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What is the interpretation of laboratory


• Glucose : 136 mg/dl → glucose ↑

• Blood Urea Nitrogen : 35 mg/dl → BUN↑
• Albumin 3 g/dl → Albumin ↓
Stress metabolic
Multiple trauma is of the metabolic stress
Stress metabolic consist of 2 phase :
1. Phase ebb
early after trauma. There are some body’s compensation :
blood pressure ↓, cold extremities, fall of heart ↓, temperature ↓, ↑
glucagon hormone, catecholamine, free fat acid ↑.
this phase during 12-24 hours.
in phase ebb don’t give nutrition, but we must fluid resuscitation.

2. Phase flow
terjadi hypercatabolisme and ↑using of O2
this is for repair damage tissue and rescue the function of organ.
in this phase we must give the patient nutrition (enteral or parenteral)
Stress / trauma

Stimulate brain (pityutari)


Cortexes pancreas
Glucagon↑ ↑catabolisme
carbohidrat, protein, fat Insulin ↓
Nitrogen urine ↑
Aldosteron ↑ Resistance cell
Albumin ↓ periphery

Epinephrine ↑ Glucose ↑


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