about it will put them off from visiting. Crime is
really tough to deal with especially in countries where there has been a history of it. Another
problem is the emphasis on religion, [ CITATION 21s08 \l 2057 ] and this is another reason
crime can begin because of disagreement of religions. For foreigners, not understanding any
of this can be an issue. Not only do they not comprehend but they themselves might get
involved and this could create a huge uproar. The problem of one group or person trying to
convert another because they think the other religion is wrong is a defect on themselves.
[ CITATION Zin02 \l 2057 ] Only so many people can be converted against their will. When
crime and religion intertwine it’s just the start of a probable war. Then again, it does not help
in seeing the country in a good light. Poverty, even though Tunisia is getting out of poverty or
at least trying to, it still remains a big problem. There are people who have close to nothing
and are living in the dumps in the worst conditions and yet the more rich are doing nothing to
help them. It is a big deal when one party is ignoring the other and the problem never gets
solved, which in turn affects the entire country. With crime, religion and poverty, Tunisia can
only hope for a better future where these aspects are taken care of more or less.

Strong Economy: Despite the terrible aspects of Tunisia, one part that is on the rise is the
economy. The economy has been growing for a while and that is partly why the country has
had a sudden boost in tourism. When a country is stable it helps. The desire for more tourist
attractions, resorts and hotels has been a positive influence for the Tunisia. As a whole the
country has solidified its financial spending and only building where necessary but not being
lenient on the luxurious side (Czinkota, 2004). The more news gets out that Tunisia has a
stable economy can prove that it has worked hard enough to be stable, and hence more
visitors will be attracted. With the sources of natural resources, the country can also use
them to its advantage, and keep prices low (Czinkota, 2004). In recent years, this has also
helped with tourism knowing that the country is healthily consuming their natural resources
well. Export is another positive aspect, with these natural resources and available goods
ready for export brings the country more money. There are some items in Tunisia one
cannot find anywhere else and the big companies want them in massive quantities, and
hence the country will become famous for those specific goods. The natural resources,
exportation, and the general stability of Tunisia will definitely help in the future, as long as it
stays that way.

Good Environmentally: Ever since the big realization of global warming, many countries
have tried to help prevent it, and protect the earth from further damage, Tunisia included. It
is one of the few countries that strongly believes in rebuilding sites so it is environmentally
friendly, and saves the country time and money. Anything done to protect the earth and
benefit the health of the people, will be taken into thought. With the advancement of
technology, Tunisia is really benefitting from it and making themselves known as one of the
countries which are helping to save the world. Also, this new environmental advance helps
any new project build look more modern as well as being healthier. Many tourists enjoy the
modern and sleek look of hotels and resorts. [ CITATION Zin02 \l 2057 ] Not only the fact that
the country is becoming healthier by breathing fresher air to using bio fueled cars and such,
but it has an impact on the people who are building and funding these projects, knowing they
have done something to save the planet; it’s also a psychological thing. For instance, using
the solar energy to heat water for showers and cleaning, using natural resources for the
better good of humanity (Ritchie, 1994). There are always ways to improve how one uses
certain mechanics and the sooner it is figured out the better, and the whole of Tunisia can
save a lot of money and probably gain some with tourists knowing that they are visiting an
eco-friendly country.

Strong Government: The government in any country holds a lot of power and in Tunisia it
definitely does. With a stable government and ruling power, many things can be achieved,
such as funding for the tourism industry. Being firm but allowing for expansion of certain
building infrastructures is what a government is about. Included in the government is the

president in this case the president of Tunisia Zine El Abidine Ben Ali who has a lot of say in
the final decisions for building projects. A lot of the money for funding these constructions is
held at the government’s disposal, it is not easy deciding what to build and where and if it is
going to get substantial revenue for the benefit of the country. Running and managing all of
these aspects is not easy, and takes quite a bit of work and responsibility. [ CITATION 21s08 \l
2057 ]. If the government were to demand a new resort it would most likely end up in the
capital of Tunis, it is ideally located near the ocean, great for export and tourism near the
beach. The climate is also ideal which the government and constructors can take into
consideration. Building a new resort in the capital of the country attracts more tourists
because it’s the capital and has easy access by planes and cars. Funding for all those
aspects such as transportation to the place, and around the area for visitors is also quite
important [ CITATION 21s08 \l 2057 ]. Linking this to the environment, the government is more
likely to fund projects which are eco-friendly and can save the country a lot of money. As
long as the ruling power doesn’t waste money on unnecessary builds, then the country could
easily flourish in the tourism industry and as a country on the whole. Many citizens could see
the advantage of living in Tunisia.

Conclusion: In conclusion, it would be a smart decision for Tunisia to build a resort as it has
many key factors for success. From the growing and stable economy, to the awareness of
creating an eco-friendly environment and the strong government, Tunisia is really a
projectable country for tourism expansion. Every country has its negative sides such as
crime, but if the country and the government at that is willing to work on lowering crime rate,
then it could better benefit everyone in the long run. Some countries suffer because there is
not enough tourism activity, and Tunisia was one of them, but that should not mean things
cannot change for the better of humanity. Many people like to travel and having just one
more country available to visit would make the world happier. There are many factors to
consider, but the bottom line is that if one wants something, they can without a doubt
achieve it no matter the obstacles, and Tunisia has a lot of potential for future projects.


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