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A Sound in the Bushes

By Elton Camp

I take this walk most every day.

It helps worrisome cares to allay.
Today’s the first I have heard
A sound different from a bird.

Unless my ears misconceive

It is the rustling of fall leaves.
But what could be around
To make that type of sound?

Perhaps a convict on the lam?

Or my neighbor, Crazy Sam?
Maybe a ferocious wild beast
That’s on the search for a feast?

Though it makes me quake,

Might it be a rattlesnake?
A skunk would be more tolerable
Even if it sprays its odor horrible.

I decide it’s best to walk on by

To find the source I won’t try.
Then a sound nearly makes my heart stop.
From the bushes and on the road, a plop.

The creature of whatever kind

It is now walking right behind.
I don’t dare look back to see
What is now following me.
There is nobody I can call for help
Although it matches step-for-step.
I decide it’s best not to know
So, shaking, down the road I go.

Cold and wet touches my hand.

It’s almost more than I can stand.
I turn around all ready to fight
What is causing me such fright.

Then I gasp at the sight

And smile with delight.
My friendly old hound
My location has found.

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