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Disease Prevention
and Control
What is Pneumonia?

Pneumonia is an acute infectious disease

of the lungs usually caused by the
pneumoccocus resulting in the consolidation
of one or more lobes of either one or both

 Diploccocus pneumoniae
 Occasionally pneumoccocus of Friedlander
 Viruses
Predisposing causes

 Fatigue
 Overexposure to inclement weather
(extreme hot or cold)
 Exposure to polluted air
 Malnutrition
Incubation period:

2-3 days

Mode of Transmission:

 Airborne droplet
Signs and symptoms

 Rhinitis/common cold
 Chest indrawing
 Rusty sputum
 Productive cough
 Fast respiration
 High fever
 Vomiting at times
 Convulsions may occur
 Flushed face
 Dilated pupils
 Severe chills, in young children
 Pain over affected lung
 Highly colored urine with reduced
chlorides and increased urates

 Based on history and clinical signs and

 Dull percussion note on affected side
 X-ray

 Emphysema or pleural effusion

 Endocarditis or pericarditis with effusion
 Pneumoccocal meningitis
 Otitis media in children
 Hypostatic edema and hyperemia of
unaffected lung in the elderly
 Jaundice
 Abortion

 Bedrest
 Adequate salt, fluid, calorie and vitamin
 Tepid sponge for fever
 Frequent turning from side to side
 Antibiotics based on Care of Acute
Respiratory Infection (CARI) of the DOH

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