Educ Review 2009 Brochure

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IN FOCUS: Education and the Global MISSION: Learning for All

Economic Crisis
To ensure quality education for all people to achieve
The global financial crisis is creating an emergency their potential and for all societies to eliminate
for development and threatening countries’ ability

poverty, stimulate growth and innovation, and
to reach the 2015 Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs). Basic education relies heavily on public funds,
EDUCATION ensure long-term development
so large reductions in public revenues could affect Year in Review HOW WE WORK
school operations, teacher salaries, and scholarships.
Secondary and tertiary education also rely on out- Three quarters of countries in Latin America and the
of-pocket spending, so widespread job loss can put Caribbean, Europe and Central Asia, and East Asia
postbasic education out of reach for poor students. Visit the World Bank Education websites for additional information. and the Pacific have met or are on track to meet the
Previous crises have demonstrated that enrollments, at Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of universal primary
World Bank Education:
least for a short period of time, can be sticky for two education completion. In contrast, a near majority of
reasons: parents and governments want to protect Sub-Saharan Africa: countries in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa are not
past education investments and the opportunity cost of East Asia and the Pacific: on track to meet this MDG. In addition, an estimated 264
Europe and Central Asia:
schooling decreases in times of higher unemployment. Latin American and the Caribbean:
million youth are not enrolled in secondary school, and
However, sustained reductions in education investments Middle East and Northern Africa: there is a growing demand to expand tertiary education
also have a potential impact that is less visible than lower South Asia: so that countries can enhance their skilled labor force.
enrollments, harder to measure, and ultimately harder to World Bank Institute:
The World Bank addresses these challenges in three
recover from—a deterioration in the quality of instruction International Finance Corporation: main ways:
and learning.
Education and skill formation are critical to a country’s
recovery from the current financial crisis and to its long- The World Bank serves as a knowledge bank for data,
term development. Even the world’s richest nations research findings and best practices in policy design and
include education investments as part of their economic Photo credits: Trevor Samson, Curt Carnemark, Ray Witlin, Alfredo Srur. implementation. Generating and sharing this knowledge
stimulus plans. Protecting education access and investing through media, training activities and technical advice is
in quality while improving the efficiency of education a Bank priority.
systems make good economic sense.
The World Bank is the largest source of external aid to
education. It uses a variety of instruments to provide
financial support to governments of developing countries,
helping them design and implement education sector
plans. Through more decentralization to field offices,
the Bank works closely with governments at the ground
level, increasing collaboration and enabling country

The World Bank works with a wide range of partners
to align donor aid with country objectives. It works with
CD-ROM Content: Education Year in Review 2009, with full text the donor community, through partnerships and co-
access to 2009 education publications and operations financing, to help ensure the greatest impact.

World Bank
Human Development Network, Education
1818 H Street, NW
Washington DC, 20433 USA

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YEAR AT A GLANCE Dramatic Increase in Support to Education 2009 HIGHLIGHTS Making Education Systems Work Better
New Lending to Education (US $ million) Ensuring Quality and Equity in Basic Education Education systems deliver when they are more accountable and able
In 2009, the World Bank provided US$3.4 billion in new by IDA and IBRD, FY05-09 to measure and use results. At the school level, giving more authority
funding to education projects in key areas and regions of More than 40 percent of World Bank lending focuses on increasing and autonomy to providers has the potential to improve outcomes,
access to primary schools and enhancing the quality of learning. according to a study of countries’ experience with decentralized
high-need. This sum represents a substantial increase 3,500
In Namibia, Mexico and Indonesia, governments are using decision-making in schools. In Indonesia, a block grant program
in support from a previous average of US$2 billion per 3,000 conditional cash transfers (CCTs) as financial incentives to ensure allows local educators to choose how to best allocate school
year. In the past year, the Bank also produced more 2,500
1,647 that disadvantaged students, especially girls and rural children, resources. More, better, and timely information is critical to sound
than 100 knowledge products on education, including 2,000
attend school. An important 2009 publication on CCTs finds that policy-making. A series launched this year makes the case for learning
their cost effectiveness relies on the ability of governments to assessment systems. New learning assessment tools in Uzbekistan
sector analyses, research and technical advice. 1,500 885 941
adequately target CCTs to the intended beneficiaries. A study of
1,601 1,246
and other countries are measuring academic achievement through
1,798 school feeding programs finds that these programs keep low- standards-based testing. In Senegal and The Gambia, Early Grade
500 1,066 1,050
income children in school, especially during an economic downturn. Reading Assessment toolkits are being prepared to help schools and
In more than 70 percent of new operations, the Bank is supporting policymakers diagnose learning shortfalls early in the school cycle.
FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 quality enhancing reforms. Rigorous evaluations are assessing Analytical work in Peru has demonstrated that this information tool
the impact of teacher performance pay and teacher contracts on can spur remedial action by school personnel and parents.
Investments in Education International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) International Development Association (IDA)
student learning outcomes in India and Nepal. In Morocco, reforms
in teacher training address obstacles to better teacher performance.
Lending FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 Early childhood development programs to ensure school readiness
are significant components of projects in several countries, including
Active 143 136 131 141 152 Financing the Entire Sector with a Focus on the Basics Panama. These extraordinary efforts aim to help countries achieve Leveraging Private Sector Capacity
Average education lending by sub-sector, FY05-FY09 the education Millennium Development Goals.
Projects Through loans and financial tools, the World Bank Group’s
New Education 25 25 28 25 25 International Finance Corporation (IFC) has been facilitating private
Projects sector investments in education in emerging economies since 2001.
In Brazil, the IFC’s Anhanguera Educacional Participações project is
Active 8,200 7,708 7,422 7,362 8,823 Expanding Post-Basic Education
Secondary expanding educational access for low-and-middle income working
Portfolio and Vocational adults who could not otherwise enter Brazil’s public universities. In
(US $ m) 25% Demand for secondary education is rising quickly, borne up by the past two years the project’s community outreach program has
Basic higher primary completion rates—but there are issues of equity and reached over 800,000 people. Two new Bank publications review the
New Education 1,951 1,991 2,022 1,927 3,445 quality to address. In the low-literacy districts of Pakistan’s Punjab global experience on public-private partnerships, including school
Lending Education
42% Tertiary 14% and Sindh provinces, stipends are being offered to increase girls’ vouchers and religious schools, focusing on evidence and lessons
(US $ m)* from developing countries.
low enrollments in secondary schools. Through a program that
Education 8.7% 8.1% 7.4% 6.9% 7.1% offers stipends and cash prizes to the poorest students, Bangladesh
lending as % of has achieved stunning results in decreasing dropout rates. In the
Bank total Other 19%
Brazilian state of Pernambuco, an innovative accelerated program
* Represents all new lending to education, including education components in is correcting the age-grade distortion, also reducing dropout rates. GLOBAL CONNECTIONS
operations managed by all sector boards. In Armenia, the Bank is helping to integrate up-to-date computer
technologies into classroom instruction. The challenges of improving education outcomes throughout the
developing world are immense. The World Bank partners with
multilateral and bilateral agencies on knowledge products, investment
Focus of New Operations in 2009 Active Operations in 2009 operations and programmatic initiatives. Collaboration with a host
Linking Education to the Knowledge Economy of development partners, in particular with UN Agencies such as
US$1.6 billion (almost half of total education lending) supports the poorest UNESCO, UNICEF, and WFP, promotes global commitment towards
countries through IDA funds the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and better
Vocational training programs and tertiary education equip workers
with the skills to be more productive and more employable, thereby quality education.
US$1.5 billion of total education lending supports basic education enabling economic growth. A study of Niger’s workforce concludes The World Bank continues to host the Education For All - Fast Track
that reading and writing skills, along with reasoning capacity and Initiative (EFA-FTI) Secretariat. The EFA-FTI is a global partnership to
life skills, lay the foundation for capabilities later in life. A study on accelerate progress on universal primary completion by improving
75% of new education operations address teacher development
countries in Europe and Central Asia calls for partnerships among country capacity, and harmonizing and raising external assistance
various government ministries, education providers (public and from donor countries. Today, 38 developing countries are endorsed
50% of new education operations improve learning assessments private), and employers to design training programs that meet by the EFA-FTI and receive financing and technical support.
labor market demands. Egypt is working on improving educational
services to enhance skills and competitiveness. Chile’s Promoting Ongoing partnerships with Australia, the European Commission,
44% of total lending to education is part of multisector operations Innovation and Competitiveness project strengthens the educational Ireland, Korea, the Netherlands, Norway, Japan, Spain, and the United
Regional breakdown of education operations by % of active projects as of
June 30, 2009: base for advancements in science and technology. A well-received Kingdom on knowledge activities and co-financing of operations
book on world-class universities outlines key characteristics of top have been valuable to achieving greater results. This year marks
20 education projects are co-financed by bilateral and multilateral Africa 29% Latin America and the 22%
ranked universities and highlights challenges in reforming the tertiary the inauguration of the Russia Education for Development (READ),
agencies, representing an additional US$ 1.2 billion in funding Caribbean
sector. In an effort to establish incentives for reform, Vietnam is a program that aims to help countries in Asia and Africa promote
11 new operations in fragile or conflict afflicted states include education
East Asia and the Pacific 14% Middle East and North Africa 11% modernizing universities through competitive grants that are awarded learning outcomes by improving country systems to use student
components; education lending is active in 70% of such states Europe and Central Asia 13% South Asia 11% to institutions based on good governance and performance. learning assessments.

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