Fafsa 101

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Helping you access for your future!
1.c M at is it??
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (note t e first word is FREE so NEVER PAY to file).

All you ave to do is answer some questions about your parent·s income and

you·ve got from t e government for college.

2.c  it·s FREE so ow do I apply??

÷c If you decide to file online you will need a Personal Identification Number (PIN).
÷c aou can sign up for your pin www.pin.ed.gov
÷c aou can begin to apply on January 1, 2011 www.fafsa.ed.gov


÷c ºo not use www.fasfa.com it is not FREE!

÷c Apply › later t an April 1, 2011

3.c M at you will ›eed & How muc it takes

T is is a very extensive process but it pays for itself LITERALLa! Give yourself an our to
complete t e full form. Here·s w at you will need:
÷c ºates of Birt
÷c Bot your drivers· license and social security cards.
÷c Bot yours and your parents M2 forms or solidly estimated tax information.
÷c Records of untaxed income(i.e social security benefits)
÷c  urrent Bank Statements
÷c Record of Investments

4.c M at ab t my pare›ts??
÷c Federal student aid defines a parent to be a biological or adoptive mot er or
fat er. aou are able to list one parent if you live in a single parent ouse old. aou
º ave to list step parents, if your primary guardian is remarried.
÷c aou may NLY list grandparents if t ey are your legal guardian. If you are living wit
t em, but t ey ave not filed t e paperwork to be your legal guardian t en you
CANN  put t em on your FAFSA.

5.c M at d es it mea› t file i›depe›de›t??

aou may file independent GF:
÷c aour parents are deceased.
÷c aou ave a c ild
÷c aou are omeless ( ave lack of a permanent residence).
÷c aou ave ot er special circumstances

6.c M at if G ca›t get my pare›ts i›f rmati ›???

÷c If you can·t get your parents information, don·t panic, go see your counselor and
t ey can elp you.

7.c Gm all d ›e, ›   eres my

÷c If you file your fafsa online, t en you will automatically get your Stde›t Aid Rep rt
(SAR). However, if you file by mail, it could take up to two weeks for you to get it.
ac aou SAR s ows you ow muc your family will ave to contribute.

~[  t is is FREE money! T is money does N  ave to be repaid. T is money is

available for students wit ig need.


t is money  S be repaid. T ey are lowinterest rate loans t at
do N  accrue interest w ile you are enrolled in sc ool. aou also get a six mont
grace period after graduation before you ave to begin paying on your loans. aou
can pay t ese over a 10 to 25 year period, depending on w ic repayment plan
you c ose.

 t is money MUST be repaid. T ey are lowinterest rate loans
t at º accrue interest w ile you are in sc ool. aou get a six mont grace period
after graduation before repayment begins. aou can pay t ese over a 10 to 25 year
period depending on w ic repayment plan you c ose.

÷c After you get your SAR report

ac Some sc ools may ask for erificati › so be sure to keep all of your parents
and your financial forms toget er.
ac Sc ools t at you ave been admitted to will begin to send you your financial
aid award letters. 0eep track f t ese. T ey will include:
åc Institutional and State grant awards
åc Institutional sc olars ips
åc Morkstudyit·s a type of federal aid program t at allows you to work to
pay off your sc ool bill. T ese jobs often pay really well.

÷c aour financial aid will be applied to your student account, and you will be billed for
any excess c arges.

Make sure you take your financial aid award letters to your counselor so t at s e can elp
you compare t e packages to find t e best one for you.

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