THE WEEKLY ANUNNAKI BULLETIN Volume 1, Number 1 by Maximillien de Lafayette

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The Anunnaki-Ulema World (Knowledge & Mysteries) Solely created to inform the public on the real world of | — : + i Scientist Number 1: the Anunnali Ulema, and their influence on humanity. |@/"rny ceasions, and as a guest who appeared on| numerous TV shows, programs, and documentaries aired on the Histon, Channel, The Leaming Channel, the Science] " iin 2022 nel, The National Geographic Channel, ARE (Art &| tek eee ate Snomnals ets Biography) Channel, Dr. Seth Shostak said that by 2025 we| Ee na ann nee eae nr ‘will finally have a contact with extraterrestrials. This is the) man who ridicules so many ufologists, and constantly and| First of all, NOTHING is going to happen in 2012! persistently refuses to admit any report or story about’ ‘But 2022 is extremely significant for a multitude of reasons at | UFO's landing on earth or any existing contact with aliens as| levels: Science, astronomy, religion, history, futurism, | widely reported in the ufology literature, But who is Dr. Seth paranormal, and extraterrestrial civilizations. Some of these | shostak? How important ishe? categories are closely related to the Anunnald, while others | Do scientists and the scientific communities worldwide take deal exclusively with the future and development of our] him seriously? Is he a mainstream science spokesman? You | societies, economy, political and governmental systems, food, | bet! ° nutrition, etal. Dr. Seth Shostak is SETI Institute Senior Astronomer. | Shostak is an astonomerwith a BA in physics from| The most significant predictions for 2022 are (Not | Princeton and a Ph.D. in astronomy from Caltech, and is) mine): involved. with the Institute's SETI research. But he's also | 1.We will receive signals from extratemestrials, according to responsible for much of the outreach activities of the Dr. Frank Drake, one of America’s top astronomers and a| Institute. He is science editor for "The Explorer”, gives more | colleague of the late Dr. Carl Sagan. ‘than 50 talks annually for both academic and general 2-The total destruction of the State of Israel. audiences, and writes magazine articles (and books) about 3-The second coming of Jesus Christ. SETI. He also teaches informal education classes on| 4-The Rapture. astronomy and other topics in the Califomia Bay Area, and 5rThe end of the world. “ ‘he is also an inventor. Before coming to SETI, Seth Shostak 6 Major flood caused by an asteroid, did research work on galaxies using radio’ telescopes. a 7The end of the Roman Catholic Church. observatories and universities in America and Europe. This 8-The retun of the Anunnali ‘s the man who publicly stated that we will have contact with | extraterrestrial no later than 2025! | According to the Anunnaki-Ulema seriptures, 2022 is the year | | when extraterrestrials’ stargates open up for galactic space travel, thus allowing humans and man-made spaceships to | enter other worlds and dimensions, and conquering the space- time travel frontiers. First, it is paramount to remember and | |to keep in mind that the ability of predicting the future and | events to occur in this or that year is not a science. And usually what is not science is always questionable and subject to interpretations, controversy, errors, and even fantasy. |Becatise some of the revelations, claims, predictions, and| statements about the return of the Anunnaki in 2022 are not || scientific, but purely speculative, debunkers, skeptics and a | large number of seientists ridicule the whole idea, and refute any retum’s scenario. This is very clear to you and to me. However, when some of | these statements are issued by scientific authorities, and when | known “Drake Equation” some of these predictions are publicly announced by leading | He is the Director of the figures in science, who are well-known for their allegiance to | SETI Institute's Carl Sagan Center for the Study of Life in [mainstream science, then, and only then, the topies of the| the Universe, and the Chairman Emeritus of the SETI Anunnald’s retum, and/or contact with extraterrestrials | nstitute's Board of Trustees | become serious enough to explore and study, In 1960, asa staff member of the National Radio Astronomy | The big question is: a __,, | Observatory, Dr. Frank Drake conducted the fizst radio Do we have top of the line scientists, and more precisely, | search for extraterrestrial intelligence. | traditional astronomers, astrophysicists and cosmology | He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences where | experts who have said anything - even a brief statement -| he chaired the Board of Physics and Astronomy of the about any possible extraterrestrial event, scenario, contact, | National Research Council (989-02). Dr. Frank Drake also| message, signal related to 20227 served as President of the Astronomical Society of the| Yes! We do!! Pacific, He was a Professor of Astronomy at Cornell To name a few, I will give you two of the biggest names in the| University (904-84) and seived as the Dinector of the| |business...and by the way, these two big time scientists are | Arecibo Observatory ‘those who constantly refuse to accept all the stories about | He is Emeritus Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics at | Roswell, Area 51, UFOs’ crashes, abductions, aliens’ contacts, the University of California at Santa Cruz where he also |etc...n my opinion, these two scientists are “big enough” to] served as Dean of Natural Sciences (1084-86). | use them as a solid and convincing reference. | Sontimponan Parte Scientist Number 2: Photo: Dr. Frank Drake. Colleague of the late Dr. Carl Sagan and world famous, astronomer, Dz. Frank ’ Drake put a deadline around the year 2022 for obtaining| intelligent signs. Whois Drake? ‘How authoritative is he? Dr. Frank Drake is the| creator of the worldwide ‘What Contact? What Kind of Return Are We talking About? The return of the Anumnaki triggers an enormous global interest, and excites the imagination of people. The reasons? | Well, thelist of reasons is ad infinitum. .endless. According to ‘what my readers tell me, the return of the Anunnaki could: (a) Change their religious beliefs system; (b) Alter the fabric of our societi (c) Clean-up minds and bodies contamination; (a) Establish cosmic order. “Highly cultured researchers (debunkers and believer began to express an increased and intense interest in this topic, because the possibility of contacting extraterrestials, and/or being contacted by them has become a possibilty cience can no longer tefute or deny. The paramount ‘questions rotating around the Anunnald's retum are When? »- How? 3-Where? (5 For what purposes And who will be contacted on earth? Heads of governments and important people only, or just, you and me, and the rest of us? Basically, those are the major concems. However, a contact with extraterrestrials is neither the main topic, nor the primordial concern per se, because several scientific groups and secret military units are already working in syne with various alien races, Many top echelon military men and la crame de la eréme of scientists in the United States have already confirmed such cooperation. The main theme is not “Extraterrestrial Contact”, buta contact with the Anunnald, And this difference is extremely important and major at so many levels. Why the Anunnaki’s Contact or Anunnaki's Return is so Different and so Important at Many Levels? 1-History of mankind shows, that there is a very special and ‘most unique relation/relationship between the Anunnald and the human race. Unlike other extraterrestrial races that |interact with us for very specified and specific purposes, such as abduction of humans in exchange for alien technology, or peaceful co-habitation /eo-occupation of planet earth via a mutual agreement ‘protocol, the Anunnaki do not: (a) Interact with us, (b) Abduct humans, (©) Orcooperate with United States military scientists. The Anunnali do not need the consent of humans to cary on their projects, and/or coordinate mutual operations. They had, and still have fall control over us from the daw of the creation of the primitive humans. We function, think, act and react according to what they have installed in our “Intellect program’, genes, DNA, and “Mental | Conduit”. They created us genetically. Other extraterrestrial “races currently working with top military scientists on earth ‘have control over earth and its inhabitants because of their far advanced technology These alien races (Particularly the Grays) operate very) differently from the Anunnali. Their agenda is macabre, for it contains: of the Anunnaki in 2022. Part 2 alike) | Human abduction; ‘Animal mutilation; Genetic experiments; Mind control; Territorial ambitions. | @ o © @ 10} ‘The Anunnali have no interest whatsoever in dominating the earth and contvolling our minds. The Anunnaki have| already created our mental faculties and “programmed” us| Some 05,000 Years ago. Thus, their physical interference in Fhuman fais fe not nevessany at al -The Anunnaki left earth thousands of years ago. Many) other alien races are still on earth cartying their own| | programs and projects. For a multitude of reasons, they | need planet earth as a spatial/texvestrial base. | The Anunnaki (Or Igigi) do not need planet earth as a base| for their galactic enterprises. They lived here, created multiple human races, founded cities, established religions and taught us how to think, how’) > act and how ts otlerstand Gar physeal world. "Ther job is done! The Anunnaki are no longer interested in human affairs, | because the human race has nothing particular or beneficial | to offer to the Anunnaki. But, the other extraterrestrial races | are in extreme need to use humans in any capacity, role, |function, and aspect to carry their operations. Ufologists |and scholars know very well the complete scenario and| agenda of alien races currently living on earth. 1Ve have| | plenty of theories and hypotheses, but nothing is absolutely | certain, | g-almost 99.99% of extraterrestrial activities, sightings, | Bindings, humans’ abductions, visitations, encounters and| contacts’ occur, develop, and materialize in the sphere-| existence of various alien races living on earth, but never in the Anunnaki’s sphere or perimeter, ‘The Anunnalk are not part of this spectrum. In other words, the Anunnaki are out of the picture. They left earth ‘thousands of years ago, and are not interested in us. |Thus, a retuzh of the Anunnaki to earth is an exceptional | event in the history of mankind. Very unique and very] significant indeed, | |The Anunnaki must have serious, paramount and| | indispensable reasons for retuming to planet earth. Other| alien races are here on earth. Some left, while many others | are still working and living in sectet military bases,) laboratories on the surface of the earth, underwater and| around the terrestrial orbit. So, there is nothing new or| special about their presence. But the retum of the Anunnaki ‘to earth is evidently very special, and constitutes a major event. | The Anunnaki are not coming back to mine gold!!! This is an |old silly story we will not bother with. The Anunnali mast | |have more important and predominant reasons for their | latin fat Ge wi eles ele pcble ren extremely paramount and significant! This book explores | and explains the scope, nature and reasons for the retum of | | the amunnald Amunnali’s Secret Meeting with the United States Military and Intelligence agencies in 1990 in Washington, DC. Continues in Part 3 Ammnnali’s Secret Meeting with the United States Military and Intelligence agencies in 1990 in Washington, DC. |For thousands of years, no contact ever occurred between the |Anunnals and the human race |However, in x990, the Anunnaki did meet with American high-echelon military people, NSA, CIA, NASA and other [agencies at the Four Seasons Hotel in Northwest Georgetown, Washington, D.C. |4 delegate from the Anunnali discussed with the Americans |vexy important issues pertaining to the safety of the human |race, earth ecosystem, humans contamination, and our future. “You wll never find documentation about that meeting, It was jnever recorded. However, vital information about that “'mesting inked to us, We are absolutely sure and certain, that | ‘the Four Seasons Hotel meeting and visits of the Anunnaki representative to three Unite \substantiated and factual. States military bases are Coding and Decoding The Significance of the Year 2022 | 2022 is the year when the Anunnaki plan to come back to earth and cleanse it from the Grays’ contamination. |This year has great significance if it is coded in Hebrew. | There are two ways of interpretation. First Interpretation of the Code Take the number 2022 and translate it into the Hebrew | alphabet. Remember that Hebrew is read from right to. |left, and follow the numbers in that sequence. This gives you the word: (2 is, the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The © becomes x because lo = The Infinite = God = The One. The x is the first [etter in the Hebrew Alphabet, namely, The One The word reads, phonetically, brbab, and it means ba- (Baab:In the Bab. _Ba‘ab means: Stargate of the Anunnaki. From this stargate, [the Anunnaki spaceships enter and exit the galaxies, | multiple universes, parallel dimensions and outer space. Also ‘from this Ba’ab, a person exits our physical world to enter the | dimension (Universe) of extraterrestrials. Interpretation and Meaning: Once you enter the year 2022, you will automatically enter the Bab of Liberation — |but only if you are not contaminated, or if you attempt, | starting right now, to cleanse yourself. Second Interpretation of the Code | Add the numbers that appearin the year 2022. 2+04242=0 | According to the Ulema and the “Book of Rama-Dosh”, the number 6 means Liberation Interpretation and Meaning: | The liberation from the contamination and control of the The Return of the Anunnaki in 2022. Part 3 les, | or hint to the landing areas of the Anunnalki when they Grays. Characteristics of the Number 6 isa perfect number, also a “Triangular” number. Itis the geometrical value of the word “Space” in Ana‘kh, the Anumnaki Ianguage, and the “Spirit” im the Phoenician| anguage, In the Greek oracles s “Delta”. |-This geometrical form and its numerical value are also the “Logo” of the Anunnaki, because they represent the triangle. The biangle was shown on the uniforms of the American| military personnel and scientists who work on the “Black | Projects” and alien reverse engineering at secret bases, and. | genetic laboratories in the United States. | Many insiders and high echelon military men reported, that] | they have seen the “Triangle” shape insignia on numerous czashed UFOs dises stored in secret military bases in the | United States. The number 6, Carbon and Creation of Humanity Worth mentioning here, that the chemical element carbon| hhas an atomic number of o, In the “Book of Rama-Dosh’, the word “Carbon” was used to represent the source of life, and the first element used by the Anunnaki to genetically | |create the early human race. Everything is connected. The| Ulema who are the custodians of the Anunnaks “Book of| Rama-Dosh” explain that the number “o” is the secret code | of the year 2020. It isa vital number because it represents | the o directions known to mankind: North, south, east, west, down and up. In 2022, two more directions or dimensions will be added. ‘And the human race in 2029, will understand the nature of} these 2 additional dimensions which are not very far from the physical fourth dimension we live in The fifth dimension could be considered as a spatial) ‘trampoline, and the sixth dimension is the destination or rendezvous of the human race with the Anunnal. The Number 6 is One of the Six Major Extraterrestrial Hot Spots on Earth “a” as a pentagonal pyramidal number is explained in the| Anumnak’s manuscript as one of the six major) extraterrestrial hot spots on earth. The other five are: Baalbeck, Arwad, Tyre, Nippur, and Malta. Does this prediet | retum to earth in 2022? Some psychies think so. It is an| | entertaining idea, but an unlikely scenario. | Importance of the Sixth Letter in the Phoenician | “Alphabet ‘The sixth letter in the Phoenician Alphabets “Waw” Once the comers of the letter “IVaw” are joined in a stroke of a_pen, it becomes a fect triangle. This was the “Unification” numerical code for the Anunnali and early| Phoenicians of Baalbeck and Tyre. The Ulema (Seers, Sages and Men of Knowledge in Arabic) also used the Anunnaki- Phoenician, letter “Waw’ in their Arabic dialect, It is] pronounced in the same way, and means exactiy the very) same thing: “With” or “With others”. In Phoenician, “Waw” means hook. The esoteric and spiritual meaning of the hook is “Ascension”, and “Liberation”. It was constantly chanted | in_the secret rituals of the Phoenician gods Adoon (Adon, | Adonis, Adonai) and Melkart. Continues in Part 4 | OMe od dame m ar Ut Ld Ata ae a Meaning of the Number 6 in Anunnaki-Phoenician Alphabets The Phoenician “Hook” also meant a “Celestial Gate”. This is how we got the word “Ba'ab” meaning the extraterrestrial stargate or stairways to the heavens. The ilustration of the word “Taw” in Phoenician Alphabet is in fact an Anunnaks symbol and written like a ‘V”. The letter “Y" represents a base (Earth) and two additional dimensions on the right and on the left, These are the two additional (Extra) dimensions beyond ours, that the Anunnaki code reveals. It is not as complicated as you might think Ttis only a secret; a hidden message. Tt corresponds to the Hebrew “Vav" Two united ‘Vav” represents two things: a-The “Ascension” ; The two additional dimensions beyond the physical fourth dimension. In Aramaic, the “Waw’ is written and pronounced like the Phoenician and Anunnaki “Waw’. Humans’ DNA Contamination: Ascension and Liberation of Human Beings in 2022 According to Anna Hayes, what is happening right now is that ve are approaching a tine mn one o Eats eels (aso00 years), where our Earth is scheduled to temporarily "blend! ‘with Earth (Tara) of HU-2. This is a very delicate nianeuver ran from behind the scenes by 'the good guys’. For a specific time interval starting in 2019, cresting in 2017 and ending i 2022, those of us who have ‘accreted’ high enough frequencies vill be able to ascend directly to Tara (Jump forward in time some several thousand years). Tara's human beings ate at this time under the control of the Zetas/Grays and Dracos through the holographie inserts and mind control (They don't know about it.) If our Earth manages to synchronize frequencies with Tara for this time interval, and enough humans manage to aseend from Earth, the Zeta/Grays /Dracos alliance will lose control of HU- 2 Tara. This is the reason the Zetas and associates are here at this time, The Zetas Have Access to Technology which Can Sabotage this Dimensional Blending’ of Tara and Earth The Zetas have access to technology which can sabotage this dimensional ‘blending of Tara and Earth. Since the Philadelphia Experiment they have sent EM pulses into the ‘Sun to aifect its electromagnetic properties and thus those of our Earth. The Guardian Alliance (Anumnaki, the good guys) have managed to repair most of this sabotage, among other things averted a threatening pole shift in the early 60's. The ‘bad guys’ were also behing he Montauk Project which culminated sath of August 1983 (The Philadelphia Experiment took place soth of August 1943.) ‘A similar event is scheduled for 22% of August 2003 in order to bring more Zeta fleets through a rip in space/time to our dimension. (Note: Obviously, nothing ‘happened! Then, these combined fleets from 1043, 2083 and 2003 will ty to disrupt the scheduled frequency’ blending’ and also mutate some genes in our genetic code so we wont be able to ascend Starting in 2012. “The Guardian Alliances (Anumaki) need our help since ‘their countermeasures depend on enough of us restoring our qth and sth genetic strands in time to be ready for ascension in the interval of time 2012 -2022. If not enou; of us manage to do this, the Zeta/Grays/Dracos alliance will ‘Keep control of Tara in HU-2 and also in a descending Earth after this event.” (Sources: Anna Hayes/Prodigynet.) ‘The United States, the Grays, and the Anumaki the return of the Anunnaki in 2022, Facts Despite the US constant denial of any contact with the aliens, many statements. given by top American military scientists and a high-ranking Annmaki’s revelations show ‘without any doubt, that in fact: a-Different alien races do live and work on planet earth. The Anunnaki don't, 2-The Grays who originally came from Zeta Reticuli have several bases and genetic laboratories, fully operational in the United States, the Anunnali left planet earth thousands of years ago. The Gravs have helped the military in, developing Advanced spatial weapons-missiles systems, The first te occurred in 1984, and the Russians became aware of these Sieificant multary tests around 1g8s, The Anunnaid offered the United States advanced technology for scientific and Jhumanitarian purposes, but the military wanted very advaneed weapon systemis instead. The Anunnaki refused. 4-The Grays kept on abducting humans for various reasons, Gaiae ey ore meant we uatal ard ape aaaie allowed these abductions to happen on its soil. The Ammnaki are not in the abduction business, Whether the Grays’ abductions occurred with or without the consent of our government remains imelevant, because a treaty was signed between the US and 4 different alien races permitting such horrible acts. In exchange and for “closing their eyes” NASA, NSA, CIA, the navy and the air force would receive ery advanced extraterrestrial technology, The Anunnaki| never participated in these atrocities. s-High level meeting between the United States and a Fepresentative of the Hish Council of the Anunnaki took place at the Four Seasons Hotel in Georgetown,| ‘Washington, D.C. 6-The United States refused to terminate the formal relationships with the Grays, and categorically rejected an offer submitted by an envoy representing the Anunnaki. 7-The United States government did not believe that the Anmnaki had any vital interest in the human race, and especially the United States. 8-The United States was officially notified that the Ammnaki shall return to earth in 2022. This notification vas, nover taken seriously by those who attended the resting in Washington, D.C, however scientists ftom MIT and top executives at a major corporation (military contractor) knoven for its jet propulsion projects and headed by a retired admiral, wrote a memos and a summary of} findings pertaining to the topies discussed during that ‘infamous meeting, and submitted their findings summaries| to The White House, Continues in Part 5 THE WEEKLY ANUNNAKI BULLETIN Volume 1, No.1 The Return of the Anunnaki in 2022. Part 5 Photo: The Four Seasons Hotel in Washington, DC, where the ‘Anunnaki and United States officials’ meeting took plac. Insiders leaked very disturbing information about a lethal clash between Anunnald official and military guards at a notorious military base known for its “black projects” and aliens’ technology reverse engineering, ‘The Excerpts... In 1947, a Grays’ spacecraft crashed in Roswell In 1947, a Grays’ spacecraft crashed in Roswell. Two Grays died from the impact, and one survived. The Americans held him underground at Andrew Air Force Base. Strangely enough, a sort of friendship was developed between the Gray and two American civilian scientists, something that we still don’t understand, but Photo: Map showing the location of the Four Seasons Hotel in ‘Washington, DC. At that time, the military and CIA were only interested in acquiring advanced military weapon systems, not in a ftiendship with an alien, But somehow they became friends. The military kept everythi tunder cover and did not inform even the Congress or the President of the United States. One general actually said, ‘Civilians and politicians come and go. But we, the military, that is our career. Therefore, they should not be informed and if the Congress will not be told, consequently the American public should not be told either’ That was the policy that was adopted on a regular basis ever since.” According to an Anunnaki record, and a revelation by Vietoria (Ambar Anati, the Anunnali official delegate) we have the following information: Victoria talking to another Anunnaki: “That is frightening,” I said. “The military should not contro the decision. “Indeed they should not. Look at the Miraya, Sinhar Ambar Anati, He is one of the first conversations between the surviving Gray and Statement by Ambar Anati on Record Source: The Book “Anunnali Ultimatum’ co-authored by M. de Lafayette and Ilil Arbel. ‘Statement by Ambar Anati on record: “On the screen, Isaw an office, quite ordinary and simply furnished, Two men anda Gray sat around an empty desk. They seemed comfortable, there was no tension that you would expect in such a company. Then the sound came fom the Miraya,(Amonitor) (One of the American scientists, asked the Gray: ~*So where did you come from? And why are you here?” "We have been here for thousands of years,’ said the Gray, in perfect English, though his voice had the usual seratehy sound of his race, “We have our bases underwater, in the Pacific, near Puerto Rico, and under Alaska’s glaciers.” ~“Thousands of years?” ~"That is so. We consider ourselves the first and the legitimate inhabitants and owners of the earth. You are not. We are here because we need natural resources that exist on earth and in the oceans.” ~“Seems to me this is not all you need, buddy,” said the other scientist, grinning and lighting a cigarette. ~“Thisiis true. We also need Some live organisms, and various substances we can extract from human bodies.” ~“And did you get all you want?” asked the first scientist. “Yes, by and large. We need them on a constant basis,” said the Gray. “The natural resourees of the earth and the water are regularly mined. The human substances are more difftcult to obtain. We get them from the humans we abduct.” ‘The two scientists nodded in agreement, totally unimpressed by the mention of the abductions. They really did not seem to mind. ~What bugs me,” said the first scientist, “is that we tried so hard to reverse enginaer your spaceship, ever since we got it after the crash in Roswell. We just can’t do it, You have to help us decipher the codes on the screens we found inside the spaceship, and also the geometric and scent smibels onthe grids and measuring tapes we found seatered around the |spaceship- Photo: Cover of the book “ANUINNAKI ULTIMATUM” that included the story/biography of Ambar Anati. Co-authored by Ili] Arbel and Maximillien de Lafayette, Our team is getting impatient; they may even threaten to Kill you, you know. The two of us are friendly with you, but the team is getting ugly, and the boss is mad.’ What is the point?” said the Gray without showing any emotion, not even fear regarding the threat. “Even if I teach you how things work, and decipher all the codes for you, you will not be able to reverse engineer our technology, because you don't have the raw materials, Look at this. From somewhere around his body, he pulled out a pie of metal ~This isa yery light metal yet stronger than any material known on earth, Yet this sheet of metal could float in the air, and can be bent and folded like paper and then, open up on its own. Look! He demonstrated, The metal seemed to be indestructible. ~‘You must understand that we are willing to reveal plenty of information,” said the Gray. “But we can only do so if you will allow me to go home. I need to recharge my body, it’s like a battery, you know T will die ifI stay much longer, and that will be useless to you. Let me go, and I'will arrange for others to come back with me, others who know much more than I do. Tam a simple pilot. I val bring you scientists. We have no intention of hiding this Jmowledge from you, on the contrary, we have every reason to cooperate with you and do some joint projects. And we can supply the raw materials and the knowledge of how to tum it all to your advantage. ~‘So since we ate such good friends,” said the second scientist, stelle, where exaly isthe home you spe of? Sine you have lost the spaceship, obviously, we wil have to tke you there.’ Photo: Author, Ili] Arbel, Ph.D. ~ “If 1 tell you, you will not understand and you will not be able to take me there, since it involves getting through additional dimensions. Our scientists constructed our bases’ entries like that, as a precaution against intruders, But if you take me back to swell, exactly where we erashed, [wil find my own way.” avr will you do that?” > “Simple,” said the Gray. “When a spaceeraft lands on a particular spot, automatically it marks the spot, scans it, and sends data to our mission control for identification and location purposes, Thus, we are never lost. If Tean contact my people, they veil come for me. ~“But if you go away, how do we commrunicate with you, and find out when the others are coming?” ="In the spacecraft there is a communication device. Let’s go there. Iam sure itis functional, because itis really indestructible, Tllteach you how to use it. We will contact my people from there and tell them about our plan, You will be there to supervise ‘everything, Bring the boss, too, just in case.” The scientists looked at each other. They seemed rather pleased. Vary well sid one of Hem. “Well ome bck for you late tonight, after etalk tothe bos. Tam sue he wil gre to our plan. el ‘bea feather in his cap,” said the Gray, using an old human expression unexpectedly, The two scientists burst out laughing. And that, was indeed what happened. They took him back to Roswell, and left him there on the exact spot of the crash They did not leave the area, though, but hid in a small canteen which was placed at some distance, to watch what was going to happen to the Gray gntinues in Part 7 Photo: Cover of the book "2022: The Anunnaki Return to Earth.” In this book, the whole story of the Anunnaki’s return to Earth is told in-depth. (A large book of 740 pages, available at In a very short time, a spaceship came, landed, iin Panui ee seta ake vanished into the sky. The scientists sent the piece of metal which the Gray has demonstrated with to a military laboratory, and they called one engineer from Lockheed Corporation and another one from MIT to analyse the piece. Nobody could figure out what itwas made of, Still prior to his departure, apparently the Gray did reveal many secrets of very advanced / technology, that American corporations started 3 f developing right away, and began to use ten years later. Many of the highly advanced electronic gadgets American consumers used for a quarter of a century came from the Grays. ‘A few years passed. Then, a historic meeting happened. In February aoa4, President Dwight Eisenhower went for a week’s vacation to Palm Springs, California, This was a little strange, and many did not quite understand the timing, because he just came back from a quail shooting vacation in Georgia. Actually, it was less than a week before his trip to Palm Springs. Ambar Anati continues: I was taken to earth, and ‘went to a hotel in New York. I had with me a special device, an ingenious thing that had on it the special telephone numbers of top members of the National Security Agency, or NSA as everyone refers to them. Only two or three people in the world have these numbers, not even the president of the United States has access to them. They are used only for matters related to extraterrestrial reverse engineering The device makes sure the phones will be promptly answered, and when I called, I gave them data that they recognized as their own extra terrestrial material, They were shocked, but nevertheless they agree to meet with me. I suppose they realized they had no ehoice. Rather politely, they offered to fly me to Washington DC, where they wanted to have the meeting, but I informed them that it was not necessary. It was easy for me to simply materialize in DIC, and I did not want them to know my current address, if this could be prevented. They directed me to come to the Four Seasons hotel in Georgetown, where they were to meet me at the lobby. I was to knoiy, if questioned at the hotel, that I was heading for the suite that was reserved under the name of a Middle Easter gentleman who owned a limousine service in DC, and had often used the hotel for similar purposes. T materialized a little distance away from the hotel, and walked there on M Street. Three members of the NSA were waiting for me, and they took me to the reserved suite, where fifteen more people were sitting around a huge table, They rose and greeted me politely, but I could clearly see the suspicion in their eyes and in their thoughts. T noticed that the shades of all the windows were closed, and I saw no telephones. However, they all had gadgets in their hands which I have recognized immediately. ‘They were navigation devices, which at the time were known only to extraterrestrials, not to any humans. For a moment I assumed that they got it from the Grays, for communication purposes, and then noticed that quite a fev of these people ‘were really Grays who had shape-shifted to resemble humans. can easily identify them, because even while shape-shifting, the Grays can't turn their heads independently of their body. They have to tum the entire body if they wish to look to the sides. As they tum, their eyes cannot follow their heads quickly, ike humans’ eyes, but they have to refocus All thatis done rather discretely, but after living with the Hybrids and the Grays, I could not miss that, The Return of the Anunnaki in 2022. Part 8 In addition, humans usually fidget, move around. |}, explains what has happened to various aizplanes in The Grays’ never do. When seated, they sit quietly,| Viemam and also to Bfman spacmrats and space eamabile: . | se don't understand what you want us to do,” said one of) When standing, they are straight and immobile as well. | hem, 2 In addition to that, had more instructions from Nibiru | “[ want you to trust the Anunnak, They intend to help you| as to how to recognize all shape-shifters, which I) get rid of the Grays. This is realy very simple, Either you go cannot explain because it involves using the Conduit. _ | with the Anunnaki, in which case much ean be done, or you ‘One of the Grays at the end of the table was tapping | $27 ee the craps typ choaee io say with the Ss jae vously wi 2 | antnnali will retum and clean up the earth, in a way th nervously on the edge ofthe table with something that| Annaals wil mtumn nd clean up the sant, in a way that Jooked like a pen, and from time to time pointed ee ae ee ee eae de notatoy ya aE a ane devs | Are you threatening us? asked one of them The rest stared T recognized this gadget as a seanning device, such as | :t me impassive we se on Nibiru. It was not held by any of the humans, |"T would tot call it a threat,” I said. ‘I would call it a fair because this fiber/seanning device was not known to| warming. Remember, the Anunnald are stronger than both the human scientific community until much later, 2006 | humans and Grays. They did not have to send me, they or 2007. I supposed the Grays kept it to themselves for | could do what they wanted without waming. But they prefer a atid fgsaveasmanyhumansas possible” a ms | “How do we know how strong the Anunnaki really are?” saic 1 did my best to ignore the fact that half the people | mo f ham eater all they have bean away for so lone there were Grays, and proceeded as if I had no idea and | fry don't scars to have manch cf an interest ina, was talking only to humans. I had nothing to fear, | “Let me showyou a small example of what the Anunnali can really, since I could annihilate the Grays with one|do,’ I said. In a blink, I multiplied myself into thirty thought, and I decided that discretion was the best | Victorias; we arranged ourselves around the table, behind approach. ‘he siting poole, They jumped of ther sets shocked ‘The Grays maintained their pretence throughout it, and | ‘It's a trick,” cried some of them. “Grab her! said nothing at all ‘Pease do grab," sid, Touch al thirty of me and see hat Tuas used to the treachery of the Grays, but I have to| this is not an ile trick, We can become bills, if we wish, . Hesitantly, they touched s f the multiples. A fe admit I was a little distressed by the humans’ duplicity | sultiples offered to shake hands, which the kumans did, and stupidity. Did they really think I won't recognize |fembling ‘They could not deny the multiples tangible the Grays? presence, - |Tcontracted myself into one person again, and sat down. Thave explained to them who Iwas, telling the absolute truth, | “Please,” I said. “I have no desire to frighten you. Sit down and giving my name as Ambar Anati. Naturally they did not | and let's be reasonable.” ° baliew me, To help persuade them, I fst ofall projected certain images on one of the walls. These were holographic | Truth is, said one of them, “The Grays are an immediate pictures that showed them the entire sequence of the Rosell | threat. They are right here and we cannot control them, The crash, where the Gray was held, and data pertaining to their | anunnaki are far away. research, | But still, we can see that you wish to help us, and it should’ ‘They still were not persuaded that I was who I claimed to be, | be considered. What would you want us to do” but the fact that the projections were done without any’|‘T want to start by going into some of the more important equipment made them uneasy and less sure of themselves. | places where humans and Grays interact,” I said. “I need| hey were at least ready to listen. much data to deliver to the High Council of Nibiru and Ttold them quite a lot about the Grays and their agenda. “By | receive instructions before I meet the President of the now,” I said, “you must be aware that they do not tell the | United States, among others.” truth, that they are not to be trusted.” “Business is business,” said one of them. ‘I think the best thing to do is to go to Dulce, in New “They have given us more than they promised, too, so we have | Mexico, gained additional knowledge. It’s not really a big deal if they |It is the most important joint Iaboratory of the Grays and | abduct a few more people.” | the U.S. Government,” said one of them. The others nodded in agreement, “First of all, it is not a few people. It's thousands that are | “There are bases in Nevada, Arizona, and Colorado, among tortured and killed.” | others, but Duloe is the most important. What can we say?” answered another. “Very well, Would you assign one of the members to come with “Sometimes harsh measures cannot be avoided.” I did my best | me, act as my escort?” T asked. "Yes, Colonel X_— will go with to hide my feelings about such a statement, and went on. you.” The colonel rose, He seemed to be a respectable, middle- “Are you aware of the fact that they are trying to take over |jged man earth?” | Im reality, he was certainly a Gray. As before, I pretended “No, we were not informed about such intent,” said another. _ | not to notice, “And are you aware of the invisible radio-plasmic belt around | sould you like me to materialize you there?” I asked. earth? They want to isolate earth from the universe. ‘No, I think it’s best if we go in a more traditional way,” said This belt can expand up or down, and can affect missiles, | the colonel, “We don't want to startle the People in Dulee| rockets, or airplanes, and blow them up. ‘too much. Its best if they don’t panic.” Continues in Part 9 The Return of the Anunnaki Tagreed and we decided to go the next day, in a militazy plane, Inside the Dulce Underground: Description of the Facility and Various Levels On the plane, the colonel, who had become reasonably friendly, gave ‘me some information about Dulce. ‘It's all underground, you know" he said, “People know about seven, layers, but in truth, there are nine I am aware of, pethaps more I dont even know about. Its really a vary large compound.” “Where exactly is it?” Lasked. “Tt lies under Archuleta Mesa on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation, near the town of Dulce. Very easy’ to Keep it a secret, the way it is constructed,” he said. “And they are very careful about seeurity. You will see.” We finally landed at the small air field, A not medium sized building, guarded and surrounded with a high wire fence, stood in the desert, We entered a normal room, I noticed the cameras in the entrance, and a woman in military unifom looked at some papers Colonel Jones prasented to her, but the security was not impressive, I realized later that the deeper you went into the compound, the stricter was the security. She ‘pressed a button, and a man came to escort us through a door that led to an escalator. From then on, it seemed we were descending into Hell. Everything was clean, shiny, and metallic, much like I remembered from my unpleasant stay with the Hybrids | No matter where you looked, you saw a security camera, There ‘were side doors everywhere. Apparently, many secret exits and entrances existed, and each was loaded with secuity features, some seen, some invisible (On the first level we were joined by a Gray. He was polite and distant, and showed us into various offices without much comment. The offices were normal, military, and stark. Maps hung on walls, with many pushpins in vatious colors stuck into them. The individual colors, the Gray explained, showed sites of high, activity of different subjects Green, for example, showed sites of heavy spaceship activities, including those of extraterrestrial that were not Grays, and | were considered enemies by them, Red were for areas of cattle mutilation and collection of animal blood. Blue indicated underground activities and caverns, T do not remember all the other colors and sites, but the arrangement was quite elaborate. The offices were monitored constantly by humans, who wore military-like jumpsuits. Each carried a gun, quite visibly. All the uniforms were decorated with the symbol of the Triangle, much like the Phoenician symbol. They had various letters in each triangle, supposedly signifying rank, but I never found out if this was tae. When they sawy that we were accompanied by the Gray, they simply ored us. he second level was exactly the same, full of offices, but after the first level, which we reached by the escalator, we used only elevators. I was told that the elevators had no cables in them, and were controlled magnetically, using alien technology. |-Magietism aloo supplied ight, which eae from flat, round objects, and there were no regular light bulbs in sight. The third level was devoted to hospital-like environment used for impregnation of female humans in 2022. Part 9 was not allowed into the surgical ward itsef, bat the Gray explained that the experimenters removed the fetus, and placed it for speeded-up growth in incubators, creating Hybrids. In this facility, more than in the one I visite during my previous time with the hybrids, they tended to experiment with genetic manipulation during the very early sme in the incubator. The results were quite monstrous sometimes. Through! ‘windows in the walls, I saw cribs, or really a soct of cages, ‘with some of the resufts. Deformed humans were the norm = extra arms and legs, small or very large heads, and cceatures that did not really look humans. “What do you do with these?” Iasked. “WWe harvest certain tissues and then kill them,” said the Gray. “We learn quite a lot from them about genetics. We apply them to our own research.” On level fous, there were genetic labs that created half Jhuman/ half animals. Their shapes, as I saw them sitting in| their cages, were so horrific, that I had to avert my eves. Some of them had a reptilian look, some had fur, others looked like gargoyles. “Do you harvest tissues here too asked “Yes, we combine this research with the materials we get from the cows. The research is extremely interesting and useful,’ said the Gray The extraterrestrials had their living quarters on levels five, six, and seven ‘The extraterestrials had their living quarters on levels five, six, and seven, These looked much like military barracks, as ‘we passed the corridors and peeked into the rooms, but I saw no reason to enter. T asked the Gray if it was true that there were additional levels. This did not seem to phase him at all, and he said, in his perfect English that seemed so unpleasant, coupled with his scratchy alien voice, that yes, of course. Apparently, they took advantage of the huge natural cavems under Dulce, and created additional levels. ‘They camied even more security there, and the Gray said ‘that if we wanted to go there, he would have to call two more Grays to accompany us, and we would need to use an ey identification system. ‘These details were quickly accomplished, and we used a side elevator to the eighth level Here they also experimented with manipulation of the nervous system by Various means. It allowed them to cause disease and even death from a distance. ‘] am afraid you cannot enter the place where the subjects are kept,” said the Gray “These subjects are mostly insane, dangerous, and very’ susceptible to changes in the routine. If we enter, we might destroy some of the experiments.” Level nine, where we were invited to enter, contained storage of fully grown creatures and tissues in vats, all dead, This included fanks fall of embryos in various stages of development, weighting for use. The place was kept as clean as the rest of the compound, but the smell of the chemicals ‘was overwhelming. I simply’ could not stay there long, and Colonel Jones, who until that time showed no emotion, suddenly shape-shifted and appeared in his real, Gray form. “You knew al along, Ms. net, he said, his voles turing scratchy. “I never thought we could trick you, and would have preferred to appear in my true form in the first place, ‘ut mv group insisted” Continues in Part 10 The Return of the Anunnaki in 2022. Pai “It does not signify,” I said. “Of course Iknew.” The other Gray | But that was not the worst. did not pay much attention to the shifting, being used to such | Unbelievably, many individuals in power simply did not} practices. care, All they wanted was to keep their power, to control, to} Level ten, the most secret of them all, was devoted to human | wage war. aura research, and other extra sensory abilities, including | They wanted to make billons and keep i withina tiny group] dreams, hypnosis, etc. The researches were able to record | of the financial elite, while the rest of the world was} dreams on specialized machines; the dreams were studied as | permitted to go to the devil | part of the major advanced study of psychic power and | This was a long mission. For years J went from country to} phenomena. : country, getting in touch with the people in power, acquiring “Onee we ate more advanced in this research,” said the Gray, | Inondadge, collecting data and transferring it, every night, “we will have total power over other races. ‘to Nibiru. Of course, we mean no harm to humans nor to the Anunnali. |The High Council took it all very calmly, and when T| We are merely concerned with the Reptilian races.” I almost | despaired, reminded me that my services vere invaluable | laughed. No harm to humans? Was the Gray trying to be a PR| despite the seemingly unachievable goal of converting| person? When we finished our tour, we were escorted out of | humanity the complex. The plane waited for us outside. I said nothing|The only bright points of my day were my evening] about my disgust, horror, and disbelief to anyone. But I have | conversations with my daughter and my husband, who were| seen endugh, and T Ine that this was just the tip of the alwars supportive and loving. | drudged on and on, unt J) jceberg. Such treaties must have been entered into by more | thought that nothing more could be achieved. I stayed unti]| than the United States government. The Grays have reached |Jate 2007, and then I made the call and requested] almost total control over humanity. permission to go back to Nibira and make my final report, ‘As always, Marduchk was there for me and I left an earth I) Everywhere Iwent I saw Grays in shape-shifted form | no longer loved. I was going home.”-End of the account of ‘Victoria (Source: Ambar Anati.) After materializing myself back to New York, I knew I will always be watched, but I also knew how to handle it and avoid | my Watchers, I needed time. Fist, I spent a few days just) ee nee digesting what saw: |1s it science fiction? T made myself invisible, and left the hotel for hours of'| Pure fantasy? exploration, I walked the streets, took the subway, and went | A fabricated story? con buses, visited museums, stores, offices, hospitals, senior | Or a factual account? citizens home, schools, and more. Do not rush to answer yet. First, ask an insider, or any| ‘Everywhere I went I saw Grays in shape-shifted form. | scientist who claims to have worked at any of those secret | Obviously, they did not only infiltrate the military, but spread | military bases, where a joint extraterrestrial-US government) ‘out much more, They flooded the city. Some worked in offices, |“black project”, and/or an alien technology-reverse| some in restaurants, obviously doing it as part of their agenda.’ | engineering program took place. Second, tell him/her about | They were nurses, teachers, officials, sanitation engineers. | the story of Ambar Anati, Third, compare his/her answer They were probably doing the same in other cities, uxban | with Anat’ aecount | areas, towns, and even other countries. For me, as I/Then, and only, you will know the truth; you will Inow mentioned before, itis easy to recognize a shape-shifter. whether Anati’s report was truthful or simply nonsense! I was taught how to do it by the best teachers on Nibiru. But a| human cannot do so very easily. Your doctor could be one. The | More meetings, more explosive revelations, and the nice lady in the departnient store could be one, The teacher of | ‘Anunnali’s final warning your young child could be one. | In addition, I saw many hybrids. Vieious, unfeeling, and | This is an excerpt from the book “Anunnaki Ultimatum’, | manipulative, they flocked mostly into the entertainment | previously mentioned. industry, the financial world, and the advertising field. It) seemed they liked glamour. The Grays and their slaves, the| Final Clash Hybrids, have invaded the world. ‘After afew days I got to work. Using the same device that had | Armbar Anat in her om words: How Iwentto earth to make | gotten me the telephone numbers of the NSA members, I one final attempt to convince the humans to give up their spent my time contacting and negotiating with hundreds of | affiliations with the Grays. How the humans tried to betray} People from a number of governments on earth. I also visited | my trust, and the explosive results that would bring not only | other laboratories, bases, and air Force fields. Each time T| cvtreme danger to myself, but the return of the Antnnal in negotiated, I have encountered the same road blocks. 505 “Every government I contacted was in terror ofthe | One last time, I said to myself. This is their only chance. If| Grays” they agree to accept the final option of changing their ways, | Every government I contacted was in terror of the Grays. The | 2004. If not, I would not stand in the way of the Counet!’s| Anunnaki were feared, too, and the knowledge that they will | plan of cleansing the earth. It would hurt me a great deal to| very Likely attempt to clean the earth, temified the humans, | think of the millions that were about to die, But there will be| | no more opposition on may part. I would obey the Council, | ut ot enough to get them out of their fearful paralysis re otter how badly Twill fel. Continues in Partaz | The Return of the Anunnaki in 2022. Part 11 With the weatiness of an act that was performed hundreds of times over the past seventeen years, I contacted the highest level military personnel in an important air base which I will call North X, since of course, I cannot reveal the real name. As always, they had no choice but to meet me. At this time, anyway, after all these years of negotiations with everyone, including some presidents of the United States and Europe, I was pretty well known — and highly disliked. Perhaps T was evena little feared. ‘The individual I spoke to was very agreeable, and proceeded to arrange the details for the meeting with me. “By the way,” I said, after all was decided upon. “If single shap shifting Gray will be at the meeting, I will leave immediately. ‘And believe me, I always recognize a shape-shifter. You see, this is the last meeting I plan to have with any human, and the presence of a Gray will defeat the purpose of it.” “There will be no Grays at the meeting, Ms. Anati, said my contac, T can promise you that, Mi collegues and T have already discussed the issue before you and I came to arrange the meeting, They feel the same way as you do.” Well, ‘that was a good sign, I thought, We shall see, Amiving at the air base, I was immediately taken to a small, ordinary conference room. A few people rose from their seats at the conference table as I came in. There were two generals in military uniform, one retired admiral, who worked forthe NSA. os a consultant and was aco-proprieto: of a major civilian jet propulsion company, a colonel who worked as test pilot for Douglas and Boeing companies, and a person that I guessed represented the White House. As always, they were extremely polite, and indeed, none of them was a Gray Pethaps by that time they finally believed that I could recognize a shape-shifter, or pethaps they had their own ape. [thnk i ight of what fouk place later, that the second option was the correct one. They wanted to hide the meeting from the Grays. ‘We sat around the table, and they tumed to me, ready to hear my offer. They thought that I still was ready to. negotiate. Of course, the time for negotiations was over, but they didnot realize that. “sllow me to summarize the current situation for you, gentlemen, I said. “Whether you take action now or later, you will be facing an extraterrestrial threat. The threat you have now comes from the Grays who are controlling your science and space program, and dominating a major part of | the earth. The Grays know that you have tried, for many years, to find a weapon system to counter attack them. And they know very well that you have started this program when President Reagan took office. They also know that you failed to | develop such a weapon system on your own. That means that youare defenseless. You knowit, and they are aware of it. This, is why you allow the Grays to go on with the atrocities and the abductions of human beings. It makes you feel safer with, them. However, what you don't understand is that the Grays vil not be satis by only napping people and going on with their abominable experiments. All their experiments were aimed toward saving their own doomed race, which is dying slowly from an epidemic of Progeria which they cannot control. By and large, they failed. So now they want permanent visible bases on the surface of the earth, and much, more scope for further experiments on a larger scale.” “They have never mentioned this plan to us,” said the White House representative, “Of course not. This is top secret. They know you will feel like comered rats and fight back.” asked the “So what -will happen when they take over? | Admiral. “They will Kill many humans. The rest will be put in concentration camps, to be available for use whenever neaded. In other words, you will be taken over, and this, to all intents and purposes, will be the end of the human race.’ “I see,” answered the Admiral, ina low voice. He was dearly thoughtful, ‘What is the later threat you have mentioned?” asked one of the generals, “Tt will come from the Anannals. You don't feel it now, not quite yet, but it is just as real. However, it is very different from the threat of the Grays. The Anunnaki are not interested in establishing any bases on the surface of the earth or in the oceans, nor do they wish to experiment on you. They want, quite simply, the complete destruction of | your military systems, submatines, carriers, and satellites. They will throw an electro-plasmic shield over the earth, ‘which will prevent aizplanes from taking off. This will apply to every anplane, no matter how big or small, military, commercial, o: private, Gravity will become twelve hundred ‘times greater than the way it is now, preventing everything on earth from moving inelding hmnizn beings Then, a Kind of artificial lava will finish off the biosystem of the earth, You will not be able to fight it, for the_ simple reason that you don't know what it is made off, In addition, the Anuanaki will bring on huge tsnamies, However, the worst part wil be the issue of magnetism, Positive and negative magnetism will be distorted, and this ‘will alter the laws of physies on earth. This scenario may’ sound like science fiction, but you know better than that. It ‘will start around the end of 2023, You will suddenly be| confronted by confusion, when all clocks and watches will stop, and ships im the sea will collide with each other |nithout knowing the reason, among other results of the changed polar magnetism. “We would consider severing all relations with the Grays,” said the representative of the White House. “That is, on one condition,” “I don't think the Anunnaki will be willing to negotiate conditions,” I said, “but do tell me anyway. Perhaps something can be done.” “If the Anunnaki will send an official military delegation from Nibiru right away, bringing with them scientists to develop a system like the plasmic belt and the Star Wars program, and guarantee to us that the United States can have complete military control over the earth, we ‘will be willing to cooperate with them. Also, we want a system that will allow us to cause major ecological catastrophes to North Korea, Iran, China, Afghanistan, and parts of Russia. Naturally, it should look a natural| catastrophe, not anything man-made,” said the White House representative “The Anunnaki will not give you such programs,” I said resolutely. “Itis not at all within their plans.” “So you are refusing to protect us! If you don't protect us, whiy should we break our agreement with the Grays? After all, how do we know you are really coming Daek, or even if you are telling the truth about the Grays ans? And quite frankly, why such a sudden interest in man affairs on the part of the Anunnaki, and in Americans in particular? Continues in Part 12 The Return of the Anunnaki in 2022. Part 12 “Nonsense,” I said. “They are not particularly interested in the Americans, you are not more important than anyone else on earth, The only reason for contacting you in particular is the fact that the Grays have their bases in America. all the star gates, the genetic laboratory facilities and installations are either underground in America or in the American military bases. In short, the Grays are contaminating the human DA from right here,” Icould see that they believed me, But they were still naive enough to believe that the Grays will eventually help them develop the Star Weapon system they have promised but failed to deliver. The American still wanted to bay some time, and they were not really sure how to do that. I could feel their confusion. ‘Ms. Anati,” said the Admiral. “We would like a little |time to confer before giving you our final answer. If you don't | mind, allow me to eseort you to one of our private guest lounges. They are quite comfortable, I'l arrange for coffee and some refreshments, and we will come back for you in an hour |to finalize our plan. Would that be all right? Tt would have been just fine, had this been the real plan, Very natural and appropriate. But my Conduit was open all along, and I read their thoughts freely. I knew what they meant to do to me, and it did not include coffee or refreshments, nor did it take place in a guest lounge. But I decided to play their game, and went quietly with the Admizal, fob chatted plezeatly wile oortiog moto ou clvab ‘The ride on the elevator was long. Very long. We ‘went down, obviously into some underground facility. T said nothing about it and pretended all was well. Eventually, the elevator stopped, the door opened, and at the door, three or four soldiers waited for me. I was grabbed unceremoniously ‘while the Admiral went back into the elevator, not even giving me a glance. I was shoved into a cell, they locked the door behind me, and Iwas left alone in their underground prison. As said, I knew this was coming, but having my resources, I had no reason to fear these people. I could, of coutse, dematerialize myself and get out any time I wanted. So |Lsat on the narrow bed, directed my Conduit, and listened to their conversation. I must admit that I experienced a slight feeling of claustrophobia. I have come so close to being an extraterrestrial that it was inevitable. But I repressed it, reminded myself that I could leave any time I wanted, and listened carefully to the conversation in the conference room. ‘Tt wont, take long, they are all _terzibl claustrophobie,” said the Admiral. “Her energy will drain away, like a battery, very soon.” “Will she “die?” asked the White House representative anxiously, “I am not sure this is a good strategy, ‘we may be held accountable for any issues that may arise from her arrest.” “She won't die so quidy. She will go insane first; said the Admiral. “Well, so what do we do now?” asked the retired pilot. “We have all sort of options, but what is clear to me ‘is that we must confuse the Anunnali and get them off our trail,” said one of the generals. “But she may contact the Anunnaki first,” said the Jother general. “This will bea good thing,” said the Admiral. “At the same time she contacts them, we will send signals that will confuse them. They won't be able to decide where to go to get her. Inthe meantime, she will go mad. re you sure they drain away like the Grays?” asked the first general. “Oh, yes, they are all the same, these filthy aliens,” said the Admiral. “Let her rot here, and we will have the Anumnaki and the Grays so confused, they will fight each! other, and that will take care of all our problems.” ‘At this moment, something happened in my own mind, I realized that I no longer wanted to save these people. They were pure evil, and the Anunnaki do not ‘tolerate evil. I felt, to my own amazement, that I no longer cared about how many contaminated humans would die in ‘the cleansing. I knew the Anunnaki will save the clean ones. Let the others go. I grinned. Yes, I finally started thinking like a full Anunnaki. What's more, I felt that I was quite capable of Killing them myself. I remembered how shocked I was when my dear, ‘kind, loving husband killed without batting an eyelash. I was| even more shocked when my beloved sister-in-law told me ‘that she had killed too, on various missions she had undertaken, Now Tunderstood. I was not angry with these treacherous creatures. Acold, determined feeling went through my mind instead. It ‘was all so simple, They were evil, and so they had to die. Calmly, I created a plasmic shield around me. ‘Nothing in the known universe could penetrate it, Wearing it, I could pass through an exploding star and survive. Then, T'made some calculations, figuring out how much energy ‘was needed to blow up the entire base, killing everyone inside it in an instant. The plasmic shield was invisible and I could hear perfectly well through it until I chose to switch the aucio of I materialized myself back into the conference room. The look on their faces when they saw me was so priceless, I had to la “Well, gentlemen,” I said quite politely, “this is the end, could have exploded the ait base fom anywhere on ‘the face of the earth, but I wanted to give you the news personally.” They must have communicated quickly with some of the personnel, because about fifteen soldiers, well-armed with all sort of paraphemalia, burst into the room and| rushed to grab me. The plasmic shield made them fly Sackards, and some hit the wall. One or two fainted fom the Blow: I would not bother, if I were you, gentlemen,” I said. “Believe me, there is absolutely nothing you can do. ‘Well, it’s time to blow the air base, and so good by “Please, Ms. Anati, we will do what the Anunnaki ask ust” cried the White House representative, “Ves, yes, tll ‘the Anunnaki we have no conditions! We will obsy them implicitly!” said the Admiral. The others just stood there, terrorized ‘A few years ago, pathaps I would have taken pity on them, 1 would have thought of their wives, children, pets... by now I new this was stupid sentimentality that made me less than an Anunnaki, That was over now. “Too late, gentlemen,” I said. “Good bye.” I tuned down the audio, and activated the explosion. Ttlooked like a nuclear bomb. It sounded like one, even through the plasmic shield. And it worked like one, too. ‘Nothing was left of building; I was now standing alone in a hbuge, black, gaping hole in the ground, From other buildings, people came out, screaming, running wildly. Continues in Part 3 The Return of the Anunnaki in 2022. Part 13 Tignored them, nodded with satisfaction at the cleanliness of | T)ye Sumerian calendar does not. However, some visionaries the job, tumed away, and proceeded to materialize myself in| and authors have suggested that the Sumerian texts offer another continent. I did not want the CLA agents hunting and | some clues. bothering me like flies and gnats. Of course, I could kill them. | But again, the Sumerian texts do not provide a date for the But what is the point of doing the Anunnali cleansing job for | end of time, Possibly a date for the return of the Anunnali, them all by myself? and not the end of the world, According to Sitchin, the next ‘Well, it was time to leave earth. If I ever came back | passage of Nibiru will occur in the year 2085, This means, to it, after it was cleansed, I would no longer be the same that the Anunnali will show up in 2085, Any scientific data woman. I have changed, and my place now was on Nibiru. |to substantiate this idea? No. However, Dr. Sitehin must However, I could not just call on Marduchk and ask him to) have his ow reasons and logic for advancing sth a theo. pick me up as usual, Ahead of me was another task, the most | On what foundation did he cement his assumption? important task of all. This task will be dangerous, |T don't know, I respect the man and admire his pioneering tremendously risky, but unavoidable, and I will have to do it | work. But, Ihave no clues how Sitchin came up with this alone. Somehow or other, I vill have to leave evervthing of me | date How about the 2022 scenario? The two references that was human right here on earth. Only then will Ibe able to| made to the date 2022 were found in the Ulema’s place my mind into the clean, perfect Anunnalk body that was | manuseripts called “The Book of Rama-Dosh’, “The Sun of prepared for me some years ago. Iwill have to do that with no | the Great Knovedge’, and in the autobiography of Ambar traces of humanity, or of any possible contamination. For that, | Anati, published in the book “Anunnali. Ultimatum” In I would have to shed my old body like the skin of a snake, | csence, the Ulema books are a cosmological-metaphysical- Jeave it on earth, and go home not in a space chip, but rather, | philosophical work allegedly based upon science, astronomy send my mind’ through a multidimensional baab. Which | End quantum physies, Gt, at the time they were watten oF meant, in human terms, that I simply had to die, (End of | compiled, quantum physics theories did not exist. How did Ambar Anat’s account.) ‘they know about quantum physics, anti-gravity law, and space-time travel remain an unsolved mystery! ‘The Ulema’s books also described ad infinitum the return of| the Anunnaki and their plan for humanity. The Ulema claim, that the Anunnaki’s return has ‘been already announced to leading figures in several countries, and official terrestrial authorities of various ethnicities, Ambar |Anati, an Anuunaki’s envoy to earth allegedly met with. representatives from the United States goverment, and during that meeting, Anati informed the American officials ‘that the Anunnaki will return to earth in 2¢ ‘Whatis Going to Happen to us When the Anmmaki Return to Earth in 2022? goiz: Is It the date of the end of the world? (According to the Mayan Calendar) oaa: Is it the year when Anunnald and mankind ce to face, and the destiny of humans will be decided _ upon for good? “ (Anumnaki-Ulema| —_Jdentified cities in India for the return of the Manuscripts) Anunnaki * 2085: [s it the date of the retum of the Anunn: (Sitchin’s predicted date) Some writers have suggested that India was chosen as the landing “terminal.” ‘Those suggestions have appeared on many websites, and in articles published by joumalists from India, The early and very ancient Anunnaki-Ulema manuscripts identified the_ “Hind and Sindh” (Ancient territories of modem India and Pakistan) as one of the landing spots for the return of the Anunnaki in 207 Possibilities and Scenarios ‘The Mayan Calendar Versus the Sumerian Texts 2012 marks the end of the Mayan calendar. It has no relation ‘whatsoever with the return of the Anunnakd. Any advanced theory pertaining to this date is not backed up by science. Such assumption is pseudoscience. It is my belief that Mr. Burak Eldem was the first waiter to suggest that the Anunnali, ‘will retum in 2012. Again, this “assigned” date could not be backed by astronomy of any other science. It is evident that people are confusing the Mayan calendar that ends in 2012 with the Anunnald retum or intention to return. Some authors suggested that the Mayas and the Incas have some sort of link to the Anunnali, to the Sumerians, and Babylonians because of their extensive knowledge in astronomy and cosmology. Most certainly, the advanced | cosmology knowledge of the Mayan civilization does not ipso facto establish any direct and pertinent link to the Sumerians, even though, both civilizations Mayan and Sumerian have | shared and displayed some similarities in certain areas. ‘The Mayan Calendar allegedly predicts the end of the world as, wwe knowit, and gives a precise date: 200. ‘Note: The terms “Anna. Ki” and “Annal-h” were used in the manuscripts, The most frequently mentioned cities and regions for the landing of the Anunnaki are: 1-Punjab, 2-State of Multan also called Bayt al-Zahab by the Arabs, and Dar Al-Aman by the Mughals, 3-Lamghan, 4-The area surrounding the River of Chinab, 5-Kashmir, o-Jazirat Al Sind, But why India and not The White House’s Rose Garden? Or why not in front of the United Nations headquarters in New York? ‘The White House means nothing to the Anunnaki. And the United Nations as an organization will be “dismantled” by the Anunnaki later on! India is one of the Annnnali’s favorite spots, Continues in Part 1g Be dake maw ELAR tye ea Earth's designated landing areas for the Amummaki’s | And he replied: “A sequence of numbers, phrases, symbols Yeturn to our planet in 2022 and geometrical forms. It was still unclear to me, so I asked | him again: “What numbers, phrases, symbols and forms are: Al Mutawalli and Dr, Farid Tayarah (Both, members of Hiram | you talking about?” And he said (smiling): “The numbers Masonic Lodges in Labanon and Egypt, and custodians of the| belong to a calendar established by a Phoenician secre Book “Sun of the Great Knowledge’: Shams Al Maa-Ref All| society called “The Cirdle of the Serpent’. And he added: Koubra) told me that some regions of India lign up perfectly | “Nothing to fear at all. The serpent will not bite you. The with the “Anunnaki Triangle” that defines precisely the|calendar contains very meticulous calculations and perimeter of their landing and designated cities for their | messages revealed from specific letters in the Phoenician, return. . 5 % ‘Sumerian, Aramaic, Hebrew and Arabie alphabets. And not This “Triangle” encompasses additional cities outside India. coincidently, some of these leters have the same meaning, Dr. Tayarah named these eities and areas: Baalbeck, Us, Basra, | numerical values and are pronounced exactly the same way Antioch, Kamishli, Arwad, Trapani, Malta, Tyre, Sidon, Amrit, |n all these languages...You can correctly pronounce these Bijjeh, Amehit, Oerland, Carthage, Geilenkirchen, Niederheid, |Jetters and words, because you have studied Semitic and New York City, Aktion, Gabala, Konya, Gyumri, Saint | Near Eastern languages, but Aghrab (Foreigners) Petersburg, Dushanbe, Texas, Honolulu, Arizona, Nevada, |is verv difficult for them..” and he added: New Mexico, Puerto Rico, Alaska, Washington, DC, Califomia, | “The serpent is a metaphor; a symbolic representation of the Cherbough, Le Havre, Paris, Prague, Bucharest, Kent, Dover, | ultimate knowledge; the knowledge of the origin of man, London, Brazlia, Vera Cruz, Mexico City, tc nature of sin, and secret healing powers. The serpent symbol The list of the landing places included approximately 700 |e" considered by adepts, scholars and students as the illustration of the very substance of the nature of man...what Te Che eee REO makes human a human...” (Note: Back then, the DNA was Cre ee eeen ta Sheers not discovered yet, but for sure, this is what he meant!) He continued: “The serpent simbol was highly revered in Others believe that the United States is more likely to be the | antiquity and appeared in many writings and works of the Anunnali’s destination, | brightest men in history, including Socrates, Archimedes, This was based upon the fact or assumptions, that American | Ibn Sina, Maimonides, Ibn Batouta, St, Augustine, Nicolas rillitary scientists and a group of astrophysicists at NASA and | Flamel, the scribes of Melkart, Baal and “Shams Al Maaref top-echelon big names at NSA have leamed about. the|Al Koubra..and this symbol can be deciphered by. the Anunnali’s return (Including the date of the return) from|“Nabih” (Alert or imformed in Sumerian, Akkadian, extraterrestrial races currently living on earth Phoenician and Arabic lngunges| Dr. Sitchin, tanslated From the grapevine we heard, that these aliens were the Grays | “Nabi” as a spokesman. I don't know why. “Nabih” as a from Zeta Reticuli, and the Draconians from unspecified | Near Eastern and Middle Eastern word means: Alert. It is origin. still used today in modern Arabic, spoken Arabic, and ‘Some of these extraterrestrials work at Dulee base, and some | Written Arabic. Any Arab or Middle Eastem person knows ‘other places in Arizona, Nevada, Puerto Rico and Mexico. How | that!!), Today in modern science, and particularly in| acclitate are those elaine? Wobedy none medicine, the serpent is extremely valuable. Do your But from the aceount and revelations of Sinhar Ambar Anati, | homework, and you will find out how many vaccines, anti- the envoy of the Anunnald who met with representatives from | Poisoning formulas, and cures were extracted and developed the ‘United States” Government in Waskington, Dc, the ftom serpents and snakes. asked him again: “Fine with the Anunnald for sure will land in many regions of the United |serpent story, why don't you tell me more about the States, and particularly where nuclear and military bases and | numbers...his is what I am interested in.” And he replied: installations are located. “The numbers can be found in the numeric values of the Anati said: “No, the Anunnaki will not negotiate with the | languages I told you about...Each given number corresponds Americans. Their return is neither a diplomatic mission nor a | to another number that summarizes distances between stars friendly visit. They are not retuming as tourists or diplomats. | and planets in various galaxies, including our Milky Way. They are going to clean house! They will be tough, and they|Also, these numbers reveal the year of the arrival of the vill shake the very foundation of earth! The Anunnali will | Amunmali..Some of these numbers, if aligned, in certain land in the United States, and will change its people and) order with Phoenician letters, will reveal celestial maps and geography for ever.” ‘the exact locations of planets and ‘destinations’, the Anmnali will use as “stations” and terminals for their space The year of 2022, date of the return of the Anumnaki_/ travel in direction of planet earth.” He continues: “Every was mentioned by the Ulema in 690 A.D single word in our language, as well as in many ancient) Tanguages of the Near East, contains many secrets. Ask a ‘What is my personal opinion? Rabbi, and he will tell you all about it. Ask a Gnostic and he I dont know. However I tend to have confidence in the | Will explain to you the secret messages hidden in the Bible Ulema’s perspective, The 2022 date was mentioned by the |verses’ numbers. Without numerology, our physical world ‘Ulema in 690 A.D., long time before the Sumerian texts were | will remain an unsolved mathematical theorem!” and he translated into English, and brought up to the attention of the | ended his elaborate response with: At one time in ancient masses in the Western world, How did the Ulema know about | history, Alchemy was igh respected, until sey and) this date’Was this date given to them verbatim by the disillusioned individuals began to use it for personal gain, ‘Anunnald? I put this question to one of the righteous men of | and deceiving the innocent. Alchemy started with a seeret the Ulema group, ‘And he said, that they (The Ulema that is) | code of numbers. These numbers as they were assembled in Imew from the Anunnali Code. So, I asked him again: What is | the “Divine Formula” allowed the Templars to prosper, and this Antnnalti Code? Decome extremely wealthy...Ican't go further..." Newt The Return of the Anunnaki in 2022. Part 15 SN ene Eee treaagl He continued: “When the Anunnaki realized that man was’ io Find out! Will you be there when the Anunnald return to earth? | creative and resourceful ways to carry assigned duties, then, Find out! ‘What are you chances of meeting an Anunnaki? Here is the formula! DO YOUR MATH! Lasked him: “Well, if I correctly use these numbers, would Ibe able to learn more about the return of the Anumnaki? Are they’ a threat to us? Can I meet the Anunmali” ‘He replied: “First, the Anunnaki are a threat only to the “Fasidin” (Bad people, rotten people in his language). So you have nothing to fear for yourself, Yes, the numbers will tell | you a lot about the Aninnalc,.0! You want to meet the ‘Anmnnald? What for?” He stopped for a few seconds, and said: Taye Esma’h (OK, listen now, in his language), when you have some free time...and af you are interested in knowing if you have any chance of seeing with your own eyes the “Roujowh” (Arrival) of the Anunnaki, do this..consider it as a game for now...nothing serious...just play with these numbers, and see ‘what you could find. .OK Do this: ‘Write down the number 2022 Add your age to 2022 Subtract 6 Deduct 14 from what you got Add together the four digits of the new number you | got ‘Add the new number to form one single digit ‘Add the digit you got to 2022 He continued: “The final number you get will tell you if you are going to be one of those lucky persons who wil be blessed. by the Anunnald. remember blessing is not a religious benediction or a spiritual Desig 0-20 toni is simply your chance to enter a new age of happiness, tranquility and an enormous personal satisfaction.” Do the numbers, see if you will be around...” 1 did not quite understand how the final number will tell me about all that? So T asked the Jeamed one: "How would I understand what the final number means?” He replied: “You will, just compare the number to the year 2022..if your hhumber is under 2022, you are not a lucky manif your number is equal or higher, then you have made will be there, you will meet them and your life will be full of happiness.” Ansiously, T asked him: “So, If I get less than 2022... am screwed! Right?” He laughed and replied: “Not totally, try again.,be patient...take your time, and if the same number pops again, do not panic, add to the number, the numerical value of the Phoenician letter “Aleph’..” (Fist letter of the Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew, Anunnaki, and Arabic alphabets.) asked him about those secret phrases, and how could I use them to predict my future and lean more about the return of the Anunnal. He replied very softy: ‘One of the most important fs glen to mankind vas teching early humans how to wate and ovr to read. Without the ability of reading and writing, history of civilizations will be forgotten, and no lesson from the past can, be remembered and taught to future generations. ready to understand and assess events, to rationalize and take proper actions, to follow their instructions and use and only then, the Anunnaki decided to teach man how to read and how to write. They did not teach the whole population. They chose those who showed compassion ‘toward others, a quiet and serene nature, and a commitment to preserve the seeret messages of words, nouns, and sacred phrases of the Anakch. Jesus knew a lot about these words and managed to penetrate the veil of secrecy of the most powerful words on earth. Without certain phrases, Jesus ‘used, he could would have not performed miracles, Some phrases contained the power to pulverize a person, as ‘well as the power of healing and bringing dead people back to life.” Sitchin mentioned in an interview that the Anunnaki have the power to bring the dead back to life. “And how: about the symbols and geometrical forms. Can you tell me’ something about their practical use and how are they related to the return of the Anunnaki?” I asked. And he replied: “You can interpret symbols as a form of algebra, but at a higher level of a scientific knowledge. Symbols are not drawings. They are the soul of science. Dr. Fermi used them very well..Unfortumately Dr. Fermi used them for ill is too bad, he brought mass destruction and annihilation to hundreds of thousands of people...” He stopped for a short moment and continued: “And geometrical forms belong to “sacred architecture. No, it is hot a fantasy or a myth, magic or illusion. It is pure science. | Those geometrical forms were used in teleportation, and ‘thoughts’ projection. After 2022, people of all the nations ‘will understand all these things...’ He continued... “How do you think our ancestors built the Pyramids, Stonehenge, and Baalbeck? He asked me. And he continued...“Do vou thing they used cranes, winches, and bulldozers? They didnt! Geometrical forms are also used in reading celestial maps, locations and navigation of the stars and planets. In fact, they dictate stars rotations, gravity, and cosmomagnetism. ‘Without them, we will not be able to foresee future events and prevent catastrophes from happening. They are the language of the future. But you have to ‘understand the concept of future. Future is not what is going to happen in years to come...Future is already written in eomettical forms...they contain dates, places, locations, lestinations and transmtation of events...” Confusing? Perhaps? ‘Was T not totally confused, but intrigued and fascinated? Yes! ‘Worth exploring? ‘No doubt! “An open mind is wealth”, said Dr. Farid Tayarah, one of the enlightened masters of the Ulema. ‘What are the plans of the Anunnaki for their return in 2022? Continues in Part 16 The Return of the Anunnaki in 2022. Pa The Anunnaki are coming back to clean the earth. 2- The shield will be an invisible “plasmic belt” surrounding They eeated the earth, started developing the life forms, | hewholeplanet arth, | fostered the evolutionary process, and managed to accumulate | 3- The “plasmic belt” will look like ike a zone of extremely| an enormous amount of useful knowledge, all of which they | extensive heat that will melt anything that might ty to go| telepathically transferred to Ashtari (\ibiru). Unfortunately, | through it the knowledge leaked to the Grays at Zeta Reticuli | 4- On the inside, the mind of the human beings will be] The Grays, also known as the Reptilians use humans, and | constantly monitored by Anunnalki societies on earth, which | sometimes the cattle, in their doomed experiments that were | report directly to the High Council on Nibiru, geared to save their own miserable race. While doing this, they | 5- A new “Conduit” will be implanted in the brain cells of sadly contaminated the pure genetie material the Anunnaki so | ach human, so a new “form” of a “global truth” governing | painstakingly created. ‘the whole earth, and based totally on scientific facts wi shape up social code and ethics, thus eliminating erroneous ‘personal interpretations of law and order. Contamination by the Grays is the Major Problem for | © Itisno longer special interest groups, influential lobbying Wie Hrasea Bees nganizations and powerful lawmakers will dictate laws and] a : influence jurisdictions. Now, after receiving pertinent information over the last forty |>- The Anunnaki believe that a negative and a malicious| years, the Anunnaki had decided to come back and clean up| mind is as dangerous as an atomic weapon. Therefore, he} their creations. Whether they are doing it out of benevolence, | Anunnaki will’ eliminate all forms of governmental] or because they wish to pursue their laboratory work, we do institutions, installations and places, such as NATO, | notas yet now, say responsible ufologists. European military posts, strategic ballistic (missiles and But one thing is clear — any human being heavily tainted by| nukes) launching pads and bases, The White House, City] the Grays’ DNA will be destroyed. Some individuals who are | Hills, European Fund, The Internal Revenue Service, th lightly contaminated, will be eventually - evaluated further, | KGB,’ the CLA, Intemational Money Fund, the Unite but in another dimension, so as not to endanger the cleaned | Nations, World Bank, mansions for governors, so called up earth. And all those individuals who are not contaminated | palaces of justice, and mulitary high command centers, and by the Grays will remain on earth, which will be immeasurably || establishments that reflect authority over people and improved by the removal of the contaminated humans. create fear in the hearts and minds of populations. They will disappear. And since they will no longer exist, a greater The Anunnaki know who is contaminated, and who is not, and] sense of security and feeling of personal autonomy, freedom, ‘what the contamination level is, by using the Conduit, so to| and new sense of individual secanity will come to Efe, them, itis extremely easy to make the selection. |S The Anunnaki will eliminate all the dangerous secret] This process of selection will be extremely rapid, and in fact, it | organizations controlled by entities such as the New World| is a matter of minutes. Order, and the Grays who are currently working with official Since most humans do not have a fmetional Conduit, only a| authorities and military seientists in’ many centers in the| Tatent one, we must use other ways to find out what is our| (5. on the surface, undervater, and underground, all chances for survival so we can take steps to improve the odds; | potential dangers and risks of war, as well as threat & this will be done individually, each person must examine his| humanity peace and happiness, such as global. miltary| or her level. . - .___ | confrontations, invading other countries, tortures, executing | You will not be helped by joining a religious group, or going to officials and heads of states of foreign countries, dominating | ‘therapy, or any other form of relying on someone else, world markets, greedy monetary systems, atomic You will have to do your own work, but itis not difficult to find | annihilation, thus elevating the human race to a higher| out. Figuring it out requires thought and introspection only. | standard of spiritual The Grays’ DNA has created greed, violence, and unbelievable | on earth. cruelty within our nature. Such charaeteristics were not part |g. Nations will no longer be judged by their super military of the original DNA material used to create humans, since the| power and military might, but by the creative} original DNA was given by the Anunnali themselves, who had | accomplishment of the mind, ‘collective consciousness of] fintenddto eeate Wurm: ar bree ‘their people, and their contribution to the human race as| Therefore, each person must examine his or her life carefully. | “one race” on earth, | The list of offences is extremely Jong, but here are some| x0- People will no longer be judged, assessed and rated by examples of people who are contaminated by the Grays’ DNA.|the color of their skin, physieal looks, wealth, assets, They are divided into three groups. If any of these traits exist | eminence and the importance of positions and status they’| in you, if you have committed any of these atrocities, try to | enjoy and monopolize. remove thém as soon as possible from your life — if you wish to |" survive after 2022. But even with all your hard work, there is| What Will Happen To Us In 2022, When The no guarantee. Anunnaki Return To Earth? y, cosmic awareness, and global peace | How Will The Earth Be Protected From Further | Many things at so many levels: Physical, spiritual, mental, | ‘Contamination By The Grays? multidimensional, vibrational, intellectual, and religious.) ‘We will try to explore some of the possibilities, scenarios| aThe Anunnaki will create an_electro-plasmalaser shield | and theories. around the orbit of the earth, preventing any hostile| extraterrestrial civilization from conquering eat Continues in Bastsy The Return of the Anunnaki in 2022. Pa The Anunnaki are returning in 2022 to clean the earth. This will happen through a cataelysmic event The Anunnaki are retuming in 2022 to clean the earth. This | All that remains now is the group of light contamination ‘will happen through a cataclysmic event, the like of which can |level, and if they wish to save themselves, they, must go| hardly even be imagined by us, but is child play to the| through the “Ba’abs”, (Doors) called Stargates, into ultra| Anunnali, who have done it all before on earth, and on other | (other) dimensions, so that they could be evaluated by the planets, many times. The procedure will take a very. short | Anunnals. If they can be cleaned, they go back to earth, time, a few minutes only, but is, as always, elaborately and |If not, they will live out their lives in another dimension, | securely planned by the Anunnals. ° ‘where conditions are much like our own earth before the| The Anunnaki will bring a bubble of a special substance, | cleaning, They will lead a normal life, but will not be able to | resembling anti-matter but not destructive, and cause it to| reproduce, so eventually they will die out. As for those who touch the earth's atmosphere. It will be exactly the size of go through the Ba’abs, the procedure is extremely difficult. earth, Ba’abs exist everywhere. ‘As soon as the two globes touch, all the humans that have been | There are huge, magnificent Ba’abs that are used regularly lucky enough not to be contaminated by Grays’ DNA, and all by the Anunnali to cross from one dimension to another. | the animals, plants, and those inanimate material whieh the| But here are also small ones, located in the sree, na eo, Anunnaki wish to preserve (Such as beautiful and historic |in an apartment building, in your own home, you name it monuments, cultural centers, art-filled museums, and great | They will become visible when the bubble clashes with the) libraries, in’ addition to the homes of those saved) will be| earth, and those who were not taken into the bubble, or| stripped from earth and absorbed into the bubble. ‘were not destroyed, must find their way intoaBa'ab. The fish, and other animals who need water, will be taken toa | All Ba’abs look the same — they are a circle of shifting light) created ocean within the bubble. The birds will have plenty of | of rainbow colors, very clearly defined. People wishing to| aces to perch on. Nothing will be hurt or damaged — the | enter a Ba'ab must hurl themselves against it, and it will humans and animals will feel nothing — they will be secure | open and absorb any number of travelers. As Soon as you ‘within the bubble, It is unlikely that they will even retain a | enter the Ba’ab, you are already in another dimension, Ttis| clear memory of the event, because the Anunnaki would not | extremely frightening: a deep blackness illuminated by} ‘wish them to be traumatized. explosions, thunderbolts, and streaking comets. Then, the earth will be cleaned of all our pollution. For lack of better description, try to imagine a huge vacuum | ‘The traveler will feel dizzy, disoriented, and seared cleaner removing all the landfills, eliminating all the plastics, all the dirt, all the smog from the air, and all the filth from the | There is a very high level of a stormy, whoosh-like sound — | ocean. Ina few short minutes, the earth will be sparkling | the noise can be deafening — and the traveler is swept with clean, a pristine planet, the way it was when the Anunnaki had | violent speed forward, unable to resist or help the move, and first created it. How they dispose of the garbage is not clear to | constantly twirled and twisted in one direction, and then the| us - it involves a very high technology which we simply do not | other. The traveler will feel dizzy, disoriented, and scared, as yet understand. and this lasts for an indefinite amount of time. When this The benutifal clean planet is now ready to be repopulate and partis over, the traveler is thrown by a huge gust of wind| in an instant, the humans, animals, plants, and inanimate | into a tunnel, which is so brightly lit by orange, yellow, and objects would be returned to earth. Anunnaki guides will be | white light, itis impossible to keep one’s eyes open for mor there for the humans, who would naturally heed quite a bit of | than a few seconds at a time. help to adjust to the new life. | The traveler hears horrible shrieks, screams, and howling of | In the meantime, the issue of the rest of humanity is resolved | wind, and when the eyes are open, he or she sees bizarre| as well. There are three groups of humans the Anunnalt will | faces, weird creatures, and unknown vehicles which always | attend to. Those individuals who are not contaminated have | seem almost on the verge of colliding with the traveler, but | already been taken back to the cleaned planet. Those | somehow never do. After a while, the traveler is thrown out individuals who are heavily contaminated, and who are| of the tunnel into solid ground, which may be quite painful engaging in cruelty, greed, and violence for their own gain, | but not permanently harmful - have no chance at all. They will simply be destroyed, and there |The light becomes normal and the sounds stop. At that) is no need to even think about them any further. | point, the travelers have reached their destination. What is Ieft are those who belong to the medium-level of ft looks much like earth, but it is empty of people or contamination, and the lighter level. animals, and plants and houses look very dim, as if the) These groups had received a warning to mend their lives, | traveler found himself in virtual reality. fourteen years before the event of 2022. Some of the people of | Then, the traveler begins to see people materialize against} light level contamination would have completely cleaned | the cardboard like background, themselves through their efforts, and therefore would have | This takes time, the images of people float as if from thin air, been transferred, as clean beings, into the bubble. Others had | but then, all of a sudden, reality shifts and the travelers find) remained lightly contaminated. ‘themselves in areal world. ‘The animals will never materialize. Those individuals of medium level contamination, who | All of them have been returned to earth, to their proper obviously require more work, would be divided into those who | places, as mentioned before. They are not needed here, since | had succeeded in the cleaning, and had brought themselves | no animal labor or the eating of animals is permitted by the| into a light level contamination. Those who remain medium | Anunnaki, who abhor such practices. In this dimension, the | level, who did not do the work of cleaning properly, will be | travelers will meet a few Anunnald, who will direct them to destroyed with the heavily contaminated ones. ‘their evaluation and possible cleaning. Continues in Part 18 OU a od dame mwa Aya ae a) We do not know how this procedure works, and in truth, it does not matter very much, since only those who made it | would be retumed to earth. |Those who cannot be cleaned will be sent, through a Ba’ab, to |the dimension previously mentioned, where they will ive out their lives, but wall not be able to reproduce. The Anunnakd do not wish to Kill them, since they are not | inherently evil like the heavily contaminated ones, But they cannot let them reproduce the bad DNA; the Anunnali do not indulge in sentimental pity, and are fully aware that any form of evil should not be allowed to exist. How the Anumnaki are going to deal with earth's organized religions? Good news for the free-spisited ones. Bad news for organized religions tycoons and business people! + The very first thing the Anunnald will do when they land om earth will be the reorganization of the human race, readjusting the structure and substructure of our societies. + The Anunnald believe that without a new social order, humanity will remain in chaotic state and violent conditions. ‘©The first change they will bring to earth consists in totally eliminating organized religions, for instance, the Vatican will be reduced to a historic icon, Churches, temples, synagogues, ashrams and ptaltty beaut eathetzals vil brome publi ibraties and centers for the fine arts. * The Anumnald will explain to the human race that the God wve worshipped on earth was an invention of the primitive minds of the early human race. * Anumnaki will explain to the human race that the idea of one god, master of the universe, originated from the belief in many gods in the early days of the history of humanity but for several reasons, the | number of deities shrunk to one. ‘The early prophets, and some of the founders of great ‘religions, saw the Anunnali as gods. For example, Enki beoame Yahweh. And before Vahiveh, he was all sort of things, suchas Adon, Adonis, Melkart, Zeus, Brahma, you name it. |So the foundation of religion was a fragment of imagination of |primitive, uninformed and confused minds of the haman race. However, something good came out of i, such as: + AcThe Christian charity, + BThedewish Tzedakah, + C-The Buddhist non-violence philosophy, + D-The Islamic protection of the ozphans and forgiveness. [All these virtues, although they are no longer in use today, | were a positive aspect of the invention of religion. There will be no more churches, synagogues, centers of workip-All tht wll bs eplaced by God as All-That-Is ‘or any other the concept of All the famous “Stars” of religion, such as televangelists, fanatic extremists, those who advocate phantasmagorical ideologies such as the Rapture, etc, will have been eliminated, During one of his visits to England, Gandhi was asked: “What do you think of Christianity? ‘And Gandhi answered: “What a great idea! How come nobody has tried it yet?” What will happen to the teachings of Jesus, ‘Moses, Mohammed, and Buddha, should the Anunnaki decide to demolish all religions and our religious beliefs systems? + The Anunnaki will abolish all forms of organized religions, but not the code of ethics, fairness, and justice + For instance, the mind will be fertilized with a device that will enable the human being to tap into ahigher sphere of knowledge. * One example would be the possibility of mankind to go back in time and listen exactly to what the founders of religion have said. Not what their followers have created as doctrines and dogma for their own benefits and personal interests. + Religious sjstems based | upon organized establishments will be eliminated. + The human mind will be able through the implanted “Conduit” and the “Miraya” to go back to the time of Jesus and listen to his sermons and teachings. Humans will go back in time, and will see Jesus walking in the streets of Nazareth, Bethlchem, and Jerusalem, and they will be able to listen to him at Mount Olive, and by doing so, they will be able to retrieve the true message. They will compare the teachings of Jesus, automatically, with what the Chureh, its doctors, its bishops, and its governments, invented and fabricated. They will have the two versions, the original one, and the new one invented by organized religions. In summary, the Anunnali are not abolishing religions Decause they will be taking us straight to the original message of religions, to the very souree. Instead, they will eliminate the bureaucratic, govemmmental, financial, and business aspect created by those who became the custodians of religions, and unfortunately, erroneously, influenced our mind, ethies and way of life. ‘What Will Happen On Earth During The Final Clash With The Anunnali? * As we have explained in a previous answer, the ‘Anunnaki will start the catadysmie event of 2022 ‘by removing all the clean, uncontaminated’ humans, all the animals, the plants, and inanimate objects they wish to preserve, b taking them into the bubble they have brought to clash with the earth. * This bubble is made of non-destructive, anti- matter like substance, and it will protect everything placed in it from harm, until the cleansing of the earth will be complete Continues in Part 19 BU eee Ulam yy ea ‘We have also explained what would happen to those humans who are only lightly contaminated. They will go through the Ba‘abs, or Stargates, to face a joumey into the unknown, with the hope of being cleaned and saved. They have no guarantee, but going through the Ba’abs and risking their lives is the only chance they have, The question remaining now is, what is going to happen to those who have remained on earth — ‘those who are contaminated with evil to the extent ‘that they cannot be saved? First, one nist remember that in an instant, the houses these people lived in, any animal that they dave bod all te plats ol the arth, and many other buildings, will disappear in a blink of an eye. For a short time, these people will find themselves in an environment that is already totally alien and ‘frightening, Some may remember the warnings of the Anunnali, started fourteen years before the event and constantly repeated but ignored by many Others may have never even noticed the wamings, and so they have no clue as to what is happening. ‘None of that matters, since one must also remember ‘that these people are evil to the core, that nothing can reclaim them because they have nothing whidl 4s good in their minds, and that the Anunnaki have absolutely no mercy and no sentimentality about evil and its redemption. ‘The Anunnald firmly believe that all evil should be destroyed, if at all possible. At this point, the sum and the moon, depending on the Hine tones, wld ert in be elie ‘This will not happen naturally, but rather, the whole sky, over the entire world, will be covered with, spaceships and mother spaceships. A massive ceiling of metal shapes of machinery gadgets, wheels, and shifting lights will be created. ‘They will be ominously silent, as if waiting. Looking ots roa bebo vl sco rgitentng that marty people will lose their minds. Some will try to hide, some will mn around in, circles, not knowing where to go. In crowded, urban. areas, they will create stampedes, killing each other in the process. ‘Others will run into their churches, trying to pray and the churches will ring their bells. Some of the religious leaders were saved or gone ‘through the Baabs, and so have disappeared alrea ‘Those who are false and contaminated will still ty to call their congregations, feeling that perhaps that would be a way to salvation. In various cities, people will ty to reach their governments, without much success, ‘The only officials that have stayed on their posts will issue orders to avoid any interference with the extraterrestrials, since it will make everything even, more dangerous and no one on earth has the technology to match. ‘The officials’ orders will be ignored, particularly by those in rural areas, who are Used to self sufficiency. These people will confront the Anunnali, staxt shooting at them with their guns. As in other areas, which of course have had many good people living in them, only the violent ones have remained, since the others have already escaped. Acting stupidly, they will amoy the Amannaki with their inept shooting until the Anunnaki decide to paralyze them with special beams of} Tight, fora hed time. When the beams effects wear off, some will resume their doomed attempts to fight, and at this point the Anunnald will go into the final stage. From the bottom of the spaceships, they will diffuse a special substance that will Iand in huge, swirling streams, Tt is a black liquid, mixed with light and electricity, and some strange sparkling particles, which are a form of energy or radiation. It smell like fire and brimstone, but strangely, it is cold to the touch, Yet, it burns everything that touches it. This is a tool of annihilation, a tool that no one’ can fight. The substance will slither inexorably over the ground, the buildings, and the stranded cars like icy cold lava wave: It will sweep away many people, Killing them instantly Onve t covers a large area, it vil been to coagulate, and as it does so, will expand and rise up, foot by foot, until it reaches the height of eight storied buildings. Slowly, it will harden, solidifying itself into steel- like state. Huge stacks of smoke will rise up into the sky, cars will melt, buildings will collapse, and fires vill start everywhere, not only by the touch of the substance, bat spontaneously, when the wind caries the paticles of energy into flammable materials. The fire and brimstone smell will now mix with that of burning flesh and of melting metal, plastic and rubber. Then, all of a sudden, the substance will stop growing, and assume the appearance of craggy mountains, with sharp edges and canyons. The very few who have eseaped, who have now nowhere to go to, will ty to climb on the substance, since the earth itself will be buried in it This will be futile, since the substance will be too slippery for the climb, They will start to fall and slip, and be instantly killed. These conditions will continue all over the entire world for two days; no one will be left alive on the scorched earth. On the third day, all the spaceships will eave, and in twenty-four hours, the substance and all it consumed will turn to dust. The earth will be ready for the vast cleaning, For that purpose, other spaceships will appear, of completely different appearance. Continues Next + Thenew ones will not be circular like the others, but crescent shaped, and of pleasant colors, nothing Fhahtening about them, + They will activate the vacuum system that we have mentioned in a previous answer, to ready the earth fora newlife, Arve The Anunnaki Going To Change Our Way Of Life? Are the Anunnald going to change the way we do business, ‘what we do to make a living, and are they going to create ot abolish some professional institutions? + This will be one of the most significant changes that humanity will see, because the Anunnaki will not support any of our greed-infested systems. + The most profound change will be the abolition of money and every system that is attached to money + People will work in their chosen professions (Or a new profession that they will adopt, more on that later in this answer) and produce or serve as usual * They will not be paid, but they will have everything that they need. Everyone will have a comfortable home, designed to his or her taste. * Good food for us and for our pets, beautiful clothes, nice jewelry, cosmetics, diapers for the babies, toys, hobby supplies, ec. will always be available in huge coopératives that will look like excellent su jarkets, 01 day and night so that no one wleaue om + What we consider Imany items will also be available — the Anunnald have no desire to have us live in. austerity. + We can always have books, TV, radio, home films, ete. We can go to the theater, the ballet, the symphony orehestra, chamber music performances, movies — always for free, + The only thing the Anunnaki will deprives us off is excess, The Return of the Anunnaki in 2022. Part 20 | This situation should not cause alam, |Those who will lose their professions will be trained for another profession, always entirely of their choice, that will give them pleasure and pride to pursue. Even those who have not lost their profession, but who feel the need for a change, will be encouraged to pursue a career | change, |As a matter of fact, since the life expectancy of each and |every person will be greatly increased, it is expected that wv people will have numerous career changes as time goes by Life long study is always encouraged by the Anunnaki, who | consider the acquisition of knowledge the most enjoyable ‘thing a person can do. | Many professions will change in the way they are perceived. For example, the teaching profession, for both children and adults, will become the most highly respected profession in |the world. Librarians will ry highly regarded. Gapdeners il be of great importance, Fistorians, and | waiters will be greatly valued. But of course, in a world that |judges a person by what he or she is, not by how much | money is accumulated, every profession will be appreciated for its usefulness to the entire community. |m Summary: ‘The last two days on earth: There will be: +-No evacuation, Humans are trapped 2-No place to hide, or to run to; o space; No priest, cheik, rabbi, religion or God to save you 5-No affective weapons system(s) could be used to counter- ttack or stop the Anunnaki; 6-No hope for survival if you are contaminated. Holographic Illustrative History of Mankind Revealed in 2022, ‘Anati said: “In 2022, after the “Ascencion” and “Cleansing” of humans (Contaminated by Earth's and Grays), all of} you..those who are saved by the Anunnaki will see with’ + There will be no need for hoarding, since everything | their own eyes, huge projections of holographic illustrations will always be available, but you Will not be able to | of the entire history of humanity from day one till 2022. And be richer than your neighbor. Equality will be |those who are teleported to higher dimensions will be able established, and appreciated by those of us who are |to see and foresee forthcorning events in the future and not contaminated by the greed and meanness of the | oceurrences on other planets and in parallel (Multiple) Grays. dimensions and universes, Since money will no longer signif, obviously there | For instance, a saved human being will be able to revisit the will not bea need to have places like Fort Knox. _| past as it occurred on planet Earth, and in other worlds, Isis going to be destroyed, and the gold will be used | Also, the saved human being will acquire additional mental for omamental purposes. That is the only reason | faculty that enable him/her to enter other dimensions and people will value gold now — its beauty. ‘witness the birth of new worlds, dimensions, the ereation of ‘A good artist can create some pretty good pieces | new stars, planets, and even galaxies. from such lovey substance, high wil beso widely (00 tee 0 ee available after the great change. |saved human being can tme to spatial channels and The same will happen, incidentally, with diamonds, | frequencies that “teconstitute” all the anterior, and and other gems. antecedent events and lifespan of a particular religious ‘Their intrinsic value wil disappear, so jewelry will |figure and/orera, only be appreciated for its intricate and elegant | Those saved beings will be able to see and understand the design, not for how many carats a stone wei entire phases of the lives of these religious figures. The| ‘Because of that, there will be no need for the IRS, the Social elograntie illustration (Screens) will also project sounds | Security elimination of the money to disappear. hor such organizations, The | captured and recorded from the past.” ; tem wil cause many professions | Sinhar Ambar Anati said: “Ves, similar effects will be produced, but the Anunnaki’s intentions are not to confuse or mislead humans. Continues in Part 22 system, and The Return of the Anunnaki in 2022. Part 21 (On the contrazy, the Anunnaki’s intentions and objectives are to inform, enlighten and educate all humans of all nations...Finally, the human race will discover the whole and ‘entire truth about earth’s religions, the real, the fake, the fabricated, and above all..the dangerous and false religious doctrines and dogmas... In 2022, the Anunnaki could create anew human race! According to the “Book of Rama-Dosh’, the Ulema and Sinhar Ambar Anati, in 2022, the Anunnaki could create a new human race, using “fresh and clean” Anannaki’s DNA. The process/method used in the original and primordial hnuman race genetic creation that oceurred some 05,000 Years ago will not be repeated, to avoid the previous catastrophic mistakes that led to the creation of an inferior and a decadent human race, The Anunnaki are going to create a new human race (To be called SharafIn-San) free from Grays’ and Earth’s contamination, The newly created race will live in tvo dimensions; one on Earth, and the other in the fowth dimension, where the new human beings can progress, and eventually teach the fifth dimension. In 2022, Full Activation of the 13 Chakras Many people in the western world do not believe in the Hindu Chalaras’ concept. Yet, it is factual. In 2022, the “Western Mind” will finally accept and understand this concept, said Anati. And she adds: “However, it is going to be too late to millions and millions, because the contaminated ones will no longer exist on earth...” According to Anati: “In 2022, the Anunnaki will activate 13 chakras in the human body. Saved humans will be able to cure themselves from all diseases and sicknesses. They will become immune to all viruses and bacteria,.and their newly acquired bodies will be in perfect harmony with the rhythms of the physical and non-physical dimensions. In 2022, All Saved Human Beings Will Become Much ‘Much Younger and Will Stay Young For Ever ‘According to Anati: ‘In 2022, the Anunnaki will activate 13 chakras in the human body. Saved humans will be able to cure themselves from all diseases and sicknesses. They will become immune to all viruses and microbes..and their newly acquired bodies will be in perfect harmony with the rhythms of the physical and non-physical dimensions...” In other words, the new human race will no longer suffer from fatigue, physical pain, illness and diseases. Anati adds: “Also, all saved human beings will become prettier, healthier and much much younger...” Tasked her what did she mean by “nmuch much younger”? Anati replied: “Now, your mind will not allow you to fully ‘understand what is going to happen to the minds and bodies of hnman beings in 2022. “Much much younger” means that the newly created human body will not deteriorate as fast as it does now...and the saved ‘ones will not age at all. It is not immortality I am talking about, but a state, where the new pure human being ean “Stop the piovess of aging” another wonderful thing & suing to happen to all these good people...they will be able to go back in time and choose what age they want to stay in...for instance, should a pure human being (For example, a person who was SSS SS saved by the Anunnaki at age 7o in 2022) decide to be 21 year old again, well..he/she will be 21 year old again..and ‘ll stay 21 for ever. & In 2022, The Anunnaki Will Create New Categories Of Human Bodies In 2002, the Anunnali will give the saved humans, new bodies and new minds’ (Mental/Intellectual) faculties and vill be dassified as: a. Earth bom; be Heaven born; e- Godorspirit bom; In2oaa, On Earth, All “Ba’abs” (Stargates) Will Open Up In 2029, and on Earth, all the “Ba’abs” (Anunnaki’s Stargates” will open up. These ‘“Balabs” are not in outer space. They are so close to cities and places on earth. “The Anunnaki will open these “gates” right before your eyes, and ‘become the stargates...” said Ambar Anati. She adds: “The Ba’abs existed on the cosmos map since its creation, Some are in the Milky Way, others in far distant galaxies, and many are here so close to your cities, schools, streets and homes...they are almost everywhere around the Earth...” Hard to believe? ‘Not really; quantum physics and cosmology do not refute the existence of wormboles and stargates. And how about ufologists and scientists (Nuclear ‘who have claimed that they have worked with States military on “Star Gates Projects”? According to Dr. Dan Burisch: “Many stargates were artificially activated by American military scientists.” Difference Between Artificial Stargates And The 2022 Anunnaki's “Ba’abs” ghosicists) ‘the United | According to the Ulema, and as explained in the ‘Book of Rama-Dosh’, the difference between artifical stargates and ‘Anunnaki’s “Ba’abs"’i this: * Artificial gates take people and spaceships in a sort of time-space vrap-ines tunel, but donot ‘ake the travelers toa higher dimension of cosmic awareness and a universal enlightenment, Attificial stargates do not provide the travelers ‘with mental, or intellectual ascension. They are purely mechanic and scientific. The Anunnaly’s stargates give the travelers full access to the map of the universe, ultra- dimensions, multiple universes, parallel words, and above all the “Higher Dimensions”, where the “Ultimate Knowledge’, and “Global Salvation” reside.” Traversing the artificial stangates requires physical sparceships, whether they are created by humans or non-humans, Entering, exiting and going through the Anunmali’s‘Ba'abs” | donot require spaceships on an exclusive basis, Continues in Part 22 THE WEEKLY ANUNHAK BULLETIN SES 4 Now i Je Spaceships of Anunnaki and advanced extraterrestrial races do not travel or navigate the s Seen tet nett Ro log RUE ag cece eso erd ‘Some twenty five years ago, I asked two Ulema, Dr. Farid Tayara and Cheik Al Mutawali: “Where are these Ba’abs?” Dr. Tayara said, verbatim: “They are everywhere. Balabs are called Ba’abs because they are so close to us, just like the front de your house..if the main entrance (Door) to your home is far away from your home, then it is worthless. A front door mist be at the very entrance of your residence...same thing for the Ba’abs and their locations vis-a-vis Earth. ‘Madinat AlKahira “City of Cairo” for instance has 7 huge Ba’abs (Stargates)..there is a major major stargate in Baalbeck, another major one in Petra (Jordan), and a very big one in Languedoc (France). Honorable Cheik Al Mutawali said: “Sometimes, some Ba‘abs have a double entrance with one single exit. The double entrance consists of two narrow parallel layers so thin, and so close to each other like two Chinese rice paper cant separate them or take them apart, yet, let of huge spaceships of several miles in Teng wil go trough ikea feather...” These were his own words. Most recently, I asked Victoria (Ambar Anati) the very same question, and she said: “They are everywhere. absolutely ‘everywhere... ork City has 14 of them, Nevada 7, Arizona 6, Texas 6, Washington DC/Virginia Metropolitan area has 5-, California has 7, Dover in England has one, New ‘Delhi has 2, Bombay has 3, Arwad has one, Lima has 2, Yucatan has One, Tyre has one, t,.”

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