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Curriculum Information Contact and Registration


The programme is designed and delivered by leading Euro­
pean research centres and scholars. Our faculty will present
state-of-the-art civil society research. We will focus on rele-
vant strategic and managerial issues facing CSO leaders and
managers. We will deal with the challenges of the future
across the modules. Contact person: Gemma Donnelly-Cox

B) ASSIGNMENT & FIELD TRIPS +353 1 896 2316
The programme is designed to integrate the different modules­
as well as theory and practice. In each module time is dedica-
ted for field trips to interesting orga­nisations. The participants The European Programme
will also work on assignments during and between the mo-
dules. The assignments will be reviewed by key actors from
academia and the CSO world.
In Civil Society Leadership
An important aspect of the programme is the mix of parti- A Trans-European Top Executive Programme­:
cipants from different CSOs and countries. Participants will Fifteen Days in Three Academic Capitals­
meet and work with scholars from a variety of academic
disci­plines with a range of research interests. These encoun- Center for Management and Organization
ters create challenging experiences, and help build profes- Contact person: Stefan Einarsson
sional contacts and future strategic partners. stefan.einarsson@hhs.se
+46 8 736 9493

The programme is composed of 15 days divided
into three modules. The first module starts in
March 2011 and the last runs in September 2011.

Full standard price: € 9,500 Research Institute for Nonprofit Organisations
Contact person: Reinhard Millner
Early bird discount: € 8,900
(by October 31, 2010) +43 1 313 36 5887

The price includes course fee, board and lodging
as well as basic course material. Please note that
participants cover their own travel costs. Proudly supported by YOUR KNOWLEDGE PARTNER

DISCLAIMER www.epics.info
Parts of the programme may change from what is listed in
this folder due to unforeseen circumstances.
The Mission Module 2,Vienna, Austria:
There is a growing desire among leaders in European HOSTING INSTITUTION
civil­society organisations (CSOs) to challenge basic­ Research Institute for Nonprofit Organisations,
assump­tions, to develop their formal knowledge base Wirtschaftsuniversität­Wien (WU)
and also to expand their personal networks.
With a firm base in our own frontline research, our aim • CSO Leadership and Management
is to strengthen and enhance the strategic and analytical • Career Development in CSOs
capacity of European civil society organisations and
their leaders. • The transformation of the Corporatist
Welfare State Model
We intend to be the knowledge partner • Government-CSO Relationship:
Various Forms and Management Impact
of those shaping­the future.
• Finance and Resources:
An International Comparison


Prof. Markus Gmür, Universität­Freiburg
Prof. Wolfgang Mayrhofer, Wirtschaftsuniversität­Wien
Prof. Michael Meyer, Wirtschaftsuniversität­Wien
Module 1, Stockholm, Sweden: Prof. Ulrike Schneider, Wirtschaftsuniversität­Wien
HOSTING INSTITUTION Prof. Georg von Schnurbein, Universität Basel
The Center for Management and Organization
at the Stockholm­School of Economics

CONTENT Module 3, Dublin, Ireland:

• Civil Society in International and HOSTING INSTITUTION
Comparative Perspectives Centre for Nonprofit Management (CNM),
• Mapping and Measuring Civil Society Trinity College Dublin
• The Scandinavian Civil Society Regime CONTENT
and the Popular Movement Tradition
• New Forms of Organisation and Governance
• “Bonding and Bridging” – The Strength
• Managing Large Scale Change
of Formal Ties With Individuals
• Social Entrepreneurship
Prof. Erik Amnå, Örebro University FACULTY AND SPEAKERS
Prof. Helmut Anheier, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin John A. Healy, The Atlantic Philanthropies
Dr. Marta Reuter, Stockholm­University Prof. John R. Healy, CNM, Trinity College
Prof. Lars Trägårdh, Ersta Sköndal University College Dr. Denise Crossan, CNM, Trinity College
Prof. Filip Wijkström, Stockholm­School of Economics Dr. Gemma Donnelly-Cox, CNM, Trinity College
Dr. Mary Lee Rhodes, CNM, Trinity College

Stockholm Vienna Dublin

14–18 March 2011 23–27 May 2011 5–9 Sept. 2011

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