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A Christian view of Science?

Or how can a physics teacher

believe in God?
Christian Physicists
Isaac Newton (1642-1727)??
Robert Boyle (1791-1867)
Michael Faraday (1791-1867)
James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) 
William Thomson Kelvin (1824-1907)
Max Planck (1858-1947)?
etc. etc.
What’s God got to do with mathematics?
Why is this question difficult to answer?




Newtonian deism
• the Newtonian paradigm shift
• Newton wrote more theology than Maths and
Physics BUT he viewed God as only outside the
• God made the box…the design and order is the
evidence… cf modern intelligent design arguments
• God doesn’t get involved in the box
• Newton rejected the Christian belief that Jesus is
• so began a revolution that birthed the modern
world in which God doesn’t have much to do with
Newtonian deism’s afterthought
Well ok maybe God has to intervene a little
bit to maintain the creation order but only a
minimal tweaking.
Where did Newtonian deism come
• Freemasonry
• Freemasonry/deism and the foundation of
the United States…Trinitarian colonial
constitutions vs “we the people”
constitution of the federation
So how do we know things?
science = knowledge
analogical knowledge
Augustine “thinking God’s thoughts after him”
Adam naming animals as an act of predication
words are arbitrary but NOT meaningless
God created by speaking
Jesus as the logos and ultimate revelation
Ethics are the most basic
description of reality
• physics…metaphysics…ethics
• ethics are the most basic description of
reality…God saw what he had made and it
was GOOD over against the “what is” of
ancient Near Eastern creation myths
• ethics = what ought to be vs “what is”
• blessings and curses [restrained by God’s
grace] drive history
Modern physics
• relativity and quantum physics
• time depends on observer’s frame of reference
• twin-slit experiment
• atomic bombs and electronics work
• quantum computing
• don’t be naïve Newtonian classicists
• interpret truth, ultimately know right and
wrong, by thinking God’s thoughts after him
outside the box

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