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What Is A Text?

HS Drama Summative Assignment

Due Date: Tuesday, September 14
As we have seen in class, “text” isn’t just something you do on a cell phone, or a bunch
of words. Basically, a text is anything that you read, see, or make meaning out of.

Find a text. This can be any of the following things:

 Photograph
 TV commercial
 Radio advertisement
 News report
 Painting
 Sculpture
 Written word (poem, story, etc.)
 Song
If you use a TV commercial, news report, or song, please make sure that it is not
more than 6 minutes long.

You must bring your chosen text to class. If your text is something you cannot
bring, make sure that you have a picture of it to project on the board or that you
can play it for students to hear. If you are using the written word or a song,
make sure that you have a copy for everyone in the class.

Give a presentation (3-4 minutes) explaining what you think the meaning of this
text is. You can bring note cards to help you, but don’t read off the
Powerpoint! Answer the following questions:
1. What do you think this text is trying to tell its reader?
2. Find at least three things in the text that support your answer.
3. Explain HOW these three things in the text support your answer.
4. What is the creator of the text trying to convince you of?

Drama Criterion A: Knowledge

Achievement 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8


The student does I make a vague I make a general I am able to make a I am able to make a
not reach a argument about argument about clear, coherent precise, coherent
How good is standard described what I think my what I think my argument about argument about
your by any of the text is trying to text is trying to what I think my text what I think my text
argument? descriptors below. tell the reader. tell the reader. is trying to tell its is trying to tell its
My argument My argument reader. My reader. My
shows limited shows some argument shows a argument shows an
understanding of understanding of good understanding excellent
the text’s the text’s of the text’s understanding of
purpose. purpose. purpose. the text’s purpose.

The student does I identify less I identify less I identify at least I identify at least
not reach a than two pieces than three pieces three pieces of three strong pieces of
How well do standard described of evidence to of evidence to evidence to support evidence to support
you explain by any of the support my support my my argument. I my argument. I
what your descriptors below. argument. I do argument. I may relate this evidence strongly relate this
not relate this relate this to the outside world evidence to the
text does to evidence to the evidence and may place the outside world and
convince the outside world or somewhat to the text in its cultural place the text its in
reader? place the text in outside world, but context. cultural context.
its cultural do not totally
context. place the text in
its cultural

Critical The student does I demonstrate a I demonstrate a I demonstrate a I demonstrate a

not reach a limited satisfactory level good level of critical well-developed
Understanding standard described understanding of of understanding understanding of critical
by any of the my selected text. of my selected my selected text. understanding of
descriptors below. text. my selected text.

Delivery The student does It is difficult to I can be I speak at a good I speak loudly and
not reach a understand me understood, but volume, make clearly, make
standard described because I am may speak too sufficient eye frequent eye
by any of the way too loud or loudly or too contact, do not contact, do not
descriptors below. too quiet. I make quietly. I make fidget much, and fidget, and rely very
little eye contact, adequate eye rely very little on my little on my notes.
fidget a lot, and contact, but I notes.
rely entirely on may fidget and
my notes. rely too much on
my notes.

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