DR Pedreso

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Khristine Joy S. Pedreso, RN

Clinical Instructor

Jeffrey D. Arocha, SN


Having labor contractions before 37 weeks of pregnancy is called preterm labor.

A baby born before 37 weeks of pregnancy is considered a premature baby, at risk of
complications of prematurity, such as immature lungs, respiratory distress, and digestive
problems. Presentation refers to the part of the baby that will appear first from the birth
canal. This normal presentation is called vertex (head down) Some fetuses present with
their buttocks or feet pointed down toward the birth canal, called a breech presentation:
Frank breech, Complete breech, Incomplete Breech. A few babies lie horizontally in the
uterus, called a transverse lie, which usually means the baby's shoulder will lead the way
into the birth canal rather than the head. In malpresentation of the head, the baby's head is
positioned wrong, with the forehead, top of the head, or face entering the birth canal,
instead of the back of its head. Abnormal presentations increase a woman's risk for
injuries to the uterus or birth canal, and for abnormal labor. Breech babies are at risk of
injury and a prolapsed umbilical cord, which cuts off its blood supply. When a baby is in
the breech position before the last 6 to 8 weeks of pregnancy, the odds are still good that
the baby will change position before birth.) This exposes the baby to a high risk of
infection. The umbilical cord is your baby's lifeline. Sometimes, before or during labor,
the umbilical cord can slip through the cervix, preceding the baby into the birth canal.
Because the fetus moves and kicks inside the uterus, the umbilical cord can wrap and
unwrap itself around the baby many times throughout pregnancy. After a baby is
delivered, excessive bleeding from the uterus, called postpartum hemorrhage, can be a
major concern.

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