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Toronto Torah Beit Midrash Zichron Dov

Parshat Nitzavim/Vayelech 25 Elul 5770/September 4, 2010 Vol.2 Num. 3

Ayeka? R’ Netanel Javasky

It seems that every year is busier than other hand, are omdim, stagnant “ayeka” “Where are you?” This first
the last. Our technological advances beings that do not have the encounter of Man with The Almighty
and growing globalism have created opportunity to develop and mature. began with this simple and yet
a super fast-paced world with many profound query, “Where are you,
On Rosh HaShanah we come to a halt.
new demands on our lives. The Man?” This was the question on the
We take stock of our
frenetic rhythm is not only a modern first Rosh HaShanah and this is the
accomplishments and achievements,
secular phenomenon; within the question we are asked each and
evaluate our successes and failures
realm of avodat Hashem, the every year. Where are we? Where
and recalibrate for the year ahead.
demands on our time have always have we gone in this past year? Have
Before Rosh HaShanah we read, Atem
been endless. Should we spend more we fulfilled our potential this year and
nitzavim hayom kulchem, that today
time learning or spend more time are we on a path of continued growth?
we are nitzavim, we stop and stand
with our families? Should we
still, using the opportunity to take a Upon pondering these questions and
concentrate our time and efforts for a
cheshbon hanefesh. Kivakarat roeh self-evaluating we immediately pack
project in Israel, or should we take on
edro, like the shepherd lining up his our spiritual bags and continue on our
another chesed initiative here at
sheep to count his flock, we stop and lifelong trek. After Nitzavim, where
home? We somehow balance our
get in line to be evaluated by Hashem we are told to pause from the daily
schedules and manage to pull
and at the same time to self-evaluate grind with a moment of retrospection,
everything together. We lead busy
our lives. w e i mm e d ia t e l y f o ll o w w ith
and productive lives and strive to
Vayeilech, a recognition that we must
constantly grow in our avodat We read in the prayers for Rosh
immediately begin moving. We pick
Hashem. The verse in Zecharya (3:7) HaShana, “Hayom harat olam” “Today
ourselves up and begin the New Year
says, “‫ונתתי לך מהלכים בין העמדים האלה‬,” the world was created”, but this is not
st immediately striving to mature in our
loosely translated as, “I will grant you totally accurate. The 1 of Tishrei was
avodat Hashem. In fact, the first
the ability to walk among angels.” not the first day of creation, rather the
Pasuk that we say after blowing the
Noteworthy is the fact that the Pasuk day in which Adam haRishon, the first
shofar, “Ashrei ha’om yodei teruah,
refers to mankind and mihalchim, we man was created. Mere hours after
Hashem b’or panecha yihaleichun”,
are goers, we are doers, we are creation Adam stumbled, sinned and
we immediately tell Hashem that we
constantly growing and striving to was confronted by Hashem. Hashem
are goers, we are doers and we will
come closer to G-d. Angels, on the began the dialogue with the word,
strive to make the best use of our
Parshah Questions R’ Meir Lipschitz
As we stand this year and listen to the
(Sources are provided to help the reader research answers)
shofar, we should remember the
New! Answers to all questions are now on the back page! message of Nitzavim and Vayeilech.
 Why is the word ‫נצבים‬, and not the more common ‫עומדים‬, used in the opening Ponder the question that G-d is asking
phrase of the Parshah? (Rashi, Ramban, and Da’at Mikra to Devarim 29:9 and 12) each and every one of us, as He did
on that first Rosh HaShana. Ayeka?
 Who must come to ‫הקהל‬, and for what purpose?
Where are we? Where are we as
(Rashi, Ibn Ezra, Ramban, Chizkuni, Seforno, Kli Yakar, Ohr HaChaim, Maharal,
and Malbim to Devarim 31:12) individuals and where are we as a
tzibur, as Klal Yisrael? May we find
 Upon whom is it incumbent to write a Sefer Torah? satisfactory answers to these
(Ibn Ezra, Ramban, Netziv, Torah Temimah, Da’at Mikra, and Ma’ayan Beit questions and follow them with an
HaShoeivah to Devarim 31:19, Sanhedrin 21b, Rambam Hilchot Sefer Torah 7:1,
immediate resolution to continue to
Sefer HaChinuch 613, and Rosh Hilchot Sefer Torah siman 1)
strive and continue to grow in our
 For children: Why are Heaven and Earth called as witnesses for the covenant service of G-d.
between Hashem and the Jewish people? (Rashi to Devarim 30:19)
This week’s alon is anonymously sponsored in recognition and honour of the Torah, learning and friendship which R’ Mordechai Torczyner,
R’ Azarya Berzon and the avreichim of the Beit Midrash have shared with our community. L’Shana Tova u’Metuka! ‫!לשנה טובה ומתוקה‬
Vayeilech– The King and the Cohen R’ Meir Lipschitz

As Moshe passes the leadership of question, of course, is: Why can a leaders and control the army, all
the Jewish people to Yehoshua, it’s religious leader be appointed with a while maintaining his righteousness
easy for us to feel sorry for both family tree as his only qualification, despite the distractions standing in
Moshe and his sons. It seems, at first while the “king” must prove his his way. To succeed in this role, one
glance, that they are getting cheated worth before being appointed? must be of a much stronger moral
in th e e xch an ge —M o she is character; he needs to constantly
succeeded by his student Yehoshua, The role of the Kohen is to deal with
work on himself in order resist his
while Aharon’s son inherits his role, spiritual matters like the service in
surrounding influences and remain
and inheritance becomes the model the Beit HaMikdash, learning and
steadfast in his faith and service of
thereafter (Rashi to Bamidbar 20:25 teaching Torah, and attaining
and 25:13). The Midrash, noticing forgiveness for the people’s sins.
this contrast, suggests that Moshe It is for this reason that Yosef is our
Due to his elevated status he is more
was saddened by these events and paradigm of righteousness; despite
restricted as to what he may and may
asked Hashem about it. Hashem the power and temptation in his life
not do in life, with regard to ritual
answered Moshe with two points: 1) and locale, Yosef remained just as
purity and marriage. He is meant to
Yehoshua would be dependant on much of a tzaddik as he was before.
be completely immersed in Divine
Elazar and so Moshe’s extended Being a tzaddik amid temptation and
service. While this individual does
family would remain in power (Rashi challenge requires a greater
need to be on a very high level, his
to Bamidbar 27:16 and 21), and 2) individual than being a tzaddik while
life, his work and the halachot
Yehoshua deserved this in the four walls of the Beit
governing his actions all combine to
appointment since he was HaMikdash (or Beit Midrash).
promote and maintain his spiritual
m ’ s h a me s h Mo sh e a n d wa s growth. In an atmosphere like this, it If a leader’s son felt he would inherit
constantly with him, unlike Moshe’s is enough that he come from a good his father’s role, he would not
own children. family in order to be appointed as a properly prepare himself for the
We see a real difference in how leader, since the atmosphere of the trials and tribulations of the job
Aharon and Moshe are succeeded. job itself is conducive to success. before assuming the position and he
Moshe is succeeded by his student, On the other hand, the king must deal would certainly fail (as seen many
not his son, while Aharon is with many more challenges in his times with the kings in Tanach).
succeeded by Elazar, his son. It role: the corruption inherent in Therefore, Monarchy must be
could be said, then, that the spiritual power, honor, glory, and physical earned, while Kehunah can be
leadership of the Jewish people can desires. He must deal with the people inherited. Aharon’s role could pass
be inherited, while the material, and their problems on a regular from father to son because it
political, leadership of the people is basis, he needs to work with foreign required a lesser degree of
not inherited but earned. The preparation. But Moshe’s role
needed to be earned so the people
could be ensured a proper leader;
613 Mitzvot: Mitzvah 49 Yehoshua, who spent his time
watching Moshe, learning from him,
Fining mazikin (vandals) and understanding the role and its
many challenges was fit to assume
that position, whereas Moshe’s
Mitzvah 49 instructs us to set up of personal or communal loss. (For
children were not.
courts to fine people who harm further insight and application, see
others, or who allow their property Gittin 88b, Bava Kama 84b; Beit Yosef May it be His will that we be able to
to harm others. In addition to paying Even haEzer 11 ‫כתבו‬, Beit Yosef serve Hashem, not just as Kohanim
restitution, the aggressors are Choshen Mishpat 1 ‫ודוקא‬, ‫ומסקינן‬.) while in the protective cocoon of the
sometimes required to pay more Beit Midrash, but as kings who
The Sefer haChinuch notes that our
than the value of the damage they remain steadfast in our service and
courts are not responsible to mete out
have caused. faith despite the challenges and
Divinely perfect justice. Rather, they
Today, Jewish courts do not have are commissioned to create laws of temptations surrounding us
independent authority to levy fines. punishment so that civilized society
However, earlier courts authorized will be able to function and flourish,
their successors to institute without fear of aggression.
extrajudicial penalties for common
cases or cases involving prevention

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Ha’Am V’Ha’Aretz
Yam Hamelach—The Dead Sea
Rabbeinu Gershom Russell Levy
Dovid Zirkind
Rabbeinu Gershom was born in 960 in Metz flocked to his yeshiva. He was called
The lowest point on Earth, some 400
(now in France) and moved to Mainz, joining meor hagolah “The Light of the
meters (1,305 ft.) below sea level is the
R’ Shimon haGadol, R’Shimon ben Yitzchak, Diaspora”, and was acknowledged as the
Dead Sea or the Yam Hamelach. Yam
to learn in the yeshiva of Sir Leontin, R’ leading authority of the Ashkenazic lands
Yehuda ben Meir. After the death of his in the Holy Roman Empire (now haMelach is first mentioned in the To-
teacher, he was appointed head of the Germany, France and Italy). rah as the location of a conflict between
yeshiva in Metz. Coinciding with the decline kings in the days of Avraham (Bereishit
of the Gaonate and Babylonian yeshivot of Rashi, whose teacher R’ Yaakov ben 14), and then as a key marker along the
Sura and Pompedita (possibly due to the Yakar was a student of Rabbeinu eastern border of the land of Canaan
decline of the Abassid Empire centred in Gershom, famously wrote (Responsa 70): (Bamidbar 34).
Baghdad), students from all over Europe “Rabbeinu Gershom meor hagolah, from The name “Dead Sea” comes from this
whose mouth we all live, and all the body of water’s high salt and mineral
exiles of Europe are students of his content, which doesn’t allow for any
students”. The Rosh, R’ Asher ben
Torah in Translation sea life. In fact, the Dead Sea has a 33%
Yichiel, who lived in 14th century Spain, concentration of salts and minerals,
Shut Rabbeinu Gershom, Light wrote (Responsa 43:8): “His enactments compared to 3% in the ocean. Geo-
of the Exile 50 and decrees are fixed and permanent as graphically, the Dead Sea is an inland
Repaying a Loan if they were given at Sinai”.
lake which spans approximately 50
Rabbeinu Gershom wrote extensively; miles long and 11 miles wide. The only
As far as your question: Reuven owed a major body of water flowing into the
among his works are a commentary on
non-Jew a litra. He went [to Shimon’s house the Torah, responsa, and a commentary Dead Sea is the Jordan River.
RL] and asked Shimon to lend him a litra so on the Talmud, much of which has been Biblically, the sea was also known as
he can repay his debt to the non-Jew. lost. This talmudic commentary was used the Yam HaAravah, which inhabitants
Shimon lent him one litra, and had twenty as a model for many later commentaries, from the west used to distinguish it
litrot left over. included that of Rashi’s. He also from the Mediterranean. When the
Reuven subsequently repaid his loan, and, composed many piyyutim; in many Jewish people conquered the land of
upon returning to his abode, discovered communities, the selichot said on Erev Israel, possession of the eastern side of
that his house had been ransacked, along Rosh Hashanah are named “selichot the sea was split on the north by the
zechor brit”, after the selichah composed tribe of Reuven and on the south by the
with the house of Shimon and all the Jews
by Rabbeinu Gershom that starts with the people of Moav. On the western side,
in the city. All had been appropriated,
phrase, “zechor brit Avraham v’akeidat the Dead Sea was entirely within the
including the twenty litrot that had
Yitzchak”. borders of Yehuda.
remained in Shimon’s possession.
At the beginning of the 11th century, after In the Hellenistic period the Dead Sea
Reuven is still obligated to repay Shimon
a Christian cleric converted to Judaism began to attract the attention of Greek
the litra like any other debtor. This is and entered into disputations with his scientists because of its peculiar natu-
obviously true in our case, in which former colleagues, Emperor Heinrich II ral resources. It is mentioned by Aris-
Reuven actually used the litra to pay his ordered the expulsion of the Jewish totle in his writings and was long de-
creditor, and he loses nothing [by also re- community of Mainz in 1012. Like many sired by many kingdoms for the wealth
paying Shimon]. Even had he not re-paid other Jews in Mainz, Rabbeinu its minerals could provide. Continuing
the creditor with this litra, he would have Gershom’s son chose apostasy over to the 19th and 20th centuries, the Dead
been forced to pay back the creditor later, forced exile; he passed away before Sea attracted may explorers still curi-
against his will, and therefore the litra he having an opportunity to return to ous about its nature and distinctive-
paid to his first, non-Jewish creditor, Judasim. ness.
should not be considered as having been
Rabbeinu Gershom is most famous for his Familiar to us are the images of the
paid to Shimon, his second creditor. More,
enactments which were adopted at a Dead Sea in modern Israel, its citizens
it would even be true had Reuven actually
synod convened around 1000. The Be’er seen floating in the water, often read-
lost the litra to the thieves; once he took
Hagolah (R’ Moshe Rivkes) lists the ing their newspapers. The Dead Sea
the coin he acquired it and became liable continues to be a center for research,
enactments (YD 334), whose violators
to Shimon. We don’t find an exemption for tourism and recreation to this day.
were placed in cherem; among the most
a borrower. famous are:
You may claim that if the litra was in
1. A man may not be married to two
Shimon’s possession, he would have lost it women under any circumstances forcefully converted to Christianity
just as he forfeited the rest that were in his and later returned to Judaism.
possession, in truth heavens have had 2. A woman may not be forced to accept
mercy on him and allowed a litra to a get. 5. One may not converse while in shul.
remain in his possession, as the verse
3. One may not read the mail of another Rabbeinu Gershom passed away in
states, “for we are left but a few of
Jew. 1040, but his influence is still felt today
many” (Yirmiyahu 42:2)
in all walks of Jewish life.
4. One may not make derogatory
comments to those who were

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Parshah Answers R’ Meir Lipschitz

and that those who don’t know will ask and Yehoshua as a leader before Moshe’s
Why is the word ‫נצבים‬, and not the more
be taught by those who do know. passing.
common ‫עומדים‬, used in the opening
phrase of the Parshah?  Chizkuni doesn’t discuss the purpose  Netziv says that the simple reading
 Rashi explains that ‫ נצבים‬refers not to in each group of people coming, but he would be that Moshe, not anyone else,
does note that everyone is able to come was commanded to write “this song.” This
standing, but to enduring; despite all of
since all of their crops are ownerless mitzvah is different from all others, in that
the times we have angered Hashem, He
anyway, (‫ הקהל‬takes place immediately it was commanded specifically to Moshe,
has not destroyed us.
following the ‫ שמיטה‬year) and no one may and was not to be transmitted to the
 Ramban suggests that the word gather the produce, they all may as well people. Alternatively, he says that the
refers to the people standing in readiness come. plural language of ‫ כתבו‬suggests that the
to serve Hashem. command was not only to Moshe, but for
Da’at Mikra says that the word connotes
 Seforno explains that those who are
wise and learned will come and listen, and everyone to write their own Sefer Torah,
honour, since the people were standing like all other mitzvot which were told to
those who are unlearned will come to
in order of their importance. Moshe so he could tell the people.
learn from those who are wise and
Who must come to ‫הקהל‬, and for what
learned.  Torah Temimah quotes the gemara
 Ohr HaChaim explains that both the in Sanhedrin that everyone must write
 Rashi, quoting a midrash, says that
men and the women come in order to hear their own Torah even if they already
the men come to learn, the women to inherited one. He asks why that should be
the mitzvot which are commanded in the
listen, and the children (despite their necessary; why isn’t owning a Torah
Torah, since both must keep the laws.
inability to understand) are brought to sufficient? He therefore suggests that the
However, only the men come for pure
give reward to those who bring them. mitzvah is to write a Sefer Torah in order
study, since this is their mitzvah.
 Ramban argues with Rashi’s reading Malbim says that everyone must come in
that there should be more Sifrei Torah in
of “reward” and says that the men and the the world. Based on this, he says that
order to listen to the words of Torah, which
women come in order to listen and learn. will inspire them to learn and keep the simply buying a Torah would not be
The children, who can’t understand on Torah. It all begins with hearing the words enough, as this would not increase the
their own, will listen and ask, and their of the Torah. number of Sifrei Torah in the world.
parents will teach them. Upon whom is it incumbent to write a
For children: Why are Heaven and
 Kli Yakar rejects Rashi’s read Sefer Torah?
Earth called as witnesses for the
regarding “reward,” claiming that  The Gemara (Sanhedrin 21b) says covenant between Hashem and the
Hashem would not create a superfluous that a king must write a Sefer Torah for Jewish people?
command whose sole purpose is to give himself, even if he inherited one from his Rashi provides us with two explanations.
reward without there being any meaning father. The Gemara explains that this 1) Since Heaven and Earth will last
behind the command/action itself. He refers to the special torah that a king must forever, they will always be able to serve
therefore suggests that the purpose of keep with him at all, but everyone else as witnesses for the covenant. 2) If Heaven
‫הקהל‬is to inspire the people to teshuvah, also has a mitzvah to write their own Sefer and Earth, which don’t receive any
repentance. The men and women will Torah. reward when following Hashem’s
come, learn, and repent. But if their
merits are not enough to save themselves,
 Ibn Ezra says that the mitzvah is for commands and serving their function in
Moshe, and all who are able to write a the world, never deviate from their roles,
then they will be saved in the merit of the how much more so should we, who are
children who are ‫גמולי חלב שלא פשעו‬. rewarded for our actions, follow the word
 Ibn Ezra explains that the gathering
 Ramban explains that the command of Hashem.
was given to both Moshe and Yehoshua to
at ‫ הקהל‬will inspire learning all year long,
write the Torah, in order to establish

Schedule for the Week of September 4, 25 Elul

Shabbat, September 4
7:50AM R’ Azarya Berzon: Ramban al haTorah, Or Chaim
After Hashkama: R’ Azarya Berzon, Clanton Park Tuesday, September 7
1 Hr Before Minchah: R’ Azarya Berzon: Kiddushin, Mizrachi Bayit 11:00AM R’ Azarya Berzon: Masechet Kiddushin, Clanton Park Men
8:30PM R’ Azarya Berzon: Practical Teshuva for Us: How to Really
Motzai Shabbat, September 4 make it Happen this Year (first of a two-part series) , BAYT,
See our insert for pre-Slichot programming West Wing Classroom #1
Sunday, September 5 8:15PM R’ Mordechai Torczyner: Minchat Chinuch, Clanton Park
9:00AM Russell Levy: Practical Halachah at the Cottage, Bnei Isaac, Wednesday, September 8
Baysville After Mincha R’ Mordechai Torczyner: Silent Tefillah: Chana and
9:15AM Itamar Zolberg: Tshuva Kadma LaOlam? Zichron Yisrael b’Ivrit Beyond, BAYT
8:00PM R’ Mordechai Torczyner: Teshuvah: The moment that changes Thursday, September 9
the past and creates the future, Marlee Women After Hashkama R’ Azarya Berzon: Tekiah and Teruah, the Essential
8:30PM R’ Azarya Berzon: Masechet Kiddushin, Shaarei Shomayim Difference, Or Chaim
Monday, September 6
9:00AM Russell Levy: Practical Halachah at the Cottage, Bnei Isaac, Have a healthy and happy new year!
Baysville !‫תכתב ותחתם לאלתר לחיים טובים‬
8:30PM R’ Azarya Berzon: Hilchot Talmud Torah, Clanton Park
9:20PM R’ Azarya Berzon: Ramban al haTorah, 12 Midvale

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