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Regarding na board exam el otro maka kebra kabesa.

Hehhehe kasi out of the world el mga questions like akel mga sting bee, snake bite, pati jelly
fish si kosa ase if the pt. comes in contact.. ya sale TPN,NGT, DM, appendicitis, osteo arthritis, pancreas, colonoscopy, skeletal traction, IMCI poko
lang ya sale akel mga mastoditis, pati pneumonia lang ya sale. CHN ya sale alli kame ya tormenta kay mga largo largo el options. Mga computations
nuay sale, pati mga hente like kanda virgina Henderson nuay sale. Fluid and electrolyteconcepts ya sale. Mga drugs ya sale like phenytoin, lithium,
carbamazephine, Demerol, ASA. Drug of choice of gouthy arthritis is colchicine ya sale. Proffesional adjustment ya sale like mga justice autonomy,
beneficence, non maleficence. RA 9173 some concepts ya sale. Mga colors like mga tank nuay sale.  H1N1 or swine flu nuay sale baka ase sila sale
this nov. mga procedures ya sale like liver biopsy pre and post op, ngt. El research ta sale every part del 1-5 test. Na pschy ya sale el schizo
mga panic disorders as well as therapeutic communicatin skills. Sudden infant death syndrome., Myastenia gravis, Hyperthyroidism, Wilms tumor,
stapedectomy, Basta advise yo try to review ya lang all of the topics kasi you never know si kosa sila ta dale type of exam. Numa man rely everything
na mga reviewers although tiene man ta sale pero not all.  I

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