Export Ratios Bulgaria

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Bulgaria's total exports in 2009 : 11 786.5 million €

- decreased 22.5 % vs. 2008 , 34.8 % of GDP

Bulgaria's total imports in 2009 : 15 889.2 million €

- decreased 33.2 % vs. 2008 , 46.9 % of GDP

- Sources : National statistics, Eurostat , National Statistical Institute (www.nsi.bg) and IMF

Trade with Denmark


Table 1 The major export product groups in one million USD

Product group Exports of mill. USD

Metal Goods 378.6

Articles of non-metallic minerals 206

Power machines and engines 97.6

Medical and pharmaceutical products 90.1

Total merchandise exports to Bulgaria 1215.2

• Bulgaria was Denmark's 46th largest export market in 2009 and is thus moved up ten places since
• Bulgaria decreases 0.25 % of Denmark's total merchandise exports .
• Exports to Bulgaria has doubled since Bulgaria joined the EU in 2007.

• Despite the financial and economic crisis which has meant that Bulgaria's imports has fallen by just
over 33 %, Denmark has increased its exports to Bulgaria by almost 37 %.


Table 2 The largest import categories in millions USD

Product group Imports in mill. USD

Non- ferrous metals 43

Garments and accessories 33.2

Machinery and accessories for industry 14.7

Total merchandise imports from 171

These three categories make up over half of total imports from Bulgaria.

Table 3 Denmark's trade with Bulgaria since 2003 in mill. USD

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Export 477.7 521.8 595 605 653.2 888.3 1215.2

Import 198.2 231.1 252.5 251.2 161 235.9 171.2
Balance 279.5 290.7 342.5 353.8 492.2 652.3 1044
Total Direct Investments in between Denmark and Bulgaria:

Year: 2007

Outbound (Investment in Bulgaria ): 0.6 billion . USD

Inadgående (Investment in Denmark): 0.0 billion . USD

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