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*NOTE ni utk korang yg gune office 2007 je..sbb same cm yg aku gune..

credit utk google

search gak sbb ade yg aku refer kt situ gak..bende ni mudah n aku rase ramai yg tau tp ade
yg ckp tak tau gak (same la cam aku), so aku upload mende ni,, korang telaah la sampai
pengsan! Danke!

Nak set password kat Word

First skali, korang kene click the Microsoft Office Button atau button ni  yg ade kt
atas tu, point to Prepare, pastu click Encrypt Document.

Secondly, kat Encrypt Document dialog box tu, kt Password box, type password yg korang
suke (n pastikan korang igt), and then click OK.

**korang boleh type sampai 255 chars. Kalau ikt default, mende ni gune AES 128-bit
advanced encryption.

Thirdly, kt Confirm Password dialog box tu korang Reenter password korang and then
click OK.

Last sekali, korang save je file tu utk save password yg korang da enter td.

Nak remove password protection dr Word

First skali korang bukak doc tu cam biase, dia akan mintak password yg korang dah set tu
utk open doc tu.

Sama mcm kat atas, mula2 korang click Microsoft Office Button  ni, point kt
Prepare pastu click Encrypt Document.

Kat Encrypt Document dialog box tu, korang delete encrypted password yg ade dlm
Password box tu, pastu click OK. Lepas tu, just simply save file tu.

Nak set password utk modify Word

Kadang2 doc yg korang buat tu sgt penting, in case ade kwn yg nk modify (saje nk wat naye
kt korang) korang boleh set password gak utk allow others yg nk modify doc tu. So dorang
tak boleh nak modify kalau dorang tak tau password.

Lg sekali, click the Microsoft Office Button  , click Save As, bila dialog box tu appear,
korang click kt Tools button yg ade kat bhgian bawah box tu.

Kat Tools menu, click General Options. Kat file sharing options utk doc tu, kt dlm
Password to modify box, korang type la password yg korang nk letak tu. Lepas tu akan
pop-up utk korang Confirm Password, so just simply re-type the password. Click OK, click

 ** kalau nk remove password tu, korang repeat instruction ni pastu delete password kat
Password to modify box tu. Click Save. Sama macam yg atas td.

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