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Name: _______________________________________

Class: _________________ Date: _______________

Activity Sheet 1
Question 1
Soil Z is the most suitable soil for growing green beans.
What is soil Z? Write the name of the soil in the empty box.

clay soil

sandy soil

garden soil

soil Z

Question 2
Farhan planted ‘cili padi’ seedlings in three different types of soil. Look at the ‘cili
padi’ plants after ten days. Which is the most suitable soil for growing ‘cili padi’?
Tick (√) on the correct pot.

soil A soil B soil C

Name: _______________________________________

Class: _________________ Date: _______________

Question 3
Plant A grows well in soil P.
Why do you say so?
Complete the sentences.
Write your answers in the empty boxes.

plant A plant A plant A

soil P soil Q soil R

Plant A grows the in soil P.

Plant A has the leaves in soil P.

The colour of the leaves turns from green to .

dark green tallest most

Name: _______________________________________

Class: _________________ Date: _______________

Question 4
We plant papaya seedlings in different types of soil.
Look at the table.
Which is the most suitable soil for growing papaya?
Tick (√) on the correct answer.

The growth of papaya plant in soil X

What to observe Day
4 7
Number of leaves 6 3
Colour of leaves light green yellow

The growth of papaya plant in soil Y

What to observe Day
4 7
Number of leaves 6 8
Colour of leaves green light green

The growth of papaya plant in soil Z

What to observe Day
4 7
Number of leaves 6 10
Colour of leaves green dark green

soil X soil Y soil Z

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