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Introduction: Customer is known as buyer, purchaser, in other way we can say customer is

certain group of per who is benefited by purchases the companies or business organisations
product and services. Customer care is to full fill the needs of customer, some time the term
customer care is also defines as serving the customer according their needs.

Business point of view: In business point of view customer care explained as group of
activities to get high return of the time, effort, and most important generate more revenue.
In the current competitive world effective customer care is so vital.

Importance of good customer care: create a positive business model in now a days so
challenging, only positive customer care can make this is possible very easily. Importance of
good customer care can described in many ways, some are as follows:

Generate more revenue.

Create good image in the market.
Get repeat customer.
Customer recommends new customer.

Effect of bad customer care: As good customer care can bounce up your company sales
highly it can also bring your company rapidly in down position if good level of customer care
is not maintained. Some of the effects are given bellow:

Law sales volume.

Negative impression.
No repeat customer.
No recommendation so no customer.

How to improve your customer care level: As we have discussed the importance of
customer care earlier, now we have to discus about how to improve our customer care
level. Some of the steps which can be taken to improve customer care are given bellow:

Don’t make excuse

Treat your customer as human being
Don’t make excuse
No personal hard feeling
Listen to your customer first
Give the customer priority
Solve the problem straight way
Customer Care Model:

Meeting our customer’s Knowing how to deal effectively

Three aspect model of
needs. with our customers in all
customer care circumstances.

Building good working

E-Customer care or support: Now awith
relationships day’s
ourmany company has introduced the e-customer
support system, because of the rapid growth of online marketing and vast usage of internets
and website this term e-customer support has been introduced. More briefly what a
customer expect from e-customer support system:

Technical support.
Billing inquiries.
Shipping statuses.
Warranty support.

Customer Care Research

Good customer care is mandatory for every company’s success, but customer care policy
varies from company to company. Say for exam customer care policy of “Nandos” will not
be same like “BHS”. One the main reason of it is because both of the outlets are different.
One deals with fashion wear and another one deals with food. In every single stage of
business either it is private or public sector customer care is very important, say for exam
public sector say, NHS hear also customer care is so vital and if we talk in private sector like
Ryan air hear also customer care is so important.

In my research in have chosen first great western, the leading “British Rail” company, who is
serving our community all over the UK. They are well known for their pioneer se vice to the
customer as well as their well established customer care policy. In my research I have face
to face interviewed all most eight people who are the employee of first great western and
practically related with the customer care of the company.

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