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Sing to Serve

For my Sing to Serve I sang at a local rest home. I felt so good when I did
this! I knew that it was making the people I sang for feel better but I felt
good too. When I first heard that we had to do this I was nervous and I
didn’t want to do it, but when I thought about how it would make those
people feel I couldn’t resist.
Music has made a big difference in a lot of people’s lives. You hear stories
about people and how their music saved them. I don’t know if I had that
effect on anyone but just by doing that one song I could have made a big
difference in someone’s life. When I was singing my song I was going
through and looking at each of the people. Some were happy, some were
sleeping, but some of them had that smile on their faces that let you know
they are glad.
After I had finished singing I got many compliments afterwards. The people
were glad and they gave me compliments which made me feel good. It went
both ways we both helped each other. Their reactions were what made it all
worth it. They were all happy, some had tears. The nervousness I felt at the
beginning all went away when I noticed that I was helping someone else and
making their day. I also think that sometimes those people feel lonely and I
being there could have helped them a lot.
In conclusion, I had the best experience doing this! It was worth all the
practice and time. The people felt good and I felt good. It made my day and
theirs. Music has a big effect on lots of people usually for the better. I think
that this assignment should be given to all students so they can experience
what I did. It’s something you wouldn’t want to miss out on.

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