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AAPSO - Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Organization

ACC - Associated Cement Companies
ADB - Asian Development Bank
ADR - American Depository Receipt
AEC - Atomic Energy Commission
AHQ - Air Headquarters or Army Headquarters
AIIMS - All India Institute of Medical Sciences
AMC - Asset Management Company
AMEX - American Stock Exchange
AMFI - Association of Mutual Funds in India
APEC - Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
APPLE - Ariane Passenger Payload Experiment
ARC - Administrative Reforms Commission
ARDC - Agricultural Refinance and Development Corporation
ASCI - Administrative Staff College of India
ASEAN - Association of Southeast Asian Nations
ASSOCHAM - Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India
ASX - Australian Stock Exchange
ATM - Automated Teller Machine

B.Com - Bachelor of Commerce

B.Pharm - Bachelor of Pharmacy
Balco - Bharat Aluminium Company Ltd.
BCG - Bacillus Calmette Guerine
BDO - Block Development Officer
BIFR - Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction
BOA - Bank of America
BOB - Bank of Baroda
BOI - Bank of India
BOVESPA - Sao Paulo Stock Exchange
BPCL - Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited
BPO - Business Process Outsourcing
BSE - Bombay Stock Exchange

C-in-C - Commander-in-Chief
CARE - Co-operative for American Relief Everywhere
CBI - Central Bureau of Investigation
CBI - Central Bank of India
CBOT - Chicago Board of Trade
CBOE - Chicago Board options Exchange
CCEA - Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs
CD - Certificate of Deposit
CDP - Community Development Programme
CDSL - Central Depository Services Limited
CEO - Chief Executive Officer
CFO - Chief Financial Officer

CFTC - Commodity Futures Trading Commission

CII - Confederation of Indian Industry
CIO - Chief Investment Officer
CP - Commercial Papers
CPI - Consumer Price Index
COO - Chief Operating Officer
CORE - Congress of Racial Equality
CME - Chicago Mercantile Exchange
CRR - Cash Reserve Ratio

DCB - Development Credit Bank

DFSA - Dubai Financial Services Authority
DGCA - Directorate-General of Civil Aviation
DII - Domestic Institutional Investors
DJIA - Dow Jones Industrial Average
DLO - Dead Letter Office

EBITDA - Earning Before Interest,Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation

ECB - European Central Bank
ECGC - Export Credit Guarantee Corporation
EEC - European Economic Community
EPF - Employee Provident Fund
EPS - Earning Per Share
ESCI - Engineering Staff College of India
ESIC - Employee State Insurance Corporation
ESIS - Employees State Insurance Scheme
ESOP - Employee Stock Option
etc. - et cetera (and the rest)
EU - European Union

FCI - Food Corporation of India

FD - Fixed Deposit
FDI - Foreign Direct Investment
FICCI - Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
FIEO - Federation of Indian Export Organisations
FIFO - First In First Out
FII - Foreign Institutional Investors
FPO - Follow on Public Offering
FRCP - Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians
FRCS - Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons
FRS - Fellow of the Royal Society
FTA - Free Trade Agreement

GAAP - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

GDCL - Gannon Dunkerley and Company Ltd.

GDP - Gross Domestic Product

GDR - Global Depository Receipt
GMT - Greenwich Mean Time
GNI - Gross National Income
GNP - Gross National Product
GPF - General Provident Fund
GPO - General Post Office

HDFC - Housing Development Finance Corporation

HMI - Himalayan Mountaineering Institute
HMT - Hindustan Machine Tools
HSBC - HongKong Shanghai Banking Corporation
HUDCO - Housing and Urban Development Corporation

IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency

IAMC - Indian Army Medical Corps
IARI - Indian Agricultural Research Institute
IATA - International Air Transport Association
ICAI - Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
ICICI - Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India
ICRISAT - International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Agri Tropics
ICSI - Institute of Company and Secretaries of India
ICWAI - Institute of Cost and Work Accounting of India
IDBI - Industrial Development Bank of India
IDFC - Industrial Development Finance Corporation
IFCI - Industrial Finance Corporation of India
IICT - Indian Institute of Chemical Technology
IIM - Indian Institute of Management
IIT - Indian Institute of Technology
ILO - International Labour Organization
IMD - India Meteorological Department
IMF - International Monetary Fund
INSAT - Indian National Satellite
IPL - Indian Premier League
IPO - Initial Public Offering
IRDA - Insurance Regulatory Development Authority
IRR - Internal Rate of Return
ISRO - Indian Satellite Research Organisation
ITBP - Indo-Tibetan Border Police
ITIR - Information Technology Investment Region
IWF - Indian Weightlifting Federation

JIT - Just In Time (Japanese concept)

KIADB - Karnataka Industrial Areas Development Board

KLSE - Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange

KPO - Knowledge Process Outsourcing

KSITI - Kerala State Information Technology Infrastructure

L/C - Letter of Credit

LIBOR- London Interbank Offered Rate
LIC - Life Insurance Corporation of India
LIFO - Last in First Out
LME - London Metal Exchange
LPG - Liquid Petroleum Gas
LPO - Legal Process outsourcing
LSE - London Stock Exchange

MCX - Multi Commodity Exchange

MERI - Marine Engineering and Research Institute
MFI - Mutual Fund Institutions
MVC - Maha Vir Chakra

NABARD - National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development

NASDAQ - National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations
NCC - National Credit Corps
NCD - Non-Convertible Debentures
NCDEX - National Commodity Exchange
NIO - National Institute Oceanography
NIRD - National Institute of Rural Development
NRSA - National Remote Sensing Agency
NSC - National Savings Certificate
NSDL - National Securities Depository Limited
NSE - National Stock Exchange
NSS - National Service Scheme
NYSE - New York Stock Exchange

OBC - Oriental Bank of Commerce

OCS - Overseas Communication Services
OIGS - On Indian Government Service
OTC - Over the Counter

PIB - Preserve Information Bureau

PMS - Portfolio Management Service
PNB - Punjab National Bank
PTI - Press Trust of India

RAF - Rapid Action Force

RAW - Research and Analysis Wing
RBI - Reserve Bank of India
RD - Recurring Deposit
REIT - Real Estate Investment Trust

REPO - Repurchase
RINL - Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited
RPO - Recruitment Process Outsourcing
ROCE - Return on Capital Employed
ROE - Return on Equity
ROI - Return on Investment
RTGS - Real Time Gross Settlement

SAF - South Asian Federation

SAI - Sports Authority of India
SBI - State Bank of India
SBM - State Bank of Mysore
SEBI - Securities Exchange Board of India
SEC - Securities and Exchange Commission
SIDBI - Small Industries development Bank of India
SIMA - Southern India Mills Association
SIP - Systematic Investment Plan
SLR - Statutory Liquidity Ratio
SLV - Satellite Launch Vehicle
SME - Small and Medium Enterprises
SOE - Special Operations Executive
SPCA - Society for Prevention of Cruelty of Animals
SPECO - Shandong Electric Power Construction Corporation
SSC - Staff Selection Commission
SSN - Social Security Number
STC - State Trading Corporation
STPI - Software Technology Park of India

TAFI - Travel Agents Federation of India

T Bills - Treasury Bills
TELCO - Tata Engineering and Locomotive Company
TIFR - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
TTE - Traveling Ticket Examiner

UGC - University Grant Commission

ULIP - Unit Linked Insurance Policy
UNI - United News of India
UNICEF - United Nation International Children's Emergency Fund

VAT - Value Added Tax

VCR - Video Cassette Recorder
VPP - Value Payable Post

WPI - Wholesale Price Index

WB - World Bank

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