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A bill is a proposed legislative measure introduced by a member of Congress enac

ted into law.

A bill shall embrace one subject which shall be expressed in the title. It shall
be signed by its author(s) and filed with the Secretary
of the House. Bills may come from either House (House of Representatives or Sena
However the five following bills shall originate EXCLUSIVELY from the House of R
1. Appropriation bills (budget) - the primary and specific purpose of which is t
o authorize the release of funds from the public treasury.
2. Revenue bill- one that levies taxes and raises funds for the government.
*tariff bill-specifies the rates/duties to be imposed on imported articles.
3. A bill increasing public debt- ex. floating bonds
4. Bill of local application-bill involving local or municipal matters (eg. char
ter of a city)
5. Private bills

1. They cannot enact ex post facto bills, bills of attainder, and laws impairing
the obligation of contracts.
2. No law granting a title of nobility or royalty shall be enacted.
3. No law shall be passed increasing the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme C
*PURPOSE: To prevent further additions to the present tremendous case load of th
e Supreme Court, including backlogs from the past 20 years.

1. The Congress may not increase the appropriations recommended by the President
for the operation of the government as specified in the
2. No provision or enactment shall be embraced in the general appropriations bil
l unless it relates specifically to some particular
appropriation unless it relates specifically to some appropriation therein. Any
such provision or enactment shall be limited in its operation
to the appropriation to which it relates.
3. The procedure in approving appropriations for the Congress shall strictly fol
low the procedure for approving appropriations for other
departments or agencies.

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