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Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations .


Second-Edition ~ . -; ,. '


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CALCULATIONS',.:. ',.', ,.

SECOND EDITION 2002 -2·003·· , .. ,.,


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.Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Bdition


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This reference guide is not inteiulid as a sub"SiiiUiejiiT'ihi{aavlce'-Oj aphysiCidiCStitdimti or

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Reference guide for Pharmaceutical caiculations Second Edition


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations is a resourceful practice guide for preparation of the NAPLEX®, FPGEE® , California Pharmacy Board Exam and PTCB® exams.

It contains more than 400 calculation problems to prepare students to tackle an actual exam.

NAPLEX®, FPGEE®, California Pharmacy BOard Exam and PTCB® exams are currently putting more emphasis on calculation problems. 25 % to 30% of NAPLEX®, FPGEE®, California Pharmacy Board Exam and PTCB® exams consist of calculations.

Calculations related to I.V., I.V. infusion, TPN and dosages are very important in retail and institutional pharmacy settings. This guide will provide complete practice on related calculation problems and help to achieve an exceptional score on the examinations.

Best of luck,

. Manan Shroff


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition







36 .


2. ANSWERS , .... -



. ,. ~ ',;


Second Edition

;'.,':Krishiah C~'~~'-~'~ U~.--~{ J);~~.~;~2 ~'-_' .


.... ,.:-'r:: .

1 kilogram 1 gram

1 milligram 1 microgram 1 microgram 1 nanogram 1 grain

1 liter

1 ounce (oz) 16 ounce (oz) 1 pint

1 quart

1 gallon


l Ib

1 teaspoonful

1 tablespoonful 1 teacupful Density

Proof gallon

% strength Proof gal



Equivalent wt mEq' mOsmollL


Young (child) Clark's Child's dose Fried's rule FP of blood

1000 grams

1000 milligrams 1000 micrograms 0.001 milligrams 10-6 grams

10-9 grams

65 milligrams 1000 cc


480ec ::::

480 ee

960 ee ::::

.3840 cc ::::


454 grams

5 ce

15 ee



(gal x % v/v strength) 150% v/v proof spirit I 2

(gal x proof spirit) 1100 nRT


4 quarts.











1 pint


2 pints 8 pints










WlMxRx T

molecular weight I number of valence equivalent weight in mg 11000

(weight of substance [gIL] x no of species x 1000) I mol wt pKa + log (saltJacid)

(age in years I age + 12) x adult dose

(weight in lbs 1150) x adult dose "

(body surface area Of child 1173 mm") x adult dose

. (age in months 1150) x adult dose -0.52°e








Bach gm of hydrous dextrose provides :::: 3.4 calories I kcal
Each gm of anhydrous dextrose provides ::: 4 calories I kcal
Bach gm of fat provides r- ::: 9 calories I keal
Each gm of proteinlaminoacid provides :::: 4 calories I kcal
Eachgm of medium chain triglyceride (mct)« 8.3 calories I kcal
Each gm of glycerol provides ::: 4.3 calories I kcal
Each cc of alcohol provides =: 5.6 calories I kcal
1 cc of 10% fat emulsion provides ::: 1.1 calories I kcal
1 cc of 20% fat emulsion provides ::: 2.0 calories I kcal .T._,


::Re.fe.t¢p.ce guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

'. >I\risman

pH pH

pKa: + log (salt/acid) or (ionizedlruiionized)_ pKw - pKb + log (base/salt)

(for weak, acid)?" (for weak base)



B = 2.3 xC Ka x H 0+ (Van slyke's buffer capacity equation)

(Ka + H30+)2

where C = total buffer concentration, H30+= hydrogen ion concentration

Bmax =

0.576 x C

(maximum buffer capacity)

where C = total buffer concentration

Acceleration gravity (g) Gas constant (R)

1 calorie

Avogrado's number


980 cm/sec2

0.082 lit atmi mole deg 4.184 x 107 erg

6.0221 x 1023 mole-



K = 2.303 log Co

t C

where Co = initial concentration of drug where C = concentration of drug at time 't'

t 112 ;; 0.693/K

where ~/2 '= half life of drug where K = rate constant

where Vd = volume of distribution where M :::; amount of drug in body where C = plasma concentration of drug

P ..

R = CssxVdxK


where R -= rate of infusion

1 _

where Css = steady state plasma concentration. where V d = volume of distribution

whereK = drug elimination constant

. ..._

where Ld ~loading dose of drug

where Css = steady state plasma concentration . where V d = volume of distribution

Normality (N):

It is defined as the presence of number of gram equivalent weight of solute in 1000 ml or (lL) solution..

., ,~ ",,,. .--~ F'

Molarity (M):

It is defined as the prese-nce of humber of moles of solute .

1000 ml or (lL) of soltition.h' ~/:;:"'" >. . '!. fhc,,~:

Molality (m):

It is defined as the presence'of numberof moles of solute .

1000 gm of solvent. .. ,

Temperature conversion:'


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition



i.~/ .



Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

Sillfirr 3%

Salicylic acid 3%

White Petrolatum ......•...... q.s, 80 gm

. Find out the amount of Sulfur required to fill the above prescription?

a. 1.2gm
b. 2.4gm
c. 3.0gm'
d. 4.8 gm 2. How many grams of Dextrose are re-

quired to prepare 5% of 500 cc solution?

a. 2.5 gm
b. 25gm
c. 55gm j[.
d. 5gm f
\:-. 3. How much Lidocaine is required to prepare 1 : 1000, 30 cc of solution of Lidocaine?

a. 10mg

b. 0.03mg

c. 30mg

d. 300mg

4. How many milligrams are equal to

1/150 gr of Nitroglycerine?



150mg 65mg 55mg 0.43 mg

c. d.

5. How much Atropine is required to dis-

pense 1 quart of 1 in 100 solution?

a. 9.6mg
b. .1.48 gm
c. 2.3mg
d. 9600mg

.' ... ---.': .. -~ .... '

6. How many cc of75% alcohol should

be mixed with 10% of 1000 cc alcohol to prepare 30% of 500 cc alcohol solution?

a. b. c. d.

346.16 cc 234.43 cc 153.84 cc 121.12 cc

7. How many grams of Heparin are required to prepare 1 quart of 0.45% solution?

a. 2.16gm
b. 4.32gm
c. 0.45 gm
d. 4.5gm 8. If Cl prescrip~s)nreads "Augmentin 875 mg po bid xlf) days," how many cc of Augnientin 25b nigl5'cc·care required to fill a ten-day supply?

a. 350 cc

b. 35 cc

c. 17.5 cc

d. 5 cc

9.· rIf250 mg of Cefazolin powder a;re diluted with water up to the 250 cc mark, what is the % of drug in the final solution?

a. 10%


0.1% 11% 0.01%

c. d.

10. If 1 teaspoonful of Thioridazine concentrated solutioncnO:mg/cc) i~~4i1uted JlP to the 480 cc mark withplain water, what is the strength of drug in mg/ml in the final

solution ? ~' ... - "

a. Img/cc

b. 0.52 mg/cc

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Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition



0.31 mg/cc 0.75mg/cc


11. If a prescription reads "Diphenhydramine 50 mg po hs x 30 days", what would be the dispensed quantity of drug in ml (12.;; mg I 5 cc) for thirty-day supply?

a. 20cc
b. 5 cc
c. 300cc
d. 600cc 12. Erythromycin 2% 60 cc topical solution contains:

a. 2 gm erythromycin

b. 2.4 gm erythromycin

c. 0.6 gm 'erythromycin

d. 1.2 gm erythromycin

13. If 60 mg of elementary iron are present in 325 mg of ferrous sulfate, what is the % of elementary iron?

a. 20.00%

b. 10.25%

c. 18.46%

d. 9.25%

14. If 60 gm of 1% hydrocortisone are mixed with 80 gm of 2.5% hydrocortisone, what is the % of hydrocortisonein the final mixture?

a. 2.2%w/w

h. 1.85% w/w

c. 0.25% w/w

d. 1.75%w/w

15. If a prescription reads "IOO mcg cyanocobalamin i.m. every week", how many ampuls of 1000 meg I cc are required to fill a month supply?

"." , -Krisman

." .... ';".;.

a. b.

4· 3 1


d. 2

16. If 1000 tablets of Risperdal1 mg cost $2250 and the mark-up 011 prescription is 20%, what would be the retail price for 30 tablets?

a. $150

b. $17

c. $500

d. $81

17. How much Clobetasole is present in 60 gm of 0.5% ointment?

a. 1.2gm
b. 3.0gm
c. 2.1 gm
d. O.3gm 18. If the ratio of ionized to unionized species of drugs is 103' and PKa = 2.2, what is the pH of the solution?

a. 2.2
b. 0.8
c. 5.2
d. 3.0 -, 19. If a prescription reads "Augmentin 875 mg by mouth twice a day", how many cc of Augmentin 400 mg/5 cc are required to dispense a 10 day supply?

a. 10.93 cc
b. 218.75 cc
c. 75.00 cc
d: IOO.OOcc 20. Find out the weight in gm of 500 cc glycerine. [Specific gravity = 1.25 gmlml]


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

a. 625gm
b. 50gm
c. 400gm
d. 0.25 gm 21. Find out the volume of 5 Ib of glycerine. [density = 1.25 gm/ml]

a. 1816 cc


6.25 cc 637 cc


d. 40 cc

22. Calculate the weight of 500 cc of acid. [density of acid = 25 gin/ml]

a. b.

1000 gm 1250 gm 500gm 200gm

c. d.

23. Find out the ratio of ionized to unionized species of drugs at pH = 7.[pKa = 5]

a. 10

b. 1

c. 100

d. 1000

24. If the pH of the solution is 3, what is the concentration of H30+ in gm ion fL ?

a. 0.01 gm-ionJL .

b. . 1 X 103 gm-ionIL

c. 0.05 gm-ion/L

d. 10-3 gm-ion/L

25. What is the pH of a solution having a ratio of ionized to unionized species of drugs of 1 x 10-6 ?[pKa = 7]

c. d.




Krisman ':: '-"

. ~ . :--'; : ~ ~; .

26. How11,1~Y 500 mg tablets oferythromycin are required to prepare 240 cc of 2% solution of erythromycin?

a. 3.·
b. 5
c. 6
d. 10 27. How many milligrams are equal to 11 150 grains?

a. b:·

0.65mg L21mg 0.43 mg 1.56mg

c. d.

28. How many 975 mg tablets of aspirin are required to prepare 100 tablets of 1 grain?

a. 6 tablets


10 tablets 5 tablets


d. 3 tablets

29. If 3 capsules of 150 mg of Clindamycin are added to 150 cc of 1 % Cleocin topical solution, what is the % of Clindamycin in the final mixture ?

a. 1.5%
b. 1.3%
c. 1.1%
d. 0.9% 30. The adult dose of a drug is 500 mg. What is the dose for a 2 year old child?

[use young rule].,·

a. 71.42mg
b. 101.53 mg
c. . 25.46mg
d. 31.18 mg I j

Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

31. The adult dose of a drug is 750 mg, what is the dose for child weighing 20 lbs?

a. 100mg

b. 250mg

c. 500mg

d. 425mg

32. If a dropper is calibrated to deliver 325 mg of iron sulfate in 0.6 cc and in adult dose of drug is 325 mg, what is the dose of a drug in cc for a 15 month old infant?

a. 1.2 cc
b. 0.3 cc
c. 0.06 cc
d. 0.01 cc 33.. !If an adult dose of a drug is 100 mg, what would be the dose for a child having a 'body surface area of 20 mm? ?

a. 5.51 mg
b. 12.32mg
c. 20.60mg
d. 1l.56mg 34. How many milligrams are in 10 grains 'of-asptrin ?

. ::"_
.a. 81 mg
b. 60mg
c. 325mg
d. 650mg _ If a normal dose of a drug is 10 mg!

~i1day, how many 250 mg/100ccready-infu-

• _.~~on~ags are required to fill the above order? - :[patient's weight is 156lbs.]

1 bag 2 bags 3 bags 5 bags



, 36. If the prescription calls for "50 micrograms of a drug three times daily for 10 days", how many 11100 grain tablets are required to fill the above order?

a. 5 tablets

b. 3 tablets

c. 1 tablet

d. 6 tablets

37. If a prescription reads "Lanoxin 0.125 mg by mouth every day", how many cc of Lanoxin 50 mcg!cc are required to dispense a 30 day supply?

a. 75 cc
b. 50 cc
c. 100ce
d. 240cc 38. If a prescription reads to dissolve 2 gm of guaifenesin in 100 cc of water, how many grains 'of guaifenesin are present in 1 teaspoonful of solution?

a. b.

1.53 grains 2.61 grains 3.15 grains 4.20 grains

c. d .

39. If 100 mg of Lactin is equal to 4500 units, how many iDilligramsare required to obtain 1 unit?

a. 2.22mg
b. 0.02mg
c. 3.25 mg
d. 4.50mg 40. If a prescription reads "Ampicillin 50 mg by mouth twice a day" for a 7 year old child, how many cc (125 mg/5 cc) are required to dispense a 7 day supply of the drug?


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

a. 150 cc
b. 240cc
c. 28 cc
d. 56 cc 41. What is the dose of a drug for a person having 110 m2 body surface area? The average adult dose of the drug is 750 mg.

a. 1089mg

b. 625 mg

c. 531 mg

d. 477 mg

42. How many grams of a drug are required to prepare 240 cc of 10% solution?

a. 12gm

b. 36 gm

c. 48 gm

d. 24gm

43. How many grams of sodium chloride are required to make 750 cc of 0.9% normal saline solution?

a. 1.35 gm
b. 2.50gm
c. 6.75 gm
d. 12.25 gm 44. How many grams of dextrose are present in 500 CC ofD25 W solution?

a. 50 grams
b. 125 grams
c. 75 grams
d. 25 grams 45. How much Lidocaine is required to prepare 30 cc of 1: 1000 solution?

a. b.

30 rug 0.03 mg


c. d.

0.003mg 300mg

46. How much Povidone-Iodine is required to prepare 1000 cc of 1 in 750 solution?

a. 1.33 gm

b. 3 . .12 gm . c..l.25 gm

d. 0.95 gm

47. How many grams of dextrose are needed to prepare 5L of 1 in 250 solution?

a. 75gm
b. 20gm
c. 80gm
d. 51 gm , ~ ~ 48. . What is the % of boric acid in 1 in 20 solution?

a. 0.5%
b. 2.5%
c. 5.0%
d. 7.5% 49. To dispense 5% of 250 Q~ solution of thioridazine, how many cc of 30 mglcc are required?

a. 225 cc

h. 153 cc

c. 511 cc


417 cc

).!.- .. -:

50. If 20 cc of risperdallmg/cc are diluted with water up to. 240 cc mark-what would be the strength of drug in mg Iml?


a. h.

2.2mg/cc 1 mg/cc 0.1 mg!cc 0.08 mg/cc

c. d.


1 l




. 1

i !

i ]



Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

51. How much 70% alcohol is required to prepare 7S0cc of 20% alcohol?

a . 501.01 cc
. b. 335.16 cc
c. 214.28 cc
d. 428.12 cc 52. How much Atropine is required to prepare 3 quarts of lin 500 solution?

a. 2.21 gin
b. S.76gm
3.47gm ;" ,
d. 2.4Sgm 53. How much Povidone-Iodine is required to prepare 500 cc 10% solution?

a. 50gm
b. Sgm
t. lOgm .. ;
d. 25gm 54. In what proportion should 5% of salicylic acid be mixed with 1000 grams of 1 % salicylic acid to prepare 500 grams of3% salicylic acid?

a. 250 gm. . t"
b. 490gm
c. 125 gm.
d. 375gm 55. How much atropine is required to prepare 240cc in such way that when 1 teaspoonful of the solution is diluted to 1 pint gives it 1 in 500 solution?

a. b.

2.25 gm 46.08 gm 35.15 gm 25.35 gm

c. d.


56. How many ampu1s of compazine S mg! 2 cc are required to prepare 2 quarts of 0.1 % solution?

a. 125

b. 256·

c. 384

d. 421

57. How many grams of 0.25% triamcinolone ointment can be made from 2 grams of an active ingredient?

a. 200gm
b. SOD gm :
c.- 600'gm
d. SOOgm 58. How much sodium bicarbonate powder is required to prepar~ 240 cc of 0.10 N solution of sodium bicarbonate?

(molecular weight = 84 gm/mole)



1.35 gm 3.25 gm 4.81gm 2.016gm

c. d.

59. How many cc of concentrated Hel


acid are required to prepare 500 tc of 0.05 N

acid solution ?

(molecular weight = 36.5 gm/molecpurity of Hel = 37 % wfw. density = 1.2 gm/cc)

a. b.

10.11 cc 3.35 cc 2.05 cc 4.21 cc

c. d.

60. If 60 grams of 2% hydrocortisone are mixed with 86 grams of 1 % hydrocortisone, what would be the % of hydrocortisone w/w ill final mixture?


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

a., 3.21%
b. 1.42%
c. 4.21%
d. 5.76% 61. If 1 quart of30% alcohol is mixed with 3 pints of 40% alcohol, what would be % of alcohol in w/v in the final mixture?

a. 36.08%
b. 42.18%
c. 15.23%
d. 8.15% 62. In what proportion should 3% acetic acid and 1 % acetic acid be mixed to prepare 200 cc of 2.5 % acetic acid?

a. 150 and 50c.<;:

b. 100 and, ~OO CG

c. d.

75 cc and 125 cc

. : ."

175 cc and 25 cc

63. How many grams of 60% w/w HCI acid should be added to 500 gm of 40% w/w HCI acid to prepare 400 gm of 55% w/w Hel acid?

a. . 250gm
b ... 300gm
c. 100gm
d. . ~50 gm 64. How many cc of purified water should be added to 45% alcohol to prepare 750 cc 25% alcohol?

a. 125 cc

b. 222cc

c. .,~, :3~3 ec

d. "c : 451 cc

65. How many cc ofD25 W solution should be mixed with DjW solution to get 700 cc of D10W solution?

a. b.

201 cc 151 cc 556cc


d. 175 cc

66. How much taxable alcohol is present in 1 quart of alcohol usp?

a. 1.25g~ons
b. 2.31 gallons . ,. ~
c. 0.56 gallons
d. 0.479 gallons ;", .

67. How many proof gallons are present in 1 pint 50% v/v alcohol?

a. 0.10. gallons : :
b. 0.51 gallons ;
c. 2.30 gallons
d. 0.125 gallons 68. How much diluted alcohol USP can be prepared from 1 pint of 0.5 proof gallon?

a: .0.35 gallons
b. 3.25 gallons
c. 0.51 gallons : "
d . 4.21 gallons 69. How many proof gallonsare present in 2 pints 10% alcohol?

a. 0.25

b. 0.05

c. 0.45

~ , ,;

d. .;», ,9.51

• :~ >

. .

70. How much 95% alcohol canbepre-

pared from 1 pint of alcohol labeled as 112 proof gallon?

a. 0.263


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

c. d.

0.153 0.287 0.351

71. How much boric acid is required to dispense 240 cc of a saturated solution? [solubility of boric acid is 1 gm/12 cc]

a. 20gms
b. 10gms
c. 19m
d. 15gms 72. A 250,000 IV vial of Abbokinase is reconstituted with 5 cc of sterile water for injection. If 2 cc of this resultant solution is injected into 500 cc of 5% dextrose solution, what is the final concentration of solution in units/ml?

a. b.

100 units/cc 200 units!cc 350 units/cc 1250 units/cc

c. d.


73.· A prescription calls for Valproic acid 600 mg by mouth three times a day for 10 days, how many cc of 250 mg/5 cc are required to fill the above prescription?

a. h.

120cc 240cc 360cc 480cc

c. d.

74. Each tablet of Thert contains 525 mg of ferrous sulfate, what is the % of elementary iron in each tablet? (elementral iron = 105

. mg)

a. 10%

b. 5%

c. 15%

d. 20%


75. Each 5 cc of Thert-500 liquid provide 25 mg of elementary iron, how many cc of Ibert- 500 are required to fill 1 05 mg of elementary . ?




11.2 cc 15 cc

c. 13 cc

d. 21 cc

76. The recommended dose of Nembutal sodium in pediatric patients is 4 mg/im!kg . How many ampuls of Nembutal Na (100 mgl 2 cc) are required in a child weighing 50 lbs?

a. b. c. d.

3 4 1 2

77.. Albuterol sulfate inhalation solution is available as 0.083% w/v. How many milligrams of albuterol are required to prepare a 2.5 cc unit dose vial?

a. b.

0.083 mg 2mg 1.63mg 3.l2mg

c. d.

78. A prescription for Alomide reads as follows:

Alomide 0.1 % eye drop sig: 2 gtts ou qid x 30days

How many milligrams ofAlomide are present in per day dose of the drug?

(1 dropefl.Icc)

a. 1.6mg
b. 2.3mg
c. 4.1mg·
d. O.15mg 15

Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

79 .. Aquasol (Vitamin A) is available as a.

50,OOOI.U./cc. How many milligrams of vitamin h.

A are present in S cc? [ 1 Llf. = 0.3 meg of c.

vitaminA] d.

a. 7Smg
b. lS0mg
- c. 37.S mg
d. 22.2mg 80. How many milligrams of Lidocaine are present in 30 cc of 2% Lidocaine VIscous solution?

a. b.

1000 mg 600mg 2000mg 60mg

c. d.

81. How many cc.of.Megace (40 mg/cc) orai solution are required to 'dispense a 800 mg dose?

a. b.

240cc 120 cc 20cc 60cc

c. d.

82. If 2 grams of Videx pediatric powder are reconstituted with 200 cc of purified water, and 10 cc of this resultant solution are mixed with 200 cc ofMaalox plus, what would be the strength of vide x in mg/cc?

a. lOmg/cc
b. O.OS mg/cc
c. Smglcc
d. .O.S mglcc 83. If a prescription for Cefzil reads "500 mg by mouth four times a day", how many cc of Cefzil oral suspension (125 mglS cc) are required to fill a 7 -day supply ?

.r.Krisman _

20cc 80 cc lODcc 560cc

84. How many cc of Niferex liquid (100 mg elementary iron/S cc) are required to provide 325 mg offerrous sulfate? [20% elementary iron is present in ferrous sulfate]

a. 3.2S cc
b. 16.2S cc
c. 8.19 cc
, d. . . 9.23 cc
A 85. In what proportion should 5% HCI acid be mixed with 20% of concentrated ReI ~ to prepare SOO cc of 8% Hel?

a. b.

4DOcc 100 cc 250cc 320 cc



86. 1 gm of Rocephin (mixed with 250 cc 0.9% NaCI) is administered via slow LV. infusion over 24 hours. If the LV. set delivers 20 drops/cc, what would be the rate of flow in drops/min?

a. 1.21
b. 3.47 ,
c. 5.13
d. 4.21 ~.~- i~ .;( 87. If adult dose of heparin is 5000 units; what is the dose of drug in apafient havingte 123mm2 body surfaceare~?:t~'~"~Ji -""y.>.·.·w

.'. "

a. b.

1212.30 units 2523.20 units 3554.90 units 5432.10 units

c. d.

{i" 16

Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

88. . How many milligrams of Lidocaine are present in 5 cc of 1 % Lidocaine solution?

a. b.

125mg 75mg 100mg 50mg

c. d.

89. A prescription reads for Humulin N as . follows: "10 U SQ in am and 20 U SQ in pm."

How many days will one vial of Humulin N (10 UI cc, 10 cc) last?

a. - 1.5 days
b. 2.0days
c. 4.25 days
d. 3.33 days 90. ,. How many grams of Acetic acid are required to prepare 250cc of7% w/v solution?

a. 7·9gm
b. 10.2 gm
c. 17.5 gm
d. 14.5 gm 91. How many grams of Hydrocortisone are present in 60 grams of 0.05% Hydrocorti.:.. sone cream?

a. 120mg

b. 30mg

c. 60mg

d. 90mg

92. The recommended adult dose of Mezlocillin is 250 mcglkg/day. How many milligrams of drug are required in patients weighing 1551bs?

a. 17.61 mg
b. 11.13 mg
c. 21.10mg
d. 15.17mg


93. _ Howmany grams of Povidone-IOdine are required to prepare 480 cc of lOin 100s01u.;; tion?

a. b.

48gm 30gm 16gm 23gm



94. . In what proportion should 5 % dextrose solution be mixed with 25% dextrose solution to prepare 500 cc 18% dextrose solution?

a. 305.55 cc

b. 194.44 cc

c. 275.12cc

d. 333.15 cc

95. How many cc of Hydrochloric acid are required to prepare 750 cc of 0.25 N Hel ? . [density of Hel = 1.2 gm/ml, molecular weight e 36.5 gm/mole, purity of He 1 = 37% w/w]

a. 10.12 cc

b. 23.20 cc

c. d.

15.41 cc 5.80 cc

96. Aluminium (A1+3) has a gram atomic weight of 27. What is it's mEq weight?

a. 12

b. 3

c. 6

d. 9

97. How many meq of N a+ are present in 0.9% 250 cc normal saline solution? [Na' == 23, CI- = 35.5]

a. h.

23.12meq 15.17meq 53.15meq 38.46meq

c. d.


for Pharmaceutical calculations

'.~e"';j~},,~~··" ~·i98f:~i?Howmanymeq of K' are presentin 750 , , mg of a'KCI capsule? [K+ = 39, CI- = 35.5]

a. 11.11 meq
b. 13.21 meq
c. 10.06meq
d. 14.71 meq 99. How many meq of Mg+2 are present in 50 cc of 20% magnesium sulfate solution? .r [molecular weight = 246 gm] "",

a. 101.52meq
b. 41.25 meq
31.56 meq ."
d. 81.30 meq 100. How many grams of CaC12 are required to prepare a 480 cc solution that contains 200 meq of Ca+2 ? [mw CaCl2 =1. 11 gm/ mole] ,

a. 21.2gm
b. 31.4gm
c. 41.5 gm
d. 11.1 gm 101. How many milliequivalents ofAl+3 are present:in aluminium chloride? [106.5 gm/

mole] ", '

a. 21.2meq

b. 46.7meq

c. 35.5 meq

d. 80.9meq

102. How many milliequivalents of ferrous sulfate are present in. 325 mg of ferrous sulfate? [MW = 151.85 gm/mole] ,

a. 5:6meq
b. 4.28 meq
c. 7.50meq
d. 10.12meq


,103. How manyrnilliequivalentsof sodium are present in 50% 200cc of sodium bicarbonate solution? [MW = 84 gmlmole]

a. b. c. d.

1190.47 meq 960.52meq 321.15 meq 655.23 meq

104. How much KC1. is required to prepare 1 quart of syrup that conta:ins 5 meq of K+ ill each teaspoonful? [MW = 74.5 gm/mole]

a . b.

71.52gm 101.23 gm 231.20 gm 89.90 gm



105., . How many milliequivalents of Na' are present in a 10% 1 quart Na3PO 4 solution? [molecular weight = 164 gmImole]

a. 10 12.23 meq

h. 1756.31 meq

c. 960.23 meq

d. 480.15meq

~, .'

106. How many milliequivalents of Li" are present in a 300 mg capsule of QtC03 ? [MW = 74 gmImole]

a. 10.11 meq
b. 4.23meq
c. 8.10meq
d. 5.98 meq 107. Mr. X has the following chart forms

daily blood pressure: ""

Jan 1 Jan 2 Jan 3

180 160 170

_-; ,,,

" "







'I 1


Reference guide for Phaimaceutical calculations Second Edition

Jan 4 Jan 5 Jan 6 Jan 7

175 160 183 187

What is the mean blood pressure in mm Hg ?'

a. 175

b. 182.11

c, 165.12

d. 173.57

108. If the probability of success in a Null hypothesis is 0.6, what would be the probabil, ity of failure?

a. ,0.3
b. 0.9
c. 0.6
d. 0.4 _l09. What is the degree of freedom in a 2X3 contingency table in a Chi-Square test?

a. 1 P.".", 4 c, 3

~.'., ,2

110. What is the "mode" or "median" of the' following values?'

'; ~120, 135, 140, 118, 175, 105, U5, 190

} ;

, ,ait .. , How many grams of cocoa butter are re'\tillred to dispense 12 suppositories of tannic acid

· • each weighing 2 gm, and containing 400 mg of acid? [DVoftannic acid = 0.9]


a. b. c. d.

21.23gm 18.67 gm 14.12gm 13.25 gm

~ '':. .


112. How many grams of base are required to dispense 20 suppositories of boric acid each weighing 2 gm and containing 500 mg of boric acid? [DV of boric acid = 1.5]

a. 33.34 gm
b. 30.00 gm
c. 40.00 gm
d. 21.00 gm 113. A tapering dose for prednisone is as follows:

Prednisone 60 mg po qd x 2 days, Prednisone 50 mg po qd x 2 days, Prednisone 40 mg po qd x 2 days, Prednisone 30 mg po qd x 2 days, Prednisone 20 mg po qd x 2 days, Prednisone 10 mg po qd x 2 days, thenD/C.

How many tablets of prednisone 10 mg are required to fill the above prescription?

a. b.

42 31 30 60

c. d.

114. If the concentration of reactant M is half in a reaction that is third order in M, by what factor will the rate of reaction change?

a. b.

118 times 1/4 times 8 times

4 times

c. d.


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations " Second Edition

115. What is the rate of constant after 90 minutes if the initial concentration of a drug is 500 mg/cc, and 50 mg/cc after 90 minutes?

[first order kinetic]

a. 0.051 min-I
b. b.025 min-I
c. 0.35 min-I
d. 0.86 min-I 116. What is the half-life of a drug that has a rate of constant of 0.067 days- ? [first order kinetic]

a. b.

21.12 days 3.15 days 10.34 days 35.13 days

c. d.

-.~. ..~ ·i~.:.;~·-;} ".

117. What is the rate of constant of heparin in first order kinetic if 500 units!cc of hepann remain in a solution after 10 days? ,"',,;i ,.,,«{

[initial concentration of 'heparin 'was '~OOO units/cc] ,J

a. 0.56 days-
b. 1.23 days'
c. 2.32 days-
d. 0.23 days- 118. How long will it take to decompose Ianoxin to one half of its original concentration? [Rate of constant K = 0.023 min']

a. 40.45 minutes

b. 50.60 minutes

c. 75.80 minutes

d. 30.13 minutes

119. If the concentration of reactant A is double in a reaction that is second order inA, by what factor will the rate of reaction change?



2 times

b. 16 times

c. 4 times

d. 112 times

120. What is the half-life of a drug that IS in second order if the initial concentration of 'the drug was 0.002M?

[Rate of constant K = 7liter/moie min]

a. 50.15 minutes

b. 13.65 minutes


42.12 minutes

d. " ,71.42 minutes

121. How long will it take to decompose radioactive radium to 10% from its initial concentration of 100%?

[K = 3 X 10-4 per month]

a. 1.23 x 103 months

b. 3.12x l()2months

c. 4;15 x 103 months

d 0.76 x 104 months

122. How long will it take to decompose ethyl acetate to half of its original value? The' initial concentration of drug was O.OlM and O.OOlM after 40 minutes. 0 ,

a. b.

132.10 minutes 60.8 minutes 23.20 minutes

. ~,' .


d. 12.15 minutes

, ,- }

123. The radioactive iodine hasa'degraded

constant of O. 0 16 year:'. How lo~i'~fult take to decompose to 10% of its initia{ c6ncenti[~ tion? [Assume the initial concentration =

.: ~ c "',; ."j-'l:~L~,::~~!,"~,~d;'·t,·.:-,;t~'·:··· ~ 51

100 % ] , , .. , '""'«' ",c.,,'«e' ,., ","., • ,~, "

v·, ~":.,~h7::;;~~;~i~V$'~fit +

a. b.

25.56 years' . ~. , ""':i"§':~.1;;f..;igi,i~'i{

3 2.20 years . j;, ,'~THM1f) .:'W'L;:;2

143.93 years

1.5 x lOS years

c. d.

Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

124. 'Wllat is the apparent volume of distribution of 0.25 mg lanoxin if the plasma concentration of the drug is 0.10 nanogramlml?

a. 3.2 x 1011 L

b. 2.5 x 106L

c. 1.2 x 103 L

d. 4x 105 L

125. If the IV. dose of a drug is 25 mglI.V. !kg, what would be the plasma concentration of drug in a patient weighing 1561bs? An apparent volume of distribution of drug is 0.5 L/ kg.

a. O.049mg/ml
b. 1.25 mg/ml
c. 2.36 mg/ml
d. 4.28 mg/ml 126. What is the plasma concentration of a drug after 12 hours if the elimination half-life of the drug is 3:62 hours? The initial plasma concentration of the drug was 50 mglcc.

a. b.

5 mglcc 25 mglcc 40mg!cc 50mglcc

c. d.

127. What is the rate of infusion of phenytoin in a patient that requires steady state plasma concentration of 20 mcg/ml ?

The elimination half-life of phenytoin is 4 hours and an apparent volume of distribution is 15 L.

a. 40,85 mg/br

b. 51.975 mg/hr

c. 70.l9mg/br

d. 123.20 mglbr

128. What would be the loading dose ofa drug to achieve a 20 mcg/ml steady state plasma


concentration? The apparent volume of distribution is 4.5 L.

a. 25mg
b. 35mg
c. 90mg
d. 56mg 129. The rate of infusion of Rocephin is 20 mg/hr, How long will it take to infuse 500 mg 1100 cc Rocephin?

a. 10 hrs

b. 20 hrs

c. 5 hrs

d. 25 hrs

130: If the total body clearance in a patient is 2100 cc/hr, and hepatic clearance is about 300 cc/hr, what is the status of renalfunction?

a. b.

Excellent Normal

Moderately impaired Severely impaired

c. d.

131. How many milligrams of sodium chloride are required to prepare 250 cc of 1 % boric acid solution to isotonic with eye tears?


FP of 1 % boric acid ::::: -0.29° C

FP of 1 % sodium chloride e - 0.58°C FP of blood ::::: -0.52° C

a. 250mg

b. 325mg

c. 991mg

d. 1221mg

132. How many grams of sodium chloride are required to prepare 100 cc of water isotonic with blood?

FP of 1 % sodium chloride e - O.58°C


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

a. OA5gm
b. 2.3gm
c. lAgm
d. O.9gm 133. How many grams of sodium chloride are required to prepare a 1 in 100 solution of cocaine isotonic withblood?

FP of 1 % sodium chloride = - 0.58°C FP of 1 % cocaine = - O,09aC

a. 0.74gm
b. O.35gm
c. 1.50 gm
d. 3.57 gm 134. .How many grams of boric acid are required to prepare a 300ccl % procaine hydrochloride solution isotonic with tears 't: '

FP of 1 % boric acid = -0.29° C FP of 1 % procaine = - 0.122° C

a. 1.lOgm
b. 4.11 gm
c. 2.21 gm
d. 1.51gm 135. What is the maximum buffet capacity of bicarbonate buffer with a total concentration of 0.075 molelliter?

a. 0.015

b. 0.210

c. 0.043

d. 0.145

136. What is the pH of a solution containing 0.01 moles of acetic acid and 0.1 mole of sodium acetate per liter of solution? [pka = 4.15]

a. 3.15

b. 4.15

Krisman -.

c. 2.15

d. 5.15

137. What is the molar ratio of salt/acid required to prepare a buffer having pH = 5 and

pKa=4.00? .

a. 100:1
b. 50:1
c. 10:1
d. 5:1 138. What !s the pH of the solution containing 0.5 moles of ephedrine and 0.05 moles of ephedrine .fiel per liter of solution? [ PKb = 4.56]

a. 5.65
b. 7.56
c. 8.90
d. 10.44 139. .The ratio of ionized to unionized acetic acid in a solution is 100:1. What is the pH of a solution having pKa 5.5?

a. 2.5

b. 3.5

c. 4.5

d. 7.5

140. What is the % of hydrocortisone in .a mixture of 15 gm ofO.l %,60 gram of 0.25% and 80 gram of 0.5% w/w hydrocortisoner.!

a. b. c. d.

0.36% w/w 0.50%w/w 1.25% w/w 2.20% w/w

141. If 100 CC ofO.25%"Me§tin6hisolutioii are diluted witb\W~t~£.~i{t9· the mark of 750













Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

c. d.

1:500 1:2500

142. What is the pH of a solution having a hydrogen ion concentration of 10-3 moles/lit?

a. h.

S 3

2 4.5

c. d.

143. An adult I.v. dose of Neupogen is 20 mcg/kg/week. How many milligrams will a 150 lb patient receive weekly?

a. h.

2.210mg 3.120 mg 1.363 mg 4.152mg

c. d.

144. How many cc of 0.75% sodium hypochlorite stock solution are required to prepare 1 quart of 1 in 500 solution?

a. 128 cc

b. 312 cc

c. 256 cc

d. 421 cc

145. If 1 gm of Cefazolin is reconstituted with 12.5 cc of SWFI, and the resultant solution is inserted into 50 cc of 0.9% sodium chloride, what would be the final concentration of drug in mg/ml?

a. 12mg/cc

b. lOmg/cc

c. 16mg/cc

d. 20mg!cc

146. If2ccof(5000units/10cc)Heparinare inserted into 100cc ofDSW solution, how many units of drug are present in each ml of solution?


., ....

a. b.

lOunits!cc 15units/cc

c. 4.5 units/cc


9.8 units/cc

147. If an l.V. admixture contains 1000 mg/ 250 cc of drug and should be infused within a 5 hour period, what would be the flow rate in drops/min? [LV. set delivers 20 drops/co]

a. b. c .

. d.

10 drops/min 17 drops/min 35 drops/min 21 drops/min

148. If 250 mg/500 cc theophylline solution are given in a patient over a 6 hour period. By 100cc infusion every hour, what would be the strength of theophylline in mcg! ml?

a. b.

2S0mg/cc 7S0mcg/cc 500mcg/cc 340mcg/cc

c. d.

149. 250 mg/SOO cc Rocephine solution should be administered to a patient weighing 1551bs. The recommended adult dose of drug is 1.5 meg/kg/min, What would berate of flow inmllmin?

a. L23ml1min
b. 4.21 mlImin
c. 0.211 nil/min
d. 0.S90 mlImin 150. If 20 cc of 10% KCl injection are added to 250cc- of normal saline solution, what would be the concentration of KCl in meql cc? [mw ofKCl = 74.5 gmlmole]

a. 1.2 meqlcc

b. 0.650 meq/cc

c. 0.423 meq/cc

d. 0.099 meqlcc


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

151. How manyruilliequi.valents of sodium are present in 480 cc of 20% sodium bicarbonate solution? [mw sodium bicarbonate = 84 gm!mole]

a. 960.65 meq
b. 425.35 meq
c. 686.66meq
d .. 1142.85 meq -152. If 20 cc of KCl solution (4 meq/ cc) are diluted with water up to the 250 cc mark, what would be the concentration of drug in mg/cc? [mw ofKCl = 74.5 gm/mole]

a. b.

12.23 mg/cc 42.25mg/cc 23.84mglcc 63.15 mg/cc

c. d.

153. If a prescription calls to dispense 120cc of KCl in such a way that 1 teaspoonful of solution contains 10 meq of drug, how many grams ofKCl are required toprepare the above prescription?[mw of KCI == 74.5 gm/mole]

a. 12.25 gm
b. 21.15 gm
c. 13.20gm
d. 17.88 gm 154. How many cc of Povidone are required to prepare lIb of 10% povidone iodine ointment? [density of povidone = 2gm/cc]

a. 13.2 cc
b. 15.6 cc
c. 10.1 cc
d. 22.7 cc 155. If 5000 mg of triamcinolone powder are mixed with lIb of 1 % triamcinolone cream, what is the % of triamcinolone in the final mixture ?


a. b.

1.25%w/w 3.56%w/w 2.1%w/w


"ii -s , ,


d. 4.2%w/w

156. How many cc of Hydrochloric acid are required to prepare 1 gallon of 2.5% hydrochloric acid?

[the purity of HCl acid = 35% w/w, the specific gravity ofHCl = 1.25 gmlm1]

a. 102,11 cc
b. 303.15 cc
c. 219.42 cc --
d. 151.15 cc 157. What is the % of elementary iron in 325 mg of anhydrous ferrous sulfate?

[iron = 65 mg]

a. 10% ->
b. 35%
c. 45% - :~
d. 20% 158. In what proportion should water be mixed with 7.5 % acetic acid solution to prepare 1 gallon of 0.5% acetic acid?

a. 1220 cc
b. - 2568 cc
c. 1091 cc -,
d, 3584cc , ~ 159. If the prescription for Cipro reads 500 mg by mouth three times a day, how many days will a bottle of Cipro (1 0%J1 00 cc) last?

a. b.-

2.34 days

3.21 4;ly~'+;p;:~k~/i~:}:-h ~"' - 4.2$ days,

- 6.66 days .~ ,Co,

c. d.


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

160. How many cc of2% erythromycin topical solution are required to prepare 480cc of 0.2S% topical solution?

a. 60 cc


120 cc 30 cc 45 cc



161. In what proportion should 3% acetic acid be mixed with water to prepare a 0.5% 1000 cc acetic acid solution?

a. 166.66 cc

b. 108.51 cc

c. 323.15 cc

d. 421.16 cc

162. If 8 tablets of ISO mg of amitriptyline are added in 240 cc cherry syrup, how much drug will present in 5 cc of solution?

a. SOmg

b. 25mg

c. 75mg

d. 125mg

163. How much hydrocortisone powder is required to prepare 240 gm of 1 % hydrocortisone?

a. 1.2gm
b. 3.6gm
c. 2Agm
d. 4.8gm 164. 3 gms of sodium thiosulfate powder are mixed with 120 gm of aquaphore. What is the % of sodium thiosulfate in a final mixture?

a. b.

5%w/w 2.5%w/w 1.25%w/w 10%w/w

c. d.

. Krismaii

. . ... ; -. .~'

165. If 60 grams of 1 % triamcinolone are mixed with 60 grams of aqua ph are ointment, what is the % of triamcinolone in the final mixture?

a. b.

0.5%w/w 1.5%w/w 3.0%w/w 4.5%w/w

c. d.

166. 1 cc of atropine (0.4 mg/cc) is mixed with 49 cc of ocean nasal mist,. what is the concentration of atropine in mcg/ml?

a. 8mcglcc
b. O.lmcglcc
c. 1O.5mcglcc
d. 20.1mcg/cc 167. To prepare 60 gm of 2.5% xylocaine ointment, how many cc of xylocaine 10% are required?

a. lOc<;
b. 15 cc
c. 25 cc
d. 5 cc 168. The prescription for magic mouth reads as follows:

Hydramine elixir aa 60 cc

Alamag oral susp ~ ..

Nystatin oral susp ..

Lidocaine viscous ; ..

Total 240 cc

How many cc of lidocaine viscous solution are required to compound the above prescription?

a. b.

120cc 180cc 60cc 90cc

c. d.


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculationsss.; Second Edition

169. If 13 capsulesbfDiclqiacillin,each weighing 500 mg, are added to ~OO tc 6fA1aniag suspension, how many milligrams of drug are present in 5 cc of the final solution?

a. 13mg

b. 26mg

c. 65mg

d. 52mg

170. 8 cc of IO%Povidone-Iodine solution are diluted up to the 1000 cc mark with purified water. What would be the concentration of Povidone-Iodine in mg!cc?

a. 1.2 mg/cc ve ,
b. 2.4mg/cc 0.
c. 3.2mglcc
d. 0.8mglcc 171. 2 capsules of chloramphenicol 500 mg are added to 30 grams of fluocinonide cream. What is the %'of chloramphenicol in w/w?

a. 2.52%
b. 4.12%
c. 5.63%
d. 3.33% 172. 8 capsules of clindamycin each weighing 150 mg are added to 60 cc cetaphil cleanser. What would be the concentration of drug in mg/cc?

a. 12mg/cc
b. 6m~/cc
c. 35mglcc
d. 20 mg/cc 173. To prepare 60 gm of 2% Clindamycin topical gel, how many capsules of Clindamycin each weighing 150 mg are required?

a. 2 caps

b. 3 caps


c. 8 caps

d. 4 caps

174. To prepare IOOOcc of 0.25% of Dakin solution, how many cc of 5% sodium hy, po chlorite are required?

a. 100 cc

b. 50 cc c.' 60 cc d. 40 cc

175. To prepare 1 mg/5 cc (120 cc) solution of Trilafon, how many cc of Trilafon (Irng/cc) are required?

a. 10 cc

b. 35 cc

c. 24 cc

d. 40cc

176. 2 cc of Vancomycin injection (250 rog! cc) are added to 8 cc of isoptotears. What is the final concentration of drug in mg/cc?

a. 75mg/cc
b. 25 mg/cc
c. 50mg/cc
d. 80mg/cc 177. An administration of 1.5 gmlkglday of amino acid via peripheral infusion normally' achieves optimal fat metabolism and spares protein catabolism. What would be the dose of amino acid in grams for 155 lb patient?

a. 23.45 gm
b. 190.60gm ,:.if
c. 89.65gm
d. 105.68gm '.

"F". ,,'

178. How long will it take to administer 2500

cc ofTPN solution with a rate of 60mJjkglday in a patient weighing 1401bs?


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

a. b.

15.71 hours 22.24 hours 10.86 hours 9.75 hours

c. d.

·179. How many calories are provided by 500 CC ofD30W solution?

a. 145 calories

b. 510 calories

c. 325 calories

d. 252 calories

180. How many total calories are provided . - by 10QO cc of 5% dextrose and 5% alcohol?

a. b.

131 calories 450 calories 253 calories 75 calories

c. d.

181. The maximum recommended rate of infusion of dextrose solution is O.lgrnJkglbr. How many hours will it take to infuse 1000 cc ofD30W solution in a patient weighing 155lbs ?

a. 10.15 hours


30.12 hours 42.58 hours 7.15 hours

c. d.

182. 2.4 liters of 5% alcohol solution are administered to a patient with a rate ofO.33ccl min. How many hours will it take to finish the whole infusion?

a. 121.21 hours

b. 90.15 hours

c. 45.65 hours

d. 75.67hours

183. Referring to the above question, ethanol is metabolized at a rate of 20 cclbr. Will it make the above patient sedate?


a. b.

Yes No

Cannot say

Cannot be calculated

c. d.

184. What is the volume of dextrose solution required to prepare a peripheral parenteral nutrition for Mr.Shroff that provides 1100 nonprotein calories and 30 gm of amino acids? The formulation should provide 45% of nonprotein calories as fat and have a maximum. dextrose concentration of 12.5%.

a. b .

576.15 cc 823.18 cc 1423.52 cc 390.63 cc

c. d.

185. How many cc of amino acid solution are required to prepare a 3% amino acid solution containing 30 grams of amino acids?

a. b.

500cc 1000 cc 250 cc 355 cc

c. d.

186. Using the Harris Benedict's equation, what is the Basal Energy Expenditure for Mrs.

Shahel? '~

Age = 35 years, W = 1201bs, H == 5' 2"

BEE = 655.10 + 9.56 x W + 1.85 x H


- 4.86xA

w = weight in kg
H = heightincm
A = age in years
a. 1100.11 calories
b. 986.5 calories
c. 1304.03 calories
d. 825.05 calories 27

Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

187. What would be the total calories provided by a TPN mixture containing 1200 cc ofD5W, 1000 cc of 10% amino acids, 100 cc of 5% alcohol and 300 cc of 20% fat emulsion?

a. 575 calories


250 calories 680 calories 1172 calories

c. d.

188. If a prescription for TPN calls for providing 55% of 1500 nonprotein calories as a dextrose, how many cc ofD30W are required?

a. 451.52 cc

b. 323.32 cc

c. 808.82 cc

d. 616.15 cc

189. If a prescription reads to compound TPN that provides 45% of the 2000 nonprotein calories as fat and the remaining 55% as dextrose, how many cc of 20% fat solution are required?

a. 1000 cc

b. 250 cc

c. 750 cc

d. 500 cc

190. How many cc of 5% amino acid solution are required to provide 2gmlkg/day in a patient weighing 1651bs?

a. 1500 cc

b. 500 cc

c. 3000cc

d. 2000 cc

191. How many calories are provided by 250 cc of 5 % glycerol?

a. 101.52 calories

b. 75.82 calories

c. 53.75 calories

d. 41.11 calories

192. How much calories are provided by 500 cc of 20% lipid solution?

a. 500 calories

b.· 750 calories

c. 475 calories

d. 900 calories

193. A prescription reads "Alphagan 0.2% drop, 1 drop od qid X 10 days". How many milligrams of Alphagan are present in each drop of solution? (1 drop = O.lcc)

a. 1.2mg
b. 2.4mg
c. O.2mg
d. 0.002mg 194. How much Timolol is present in 10 cc of 0.5% Timolol opthalamic solution?

a. 500mg
b. O.5mg
c. 5gm
d. 50mg 195. If a prescription for Haldol decanoate reads ''75 mg i.m. twice a week x 4 months", how many vials of haldol decanoateI l oor:iJ.W cc, 1 cc) are required to fill the above order?

.:)~;.. .i::';;~' :
a. 24 vials
b. 12 vials
c. 10 vials ."
d. 50 vials ,,'
,~ ," 196. How many calorie§u.ir6 'pt6{1ded by 500 cc 3% amino acid solution?

a.· i OOcalones.

b. 60 calories


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

c. 80 calories

d. 90 calories

197. In what proportion should 2% acetic acid be mixed with 10% acetic acid solution to prepare 500 cc of 5% acetic acid solution?

a. 102.12 cc
b. 204.15 cc
c. 312.50 cc
d. 405.90 cc 198. A tapering dose for prednisone is as follows: "40 mg po qd x 1 day then taper 10 mg everyday until DIe". How many tablets of 5 mg are required to fill the above order?

a. b.

10 tablets 5 tablets 20 tablets 15 tablets

c. d.

199. How many rnilliequivalents of sodium bicarbonate are present in 50 cc of 50% sodium bicarbonate? [mw:::: 84 gmImole]

a. 131.15 meq
b, 204.25 meq
c. 302.10meq
d. 297.61 meq 200. What is the half-life of a drug in a day, if the degraded constant of the drug is 9.9 X 10-3 days? [first order kinetic]

a. 35 days

b. 60 days

c. 70 days

d. 105 days

201. How many grams of Amoxicillin are present in 200 cc (250 mg/5 cc) ofAmoxicillin solution?

•. . ;': '. Krisman

a. 5gm

b. 15gm

c. 10 gm

d. 20 gm

202. A prescription calls for Demero1, ''75 mg IVP q6h pm pain x 7days". How many vials of Demerol (100 mg/cc) are required to fill the above order?

. i
a. 10 vials,
b. 11 vials
c. 15 vials
d. 21 vials 203. Which of the following are correct DEA numbers for Dr. Sheghi, Rama?

a. b.

BS4312567· AR3252181 BR4530895 AS2332764



204. How long will it take to infuse 250 cc of D 25 W solution in a patient with a flow rate of 0.5 co/second?

a. 2.50 minutes

b. 5.60 minutes

c. 8.33 minutes

d. 10.12 minutes

205. If an adult recommended dose ofa drug is 5 mglkg/day, how many milligrams of the drug will a patient receive every 4 hours? [patient weight = 110lbs]

a. 55.12mg
b. 101.23 mg
c. 41.66 mg
d. 24.84mg ·29

Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

206. How many calories are provided by 500 cc DsW, 300 cc 3% amino acid and 500 cc of 10% lipid solution?

a b.

123 calories 205 calories 401 calories 571 calories

c. d.

207. How many n;rllliequivalents of K+ are present in 400 cc of 20% solution of KCI? (mw of KCI::: 74.5 gmImole)

a. 576.80 meq

b. 432.11 meq

c. 808.16 meq

d. 1073.82 meq

208. What is the ratio of ionized to unionized drugs at pH::: 6? [PKa :::·4]

a. 1:100
b. 10:100
c. 100:1
d. 1:10. 209. A drug with a weak base property has a PKb value of 8.5. What is the ratio of unionized to ionized drugs at PH = 6.5?

a. . 100:1

b. 1:10

f··~·, -.10:1

d. 1:100

210. A Viracept powder (144 gm) prescription is written as follows: "1250 mg by mouth twice a day". How many scoops (each 50 mg) are required per day?

a 100 scoops
b. 75 scoops
c. 50 scoops
d. 25 scoops


211. Referring to the above question, how long will it take to finish the whole bottle of drugs?

a. b.

23.1 days 14.5 days . 33.5 days 57.6 days

c. d.

212. If an I.V. order is prescribed to administer 0.2 mg/kgfday of theophylline. how many milligrams will patient receive per day? [patient weight = 120 lbs]

a. ·12.3 mg ..
b .. 8.56mg
c. 4.21 mg
d. 10.9mg 213. How many capsules each of 750 mg KCI are required to prepare a 10% 180 cc so-'lution of the drug ?

(row of KCI ::: 74.5 gmImole)

a. 10

b. 15

c. 7

d. 24

214 •. How long will it take to decompose the drug to 50 mglcc? The ihittar concentration of the drug was 500 mglcc with a halflife of 9.9 x 10-2 minutes, ·~'1B-i1,

a. b.

0.15 minutes 1.29 minutes 0.329 minutes 0.809 minutes .

c. d.




., ,



-1 I


1 i 1


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

a. lOmg
b. 15 mg
c. 22.5 mg
d. 55mg 216: If the sensitivity of the balance is 4 mg, what is the minimum permissible quantity that can be weighed on a balance? [an error of±5 is permissible]

a. 80mg

b. 100mg

c. 150mg

d. 250mg

217. If the sensitivity of balance is 3 mg, what is the minimum permissible quantity that can be weighed on a balance when an error of ± 1 is acceptable?

a. 300mg
b. 250mg.
c. 75 mg
d .. 50mg 218. If a balance has a sensitivity of3 mg, what is the % error allowed?

[minimum weighable quantity is 150 mg]

a. ±1%
b. ±2%
c. ±5%
d. ±10 219. In essay of ethyl nitrite spirit, nitric oxide gas is liberated from a spirit and collected in a gas burette that occupies a volume of 50 cc at a temperature of 25 ° C and a pressure of710mmHg. What is the volume of gas at 00 C and 760mmHg?

[assume that gas behaves ideally] -

a. b.

101.23 cc 42.79 cc


c. d.

21.15 cc 80.S5 cc

220. Calculate the value of the molar gas constant Rat STP. The volume of gas found is 22.4 liters at 1 mole of an ideal gas.

a. 0.064 atm lit! mole KO

b. 0.152 atm lit! mole KO

c. 0.082 atm lit! mole KO

d. 0.76 atm litl mole KO

221. What is the volume of 3 moles of an ideal gas at 20° C and 740'mm Hg?

[R = 0.08205 lit atm/ mole deg]

a. '25.15 L
b. -35.10L
c. 74.07L
d. 52.10L 222. If 0.5 gm of methyl acetate in the vapor state occupies 500 ccata pressure of780 mm Hg and temperature of 120° C, what is the molecular weight of methylacetate?

a. 20.15 gmlmole
b. 31.41 grn/mole
c. 10.50 gm/mole
d. 5.60 gmImole " 223. If 50 gms of ferrous sulfate are diluted with water up to 1000 cc, what would be the molarity of the solution?

[mw of FeS04 = 151.90 gmfmole]

a. 0.5M
b. 1.2M
c. 0.331 M
d. 2.1M 224. What is the % mole fraction of ferrous . sulfate in a solution containing 25 grams of ferrous sulfate in 1000 gm of water? [mwofFeS04 = 151.9gmJmole,mwof~O = 18 grnImoleJ


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

a. 7.52%
b. 23.11%
c. 0.29%
d. 99.71% 225. If 0.2 M solution of acetic acid dissociates in 1.2 x 10-4 moles each of hydrogen and acetate ions at 2So C • what is the dissociation constant Ka for acetic acid?

a. 1.2 x 10-4
b. 2.4 X 10-6
c. 7.2 X 10-8 j_ ~
d. 3.5 X 10-5 f.

226. The ionization constant Kb for a mor-

phine base is 3 x 10-6 at 2SoC. What is the hydroxyl ion concentration of a 3 x 1 Cf4 M aque- - ous solution of morphine?

a. 9 x 10-10 molesllit

b. . ,3 X 10-5 lIlol~~lJit

c. 1 x 10-2 molesllit

d. _ 9 x 10-2 moles/lit .

227. A quantity' of hydrochloric acid (0.1 M) is added to increase the H+ ion concentration from 1 x 10-7 to 1 X 10-1 moleslliter. What is the new hydroxyl concentration?

a. 1 x 10-2 moleslliter

b.. 1 x lCf14molesiliter

c. 1 x 1Cf13 moleslliter

d 1 x 10-27 moleslliter

228. Ammonia has a Kb of 1.S x 10-6 at 2So C. What is the Ka for its conjugated acid NH4+ at the same temperature?

a 1.2 x 10-6

b. 0.85 X 10-7

c.' ,0.66 X 10-8

d .. , 0.34 X 10-4



229. The measured solubility of silver chloride in water at 25° C is 1 x 10-4 moleslliter. What is the solubility product of this salt?

a. 1 x 10-16
b. 1 X 10-8
c. 1 X 10-2
d. 1 X 10-4 230. What is the solubility of silver chromate in moleslliter in an aqueous solution containing 9.08 M of silver nitrate? The solubilityof silver chromate (A~CrO 4) in water is 8

. X 10-6• [KSP = 2 x 10-12]

a. 10S.S6 x 10-6 moles /liter

b. 85.23 x 10-4 moles j liter

c. 43.S6 x 10-12 moles I liter

d. 312.S x 10-12 moles j liter

231. When boric acid is distributed between water and methyla1cohol, the concentration in water and methylalcohol were found to be 0.06 moleslliter and 0.03 moleslliter. What is the distribution coefficient?

a. lor 1.S
b. 2orO.S
c. 4or2
d. 1.S or 3 -. 232. 10 gm of aspirin powder is dissolved in 100 cc of solution. The solubility of aspirin at 2So Cis 0.33 gm/100 cc. The first orderrate constant for aspirin degradation is 5 x 1 o-~Wec'ond". What is the zero order rate constant?" ..'


h. .. 1.65 rlO~~/J",;-f:c-$~;'}i':~ti;:~'S~i(:;Ltt:fie;\

c. 1.30 x 1O-3.j;'., =, . .! '. >i"~ ~t~~fri'j;;t~~"~'-h"

d. 1.42 x [1 O:1k'~t)f;;;'i~1fiJ;di::t'';;@~J:fc;r,W;'ffi.t;':,~''

233. The initial ~IiCeriirati6iit;f-iiliUg decom. posing according to firstorder ~tiEiS-'l Q-2unitsJ ml. When the concentration of drug falls below

- ',' . ""'.-:-;' ';_'-,

~ -.-

. __ .~~. ~ c=_':_ ._~

- i~~i~~~-0_~~~t~i~r~'~

:~. ':::. ' .. \~


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

10-6 units/co, it should be removed from the market. What would be the expiration date for this product?

[ K = 2.303 X 10-10 houri]

a. 20 x 102 hours

b. 40 x 1()9 hours

c. 5 X 103 hours

d. 40 hours

234. A sample of methylspirit rose to a height of 5 em at 25°C in a capillary tube having an inside radius of 0.05 em. What is the surface tension of methyl spirit at 25°C? Density of methyl spirit is 1.5 gm/cm",

a. b.

121.56 201.11 183.93 305.12

c. d.

. 235. If a droplet of oleic acid is placed on water having a surface tension of 72.8 dynes! em at 20 ° C and an interfacial tension of 30 dynes/em. Will the oleic acid spread on water? Surface tension of oleic acid at 200 C = 35 dynes/em.

a. 10.5

b. 20.1

c. 35.5

d. 12.8

236. An OfW emulsion containing turpentine oil with a specific gravity of 0.45 is dispersedin aqueous phase having a specific gravity of 1.05. If the oil particles have an average diameter of 10 micrometers and the viscosity of external phase is 0.25 dynes/em", What is the velocity of creaming in cm/day?

ls= 981 em! sec'[

a. b.

-2Ax 10-10

-1.3 x 10-6


c. 2.3 X 106

d. 3.1 X 10-11


237. How many milliosmols per 100 cc are present in 500 cc D25W solution? .

[row of dextrose = 180 gin/mole]

a. 138.88

b. 1388.88

c. 456.23

d. 520.15

238. What is the osmolarity of 500 cc of 25% sodium bicarbonate solution?

[mw = 84 gmlmole]

a. b.

5952.38 2763.18 7032.11 1809.09

c. d .

239. How many milliosmols per liter of CaC~ are representated by 50 cc of 20% Ca02 solution?

a. b.

5405.4 1232.11 2516.15 3315.23

c. d.

240. In what proportion should 200cc boric acid solution be mixed with 8% boric acid solution to prepare a 5 % 100 cc boric acid solution?

a. 100 cc

b. 60 cc

c. 40 cc

d. 50 cc

241. How many milliequivalents ofNa+ ions are present in a 50% 50 cc solution of sodium bicarbonate? [mwofNaHC03:;: 84gm1mole]

Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations, Second Edition

a. 105.32

b. 325.16

c. 297.61

d. 401.19

242. One teaspoonful of chlorpromazine concentrated solution (30 mg/cc) is diluted up to 240 cc with distilled water, 10 cc of this resultant solution are diluted up to 1000 cc with distilled water. What would be the concentration of drug in meg/co in the final solution?

a. 625
b. 62.5 -
c. 6.25
d. 0.00625' 243. Calculate the osmolarity of 200 ec of 0.9% sodium chloride solution.

a. 805.11

b. 307.69

c. 420.11

d. 105.21

244. How many milliosmols/L are representated by 30 cc of 10% KCI solution? .

a. 1232.11

b.. 980.05

c. 2684.56

d. 1411:23

245. AnI.V. order for 250 mg/100 ee should be administered viaI.Y. infusion over a 12 hour period. If the I.V. set delivers 20 drops/cc, what would be the flow rate in drops/min?

a. b.

1.25 15.60 8.90 2.77

c. d.


246. 20 ec oflO% KCl solution. 50 ee of25% NaHC03 solution and 30 ee of20% CaC12 are mixed with 5 % 1000 ee dextrose solution. The' infusion should be administered over 8 hollis. What is the flow rate in drops/min? [I.v. set delivers = 10 drops/eel

a. 13.19

b. 14.05

e. 18.01

d. 22.91

247. How long will it take to infuse 500 ee of D5W solution if the flow rate of the solution is 20 drops/min? [LV. set delivers 20 drops/ec]

a. 1.5 hours

b. 10.11 hours

e. 5.60 hours

d. 8.33 hours

248.' Calculate the flow rate in drops/min to irifuse 300 cc of clindamycin solution over a4hourperiod.·[I.V. set delivers 15 drops/eel

a. 20.12
b. 18.75
c. 7.5
d. 16.30 '. 249. If the normal therapeutic recommended dose of metronidazole is 10 rug/kg/ day, how many infusion bags of 250 mg/10d cc are required? [pt weight = 1551bs]

a. 5

b. 3

c. d.

7 9

f ~ {,' ,: ,- :1· .- . '. r ~ :

., . '':' ~ . '

250. How much dextrose is required to prepare 1 in 100,50 cc dextrosesolution?

/~J)~~.-/. :-

.. :", ~. ~ ~.

1-:':." :'



! j



i i


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

a O.5gm
b. 2gm
c. l.5gm
d. 3.6gm




R{{feWl)ce guide for Phannaceutical calculations Second Edition



Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

1. (b) 2.4 grams.

The amount of sulfur required to fill the above prescription is 80 x 3 = iA grams. 100

2. (b) 500 cc of 5% Dextrose solution contains: 500 x 5 = 25 grams of dextrose.


3. (c) 1: 1000 is generally interpreted as 1 gm in 1000 cc of solution. The amount of lidocaine iri:30 cc of 1:1000 solution can be calculated as follows:

= 30 x 1 = 0.03 gm = 30 milligrams. 1000

4. (d) 1 grain is equal to 65 milligrams, therefore 11150 grains are equal to:

= 1 x 65 = 0.43 milligrams 150

5. (d) 1 in 100 solution is interpreted as 1 gm of drug in 100 cc of solution. We want to find out how much atropine is required to dispense 1 quart (960 cc) of 1 in 100 solution, therefore:

= 960 xI = 9.6 gm atropine = 9600 mg. 100

6. (c) To solve this type of problem, we need to use the alligation method.

7~ /20(75%) /30

10 ~45(10%)

Total parts 65 (30 % )

To prepare 65 (30%) 20 parts (75%) needed To prepare 500 (30%) ?


500 x 20 = 153.84 cc (75%) alcohol 65

If we mixed l53.84 cc of 75% alcohol with 346.16 cc [500 cc - 153.84 cc] of 10% alcohol, then we can get 500 cc of 30% alcohol solution.

7 • (b) We want to prepare 1 quart (960 cc) of 0.45% heparin solution, therefore we can say


960 x 0.45 100



4.32 gms of heparin are required.

8. (a) This type of calculation is classified as a dosage calculation and can be calculated as follows:

We have a suspension of Augmentin 250 mg! . 5 cc and we want to dispense dose of 875 mg,

= 5 x 875 = 17.5 cc 250

The patient is taking 875 mg twice a day and therefore:

= 2 x 17.5 cc = 35 cc per day.

Patient is taking drug for 10 days therefore,

= 35 x 10 = 350 cc would be the dispensed quantity of drug.

9. (b) 250 mg (0.25 gm) of cefazolin powder are diluted with water up to 250 cc mark and we want to find out the % of drug in the final solution.


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations.. Second Edition


. 100 x 0.25 = 0.1% 250

10. (c) 1 teaspoonful (5 cc) of Thioridazine solution (30mg/cc) contains 150 mg of drug. This solution is diluted up to a mark

of 480 cc therefore: :


150 = 0.31 mg/ml 480

11. (d) Wehave 12.5m.g15ccBenadryl

. solution. We want to dispense a 50 mg dose:

= 50x 5 = 20 cc for 1 day


For 30 day supply:


20 x 30' == 600 ct.

.. 12. (d) Erythromycin 2% topical.solu-

tion contains ::::: 60 x 2


= 1.2 gm of erythromycin.

13. (c) The % of elementary iron can

be found as follows;

= 100 x 60 = 18.46% 325

14. (b) The amount of Hydrocortisone

in 60 ~.1%:

60 = 0.6 gm of hydrocortisone.


A.mount of hydrocortisone in 80 gm_. 2.5%

80 x 2.5 = 2 gm hydrocortisone 100

% of hydrocortisone in [mal mixture

. ... Krisman


= 100 x 2.6 (2 gIll + 0.6 gm) 140 (80 gm + 60 gm)

= 1.85%w/w.

15. (c) 1 ampul


Patient is taking 100 meg of the drug LM. every week. therefore:

= 100.= 0.1 cc of drug every week. 1000

The number of cc required for a 1 mo~fu sup-

l2l$ _. .


The correct answer should be 1 amp~>.

16. (d) iooo tablets of Risperdal Img cost $2250. The % mark up on prescriptions

is 20%. .'

Therefore the retail price of 1000 tablets would be:

= liD x 2250 = $2700 100

** Each $100 cost = $120 retail cost**

Price for 30 tablets would be:

= 30 x 2700 = $81 1000

17. (d) We wantto find out the quantity of Clobetasole pr!:~~!l:.t}~l§Q _~¥.Q.s of 0.5 %

ointment. _,: .



= 60 x 0.5 = 0.3 gm of clobetasole.

100 __ x' -;_ <


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

18. (c) A pH of the solution can be

found by the following formula:

pH = pKa + log ionize

unionize , = 2.2 + log 103

::;: 2.2 + 3

= 5.2

19. (b) We have 400 mg/5 cc Augmentin in stock. We want to find the dispensed quantity for a 10-day supply.

= 875 x 5 = 10.93 cc for each dose 400

The patient is taking a dose twice a day for 10 days therefore:

=.10.93 x 2 x 10

= 218.75cc

20. (a) sp gr

Weight in grams = no of ml x

= SOD cc x 1.25 gm/cc = 625gm

21. (a)

Weight = density x volume

Volume = weight density

5x454 1.25

(l Ib = 454 gm)



1816 cc glycerine.

22. (b) Weight = density x volume


23. (c)

pH = pKa + log salt acid

7 = 5 + log salt acid log [salt/acid] = 2

salt/acid = 102, ratio of ionized to unionize drug will be 100.

24. (d)

pH = -log ~O+]

3 = - log [H30+]

-3 = log [H30+] .

25. (d)

pH = pKa + log [salt/acid]

pH = 7 + log] 10-6] = 7-6

= 1

26. (d)

240 cc 2% Erythromycin so-

lution contains:

= 240 x 2 = 4.8 gm of Erythromycin 100

The number of 500 mg tablets of Erytbromy-

" ' ......

= 4800 = 9.6 == 10 tablets. 500

27. (c)

1 grain is equal to 65 mg there-


11150 grains will contain:

= 1 x 65 = 0.43 mg

= 2.5 x 500 150

= 1250 gm of acid.

28. (a) 100 tablets of 1 grain of Aspirin

contains: 100 x 65 = 6500 mg of Aspirin.


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

The number of 975 mg tablets of Aspirin:

= 6500 == 6.66 == 6 tablets 975

29. (b)


1 % 150 cc Cleocin solution

= 150 x L = 1.5 gm Clindamycin 100

The addition of 3 capsules eachweighing 150 mg will result in: 1.5 gm + OASgm = 1.95

gm . .

% of Clindamycin in final mixture would be:

= 1.95 x 100 == 1.3% 150

30. (a)


Young rule = age in year x adult dose .. age of; 12

= _l_ x 500 = 71.42 mg 14

31. (a)


Clark's nile ~Welght in lbs x adult dose 150

= 20 x 750 = 100mg 150

: ;. z , .'.

0.06 cc

. ,

According to Fried's rule:

= age in months x adult dose 150



The dropper is calibrated to deliver 325 mg of Iron sulfate in 0.6 cc, therefore:

= 0.6 x 32.5 == 0.06cc . 325

33. (d)


A child dose can be calculated by:

= Body surface area of child x adult dose 173 mm'

- 20 x 100 173

= 11.56mg

34. (d) 1 grain is equal to 65 mg, there-

fore 10 grains contain

= 10 x 65 = 650 mg of the drug .

35. ( c) Patient weight is 1561bs, there-

fore weight in Kg would be 156 ='70.9 kg.

2.2 -,

A normal therapeuticallyrecommended dose of drug is lOmg/kglday, therefore the dose in the above patient is:

= 10 x 70.9 =709mg



Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

= 1 x 65 x 1000 100

= 650 micrograms

[1 mg = 1000 meg] -

A prescription calls for 50 meg of a drug three times a day for 10 days, therefore the number of tablets required to fill the order is:

= 50 x 3 x 10 = 2.30 == 3 tablets 650

37. (a) . A patient is taking 125 mcg of Lanoxin every day, therefore to fill a 30 day order,

= 30 x 125 = 3750 meg ofLanoxin.

Each mlof Lanoxin elixir provides 50 meg of a drug, therefore the number of cc required to fill the entire order is:

== 3750 = 75 cc of Lanoxin elixir. 50

38. (a) A prescription reads to dissolve 2 gm of Guaifenesin in 100 cc of plain water, therefore the amount of drug present in 1 teaspoonful (5 cc) of solution would be

= 5 x 2000 = 100 mg = 100 = 1.53 grain

100 65

39. (b)

100 mg of Lactaid is equal to 4500 units, therefore 1 unit is equal to:

= 100 = 0.02 mg of Lactaid 4500

40. (e)

.28 cc

A j year-old child is taking 50 mg Ampicillin by mouth twice a day for 7 days, therefore:


= 50x2x 7

= 700 mg of Ampicillin

We have 125 mg/5 cc suspension in stock:

= 5x700 = 28 cc 125

41. Cd)


An adult dose of drug can be calculated by the following formula:

Body surface area x adult dose 173mm2

= 110 x 750 = 476.87 mg == 477 mg 173

42. (d)


240cc of 10% solution will

= 240 x 10 = 24 gm of drug: 100

43. (e)

6.75 gm sodium chloride

The amount of sodium. chloride required:

= 750 x 0.9 = 6.75 gm of sodium chloride 100

44. (b) D25W will be interpreted as

25 % Dextrose solution.

The amount of dextrose present:

= 500 x 25 = 125 gm of dextrose. 100

45. (a) 1: 1000 solutionis interpreted

as 1 gm of drug in 1000 cc of solution.


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Krisman

Second Edition

The amount of Lidocaine required: 51. (c) To solve this problem we can use the ratio-proportion method.

:::: 30 xl:::: 0.03 gm:::: 30 mg of Lidocaine 1000

46. (a)

1.33 gm of Povidone-Iodine.

The amount of Povidone-Iodine required:

:::: 1000 :::: 1.33 gm of povidone iodine ,,750

47. (b)

20 gm of dextrose

The amount of dextrose required:

:::: 5000 x 1 = 20 gmof dextrose 250

48. (c) , 1 in 20 solution is interpreted

as 1 gm of drug in 20 cc solution.

= 100 xI:::: 5% boric acid. 20

49. (d)


An amount of thioridazinere-

:::: 250 x 5 = ~2.5 gm of drug:::: 12,500 mg J'lOO ",

Stock solution of thioridazine required:

.. : .r,

:::: 12,500 :::: 416.66 cc == 417 cc 30

50. (d) 20 cc of 1 mg/cc Risperdal so-

lution contains 20 mg of drug.

Strength of Risperdal in the final solution:

:::: 20- = 0.08 mg Icc" 240

VI :::: 750 x 0.2 = 214.3 cc of 70% alcohol 0.7

52. (b) 1 in 500 solution is interpreted as 1 gm of drug in 500 cc solution. therefore:

:::: 3 x 960 xI = 5.76 gm of Atropine. 500

53. (a)

50 grams.

= 500 x 10 :::: 50 grams of Povidone Iodine

100 ' ,

54. (a) To solve this problem, we can

use the alligation method,

To prepare 4 parts (3%) To prepare 500 gm

2 parts (5%)

? .' .)") ,~ \

. -,

:::: 500 x 2 :::: 250 gm of 5 % salicylic, acid. "

4 ::;_ ~ ~; _.'-\":- ~ ;: .. '

55. (b) T6§olvhiliispr6bl~m;'-w~il1Ust first find out the amount of drug pr~sent in the final solution. : i,

:::: 480 Xii' i £'0.96 gfij_ :o('Attgpme~,SOD

~'.' - ,

, '~~g~~~~~ff

.:-"::~_.:;:,-;.: .. :-. :"



j 1 j





Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

Now, 0.96 gm of drug must be present in 1 teaspoonful of the drug solution, therefore we can say:

5cc (1 teaspoonful) contains 0.96 gm

240ce solution requires ?

= 240 x 0.96 = .46.08 gm of atropine. 5

56. (e) The amount of compazine

present in 2 quarts of 0.1 % solution

= 2 x 960 x 0.1 = 1.92 gm of drug. 100

Number of ampuls required: .

= 1920 mg =. 384 ampuls Smg

57. (d)

800 gms ointment.

= 100 x 2 = 800 gm ointment 0.25

58. (d) The gram equivalent weights of solute in 1 liter of solution is defined as normality, therefore IN solution of sodium bicarbonate will contain 84 gms in 1000 cc.

We want to find the quantity of sodium bicarbonate in 240 cc, 0.1 N solution.

1 N solution contains 0.1 N solution contains

84gm ?

= 0.1 x 84 = 8.4 gms/1000 cc.

240 cc solution will contain:

= 240 x 8.4 = 2.016 gm of NaHC03 1000

59. (e) IN solution of HCl will contain 36.5 gms per 1000ec, therefore 0.05N solution will contain:


= 0.05 x 36.5 = 1.825 gm HClJI000cc 1

500cc solution will contain = 0.912 gm HCI

We need 0.912 gmHCI acid and purity of concentrated HCI is 37% w/w,

For 37 gm pure HCI For 0.912 gm pure HCI

100 gmHCl ?

= 100 x 0.912 = 2.46 gm Hel 37

Volume of cone, Hel = 2.46 = 2.05 cc HCI 1.2

60 (b)

1.42% w/w

2% 60 gm He contains 1 % 80 gm HC contains 140 gm HC contain

1.2gmHC 0.8gmHC 2.0gmHC

% of HC in final mixture:

= 100 x 2 = 1.42% w/w 140

61. (a)

36.08% w/v alcohol

1 quart 30% alcohol contains: .,

= 960 x 30 = 288 cc alcohol 100

3 pints 40% alcohol contains:

= 1440 x 40 = 576 cc 100

Total amount of alcohol is (576 + 288) in (960 + 1440) therefore % of alcohol in final mixture is:

= 100 x 866 = 36.0S% alcohol 2400


':;'.F~'""'"('p. guide for Pharmaceutical calculations ',,"H::IVV.lnJ. Edition

To solve this problem, we need to use the alligation method.

3 ) 1.50 (3%)

~ ~

1 L;·5~ 0.5 (1 %)

Total parts 2.00 (2.5 % )

For 2 parts 2.5 % requires 1.5 parts

For 200 cc 2.5% requires ?

= 200 x 1.5 2 \

= 150 cc of 3% acetic acid should be mixed with (200 cc-150 cc) 50 cc of 1 % acetic acid to prepare 200 cc of2.5%-acetic acid.

63. (b) To solve this problem, we can

use the alligation method,

60 ~15(60%)

~55 I

40/ :;. ~ 5 (40%)

Total parts 20 (55%)

For 20 (55%) parts For 400 (55%)

15 parts (60%) require ?

= 400 x 15 20

= 300 gm 60% w/w Hel acid is required.

64. ( c) 333cc water is required.

45 " 25 (45%)



g_L ') ~ 20 (0%)

Total parts 45 (25%)


For 45 (25%) parts - 20 parts of water req

For 750 (25%) alcohol' ?

= 750 x 20 45

= 333 cc water.

65. (d)


175 cc of 25% dextrose solu-

25 ./ ~5(25%)

, /'


5_ ./ _. 15 (5%)

Total parts 20 (10 % )

For 20 (10%) parts For 700 cc 10%

5 parts (25 %) require ?

= 700 x 5 20

= 175 cc of 25 % dextrose solution.

66. (d) " A quantity of solution that contains 1/2 gallon of pure alcohol (absolute) is said to be 1 proof gallon.Alcohol ::uSP is 95 % v/v. Taxable alcohol means numbers' of proof

gallons. - __ ~ J"N'

1 gallon = 4 quarts

Proof gallon = gallon X % strength

'. ,{ ~iHJ L\5,O;~~ J;; .. ~f_~. ~;,,:.:

= 1/4 x 95 50

67. (d)

. . ~ . ,;

- ... 7~.~:i%i~~~~~~r~~< 0.125 gaIl9n.'

• '_To~_-_~_



Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

= 118 x 50 50

= 0.125 gallons.

68. (c)

Proof gal = gal x % v/v strength 50% v/v

Diluted alcohol USP is 49% v/v.

gal = p~oof gal X" 50% % strength

= 0.5 x 50 49

= 0.510 gallons.

69. (b)

0.05 proof gal

P1;oQf gallons = gal x % v/v , 50%

= 2/8 x 10 = 0.05 proof gallon 50

70. (a)

0.263 gallons

Proof gal = gal x % v/v strength. 50%

Gal = 50 x proof gal %vlv

= 50 x 0.5 =,.0.263 gallons 95

71. (a) To prepare saturated solution, 1 gm of boric acid should be dissolved in 12 cc of solution.

= 240 x 1 = 20 grams of boric acid. 12


72. (b)

200 units/cc

The amount of Abbokinase units in 5 cc of reconstituted solution:

= 250000 = 50,000 units/cc 5

2 cc of this resultant solution are injected into 500 cc of 5% dextrose solution:

= 100.000 500

= 200 units/cc.

73. (c)

360 cc.

The cc of Valproic acid will need to fill 600 mgdose,

= 5 x 600 = 12 cc 250

A patient is taking 600 mg three times a day for 10 days, therefore:

= 12 x 3 x 10 = 360 cc

74. Cd)

20% elementary iron

525 mg of Ferrous sulfate contains 105 mg

elementary iron. '

== 100 x 105 = 20% 525

75. (d)

21 cc.

= 5 x 105 = :lIce of Ibert-500 liquid. , 25

76. (c) The weight of a child in kg

50 = 22.72 kg.



.Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

The recommended therapeutic dose in a child is 4 mg/i.m.lkg, therefore:

= 22.72x4 = 90.9mg

Number of ampuls :::: 90.9 :::: 0.9 == 1 100

77. (b) 2 mg.

A milligram of albuterol sulfate is required to prepare 2.5 cc 0.083% solution,

:::: 2.5 x 0.083 = 0.002 gm :::: 2 mg 100

78. (a) A patient is taking 2 drops in each eye four times a day, therefore the total numberofml would be 1.6 cc (1 drop == O.lcc).

The number of mg of Alomide present in daily dose:

= 1.6xO,.l = O.0016gm = 1.6mg 100

79. (a)


The amount of LU. in 5 cc of Aquasol-A:

== 5 x 50.000 = 250,000 lU.

Each LU. contains 0.3 mcg ofvitannn-A:

== 250,000 x 0.3 meg ::::75000 meg =75mg

80. (b)

The amount of Lidocaine

presentin 30 cc of 2% Lidocaine viscous solution is:

:::: 30 x 2 = 0.6 gm 100

:::: 600 mg.


81. (c)

The number of cc of Meg ace oral solution require:

= 800 = 20 cc 40

82. (d) 2 gram (2000 mg) of Videx powder are reconstituted with 200 cc of purified water:

:::: 2000 :::: 10 mg Icc 200

10 cc of this resultant solution (10 x J 0:::: 100 mg videx) is mixed with 200 cc of Maalox plus:

== 100 == 0.5 mg/ce. 2QO

83. (d)

The number of ce of Cefzil oral

suspension are required to fill one dose are;'

:::: 500 x 5 :::: 20 cc 125

Total number of,cc required to :fill the whole order:

:::: 20cc x4x 7 :::: 560 cc.

84. (a) The amount of elementary iron

present in 325 mg of ferrous sulfate:

== 325 x 20 :::: 65 mgof el'ementary ired.

100 ., .. Y

::::: 5 x 65 ::::: 3.2~. <;;9 of Nif~rex·:solutiOIi. 100



'~.;.:.;.: .



-~ .~


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

85. (a) To solve this problem, we should

use the alligation method,

2~73(20%) 8 /~12(5%) Total parts 15 (8 % )

To prepare 15 parts To prepare 500 cc

12 parts ?

= 500x 12 15

= 400 cc of 5% Hydrochloric acid should be mixed with (500 cc-400 cc = 100 cc) 100 cc of 20% Hydrochloric acid to prepare 500 cc of 8% Hydrochloric acid.

86. (b).' 1 gill of Rocephin in 250 cc 0.9% NaCI should administer within 24 hours, therefore


250cc 24x60min

= 0.173 co/min.

An LV set delivers 20 drops per cc, therefore:

For Icc

For 0.173 cc

20 drops require ?

= 0.173 x 20

= 3.47 drops per minute.

87. ( c) An adult dose of drug can be

calculated by the following formula:

= Patient's surface area in mml, x adult dose 173 mm"


= 123 x 5000 173

= 3554.9 units of heparin.

88. (d) The milligrams of lidocaine presents in 5 cc of 1 % lidocaine solution are:


~ . ~ -

= _5_ = 0.05 gm = 50mg 100

89. (d) The total amounts of Insulin

used by patient per day:

= 10 + 20 = 30 units.

The number of days the insulin (100 unitsllO cc) vial will last:

= 100 = 3.33 days. 30

90. ( c) The amount of Acetic acid re-

quired t~. pre~are·256 cc 7% w/v".

= 250 x 7 100

= 17.5 gm of acetic acid.

91. (b) The amount of Hydrocortisone

required to prepare 60 gm of 0.05%:

= 60 x 0.05 100

= 0.03 gin of hydrocortisone = 30 mg of hydrocortisone.

92. (a) Patient weight in kg = 155


= 70.45 kg


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

The recommended adult dose of Mezlocillin is 250 mcglkg/day.

= 250 x 70.45

= 17613mg = 17.61 mg.

93. (a) 10 in 100 solution is interpreted as 10 gm of drug in 100 cc of solution,

therefore '

= 480x 10 100 '.'

= 48 gms of povidone iodine.

94. (b)

By using the alligation method,

2~1 ~13 (25%)


5.~ ',' 7 (5%)

Total parts 20 (18%)

To prepare 20 parts (18%) To prepare 500 cc (18%)

7 parts (5%) ?

= 500 x 7 18

= 194.44 cc of Dextrose 5% solution is required.

95. (c)

1 N net solution contains 36.5

. - ,.

gm ofHel acid in 1000 m1 solution, therefore 0.25 N solution contains

=0.25 x 36.5 = 9.125 gm of Hel/lOOO cc 1

The amount of He 1 acid in 750 cc solution is:

Krisman .

= 9.125 x 750 = 6.84 gm Hel 1000

The purity of He I acid is 37% w/w, therefore the total amounts of HCI acid required are:

= 100 x 6.84 37

= 18.49 gm of HCI acid

The number of cc of HCI acid required:

= 18.49 1.2

= 15.41 cc ofHCI acid.

96. (d) Aluminum has a gram atomic

weight of 27 and valence of3:

equivalent weight = gram atomic weight • j.," ,nu111b~r ,of valence

~ ~. ~ ;-, ".- .: :." ~

= 27 = 9 3

rnEq = eq weight in mg 1000


9000 = 9.

~OOO .(, ,uf" .".,~~ .. ; . t., '.'

97 . (d) . , The .amountof .sodium 'chlo-

.~.,... ~ -.- ... .;-,- -r-: .," ~.. ...._., ~: ,-. - --' --,..

ride presents in 250. C9 pf,Q.9%. Na,CI is: ;

= 250 x 0.9 = 2.2~; gtp.J:{~Ql oK

100 ~~;J~,~~iJffj~~~1:~:~1')":'b -

TogUe~W:xat~Il:S~J.i~l;l~;;I~f.~\~ grn

, s.. i ,.}ftrJt'l:~HL?f1I~~qW.~~~.J!~.\}'t :- ~,~-;5 ,.~ <~. l~'t~ r.~li-f~~-:~i_- , . =2.25 0~ilO~~it2,i~Sl1ijy&~P.!~ 2. ,

·· .. 5~fg'~<'-- ~~&~~~,~'gi,:' '. " ,.


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

mEq of Na' = equivalents x 1000 = 0.03846 x 1000 = 38.46 meq of Na'

- 98. (c) is

An equivalent weight of KCl

Equivalent weight = molecuhrr wei~ht number of valence

= 74.5 = 74.5 gm 1

Total equivalents of K+ = weight in gm equivalent wt

Total equivalents of K' = 0.75 gm 74.5 gm

= 0.0100 equivalents of K'

= equivalents x 1000 = 0.01006 x 1000

= 1O.06meq

99. (d) MgS04 is:

An equivalent weight of

Equivalent weight = molecular weight ." number of valence

= 246 = 123 gm 2

Total equivalents of Mg+2 = wei~ht in gm equivalent wt

50 cc 20% MgSO 4 solution will contain

= SOx 20 = 10 gmMgS04 100

= 10 = 0.0813 equivalents 123


mEq of Mg+2 = equivalents x 1000 = 0.0813 x 1000

= 81.30 meq.

100. (d) An equivalent weight of

CaCl2 will be:

Equivalent weight = molecular weight number of valence

ill = 55.5 gm 2

Total meq of Ca+2 in 480 cc solution are 200, therefore


mEq of Ca+2 = equivalents x 1000

Equivalents = 200 = 0.2 1000

Total equivalents of Ca+2 = weight in gm equivalent wt

Weight in gm = total equivalents x eq wt = 0.2 x 55.5.

= 11.10 gm of Caf'I,

101. (c) The gram atomic weight of

Aluminum chloride is 106.5 gmlmole. .

equivalent weight = _gram atomic weight number of valence

= 106.5· 3

= 35.5 gm

mEq = eq weight in mg. 1000

= 35.500 = 35.5 of Aluminum +3 1000


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

102. (b)

equivalent weight::: molecular weight number of valence

::: 151.85 ::: 75.92 gmImole 2

mEq offerrous'? ::: weight in mg equivalent weight

= 325 = 4.28 meq. 75.92

103. (a) The amount of sodium bicarbonate present in a 50% 200 cc sodium bicarbonate solution would be:

::: 200 x 50 ::: 100 grams 100

Total equivalents of Na' ::: weight in gm , equivalent wt

= 100 = 1.190 equivalents of Na' 84

mEq of Na" ::: equivalents x 1000 ::: 1.19 x 1000

::: 1190.47 meq.

104. (a) Each teaspoonful contains 5 meq of K+, therefore the total meq of K+ in 1 quart solution is:

::: 960 x 5 = 960 meq of K' 5

mEq of K+::: equivalents x 1000

Equivalents of K" = meq of Ks 1000

::: 960 ::: 0.96 equivalents of K' 1000


Equivalents ::: weight in gram eguivalent weight

Weight in gm « 0.96 x 74.5 ::: 71.52 gm ofKel.

105. (b) The amount ofNa+ present in

10% 1 quart solutionof Na.EO,

::: 960 x 10 ::: 96 gm ofN~P04 100

Equivalent wt ::: molecular weight number of valence

::: 164 ::: 54.66 gm!mo1e 3

Total equivalents of Na' ::: weight in gIll equivalent wt

::: 96 ::: 17.56 equivalents,


mEq of Na" ::: equivalentx 1000 ::: 1.756 x 1000

::: 1756.31 meq

106. (c)

8.1 meq.

Equivalent weight e molecula.r\veight:" no of valence

::: 74 ::: 37 gmImole 2

Equivalents of Li ::: "weighfintgm ';''C', equivalent weight

::: 0.3 37

- , ,", ~. .

.. ,;::' _~j. ~\:;"~ f~~·~.g -u ~ ::;c '~.~-~ l < .:

= 0.0081 equivalents, ;;,

mEq of Lithium::: equivalents x 1000 = 0.0081 x 1000

::: 8.1 meq


:~:: : '


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

107. (d) The mean blood pressure of

Mr.X would be:

180 + 160+ 170 + 175 + 160 + 183 + 187 7

= 173.57 mmHg.

108. (d) The sum of probability of success and failure would be equal to 1 in Null hypothesis and can be expressed by the following formula:

p + q = 1, where p = probability of success q = probability of failure'



= I-p

= 1- 0.6 = 0.4

109. Cd) The degree of freedom in Chisquare would be expressed by the following formula:

= (R-1) x (C-l) = (2-1) x (3-1).


110. (c) Median or Mode is generally expressed as a middle value of an experiment; if the number of values are even, then the average of middle values should be considered. To find the median or mode of experiment data, one should first arrange the data in ascending or descending order.

In our example:


= 120 + 135 = 127.50 2


111. (b) We want to dispense 12 suppositories each weighing 2 gm and containing 400 mg of tannic acid,

Amount of cocoa butter = 2 gm x 12 = 24gm

Amount of tannic acid = 0.4 gm x 12 = 4.8gm.

Displacement value of tannic acid is 0.9, there:" fore:

= 4.8 = 5.33 gm of base will displace 0.9

4.8 gm tannic acid = 5..33 gm cocoabutter

Amount of cocoa butter = 24 gm - 5,33 gm = 18.67 gm

112. (a)

33.34 gm

Amount of cocoa butter = 2gm x 20 = 40gm

Amount of boric acid = 0.5 x 20 = 10gm

Amount of base displaced by boric acid:

= 1Q_ = 6.66 gm 1.5

Amount of cocoa butter = 40 gm - 6.66 gm = 33.34gm

113. (a)

42 tablets of prednisone 10 mg.

114. (a) The concentration of reactant M is half in a reaction that is third order in kinetic:

dx = k (a-x) (b-x) (e-x)



,J~,efereilce guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

= k (a-x)" where a=b=c = k (J\1)3

now M =M!2

= k (Mi2? = Lk (M)3 8

115. (b)

0.025 min-I

For the first order kinetic,

K = 2.303 x log Co

t C

= 2.303 x log 500

'90 50

= 2.303 x log 10 90 c

= 0.025 min-I

116. (c) The half-life ofa drug in a first order reaction is expressed by the following formula:

t = 0.693;,

112 --


= 0.693 = 10.34 days 0.067

117. (d)

K = 2.303 x log Co

t C

= 2.303 x log 5000

:,'; 10 500

,., ,.:;::: .2.303 x 1


= 0.230 days:'


118. (d) 30.13 minutes.

tll2 = 0.693 = 0_693 = 30.13 minutes.

k 0.023

119. (c) 4 times.

dx - ~ = k (a-x) (b-x) where a = b dt

= k (a-x)"; wherea-x ::i:.' A = k (A)2

The concentration Of reactant A is double, therefore We 'ci:m: Say A = 2A.

= k(2A)2 =4kA2

120. (d) The half-life in a second orde;r

kinetic Isexpressedby follow~~ fb'TIhula:

. ;. ~.~i1 ~ ~~-

, ~_ ~ d -:._ = ," .

= 1

0.002 x 7

121. (d),


, ,

. _' ~·;l~~~~~t;;~~;:-·!t ~.t; L~)~y.~y~{~. -~ 'J

='2.3~3 x l(g~':~~~, ...



Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

= 0.051 min-I

t1l2 = 0.693 = 0.693 = 12.15 minutes

k 0.057

123. (c)

143 years.

t = 2.303 x log Co

k C

= 2;303 x log 100

0.016 10

= 143.93 years.

124. (b) Vd = M


= 0.25x 10-3 gm = 2.5 X 106 0.1 X 10-9 gm

Patientweight in kg = 156 = 70~9 kg

~";-'"" 2~2

An apparent volume of distribution:

= 0.5 x 70.9 = 35.45 L

, '.,

I.V. dose of drug in mg:

=25 x 70.9 <

= 1772.50 mg = 1.772 gm

Cp = M = Vd

1.772 = O.049gm/l 35.45

= 0.049 mg/ml

126. (a) To solve this problem, we have

to first find out the degradation constant:

K = 0.693 = 0.693 = 0.191 hour

tlf2 3.62


K = 2.303 x log Co

t C

0.191 = 2.303 x log 50

12 C

C = 5mg/cc.

The concentration of drug after 12 hours would be 5 mg/cc.

127. (b) The rate of infusion can be cal-

culated by the following formula:

Css =



K x Vd

Css = steady state plasma concentration

Ri = rate of infusion

K = elimination constant

V d = volume of distribution


= Css x 0;693 x Vd tm

= 20 x 0.693 x 15000 4

= 51975 mcg/br

:;:: 51.975 mgihr.

128. ( c) The loading dose of the drug

can be calculated by the followingformula:

Ld = Css x V d where:
Ld = loading dose
Css = steady state plasma cone":
Vd = volume of distribution
= 20 x 4500
= 90.000mcg
= 90mg
129. Cd) 25 hours = 500 = 25 hours 20

'. 53

Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

130. Cd)

The status of renal function

impairment can be expressed by creatinine clearance.

Cly =

C~ +


c~ =
2100 =
c~" =
= Totalbody clearance Hepatic' clearance Renal clearance

300 + C~

1800 :mlJbr 30rnJJmin

~: ','

The normal creatinine clearance generally lies between 80 to 120 rnJJmin. A creatinine clearance in the patient is 30 mlfwi:D:, which would be considered severely impaired.

131. (c)

Blood serum freezes .at 0.520

. ,-. -~ .- ... ,~ ' . .:_... :'.' .. ~.

C, and all solutions having this freezing point are isotonic with blood serum. 0.9% sodium

chloride have the same freezing point as that of blood serum.

FPpro.viqes by J ~ Boric acid = -0.29° C "

FPqf, blood = - 0.52° C;

FP (needed) by NaCl = (0.52-029) =0.23° C

Now we know that FP provided by I % NaCl

, , '

would 1?~j ~0.58~ C, therefore one can say:

;:~ ,f c . _;

For FP 0.58° needs For FP 0.23° needs

1 % NaCI ?

~. '

= 0.23 x 1 = 0.396 % NaCl


0.396 gm of NaCl/ 100ec.

The amount of NaCI needed for 250 cc,

= 250 x 0.396 = 0.991 gill NaCl = 991 mg 100


132. (d) FP provided by 1 % NaCl is

-0.58° C. To make an isotonic solution we need FP -0.52° C:

0.58 FP provide by 1 % NaCI 0.52 FP provide by ?,

= 0.52 x 1 = 0.9% = 0.9 gm/100 cc , 0.58

133. (a) 1 % Cocaine solutionprcvides 0.09° C , therefore the amount of sodium duoride required to produce an isotonic solution

would be (0.52 - 0.09 = q.43),c" ,;'

ForFPO.52 Forfp 0.43

" We need 0.9% Na<;;::l ?

= 0.43 x 0.9 ,= 0.74!fo NaCl= O.74;g/lOOcc

~-' _'r"l"r~":- .'< :,";"~ ~ .; __ .r-r'::::' •• ~~ ~


134. (b) 1 % FP of Boric acid will provide 0.29° and 1% Procaine wiif'pro'vide 0.122°. Blood serum freezes at 0.52° C there-

._ ; _' \ ~. -~,~ -;: ~ '";'-,.. .,..,-~ "~?'","'~_'~-~~_"t=i ";~~;" ,._ -tc :

fore the anlount ofB9P.t}ii'Cid requ-tred is:" ,

;..:.., .. ,,"",~ .~.

= (0.52 _ ().i;22r0;::~g.£t:~_~~~¥ ;"~£IG;';;<+f, ,i> = 0.398°

0.29° FP provided 0.398° FP provided

~ ~ 1 r,Y:cft- ,r

by 1 % boric acid -,


135. (c)



Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

137. (c)


pH = pKa + log salt acid

5 = 4 + log salt acid

Salt ::: 10:1 Acid

138. (d)


pH = pKw - pKb + logbase . salt

= 14 - 4.56 + log 0.5 0.05

= 14 - 4.56 + 1

= 10.44

139. (d)


pH = pKa + log salt acid

= 5.5 + log 100 1

= 5.5 + 2 = 7.5

140. (a)


Amount of Ointment

15 gmO.l% (0.1 x 15/100) . 60 gm 0.25% (0.25 x 60/100) 80 gm 0.5% (0.5 x 801100)

155 gm oin~ep.t contains

% He = 100 x 0.565 = 0.36% 155


0.015 gm 0.150 gm 0.400 gm

0.565 gmHC


141. (b)

We have 100 cc of 0.25% Mes-

tinon solution, therefore we can say:

0.25 gm/100 cc, now this solution is diluted up to 750 cc mark,

= 0.25 gm 1750 cc

= 0.25 x 4 gm 1750 x 4 cc .= 1 gm l3000 cc

= 1: 3000

142~ (b)


PH = -log [~O+] = -log _[10-3]

= 3

143. (c)

1.363 mg

Patient weight in kg::: 150 = 68.18 kg 2.2

= 20 mcg x 68.18

= 1363.63 mcg weekly. = 1.363 mg weekly.

144. (c) Theamountofsodiumhypocblo-

rite in 1 quart of 1 in 500 solution would be

s o'

= 960 x 1 = 1.92 gm 500

We have 0.75% stock solution, therefore the amount of stock volume needs to be 1.92 gill sodium hypochlorite.

= 100 x 1.92 = 256 cc 0.75% solution 0.75

145. (c) .1 gm of cefazolin is reconstituted with 12.5 cc of swn and the resultant solution is inserted int~ 50 cc of 0.9% NaCl. We can say that 1 gm of cefazolin is present in 62.5 cc (50 + 12.5) of solution: .

= 1 gm in 62.5 cc (50 cc + 12.5 cc)

Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Krisman

Second Edition

= 1000 mg in 62.5 cc We have 250 mg/500 cc Rocephine solution,

= 16 mgt cc

146. (d) We have 5000 units/It) cc he-

parin solution,

5000 units/l0 cc = 500 units/ee

= 2 x 500 units ~ 1000 units will be injected into 100 cc ofDsW solution.

= 1000 units in 102 ec (100 ce + 2 ec)

= 9.80units/cc. '

147. (b) The l.V. admixture contains 1000 mg/250 cc solution and should be finished within a 5 hour period.

= 250 ec in 300 min = 0.83 ee / min.

I.V. set delivers 20 drops per ee

= 20 drops/ee

= 16.66 drops/0.83 ee

= 16.66 or 17 drops/min

148. (c) We have 250 mg/500 c~ theo-

phylline solution:

= 250 mg/500 cc

= 250000 meg/500 cc = 500mcg/ec

149. (c) We have 250 mg/500 cc of

Rocephine solution, .

Patient weight in kg = 155 = 70.45 kg 2.2

= 1.5 mcglkglmin

= 1.5 meg x 70.45/rnin == 105.68 meg/min

= 0:105 mg/min

= 250 mg/500 ce = O.5mg/cc

= 0.105 mg/0.211 cc

0.105 mg = 0.211 ce = 1 min, therefore we can say:

= 0.211ce/min.

150. (d)

Earlier in this book we dis-

cussed a number of mEq problems, here is another method to solve the mhqproblems.'

Eq weight = molecular weight numberof valence

= 74.5 gm = 74.5 gm / mole 1

1 equivalentofKCI = 74.5 gm of KCl 1 mEq of KCI = 74.5 mg of KCI

The amount of KCI in 20 ce of 10% solution:

= 20 x 10 = 2 gm KCI = 2000 mg KCl 100

= 2000 mg KC1I270 cc (250 + 20) = 7.40 mg KClIcc

Nowl mEq = 74.5 mg ofKCI

= 7.40 = 0.099 meq/ce 74.5

151. (d) 480 be of20%s-ollihin.'bicar-

bonate solution cClnttiliis: ,,,,:.~iU·: <+;~t <'

= 48-0 x 0.2 _ji;\~]~\~~\

= 96 gm of sodium bicarbonate

= 96060 nlg' df sodi_itm'!~f~~!>~~~{t:" -

-.:. ,:~:.;-;, --;. -e= _. •. :,,::

. :. ~~, r~.,· ; ,,: .. ,_ i~~i~·'fi. ~_ .. {~~;~i~T~ -c~

Equivalent weignt == :~o!~l;l~weight

,- rilimb~i-' of valence

.-:,::\~~.,p );-:/ :;;.

- .

- ,f--",··


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations . Second Edition

= M_gmJmole = 84 gm 1

1 equivalent = 84 gm sodium bicarbonate

1 mEq = 84 mg sodium bicarbonate

mEq ofNa + = 96000 mg = 1142.85 84mg

152. ( c) The number of mEq ofKel in

20 cc (4 mEq/cc):

= 20x4

= 80 mEq of KCl

Equivalent wt = molecular weight number of valence

= ~mole = 74.5 gm 1

1 equivalent of KCI = 74.5gm 1 roEq of KCI = 74.5 mg

Milligram of KCI:

= 80 x 74.5 mg = 5960mg

Concentration of KCI in mg/ml:

= 5960 mg/250 cc = 23.84 mg/ce

153. (d) The number of mliq present in

120 cc solution (10 meq/5 cc):

= 120 x 10 = 240 meq ofKel 5

1 meq of KCI = 74.5 mg of KCI,

Milligram of KCI:

= 240 x 74.5 mg


= 17880mgofKCI = 17.88gmofKCI


154. (d) TheamountofPovidoneingm

in 10% Llb ointment is:

= 10 x 454 = 45.4 gm of povidone 100

The ce of povidone required:

= 45.4 gm = 22.7 cc of Povidone 2 gm/ec

155. (c) The amount of Triamcinolone

in 1 % of 1 lb ointment:

= 454 = 4.54 gm of triamcinolone 100

If we add 5000 mg of Triamcinolonet :

= + 5.0 gm

= 9.54 gm of triamcinolone.

The % of triamcinolone in [mal mixture:

= 100 x 9.54 = 2.1% w/w 454

'~'. -,... .-~ .". ~~ r.",

. .: ~ /, .

156. (c) The amount of HCI acidre-,

quired to prepare 1 gallon of 2.5%.HCI is: ~w

= 3840 x 2.5 = 96 gm HCI acid 100

The purity ofHCI acid is 35% w/w, so to get

96 gm of Hel, we need . :'l :.:::\

= 96 x 100 = 274.28 gm of'HCl 35

~ c '.

,-r~ fUy~'

The Volume of Hel acid needed to. PWPfIJ$c 274.28 gm of He I is:

= 274.28 gm = 219.42 ml of Hfll 1.25 gm/ml

Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

157 . (d) % of elementary iron in 325 mg

offerrous sulfate:

= 65 x 100 = 20% w/w 325

158. (d) To solve this problem, we

should use the alligation method,

7.5~ ;:>1""~O.5(7.5%)

~O.5 .

o ~7.0(0%)

Total parts 7.5 (0.5%)

To prepare 7.5 (0.5) parts To prepare 1 gallon

0.5 part (7.5%) ?

= 3840 x 0.5 = 256 cc 7.5% acetic acid 7.5

256 cc 7.5% acetic acid solution should mix with (3840 - 256) 3584 cc water to prepare 1 gallon of 0.5% of acetic acid solution.

159. (d) 10% 100 cc solution of Cipro

will contain 10 gm of active ingredient.

A patient is taking 500 mg of- the drug three times a day, therefore the total amount of Cipro will be1500 mgper day.

A number of days = 10000 mg 1500 mg

= 6.66days.

160. (a) The milligrams of erythromycin required to dispense 480 cc, 0.25% topical solution' 'are:

= 480 x 0.25 = 1.2 gm of erythromycin 100


We have 2% erythromycin topical solution in stock:

= 1.2 x 100 = 60 cc solution. 2

161. (a)

3 0.5 (3%)



Q/ ~.5(0)

Total parts 3.0 (0.5)

To prepare 3parts,:'},:w~ need 0.5 part

To prepare 1000 ,; ? "

= 1000 x O.S = 166.66 cc 3% acetic acid


166.66 cc 3 % acetic acid should be mixed with (1000-166.66) '833.33 cc of water to prepare 1000 cc of 0.5% acetic acid solution,

162. (b)

= 8 x 150 = 1200mg

This amount present in 240C'6'6lierrY~yrnp:

. .. - -~ %En;; ' -, ~~, . r "

= 1200 mg/240 cc = Smg/cc

= 25 mg/S cc ' pf~nff}~;jc~,~f~~i~g;: ~,»

163. (c) The imlOWlt of hydrocortisone

in 240 gm of i ij~}>s.#i.@~r\l~i/~,:<tl.L~.:> ,

=- 240 x O.dl\i~<~?? = 2.4 gm hydt,6c6_c;

164. (b) 'r<2:5%'~1!t~:~i;i~~'.>'(_


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

= 3 x 100 = 2.5% w/w 120

165. (a) The amount.of triamcinolone

in 1 % 60 gm of ointment:

= 60 x 1 = 0.6 gm triamcinolone 100

% of triamcinolone in final mixture:

= 0.6 x 100 = 0.5% w/w 120

166. (a) 1 cc of Atropine (0.4 mg) is mixed with 49 cc of ocean nasal mist solution:

= 0.4 mg/50 cc = 400 mcg/50 cc = 8 mcg/cc

167. (b) The amount of Xylocaine

present in 60 gm 2.5 % ointment:

= 60 x 2.5 = 1.5 gm Xylocaine 100

The number of ce of 10% Xylocaine solution required:

= 1.5 x 100 = 15 cc of 10% Xylocaine 10

168. (c) "aa" stands for "each of' and therefore the quantity of lidocain viscous should be 60 cc,

169. (c)

65 mg/5 ee

The amount of Dic1oxacillin: = 13 x 500 mg

= 6500mg



This amount of drug present in 500 ce of Alamag solution:

= 6500 mg/500 ec = 13 mg/ec

= 65 mg/5ce

170. (d)


The amount of Povidone:

= 8 x 10 = 0.8 gm=800mg 100

The solution is diluted up to 1000 cc with water therefore:

= 800 mg/lOOO cc = 0.8 mg/cc

171. (d)


Amount of Chloramphenicol:

= 2x500mg = 1000mg

= 1 gm

% of Chloramphenicol:

= 100 x 1 = 3.33% w/w 30

172. Cd)


The amount of Clindamycin:

= 8 x 150 = 1200 mg

The concentration of drug in mg/ml:

= 1200 mg/60 cc =_ 20mg/cc



Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

173. (c) The amount of Clindamycin

required to prepare 2% 60 gm topical gel:

= 60 x 2 = 1.2 gm 100

We have 150 mg capsules of clindamycin:

= 1200 = 8 capsules. 150


174. (b) The amount of sodium hy-

pochlorite required to prepare 1000 cc 0.25 % solution,

= 1000 x 0.25 = 2.5 gm 100

We have S% Dakin (sodium hypochlorite) solution in stock:

= 2.S x 100 = 50 cc of 5% solution

5 c.'.'

175. ( c) The amount ofTrilafon present

in 120 cc (1 mg/5cc),

= 120 x 1 = 241l1g __ 5

To get this 24 mg, we need 24cc of (l mg/cc) trilafon solution.

176. (c)


Vancomycin content:

= 2 x 250 = SOOmg

Concentration of Vancomycin:

= 500 rug/It) cc = 50mglcc


177. (d)

105.68 gm" .

Patient weight in kg:

= 155 = 70.45 kg 2.2

Dose of Aminoacid in grams:

= 1.5 x 70.45 = 105.68 gm

178. (a)

Patient weight in kg ="140 = 63.63 kg'

2.2 ,,0:>

Total amount that should be infused in a day:

= 60 x 63.63 = 3818.18 cc

' .... '.

Time required to infuse 2500 cc:

= 2500.00 = 0.654 day = 15.71 hours

3818.18 i .:

179. (b)

510 calories

Each gram of dextrose provides 3:4 cal or kcal.

Calories provided by 500 cc D30'Y: .'h'\

0, •

= 500 x 30 x 3.4 = 510 calories or kcal.

100 ;. '0» . \iif.

180. (b) Each gram of.dextrose 'provides 3.4 calories and each rill of alcohol provides 5.6 calories, theret9!~14eot9t:U¢al6nes provide by 1000 cc 5% de~tiose'andalcohol:

.~ ~Mt:/Si~*t;¥l~11,+~~~,~Q~~~~::~· -: ~ {-, Energy provided by 1000 ~? ~~-W:'l': c'

", ,._ >

= 1000 x 5 x 3.4 == 170 calories. 100


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

Energy provided by 1000 cc 5% alcohol:

= 1000 x 5 x 5.6 = 280 calories. 100

Total calories = 170 + 280 = 450 calories

181. (c)

42.58 hours

Patient weight in kg-= 155 = 70.45 kg 2.2

Rate of infusion per hour in above patient:

= 0.1 x 70.45 gmJhour = 7.045 gm/hour

The amount of dextrose in 1000 cc D30W:

= 1000 x 30 = 300 gm dextrose 100

The number of hours required:

= 300 = 42.58 hours 7.045

182. (a) The number of hours required

to infuse 2.4 liters or 2400cc solution,

= 2400 = 7272.72 minutes = 121,.21 hrs. 0.33

183. (b ) No, it will not make the patient sedate since alcohol is metabolized at a rate of 20 cc/hour or 0.33 cc/min which will the same rate as alcohol is infused.

184. (c) Mr. Shroff's TPN provides 1100 nonprotein calories and 45% of nonprotein calories as fat, therefore one can say:

= HOOx 0.45

= 495 calories from fat.


The remaining (1100-495) 605 calories are provided by dextrose, the maximum dextrose concentration is 12.5 %, and each gram of dextrose provides 3.4 calories:

= 605 = 177.94 gm dextrose 3.4

The volume required to provide 177.94 gm dextrose as a 12.5% concentration:

= 177.94 x 100 = 1423.52 cc dextrose. 12.5

185~ (b) The cc of solution required to prepare 3% amino acid solution containing 30 gm amino acid are:

= 100 x 30 = 1000 cc 3

186. (c)

1304.03 calories

Weight in kg = 120/2.2 = 54.54 kg Height in cm = 62 inch = 62 x 2.54 em = 157.48 em

BEE = 655.1 + 9.56 x 54.54 + 1.85 x 157.48 -4.68 x35

= 1304.03 calories

187. (d)

1172 calories

Total calories provided by dextrose:

= 1200 x 5 x 3.4 = 204 calories 100

Calories provided by amino acid:

= 1000 x 10 x 4 = 400 calories 100

Calories provided by alcohol:


Reference ,guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

= 100 x 5 i 5.6 == 28 calories 100

Calories provided by fat:

= 300 x 20 x 9 = 540 calories 100

Total calories provided by TPN: "

= 204 + 400 + 28 + 540 :::: 1172 calories

188. (c) TPN solution should provide 55% of 1500 nonprotein calories as dextrose:

= 1500 x 0.55

= 825 calories as dextrose

The grams of dextrose required:

= 825 = 242.64 gm dextrose 'r",


The number oicc of de~trose 30% require:

:::: 242.67 x 100 = 808.82 cc dextrose sol''. i 30

189. (d) TPN solution should provide

45% of 2000 nonprotein calories as fat:

= 2000 x 0.45

= 900 calories as fat

The number of gram of fat required:

= 900 = 100 gm fat 9

The number of cc of 20% fat so~ution regpired:

= 100 x 100 = 500 cc of 20% fat solution. 20


190. (c)

3000 cc 5% amino acid

Patient weight in kg = 165 = 75 kg, , 2.2

The number of grams of amino acid reguiIed:

= 2x75 = 150gm

":" ::. :

A number of cc of 5% amino acid:

= 100 x 150 = 3000cc 5% aminoacid soln 5

191. (c)

53.75 calories

Calories provided by 250 cc 5% glycerol: '

= 250 x 5 x 4.3 = 53.75 calories 100

192. (d)

900 calories.

Calories provided by 500 cc 20% fat solution:

= 500 x 20 x 9 = 900 calories 100

193. (c) The amount of.' Alphagan

present in each drop:'

= 0.1 x 0.2 = 0.0002 gm = 0.2 mg

100 'r,' 'c·;: ,,' ,~~.;!.

194. (d) ,.' , 50nillli'gj:runs ',~' ',; "

• + ~{~·~l",,,,·)1!.~ .. : _, ~l::'::~' :.'

The amount of Timolol inmg:

<. ;: ;~;- 1 ~~~~1·f ;- ;·-:t1~{~tfW~;-~tt~;·;~~ {

= 0.5 x 10 == o.os gm=';,;SO mg~ '''i:"'' <

1 00 ":;0; .~ T;~,<" ~"t'0 :,_;rd~!;)'l.e~t~ ", c;

195. (a) The patient !s;c~~sthg 75mg twice a weekfor 4. triohfurtri16\\idbks, therefore the tot:3:.1 dose of Haldol decanoate requiredis:

62 -

Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

= 75 x 2x 16 = 2400mg

The number of vials of Haldol required:

= 2400 == 24 vials 100

196. (b)

60 calories

Calories provided by 500 cc 3% amino add:

== 500 x 3 x 4 = 60 calories 100

197. (c)

312.50 cc 2% acetic acid:



Total parts 8 (5 % )

To prepare 8 cc (5%) To prepare 500cc (5%)

5 cc (2%) ?

== 500 x 5 == 312.50 cc (2% acetic acid) 8

198. (c) 20 tablets.

199. (d)

297.61 mEq

Equivalent weight == 84 == 84 gm 1

1 equivalent weight (NaHC03) == 84 gm 1 milliequivalent (NaHC03) = 84 mg

The amount of NaHC03:

== 50x 0.5

== 25 gmNaHC03


= 25000 mg NaHC03

Milliequivalents of N aRCO s_i.

= 25000 = 297.61 mEq 84

200. (c)




= 0.07 X 103 days;

9.9 X 10-3

= 70 days.

201. (c)

10 gms .

The amount of Amoxicillin in grams:

= 250 x 200 = 10000 mg .=.10 gms 5

202. (d)

21 vials.

The total amount of Demerol required:

= 7Smgx4x7

= 2100 mg of Demerol

The number of vials of Demerol.required:

• < •• • • c·

= 2100 = 21 vials 100

203. «n The correct DBA number can be calculated by the following formula.


The first letter should be A or B and generally indicates "dispensing". i' c:!


The second letter should bethefirst" initial of the last name of prescriber. (e.g. S for Dr. Sheghi, Rama)" ct:"t~1:'

Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition


The rest of the seven letters are numbers, and can be verified by the following formula.

* Add the first, third and fifth numbers.

2+ 3 + 7 = 12


Now add the second, forth and sixth numbers of the DEA number and multiply by 2.

3 + 2 + 6 = 11, and 11 x 2 = 22


Now add the first, third and fifth

numbers to the resultant sum .. '.

. ': ~;~.

of the second, forth and sixth sums.

12 + 22 = 34, the right ~ost le~er of this resultant sum should matehwith the seventh number of the DEA number.

AS 2332764

204. (c)

8.33 minutes

The time required to finish a: 250 cc infusion:

~._:"~:'>J " '. c ," •

=250 ~ 500 seconds = 8.33 minutes


205 . (c) Patient weight in kg = 11 0 = 50 kg 2.2

The recommended adult dose of drug per day:

= 5 x~.O.

= 250 mg per day = 250 mg/24 hours =A;t.§61Ilg/4 hours

206. (d),. ·571 calories.


Calories provided by dextrose:

= 500 x 0.05 x 3.4 = 85 calories

Calories provided by amino acids:

= 300 x 0.03 x 4 = 36 calories

Calories provided b)' .lipids:

= 500xO.l x 9 = 450 calories

Total calories: 85 + 36 + 450 = 571 calories.

207. (d)


Equivalent weight of KCl = 74.5 = 74.5 gm 1

1 equivalent weight of KCl = 74.? gm .' .. .:

1 milliequivalentofKCI = 74.5m.g"'·o

The amount of KCI:

= 400xO.2

= 80 gm KCl = 80,QOQ,tllg;KCt ~

• , . .; ,.~ ·,~uU.;'. r ~ .• ~s._

Milliequivalents of KCI: .



.... :. -~;:._. . ~




= 80,000 74.5

208. (c)

pH d~pK~i¢~'Jt6g§mi('!"r':

>If.~:,t'i·i:~$~;"~ . 'acid


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition.

209. (c)


pH = pKw - pKb + log base .. salt.

6.5 = 14 - 8.5 + log base/salt log base/salt = 6.5 - 5.5 = 1 base/salt = 10: 1

210. (c) 50 scoops. Patient is taking

1250 mg twice a day (2500 mg/day).

The number of scoops of Vrracept required:

= 2500 = 50 scoops 50

211. (d)

57.6 days

the number of days required to finish a bottle:

= 144000 mg = 57.6 days 2500mg

212. (d)



Patient weight in kg = 120 = 54.54 kg 2.2

The dose of theophylline:

= 0.2 x 54.54

= 10.90 mg per day

213. (d)

24 capsules

The amount of KCl reguired:

= 180xO.l = 18 gm

= 18000mg

The number of capsules required:

== 18000 = 24 capsules 750


214. (c).

0.329 minutes

K = 0.693 == 0.693

tl12 9.9 x 10-2

= 7 minutes

t = 2.303 x log Co


== 2.303 x log 500

7 50

= 0.329 minutes

215. (c)

22.5 rog/5 cc

The amount of drug in 10 cc of 10% solution:

= 10xO.l = 1 gm

= 1000mg

The amount of drug after the addition of tablets:

= 1000 mg + 1250 mg = 2250mg

This amount present ill 500 cc of s,olution:

= 2250 mg/500 cc = 4.5 mg/cc = 22.5 mg/5 CC.

216. (a) An error of ± 5 is permissible,

therefore one can say:

For 5 mg error

For 4 mg sensitivity

we can weigh 100 mg ?

= 4 x 100 = 80 mg minimum weighable. 5

217. (a)


An error of ±1 is permissible,


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

For 1 mg error

For 3 mg sensitivity

we can weigh 100 mg ?

= 3 x 100 = 300 mg is minimum weighable

218. (b) The balance has 3 mg sensitivity and 150 mg minimum weighable quantity.

For 150 mg weigh For 100 mg weigh

3 mg error is permitted ?

= 100x 3 = ±2% 150

219. (b) The volume of gas can be

found by the following formula:

P1vi = Tl

P2V2 T2


= PI xVI x T2 P2xTI

= 710 x50x (273 +0) 760 x (273 +25)

= 42.79 cc

220. (e) The calculation of molar gas

cons~t R can be calculated by:

PV = nRT where

P = 760mmHg = 1 atm V = 22.4 liters

n = 1 mole'


T = (273.16 + 0) = 273.16 KO

R = 1 x 22.4 = 0.082 atm lit/mole KO 1 x 273.16

221. (e)

74.07 liters.

PV = :'nRT where:


P = 7401760 atm v=?

n = 3moies

R = 0.08205 lit atm / mole deg T = 273 + 20 = 293 KO

v = 3 x 0.08205 x 293 7401760

= .74.07 liters

: ;,

222. (b)

31.41 gm / mole

PV = g x R x T where:


P = 7801760 attn

V = 500 cc = 0.5 liter g = 0.5 gm


R = 0.08205 lit-atmlmole deg T = 273 + 120 =·393 KO

M = g x R x T = 0.5 x 0.08205 x 393

PV 7801760 x 0.5 1 :

= 31.41 gm/mole

223. (e)


Molarity is defined as the number .()f moles in 1000 ce. . ' ", :'. "':

Number of moles = 50 ;DO:331rfucii~s;:

- l,'-:- -.

.l~~f:') j:~l )",;': '. \ '

0.331 moles of .ft~~l}~:~~~1'~4t1'~¥i}'?E~~~l}~in 1000 cc thereforethe-"'m61an.ty-oftlie-sblution

is 0.331 M.

224. (d)



dli~,J;C:· -_ .~ . .:--~. : .. .1000:': 55.55.moles


. . .

- f~:~~~i01I;~~-:(~:{~:.;-L.I'~~ _ T


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

Mole fraction of FeS04 = 0.164

0.164 + 55.55

= 0.0029

% Mole fraction of FeSO 4 = 0.0029 x 100 = 0.29%

Mole fraction of H20 = 55.55

0.164 + 55.55

= 0.997

% Mole fraction of H20 =,0.997 x 100 = 99.71%

225. (c) A 0.2 M solution of acetic acid has been found to dissociate in 1.2 x 10-4 moles of hydrogen and acetate:

x = 1.2 X 10-4 moles C =.0.2 moles

Ka = X2 = (1.2 X 10-4)2

C-X 0.2 - 1.2 x 10-4

[0.2- (1.2 x 10-4)] is very small to calculate and can be considered equal to 0.2.

= (l.2 X 10-4) 2= 7.2 X 10-8 0.2

226. (b) The ionization constant Kb for Morphine base can be calculated by the following formula:

= "Kb xC -


I 3 x 1O-6x3 X 10-4 -.......!


3 x 10-5 molelliter

227. (c) The new hydroxyl ion concentration can be calculated by the following formilia:


Kw = [~O+] x [OH-} OH- = Kw


= 1 X 10-14 = 1 X 10-13 molellit 1 x 10-1

228. (c)

Kw = KaxKb

Ka = KwlKb = 1 x 10-14 1.5 X 10-6

= 0.66 X 10-8

229. (b) The solubility product of the salt (strong electrolytes) can be found by the following formula:

Ksp =

(Ag+) x (CI-)

(1 x 10-4) x (1 X 10-4) 1 X 10-8



230. (d) Suppose we assume that the

solub~ty of Ag2CrO 4 is X.

2Ag+ + erG-2

. 4


Ksp =

2Ag+ + crO/ (Ag")? x (CrG /) (2X)2 x (X)



Now if you carefully read the problem, the total number of Ag+ ions would be (Ag' ion provided by silver chromate + Ag" ion provided by (silver nitrate) 0.08 M and therefore we can rewrite the above equation as:


(2X + 0.08)2 x X

4~ + 0.32X2 + O.0064X


Now 4)(3 and 0.32)(2 are very small and can be . negligible,


c.: ,:;".£~f~r~p:Cf: guide for Pharmaceutical calculations 'Second Edition

Ksp = 0.0064X
X = 2.x 10-12
= 312.5 x 10-12 molesllit 231. (b). The distribution coefficient of the substance can be found by the following

formulas: " .

K= c., or K= C .
C CH20
= 0.06 or 0.03
0.03 or 0.06
= 2 or 0.5
232. (b) • ,< The zero order rate constant
can be calculated by the following formula: . K =
K :::::
~ :::::
C =
::::: K, x C, where

Zero order rate constant

F.irst order rate constant Solubility of drug in gllOO cc

; >~. , ~~.

5 X ,10-5 x 0.~3, :, ,~~ r, ;','. 1.65 x 10-5 gm/100 ml sec

~~'~ -.

233. (b) The drug is decomposing ac-

cording to first order kinetic:

. _,.' -,'


2.303 x log Co




'2.303 x· log 10-:, . 2.30$ x 1O-1? . 10-6

, e,

: c, "

L 40 x l 09 hours

234. ( c) The surface tension of the solutioncan be calculated by the following formula:

'S ,=1 x r x h x d x g where 2


r ::::: inside radius = 0.05 em

h = height of liquid in capillary = 5 cm d = density of liquid = 1.5 gm/cm'

g ::::: gravitational force = 981 em/sec?

::::: 183.93 dynes/em

235. (d) The surface tension of the liq-

uid can be calculated by following formula:'

s = A.s - ("-r_ + A.LS)
'A, = surface tension of water
~ ::::: surface tension of oleic acid
Au ::::: interfacial tension s = 72.8 - (30 + 35) ':.,L

= ·12.8 dynes/em ."

If As > ("-t. + Au), . liquid will spread on water, but not vice versa.

236. (b) The velocity of creaming can

be calculated by the following formula:

v :::::

18n ; ! ;, .

= (10 X 10-5)2 (0.45 - 1.05) 981

18 X 0.2~·: . ., .. _ ~ : >

100 X 10-10 (0.6') 'i\Hn .. ~:4.:5~fr,\··~ (Q-)


"{ ,0

,:::V·2: '


-1.3080 x 1O.6i;.¢:in!sec .'pi,

.~,"~~o-.,,~~~ft:,?·> .~L~§ ~.~ ,.- -', ' -,

237. ( a);cMJ?~ calculated

• -~·-iL ";.:.~-iT,,,' -:~ ~,;y --'" .

by the following forn __ ..

" ,. ",Y ., i~,r. ~l~~.. ~

mOsomo1Jlit = wt (g)xhoofspecise x 1000 .: ;;~\c~o~df~'ThQl;wf(g)

The weight of ~sui:§: ::1.':14 ~~uid becalcu-'

1ate~Lper.JOOO'J:::.~;Q.Hl~ u,tiQU;'; .,;'" . "

-I - - - - • ..,--- ..... +: --4~~:i. :- - >'.


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

Since dextrose is nonelectrolyte, the number of species should be considered as 1.

We have 500 cc D25W solution, therefore:

25 gm/l00 cc::;; 250 gm/1000 cc

= 250 x 1 x 1000 180

= 1388.88 mOsmJL

= 138.88 mOsmll00 cc

238. (a) The osmolarity of sodium bicarbonate solution can be calculated as follows:

25 gm/100 cc = 250 gm /1000 cc

The number of species = 2


250 x 2 x 1000 = 5952.38 mO~mJL 84

239 •. (a)

We have 50 cc 20% Calcium

chloride solution:

50xO.2= 10gm,

10 gm/50 cc = 20 gm 1100 cc = 200 gm!L


Ca+2 + 2Ct


A number of specises for CaC:S should be 3.

= 200 x 3 x 1000 111

= 5405.40 mOsmJL

240. (b) To solve this problem we

should use the alligation method: .



.s_L ~2(8%1 Total parts 5 (5%)


To prepare 5 parts (5 %) To prepare 100cc (5%)

3 parts (3%) ?

= 100 x 3 = 60 cc of 3% boric acid 5

241. (c)

297.61 ruEq

Equivalent wt = 84 gm/mole :« 84 gm 1

1 equivalent of NaHC03 = 84 gm 1 mEq of NaHC03 = 84 mg

quantity ofNaHCO~

= 50xO.5

= 25 gm = 25000 mg


= 25000 = 297.61 rnEq of Na' 84

242. (c)

6.25 mcg/cc

The amount of Chlorpromazine in 5 cc

= 5x30mg = 150 mg.

This 150 mg will be present in 240 cc of solution therefore:

.. = 150 Ii1g1240 cc = 0.625 mg/cc

10 cc (6.25 mg) of this resultant solution is diluted up to 1000 cc:

= 6.25 mgil000 cc

= 0.00625 mg/cc = 6.25 mcg/cc


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

243. (b)

307.69 mOsril

mOsmlJL =-wt (g)/L x no. of species x 1000 mw(g)

Amount of NaCI:

= 200 x 0.009 gm = 1.8 gm/200 cc = 9 mg/lOOO cc

= 9x2x 1000 58.5

= 307.69 mOsm

244. (c)

2684.56 mOsm/L

Amount of KCI:


= 3 gm KC1I30 cc = 10 gm/l00 cc

= 100 gm/1000 cc

mOsm/L of KCI:·

= 100 x 2 xIOOO 74.5

= 2684.56 mOsmIL

245. (d)

2.77 drops/min

We have to infuse 100 ce1250 mg Rocephine via LV. infusion over a 12 hour period:


100 ccl12 x 60 minutes 0.138 cc/min


1. V. set delivers 20 drops/cc:

= 20 drops/ce

= 2.77 drops/0.138 ee



2.77 drops/min

246. (d)

22.91 drops/min

We need to infuse 20 cc + 50 ee + 30 cc + 1000 cc = 1100 ec within 8 hours,' therefore,

= 1100 ce/8 x 60 = 2.291 ee/min

I.V. set delivers 10 drops/cc,

= 10 drops/cc

= 22.91 dropS/2.291 ec = 22.91 drops/min

247. (d)

8.33 hours

We want to infuse 500 cc Dfiwsolnticn with. a flow rate of 20 drops/min. The I.v. set delivers 20 drops/cc, therefore one can say:

- 20 drops/min = 20 drops/co


Time required to complete the infusion:

= 500 cell = 500 minutes = 8.33 hours

248. (b)

18.75 drops/min "

Flow rate of solution drops/min:

= 300 cc 14 x 60 minutes = 1.25 cc/min

.. IV. set delivers 15 drops/cc therefore:

= 1.25 cc/min = 18.75 drops/min

249. (b)

Patient wt in kg = 1?~/?:?"-~·70.45 kg tj~~j~!~'~~ ~.~~-~



Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition


A normal therapeutic dose in mg is 10 mg! kg/day:

:::: 10 x 70.45 mg :::: 704.5 mg

The number of LV. infusion bags:

= 704.5/250 = 2.82 ==·3 bags -

250. (a) 1 in 100 is interpreted as 1 gm

of dextrose solution in 100 cc:

Amount of dextrose:

= 501100

= O.Sgm


.. ' ...

;;'Je.uu. ..... ~ for Pharmaceutical calculations ;


i. ~ How many milligrams are present in - : a 11150 gr Nitrostat tablet?

a. 1.2mg
b. 0.43 mg
c. 45mg
d. 3.5mg 2. How many 11200 gr of tablets can be
prepared from 500 mg of active ingredient?
a. 167
b. 432
c. 1538
d. 1100 3. How many milligrams of Guiafenesin will be present in 480cc (15 mg/5 cc) of solution?

a. b.

908mg 1440mg 1000mg 521 mg

c. d.

4. IT the retail cost of each Zyprexa tablet is $2.40, what would be the retail cost for 30 tablets?

a. b.

72 111 24 67

c. d.

5. How many grams of dextrose are re-

. quired to prepare a 1000 cc Djw solution?

a, 125 gm
b. 75gm
c. 50gm
d. 500gm 6. How much atropine is required to pre-

pare a 1:500, 500 cc solution of atropine?

Krisman .

a. b.

0.5gm 0.005 gm lOgm 19m

c. d.

7. How many grams of Lidocaine are required to dispense 1 quart of 1 in 50 solution?

a. 11A gm
b. 5gm
c." :. 19.2 gm
d. 2lgm 8. How many calories are provided by 1

quart of a 1 in 500 solution of dextrose?

a. b.

11.2 calories 9.55 calories 55.6 calories


d. 6.53 calories

9. How much Xylocaine is required to prepare 30 cc of a 1 :500 solution of Xylocaine?

a. b. c. d.

120mg. 90mg 60mg 30mg

10. In what proportion should 49% alcohol be mixed with water to prepare 1000 cc of a 25% alcohol solution?

a . b.

30.5 cc 810 cc

c. 111 cc

d. 51O.2cc

11. 'How much Heparin is required to dis-

pense a 0.25% 750 cc solution?

a. .b. c. d.

; • ~ . i. • .,', _ . "";

'.1.875 gill

., ,?:,~5, ~ . - 0: 115gffi-

2.10 gm


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

1~.. . If a prescription calls for "Biaxin 500 mg po bid x 10 days", how many cc ofBiaxin 125 mg/5 cc are required to dispense a 10 day supply?

a. b .:

200cc 100 cc 400 cc 50 cc

c. d.

13. :ita prescription is written, to take 50 mg of diphenhydramine by mouth four times a day for 5 days, how many cc of 12.5 rog/5 cc diphenhydramine solution are required to dispense 5 day supply?

a. 400 cc

b. 20 cc

c. 80 cc

d. ,. 10 cc

14. If 125 meg of a drug are diluted with water up to 50 cc, what is the % of drug ?

a. 0.25%

b. 1.25%

c. 0.00025%

d. 0.0025%

15. If 1 tablespoonful of Thioridazine intense solution (100 mg/cc) is diluted with water up to 1 quart, what IS the % of drug in the final solution?

a. 1.25%
b. 0.005%
c. 0.156%
d. 2.75% 16. If 10 teaspoonfuls of Risperdal oral solution (100 mcg/5 cc) are diluted with water up to 480 cc, what is the concentration of drug in mcgfcc in the final solution?


a. b.

1.2mcg/rol 2.5mg/ml 2.083 mcg/ml 5.10mcg/ml

c. d.

17. . Howmany cc of 10% Benzoyl peroxide are required to prepare a 5% 20 cc Benzoylperoxide solution?

a. 10 cc

b. 50 cc

c. 25 cc

d. 100 cc

18. How many milligrams of Clindamycin are present in 60 I;C of 0.1 % topical gel of . clindamycin?

a, 100mg
b. 30mg
c. 60mg
d. 45mg 19. How many tablets of 250 mg erythromycin are required to prepare 500 cc of 2% topical solution of erythromycin?

a. 10

b. 40

c. 80

d. 20

20. If 325 mg of ferrous sulfate 'contains 22% elementary iron, how many milligrams ofelementral iron will the patient receive with each dose?

a. 20mg

b. 60mg

c. 71.5 mg

d. 50mg

21. If niferex liquid solution provides 10 mg of elementral iron in 1 teaspoonful, how many cc of solution are required to provide 55 mg of elementral iron?


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

a. - 27.5 cc

h. - 12.5 ce

c. 25.0 ce

d. 30.5 cc

22.-' If30 gm of 0.1 % Triamcinolone cream are mixed with 70 gmof 0.25% Triamcinolone cream, what is the % w/w of Triamcinolone in the [mal mixture?

a. 0.15%
h. 0.005%
c. 0.205%
d. 0.27% 23. Ifa prescription reads ~'50 mg Haldol deeanoate 1M. every week", how many vials of Haldol decanoate (10 mg/ce, 5 cc) are required to dispense a 30 day supply of the drug?

a. - h.

4 vials 1 vial 2 vials


d. 10 vials

24. If 1000 tablets of Zyvox cost $8550, and the mark up on the prescription is 15%, what would be the retail price of 30 tablets?

a. h.

$294.97 $125.10 $312.5

- $111.12

e. d.

:25. How much betamethasone is required

to prepare 80 gm of 0.05% ointment?

a. 25mg
b. 145mg
c. 40mg
d. 75mg _, "


26. If the ratio of ionized to unionized is lOS" and pKa = 3, what is the pH of the solution?

a. 2

b. c. d.

7 8 4

27. If a prescription calls for "Amoxicillin 500 mg by mouth twice a day for 10 days", how many cc of Amoxicillin 125 mg/5 ce ate required to dispense a 10 day supply?

a. 400 cc


200ce 100ce 50ee

c. d.

28. What is the weight in grams of 50 cc of glycerine having a specific gravity of 1.25 gril/cc? -

a. h.

40gm 62.5 gm 0.025 gm 6.25 gm

c. d.

29. What is the volume of 10 lbs of chlo-

roform having a density of 1.5 gtnIml?

a. -_ 3026 cc

h. 1232 ec

e. 456 cc


585 cc

30. How many milliosmols/lfare repre-

sentated by 1000 ee 0.9% sodiiirifchloride?


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

[Ka = H;3:0± x CH;xCOO=-] CH3COOH

a. 1.256 x 102
h. 2.5 X 10-6
c. 3.2x 109
d. 4.5 X 10-4 142. The measured solubility of sodium chloride in water at 25° C is 0.1 X 10-3 mole/ liter. What is the solubility product of this salt? [NaCl is a strong electrolyte and completely dissociates so use Ksp = [Nat ] x [Cl ]

a. 0.1 x 10-6
b. 0.1 X 10-7
c. 1.5 X 104
d. 0.01 X 10-1 143. What is the solubility of silver chromate in molelliter in an aqueous solution containing 0.5 M of silver nitrate? The solubility of Ag2Cr04 in water is 5 x 10-3 and KSPis equal to 5x 10-5•

a. 20 x 10-10
b. 2 X 10-4
c. 2.5 X 10-3
d. 1.2 X 10-6 144. How many milliosmols per 100 cc are represented by a 5% 250 cc KCI solution? [mw ofKCI = 74.5 gmlmole]

a. 101.43

b. 134.22

c. 56.34

d. 1342.22

145. How many milliosmolslL are representated by 50 cc of a 5% sodium bicarbonate solution?[mw of sodium bicarbonate = 84 gmI mole]



a. b.

1234.34 2012.52 1190.47 560.13



146. In what proportion should 25% alcohol be mixed with water to prepare 750 cc of 12% alcohol solution?

a. b.

150 cc 600cc 365 cc 360cc

c. d.

147. How many milliosmols per liter are representated by 150 cc of 0.25% aluminum chloride solution? [mw of aluminum chloride = 135 gmlmole]

a. 74.07
b. 12.56.
c. 132.11
d. 435.09 148. How many milligram of lidocaine are required to prepare 1:15000,100 cc solution?

a. 12.5 mg
b. 6.66mg
c. 3.21 mg
d. 1009mg 149. Calculate the flow rate in drops/min. The I. V. set infused 400cc of Clindamycin solution over a 6 hour period. [l.V, set delivers 20 drops/cc]

a. 22.22 drops/min

h. 12.5 drops/min

c. 10.25 drops/min

d. 8.6 drops/min .

150. How many milliosmolslL are representated by 30cc of 1 % CaC~ solution? [mw = 111 gmlmole]


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

a. b.

111.12 270.27 301.5 567.23

c. d.

151. The recommended therapeutic dose for Levaquin lV. is 7 mg/kg/day.Thedrug has' an elimination half-life of 12 hours and the volume of distribution is 1.2Llkg. What would be the plasma concentration of the drug? [ patient weight = 170 lbs 1

What would be the initial plasma concentration of drug in mg/ml ?

[use V d = M / C p ]

a. b.

10.11 mcg/ml 23.12 mcg/ml 5.833 mcg/ml 33.23 mcg/ml

c. d.

152. Referring to the above question, what would be the elimination constant?

a. 1.2 x 10-5 hr

b. . 3.5 .x 1 0-]. hr. c. .0.0577 hr .:

d. 0.980 X 10-3 hr

153. The recommended steady state plasma concentration of Cipro is 20 mcg/ml. If the drug has an elimination half-life of6 hours and the volume of distribution is 0.5 LIkg, what would be the rate of infusion in mg/min? [patient weight = 1551bs]

a. 2.25 mg/min
b. 5.60mg/min
c. 1.35mg/min
d. 1.1 mg/min 154. Referring to the above question, what should be the loading dose of Cipro in the patient?


a. b.

112.12mg 209.89mg 704.54mg 453.29 mg

c. d_

155. How many grams of dextrose are required to dispense 1 gallon of 1 in 500 solution?

a. 1.23gm
b. AO.9 gm
c. '256gm
d. 7.68gm 156. How much Lidocaine is required to prepare a 1:30,000, 50 cc solution?

a. 5.89mg
b. 2.23 mg
c. 1.66mg
d. 10.98 mg 157. -In what proportion should 10% salicylic acid be mixed with white petrolatum to dispense 500 gm of 4% salicylic acid?

a. 105 gm

b. 400 gm

c. 200 gm

d. 160 gm

158. How much heparin is required to pre-

pare 1 pint of 1.25% solution? ,.,

a. 1.25 gm

b. 2.50gm

c. 6gm

d. 12gm

159.. IflOOOtabletsofZyprexa cost $4550 and the markup'on prescriptionis ?O%, what would be theretailprice'for 90 tablets?

a. b.

$123.24: ' ,,$302.13 ..


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

c. d.

$S60.09 $491.40

160. How much sodium bicarbonate is required to prepare a 250 cc 0.3 N NaHC03 solution?

a. 1.2gm
b. 2.5 gm
c. 6.3gm
d. 11.1 gm 161. Find out the ratio of ionized to unionized drugs at pH = S.5. The pKa of drug is 2.S.

a. 1:100
b. 100:10
c. 1000:1
d. 1:S0 162. 'How much sodium hydroxide is required to prepare 500 cc ofOA NNaOH solution? [mol wt = 40 gmfmole]

a. 4gm

h. 6gm

c. 8gm

d. 2gm

[Hint: The simple way to solve this kind of problem is.

According to definition of Normality (N)

1000 cc 1 N solution contains 40 gm NaOH 1000 cc O.IN solution contain 4 gm NaOH 1000 cc O.4N solution contains 16 gmNaOH SOO cc 0.4N solution contains 8 gm NaOH]

163. How many cc of He I acid are required to prepare7S0 cc of O.ISN HC1 acid solution? [mol weight HCI = 36.5 gmimole, purity of HCI is 37% w/w, density 1.2 gmfml]


a. b.

11.09 cc 9.24 cc 4.10 cc


d. 20.1 cc

164. How much sodium hydroxide is required to prepare a 2S0 cc O.OSM NaOH solution ? [mol wt = 40 gmImole]

a. 0.5 gm
b. 1.6gm
c. 2.8gm
d. 3.1 gm 165. How many calories are provided by 1 pint of 2.5% dextrose solution?

a. 40.8 calories

h. 12 calories

c. 60 calories

d. 121 calories

166. 1000 cc of TPN solution should he infused over a 12 hour period. If an I.V. set delivers 20 drops/cc, what would be the flow rate in drops/min?

a. 27.77 drops/min

h. 21.12 drops/min

c. 13.5 drops/min

d. 9.09 drop~/min

167. Areeonstituted solution of Rocephine 500 mg (250 cc 0.9% normal saline) should be infused over a 4 hour period. If an r.v set delivers 15 drops/ce, what would be the flow rate in drops/min?

a. 15.62 drops/min

b. 11.10 drops/min

c. 21.20 drops/min

d. 34.5 drops/min

168. How long will it take to infuse 500 ce of 500 mg Levofloxaein solution with a flow rate of 25 drops/min? [An I.V. set delivers 15 drops/cc]


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

a. b. c. d.

5 hours 3 hours 1 hour 2 hours

169. If the recommended therapeutic dose for Cipro is 10 mglkg/day, How many milligrams of drug will the patient receive every 6 hours? [patient weight = 150 lbs]

a. b.

170.45 mg 525.1 mg 210.80 mg 90.3 mg

c. d.

170. In what proportion should 5% hydrocortisone be mixed with cold cream to dispense 60 gm of 3 % hydrocortisone cream?

a. 12 gm

b. 36gm

c. 50 gm

d. 10 gm

171. If a prescription calls to dispense 1 pint of KCI solution in such a way thateach teaspoonful of solution contains 10 meq of KCl, how many milligrams of KCI are required to dispense the above prescription? [mw = 74.5 gmlmole]

a. 30.89 gm
b. 71.52 gm.
c. 12.67 gm
d. 21.20gm - r 1-

172. How many milliOsmolslL are repre.,. sentated by a 0.25 % A1C~ solution? [mol weight A1C~ = 135 gmlmole]

a. b.

32.11 52.34 74.07 11.09




173. If a prescription is written to compound a TPN formulation such a way that 55% of 3500 calories are provided by fat, how many cc of 10% emulsion are required?

a. b.

1234 cc 2341 cc 1750 cc 456cc

c. d.

. 174. If a prescription calls to provide 1000 calories as dextrose and the maximum volume of dextrose that can be infused is limited to 2500 cc, what would be the strength of dextrose in % w/v?

a. 25.12%

b. 50.09%

c. 30.87%

d. 11.76%

175. How many calories are provided by 2000 cc of 2% amino acid solution?

a. 345 calories
b. 900 calories
c. 120 calories
d. 160 calories 176. How much heparin is required to dispense 240 cc of a prescription such that 1 teaspoonful of solution dilutes to 1 pint gives aI in 500 solution?

a. 67.89 gm
b. 46.08gm
c. 34.55 gm
d. 12.22gm '.'; - :.' ~ -.j Hint: To solve this kind of problem, go back-



1 in500is generally interpreted as of drug in 500 cc solution.'


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

Step I An amount of drug in 1 pint:

500cc solution contains 480cc solution contains

1 gmheparin ?

= 480/500 = 0.96 gm heparin.

These amount of drug must be present in 1 teaspoonful of solution, therefore one can say that each S cc of solution will contain 0.96 gm of heparin. We want to find out the arriount of heparin in 240cc of solution,

Scc solution requires 0.96 gm

240 cc solution will require ?

= 0.96 x 240/5

= 46.08 gm heparin.

177. How much atropine is required to prepare 12 oz of solution such a way that 1 tablespoonful dilutes to a quart that will make a 1 in 2000 solution? .

a. 11.52 gm
b. 21.23gm
c. 34.67 gm
d. 40.90gm 178. How much lidocaine is required to prepare 10 oz so that 2 teaspoonfuls are diluted to 2 quarts will make 0.05% solution? .

a. 5.50 gm
b. 90.6 gm
c. 28.8gm
d. 34.5 gm 179. How many tablets (each weighing 500 mg) of erythromycin are required to prepare 1 quart of 1 in 50 solution?

a. 12 tablets

b. 39 tablets

c. 5 tablets

d. 55 tablets


180. How many tablets (each weighing 1/2 grains) of phenobarbital are required to prepare an 8 oz solution such a way that each teaspoonful of solution contains 5 mg of phenobarbital?

a. b.

90 tablets 8 tablets 25 tablets 55 tablets

c. d.

181. How many milliequivalents of KCI are present in 1 gallon of 1 in 5000 solution? [mw ofKel = 74.5 grnfmole]

a. 23.4meq
b. 55.9meq
c. 10.3 meq
d. 1.23 meq 182. How much sodium bicarbonate is required to prepare 12 oz so that each teaspoonful of solution contains 2.5 meq of Na' ions? [mw = 84 gmlmole]

a. 10.89 gm
b. 34.56gm
c. 43.12 gm
d. 15.12gm 183. How many milliequivalents of Na" ion are present in 1 gallon of 0.45% NaCl solution? [mol weight = 53.5 gmlmole]

a. 111 meq

b. 323 meq

c. 212meq

d. 456 meq

184. The recommended therapeutic dose of Diflucan is 10 mg/kg/day by an intravenous route. What would be the flow rate in drops/ minutes if an I.V. set delivers 20 drops/cc. [patient weight = 170 lbs, diflucan 100 mg/ 100 cc DsW bags are available in stock.]

Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

a. b.

10.73 drops/min 21.23 drops/min 34.56 drops/min 9.08 drops/min

c. d.

185. How many milliOsmols/lOO cc are representated by 500 cc 0.5% N~P04 solution? [mw of Na3P04 = 259 grnJmole]

a. 1.23 mOsmo1l100 cc

b. 5.67 mOsmolllOO cc

c. 7.72 mOsmo1l100 cc

d. 21.3 mOsmolll00 cc

186. How many grams of cocoabutter are required to dispense 20 suppositories of tannic acid each weighing 2 gm and containing 500 mg of tannic acid?

[DV for tannic acid = 0.9]

a. 12.34 gm

b. 28.88 gm

c. 7.99 gm

d. 45.67 gm

187. How many grams of sodium chloride are required to prepare 500 cc of 1 % boric acid and cocaine hydrochloride (1 %) solution isotonic with blood?

FP of 1 % boric acid = -0.29° C

FP of 1 % sodium chloride = -0.58° C

FP of 1 % cocaine hydrochloride = -0.09°C

a. 34.59 gm

b. 1.21 gm

c. 24.13 gm

d. 11.20 gm

188. When radioactive iodine decomposes to 10% of its original concentration (100%), it should be labeled as expired. If a drug has a half-life of 1.3 x 102 months, what would be suggested expiration date?


a. b.

12 months 432.08 months 35.67 months 111.12 months

c. d.

189. If 5 cc of potassium perroanganate solution (2gm/L) are diluted with water up to a 100 cc , and 10 cc of the resultant solution are diluted with water up to 1000 cc. 7.5 cc of this resultant solution are diluted with water up to 50 cc, what would be the final concentration of drug in mcg/ml?

a. 0.015 mcg/cc

b. 15 mcg/cc

c. 0.15 mcg/cc

d. 150 mcglcc

190. If 10 gm of Cipro dry powder for oral solution are diluted with purified water up to 200 cc, how many mg of drug would be present in each teaspoonful of solution? .

a. 125 mg

b. 500mg

c. 1000mg

d. 250mg

191. If a prescription calls for the addition of 170 cc of purified water to make 200 cc of oral solution such that each teaspoonful of solution contains 75 mg of Biaxin, how many grams of drug are required?

a. 3gm
b. 5gm
c. lOgm
d. Igm
. , 192. " If a prescription callsto prepare 120cc NaF solution suchthatwhenl teaspoonful of solution is diluted to 1 glassful of water a 3 ppm solution results. Calculate the weight of N aF required to prepare above the prescription.


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Krisman

Second Edition

a. 11.23 mg
b. 17.28 mg
c. 15.50mg
d. 54.34 mg Hint: This problem should be worked "backwards".

3 ppm is interpreted as 3 gm of solute present in 1,000,000 parts of solution.

1 glassful of water (240 cc) must contain 3 ppm ofNaF therefore we can say

1,000,000 solution contains 3 gm ofNaF 240 cc solution will contain ?

= 3 x 240 f 1,000,000 = 0.00072 gm NaF

Now this 0.00072 gm NaF in the glass c~e from a teaspoonful dose, therefore each teaspoonful (5 cc) will contain 0.00072 gm NaF ..

The 5 cc came out of the original prescription order bottle (12Occ), therefore

5 cc solution requires 0.00072 gm NaF

120 cc solution will require ?

= 120 x 0.00072 f 5 = 0.01728 gm

= 17.28 mg ofNaF

Sometimes the physician prescribed the concentration in terms of FI- ions.

Referring to the above calculations if a prescriber orders 3ppm solution in terms of FIion concentration, we have to add a few more steps:

The molecular weight of NaP is 42 and the atomic weight of Fl is 19.

To get 19 mg FI- we need 42 mg NaP

To get 17.28 mg Fie ?

= 17.28 x42/19 = 38.19 mg NaP

193. If the prescription calls to prepare 240 cc N aF solution such that when 1 teaspoonful of solution is diluted to 1 glassful of water a 5 ppm concentration of fluoride results. Calculate the weight ofNaF required to prepare the above prescription.

a. b.

201.90mg 127.32mg 57.60mg 109.8 mg

c. d.

194. If the prescription calls to prepare 1 pint of NaP solution such that when 2 teaspoonfuls of solution are diluted to 1 glassful of water a 2 ppm solution results. Calculate the weight of N aF required to prepare the above prescription.

a. 34.56 mg
b. 89.76mg
c. 23.04mg
d. 12.33 mg 195. Convert 80° F into °C.
a. 12.53
b. 45.60
c. 26.66
d. 78.90
196. Convert 25°C into OF.
a. 54
b. 12
c. 85
d. 77 93

Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

197. How much sodium bicarbonate powder is required to prepare 120 cc of 0.05 N solution of N aRCO 3? [mw = 84 gmlmole]

a. b.

123mg 504mg 324mg 56mg

c. d.

198. How many cc of TPN solution can be administered within a 6 hour period if the flow rate of infusion is 25 drops/min?

[l.v. set delivers 10 drops/ec]

a. b.

900cc 1100 cc

c. 500 cc

d. 250 cc

199.· How many total calories are provided by a TPN solution that contains 1000 cc of D30W, 500 cc of 10 % fat emulsion and 250 cc of 5 % glycerol ?

a. b. c. d.

1624 calories 2100 calories 500 calories 109 calories

200. Calculate the ratio of unionized to ionized drugs having a pH of 8. [pKb = 10]

a. 10,000:1
b. 1:100
c. 1000:1
d. 100:10 201. How many grams of Dextrose are required to prepare 1000 cc D50W solution?

a. 250 gm

b. 750 gm

c. 500 gm

d. 1000gm


202. How much Physostigmine is required to prepare 1:10, 3L of solution?

a. b.

100gm 150gm 450gm 300gm

c. d.

203. ' .. How many cc of 0.25% KMn04 solution should be mixed with 0.1% KMn04 solution to prepare 0.15% of 1000 cc KMn04 solution?,


116 cc 852 cc 521 cc

c. d.

204. If 500 mg of Cephalexin powder are diluted with water up to 500 cc mark with plain water, 25 cc of the resultant solution arediluted with water up to 1000 cc, what is the % of drug in [mal solution?

a. 0.0025 %


0.025 % 0.005% 0.015%

c. d.

205. If 1 tablespoonful of Ri_sperdal oral solution (1 mg/cc) is dilutedupto 1 gallon mark with plain water, what is the strength of drug in mcg/ml in the final solution?

"!. . ~.'"

a. b.

1.2 mcg/ml ,': 3.90 mcg/ml 4.25 mcg/ml 6.11 meg/nil

c. d.

206. Povidone-Iodine 1 % 45 gm ointment contains:

a. 150 ing
b. 300mg
c. 750mg
d. 450mg 94

Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

207. If 105 mg of Iron-dextran complex contains 50 mg elementary iron, what is the % of iron?


47.61 %

b. 25.11%

c. 22.11%

d. 19.12%

208. If 120 gm of A & D ointment are mixed with 80 gm of 2.5% Hydrocortisone, what is the % of Hydrocortisone in the final mixture?

a. 1% w/w

b. 2.5%w/w

c. 0.5%w/w

d. 5%w/w

209. How much Erythromycin is presentin 3.5 gm 1% Erythromycin opthalamic ointment?

a. b.

50mg 67mg 35mg 89mg

c. d.

210. If a prescription reads "2.4 MU Bicillin I.M. twice a week", how many syringes of 1.2 MUI2 cc are required to fill a month supply?

a. b.

8 4 16 2

c. d.

211. If 500 tablets of Zyprexa 2.5 mg cost $1500 and the mark up on prescriptions is 15%, what would be the retail price for 100 tablets?

a. $345

b. $670


c. d.

$187 $231

212. How much Atropine is present in 15 cc 0.5% opthalamic solution?

a. 125 mg

b. 75mg

c. 150mg

d. 300mg

213. How many grams of Enoxaprine are required to prepare 1 pint of 0.5% solution?

a. 1.2gm
b. 4.8gm
c. 3.6gm
d. 2.4 gm 214. If the ratio of ionized to unionized species of Acetic acid is 103 and Pka = 3, what is the pH of the solution?

a. b.

6 5 4 7

c. d.

215. If a prescription reads "Penicillin 500 mg by mouth twice a day", how many cc of Penicillin 250 mg/5 cc are required to dispense 10 day supply?

a. b.

100 cc 150 cc 50cc 200 cc :

c. d.

216. Calculate the weight of 1000 cc of acetic acid? (density of acid = 3 mg/ml)

a. 4gm

b. 3mg

c. 3 gm

d. 4mg


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

217. Find out the ratio of ionized to unionized species of Acetic acid at pH = 5.

(pka: 3)

a. 100:1
b. 10:1
c. 1:100
d. 1000:1 218. How many micrograms are equal to 11 20 grains?


1225 meg 3250mcg 6215 meg 4515 mcg

c. d.

219. How many 650 mg tablets of Acetaminophen are required to prepare 500 tablets of 5 grains?

a. 250

b. 500

c. 1000

d. 125

220. How many 333 mg tablets of Erythromycin are required to prepare 2% 2 oz Erythromycin gel?

a.'" . 4
b. 3
c. 2
d. 5 221. The concentration ofH30+ in gm-ion! Lis 0.01, what is the pH of the solution? .

a. 3


2 1 7

c. d.

222. If 10 capsules of 500 mg of Amoxicillin are added to 1000 cc (500 mgt! 0 cc) Amox-


icillin suspension, what is the % of Amoxicillin in the final mixture?

a. 10.5 % w/v

b. 5.5 % w/v

c. 2.5 % w/v

d. 7 % w/v

223. How many grams are present in 5 grains of Acetaminophen? .

a. b.

325 650 0.005 0.325



224. If therapeutic dose of the drug is 20 mcglkg/day, how many 500 mcg/50 cc readyinfusion bags are required to fill the order? (patient weight = 220 lbs)

a. ·4

b. 2

c. 1

d. 7

225. If the prescription calls for "0.125 mg of Lanoxin daily", how many 11150 grains tablets are required to fill a month supply?

a. " 9 " e .
b. 7
c. 8
d. 5 226. If a prescription reads "Lanoxin 0.375 mg by mouth every day", how many cc of Lanoxin 250 mcg/5 cc are required to dispense a 30 day supply?

a. b.


105cc.,' i 375 GCl'h; 480 cc

d. 225 CC


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

227. If a prescription calls for "dissolve 4 gm of Videx powder in 250 cc of water, how many grains of Videx are present in 1 tablespoonful solution?

a. 1.23 grains
b. 3.69 grains
c. 5.21 grains
d. 6.12 grains 228.· If a prescription reads "Biaxin 500 mg by mouth twice a day", howmany cc (250 mgt 5 cc) are required to dispense 10 day supply?

a. 200 cc

b. 150 cc

c. 480 cc

d. 100 cc

229. What is the dose of a drug for a person having 130 mm' body surface area? The average adult dose of the drug is 500 mg?

-a, 451.23 mg
b. 375.72mg
c. 181.11 mg
d. 521.1 mg 230.' How many.grams of Dextrose are required to prepare 500 cc D5W solution?

a. 25 gm

b. 50gm

c. 5gm

d. 75 gm

231. How many grams of sodium chloride are required to prepare 500 cc normal saline solution?

a. 2.3 gm
b. 9.0gm
c. 1.2gm
d. 4.5 gm


232. . How much Lidocaine is required to prepare 100 cc 1:10 solution?

a. 10 grams
b. 5 grams
c. 15 grams
d. 7.5 grams 233. What is the % of Dextrose in 1 in 50 solution?

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
234. To dispense 10% of 500 cc solution of
sodium bicarbonate, how many pints of 40 mg!
cc are required? a. b.

3.5 4.2

c. 1.1

d. 2.6

235. If 15 cc of Thioridazine (30 mg!cc) are diluted with water up to 480 cc mark, what would be the strength of drug in mglcc?

a. .0.94mg!cc
b. 1.2mglcc
c. 2.22mg!cc
d. 0.64mg!cc 236. How much KMn04 is required to prepare 4 oz in such way that when 1 teaspoonful of solution is diluted to 1 quart, it gives 1 in 1000 solution?

a. 12.55 gm .
b. 15.60 gm
c. 23.04gm
d. 32.11 gm 97

Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

237. How many vials of Ativan 2 ~g/2 cc are required to prepare 4 pints of 0.05% solution?

a. b.

120 360 480 600



238. How many grams of 0.25% Clobetasol ointment can be prepared from 1 gram of an active ingredient?

a. b.

100 250 350 400

c. d.

239. How much sodium chloride powder is required to prepare 250 cc of 0.2N solution? (mw of NaCl = 58.5 gmlmole)

a. 2.92gm
b. 1.53gm
c. 3.63 gm
d. 4.23gm 240. ',: How many CC .of concentrated Hel acid are required to prepare 1000 cc 0.1 N acid solution?(mol weight = 36.5 gmImole, purity 37% w/w, density 1.2 gm/ml)

a. b.

3.12 cc 4.26 cc 5.15 cc

. 8.21 cc

c. d.

241. If 30 gm of of 1 % Hydrocortisone is mixed with 70 gm of 0.25% Hydrocortisone, what would be the % of Hydrocortisone in w/ w in the final mixture?

a. b.

1.2% w/w 0.475% w/w 0.893% w/w


d. 2%w/w


242. If 1 pint of 20% alcohol is mixed with 2 quarts of 30% alcohol, what would be the % of alcohol in v/v in the final mixture?

a. b. c. d.

21.23% v/v 15.6% v/v 31.2 % v/v


243. How many grams of 2.5% w/w Hydrocortison should he added to 100 gmof 1% w/w Hydrocortisone to prepare 200 gm of 1.5% w/w Hydrocortison?

a. b.

66.66 gm 121.21 gm 32.12 gm 42.5 gm

c. d.

244. '.' How many cc ofDsW solution are required to prepare 500 cc DsoW solution?

a. 1250 cc

h. 5000 cc

c. 3500 cc

d. 4200 cc

245. If a patient takes Q.325 mg dose of the' drug per day, what would be the recommended dose of the drug in mcglkg/day? (weight = 143 lhs)

a. h.

10 mcg/kglday 5 meg/kg/day 20 mcg/kg/day 50 mcglkg/day

c. d .

246. Ciloxan optlialamic-solution is available as 0.3% w/v. How many mg of drug are required to prepare 5 cc?

a. b.

15mg 25mg 105mg 220mg

c. d.


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

247. A prescription for Betaxolol reads as follows:

Betaxolol 0.05% eye drop Sig: 1 gtt od qid x 7days

How many milligrams of Betaxolol are present in each drop of the solution? (1 drop = 0.1 cc)

a. 0.10 mg

b. 0.15 mg

c. 0.25 mg

d. 0.05 mg

248. How many micrograms of Lanoxin are present in 120 cc of 0.5% Lanoxin elixir?

a. 0.6 x 106mcg
b. 0.1 x 1010 meg
c. 0.5 x 109mcg
d. 0.9 x 1012 meg 249. 1 gm of Cefazolin is reconstituted with 100 cc 0.9% NaCl. It is given via slow LV. infusion over 8 hours. If the LV.' set delivers 20 drops/cc, what would be the rate of flow in drops/min?

a. 4.16 drops/min
b. 5.23 drops/min
c. 6.12 drops/min
d. 1.32 drops/min 250. If an adult dose of Amoxicillin is 500 mg, what is the dose of the drug in a patient having a 145 mm' body surface area?

a. 409.18 mg

b. 521.11 mg

c. 311.16 mg

d. 419.07 mg

251. How many grams of Hydrochloric acid are required to prepare 250 cc of 0.5 N HCI? (mw = 36.5 gm/mole, density = 1.2 gmlml, purity ofHCI = 37% w/w)


a. b.

12.33 gm 13.21 gm 5.1 gm 8.26gm

c. d.

252.·, How many meq of K+ are present in 750mg of KCI? (mw ofKCl = 74.5 gmlmole)

a. 11.12meq
b. 12.13 meq
c. 14.21 meq
d. 10.06 meq 253. How many meqof Na' are present in 50 cc 5% NaHC03 solution? (mw = 84 grD/ mole)

a. 10.11 meq

b. 45.10meq

c. 29.76 meq

d. 13.11 meq

254. How many meq of Ca+2 are present in 50 grains of CaC12 powder? (mw of CaCl2 = 111gm1mole)

a. 102.11 meq

b. 32.21 meq

c. 24.12meq

d. 58.55 meq

255. How many meq of Mg+2 are present in 250 cc of 1% MgS04 solution? (row = 246

gmlmole) ,

a. 12.11 meq
b. 41.12 meq
c. 35.12meq
d. 20.32meq 256. How many grams of MgS04 are required to prepare 1 pint solution that contains 250 meq of Mg+2? (mw = 246 gmlmole)


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

a. 15.25 gm

b. 80.1 gm

c. 111.13 gm

d. 30.75 gm

257. How many meq of A1+3 are present in 250 cc 0.05% AlC13 solution? (mw = 106.5 gm!mole)

a. 4.18 meq
b. 7.21 meq
c. 3.52 meq
d. 1.11meq 258. How many grams of Na3P04 are present in 1 quart solution contains 5 meq of Na- ions in one teaspoonful of solution? (mw N alO 4 = 164 gm!mole)

a. 23.11 gm
b. 11.15 gm
c. 52.48 gm
d. 102.21 gm 259. How many meq of Li" are present in 450 mg tablet ofL~C03? (mw = 74 gm/mole)

a. b.

10.11 meq 31.10 meq 14.13 meq 12.16meq

c. d.

260. Mrs. X has the following blood glucose values:

Days Mgldl
Mon 125
Tue 180
Wed 175
Thu- 164
Fri, 101
Sat 132
Sun 180


What is the mean blood glucose?

a. ,131

b. 142

c. 151

d. .185

261. What is the "mode" or "median" of the following values?

9, 11, 7, 3,13, 15,8, 17,21

a. 3

b. 11

c. 8

d. 13

262. How long will it take to decompose Atropine to one half of its original concentration? (rate of constant = 0.138 hr )

a. 5.02 hr
b. 10.11 hr
c. 7.14hr
d. .8.16br 263. What is the rate of constant of the drug having half-life of7days?

a. 0.25 day'
b. 1.23 day
c. 0.10 day'
d. 0.099 day' , '.~.', -r,

264. How long will it take to decompose radioactive Mobidium.toHl'Efrom its initial concentration (100%)? (K = 0.25 x 10-2 years)

a. b.

921.2 years 1001,3 years 585.6 years 285~lyears

c. d.




Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

265. If the probability of success in Null Hypothesis is 0.3, what would be the probability of failure?

a. b.

0.2 0.5 0.7


d. 0.1

266. What is the rate of constant after 100 days if the initial concentration of a drug is 5000 mcg/cc, and 50 meg/ec after 100 days?

a. 0.21 day' .
b. 1.31 day
e. 2.11 day'
d. 0.046 day' 267. What is the apparent volume of distribution of 0.375 mg Lanoxin if the plasma concentration of the drug is 1.2 ng/ml?

a. b.

312L 101 L 252L 75L

c. d.

268. What is the pH of a solution having a hydrogen ion concentration 10-5 moles/L ?

a. b.

3 5

c. 2

d. 8

269. . If 1 gm of Cefazolin is reconstituted with 10 cc of SWFI, and the resultantsolution is inserted into 100 cc 0.9% sodium chloride. If this solution requires over 12 hour period to infuse, what would be the flow rate of infusion in drops/min?(LV. set delivers 20 drops per cc)

a. b.

2 3


c. d.

6 7

270. If 10 cc of 50% KCl injection is diluted up to 500 cc mark with plain water, what would be the concentration of KCI in meq/5 cc? (mw e 74.5 gmlmole)

a. 1.2 meq
b. 0.51 meq
c. ·3.21 meq
d. 0.671 meq 271. If a prescription calls to dispense 1 pint of L~C03 solution in such a way that 1 teaspoonful of solution contains 5 meqof drug, how many grams of L~C03 are required to prepare above prescription? (mw = 74 gm/ mole)

a. 17.76gm
b. 15.60 gm
c. 48.11 gm
d. 60.11 gm 272. How many calories are provided by 250 cc D10W solution?


10 calories

h. 35 calories

c. d.

85 calories 45 calories

273. What is the volume of Dextrose solution required to prepare a peripheral parenteral solution for Mr. Mehta that provides 1400 nonprotein calories and 45 gm of amino acid. The formulation should provide 35% of nonprotein calories as fat and have a maximum

dextrose concentration of 15%. .:'

a. 1800.11 cc

b. c. d.

1423.23 cc 1351.11 cc 1784.31 cc


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

274. What would be the total calories provided by TPN mixture containing 1000 cc of 10% amino acid, 500 cc of 10% emulsion?

a. 1000 calories


1200 calories 1320 calories


d. 950 calories

275. If 10 tablets of sodium bicarbonate each weighting 650 mg are crushed and added to 1000 cc water, what would be the concentration of drug in meq/ml? [MW = 84 gmJ mole]

a. 0.12meq/ml.

b. 0.030 meq/ml

c.· 0.50 meq/ml

d. 0.077 meqlml

276. How many cc of2% KMn04solution are required to prepare 10 pints of 1 in 500 solution?

a. 1 pint

b. 1 gallon

c. 1 quart

d. 1 teaspoon full

277. The ratio of ionized to unionized acetic acid is 1. What is the PH of the solution? [PKa= 5.5]

a. b.

3.5 5.5 2.5 6.5



278. What is the volume of 10% amino acid solution are required to prepare a peripheral nutrition in such a way that 55% of calories are provided by dextrose and the rest by the amino acids. The formulation should provide a total of 1400 calories.


a. b.

1411 cc 1575 cc 1800 cc


d. 1213 cc

279.· How much Timolol is required to dispense 15 cc 0.05% opthalamic solution?

a. 7.5mg
h. l.5mg
c. 3.2mg
d. 8.9mg 280. If the probability of failure in a Null hypothesis is 0.2, what would be the probability of success?

a. 0.8
b. 0.7
c. ,1.2
d. 2.1 281. What is the half-life of the drug in first order kinetic if 50 mg/cc of drug remain in a solution after 60 minutes? (Initial concentration of drug was 500 mg/cc)

a. ,18.23 minutes

b. 5.15 days

c. 0.038 minutes-

d. 12.11 months

282. The recommended therapeutic dose of Theophylline is 20 meg/kg/day, How many 500 meg/50 cc ready-infusion bags are required to fill 7 day $upply?(patient weight is 1l01bs)



b. 12

c. ,2L·

d. 30


283. How many milligrams of KMnO is

. , ... _ _ _ 4

present in 1000 cc 0.02% KMn04 solution?

I 1


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

a. b.

0.2mg 0.02mg 2000mg 200mg

c. d.

284. If 10 cc of 0.1 N NaHC03 solution is diluted with water up to 100 cc mark, and 20 cc of the resultant solution is diluted with water up to 50 cc mark, what would be the final concentration of drug in mcg/ml? (mw e 84 gmI mole)

a. b.

10 mcg/cc 336mcgjcc 421 mcg/cc 18 mcg/cc

c. d.

285. Bow many grams of drug are required to prepare 500 cc 0.25 N solution? (equivalent weight of drug e 356 gmlmole)

a. 23.1 gm
b. 101.2 gm
c. 31.23 gm
d. 44.5 gm : 286. How many calories are provided by 1 pint 1 in 50 solution of dextrose?

a. b.

15.11 calories 101.23 calories 32.64 calories 25.16 calories

c. d.

287. If 100 tablets of Synthroid 0.25 meg are crushed and diluted with water up to 50 cc, what is the % of the drug in the final solution?

a. b.

0.025%w/v 0.0025% w/v 0.00005% w/v 0.0125%w/v

c. d.


288. How many capsules of 150 mg Clindamycin are required to prepare 100 cc of 2 % Clindamycin solution?

a. 11

b. 8

c. 21

d. 14

289. What is the weight in grams of 120 cc of drug having a specific gravity of 2.2 gm/ cc?

a. b.

132gm 264gm 311 gm 98gm

c. d.

290. How many meq of Ca+2 are present in 500 mg of CaC03? (mw of CaC03 ::::: 100 gmI mole)

a. 15 meq

b. 25 meq

c. 10meq

d. 5 meq

291. How many milligrams of drug are required to prepare 250 cc, 1 in 750 solution?

a. b.

521mg 102mg 251 mg 333mg

c. d.

292. If an adult dose of drug is 250 mg, what would be the dose for a child haying a body surface area of 40 mm"?

a. b.

102.3 mg 57.8 mg 15.11 mg 31.12 mg

c. d.


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Second Edition

293. If an adult dose of drug is 500 mg, what a.

would be the dose for a child having a weight b.

of 421bs? c.

a. b.

210mg 325mg 460mg 140mg

c. d.

294. If an adult dose of drug is 250 mg, what would be the dose for a 3 months old infant?

a. h.

7mg 12.5 mg 5mg 10mg

c. d.

295. How many calories are provided by 300cc 1 in 50 fat emulsion?

a. 11 0 calories
b. 54 calories
c. 70 calories
d. 91 calories 296. 50 cc 3% glycerol provides:

a. 6.45 calories

h. . 15.11 calories

c. 9.98 calories

d. 4.11 calories

297. 12 ounces of Kingfisher beer (5% alcohol v/v) provides:

a. 100.8 calories
h. 20.25 calories
c. 18.11 calories
d. 32.11 calories 298. How long will it take to administer 5000 cc of TPN solution with a rate of 50 ccl kg/day in a patient weighing 1501bs?


14.1 hours 60.2 hours 8.11 hours

d. 35.2 hours

299. How many calories are provided by 500 cc 3% amino acid solution?

a. . 23 calories
b. 15 calories
c. 40 calories
d. 60 calories 300. How many cc of 10% amino acid solution are required to provide Igm/kg/day in a patient weighing 150 lbs?

a. b.

125.11 cc 253.14cc 681.81 cc


d. 421.11 cc


II' '.·.·1


"I I


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Krisman
Second Edition
1. B 43. B 85. B 127. D
2. e 44. e 86. B 128. A
3. B 45. e 87. e 129. A
4. A 46. e 88. e 130. B
5. e 47. D 89. D 131. e
6. D 48. D 90. A 132. D
7. e 49. A 91. B 133. e
S. D 50. A 92. e 134. B
9. e 51. e 93. A 135. e
10. D 52. e 94. B 136. A
11. A 53. D 95. e .137. A
12. e 54. A 96. D 138. A
13. A 55. D 97. A 139. B
14. e 56. A 98. A 140. D
15. e 57. D 99. B 141. D
16. e 58. D 100. e 142. B
17. A 59. e 101. A 143. B
18. e 60. B 102. ;B 144. B
19. B 61. A 103. A 145. e
20. e 62. A 104. A 146. D
21. A 63. B 105. A 147. A
22. C 64. B 106. e 148. ·B
23. A 65. A 107. D 149. A
24. A 66. B lOS .. A 150. B
25. e 67. e 109. A 151. e
26. e 68. e 110. e 152. e
27. A 69. D 111. e 153. e
28. B 70. A 112. D 154. e
29. A 71. A 113 ... B 155. D
30. A 72. B 114. A 156. e
31. B 73. B 115. B 157. e
32. D 74. B 116. B 158. e
33. B 75. B 117. e· 159. D
34. C 76. D 118. e 160. C
35. D 77. e 119. ' D 161. e
36. A 78. A 120. D 162. e
37. e 79. B 121. D 163. B
38. A 80. e 122. D 164. A
39. e 81. D 123. A 165. A
40. B 82. A 124. B 166. A
41. B 83. A 125. C 167. A
42. B 84. A 126. e 168. A


Reference guide for Pharmaceutical calculations Krisman
Second Edition
169. A 213. D 257. C
170. B 214. A 258. C
171. B 215. D 259. ' D
172. C 216. C 260. C
173. e 217. A 261. B
174. D 218. B 262. A
175. D 219. A 263. D
176. B 220. A . 264 .• A
177. A 221. -B 265. C
178. C 222. B 266. D
179. B 223. D 267. A
180. B 224 .: A 268. B
181. e 225. :A 269. B
182. D 226~ D 270.- D
183. B 227. B 271. A
184. A 228. A 272. C
185. C 229. B 273. D
186. B 230. A 274. D
187. B 231. D 275. D
188. B 232. A 276. A
189. C 233. A 277. B
190. D 234. . D 278. B
, 191. A 235. A 279.' A
192. B 236. e 280. A
193. B 237. 'C 281 .. A
194. C 238. . D 282. A
195. C 239. A 283. D
196. D 240. D 284. B
197. B 241 .. B 285. D
198. A 242. D 286. C
199. A 243. A 287. C
200. A 244. B 288. D
201. C 245. B 289. B
202. D 246 .. A 290. C
203. A 247. D 291. D
204. A 248. A 292. B
205. B 249. A 293. D
206. D 250. D 294. C
207. A 251. A 295. B
208. A 252. D 296. A
209. C 253. C 297. A
210. C 254. --D 298. D .-i-'~.
211. A 255. D 299. D
212. B 256. D 300. C L·~\ .


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