Univ Shortlist

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No University Place Med Bio.

Sc Degree Majors
Rank Rank

1 U Mich Ann Arbor 6 15 PhD Microbiology and Immunology

2 U of N.C Chapel Hill 20 24 PhD Biological and Biomedical Scie

3 U of Iowa Iowa City 27 56 MS/PhD Microbiology

4 U of Colorado Denver 27 68 PhD Reproductive Sciences

Microbiology and Immunolog

Cell Biology, Stem Cells and D

5 U of Maryland Baltimore County 40 100 MS/PhD Biological Sciences

6 Indiana University-PUI Indianapolis 44   PhD Microbiology and Immunology

7 U of Texas Houston 52 71 PhD Reproductive Biology

8 U of Utah Salt Lake City 52 56 MS/PhD Medical Lab Sciences

PhD Experimental Pathology

9 SUNY Buffalo 59 115 MS Biotechnology

PhD Biological Sciences

Microbiology and Immunolog

Anatomy and Cell Biology

10 U of Kentucky Lexington 59 115 MS Medical Sciences

11 U of Arizona Tucson 66 34 PhD Anatomy and Cell Biology

12 Wayne State Univ Detroit 71   PhD Physiology and Reproductive

Microbiology and Immunolog

Anatomy and Cell Biology

13 U of Nebraska Omaha 71 100 PhD Genetics, Anatomy and Cell B

Pathology and Microbiology

14 U of Oklahoma Oklahoma City 71   PhD Microbiology and Immunology

15 Penn State Univ Park, Hershey   42 MS Biotechnology

Microbiology and Immunolog

Cell and Developmental Biolo

Immunology and Infectious D

16 Iowa State Univ AMES   82 PhD Microbiology

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