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Excel Tips:

VBA Code for Password for Dropdown List (Useful for Purchase Order)

Basically, this is useful for people who needs a purchase order to come up with a unique password for
each name for listed in the "Requester” (or anything for that matter). Only RELEVANT for dropdown
list. Therefore you have to create a dropdown list for the “Requester”. The code is written in such a
way whenever you click on it, it will prompt you to enter password.Different names requires different
password, otherwise it will return as a blank cell.

To implement this, use shotcut key Alt+F11 when in excel to launch VBA. Sample names Mike,
Alan,Bob and Pete is used to simulate the case. Feel free to change the name and password.

VBA code:
Option Explicit
Const Mike As String = "Mike1"
Const Alan As String = "Alan1"
Const Bob As String = "Bob1"
Const Pete As String = "Pete1"

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

Dim cell As Range
Dim pwd As String
Dim Oops As Boolean

Application.EnableEvents = False

For Each cell In Target

If Not Intersect(cell, Range("B7")) Is Nothing And cell <> "" Then
pwd = Application.InputBox("Password for " & cell & ":", _
"Enter Password", Type:=2)
Select Case cell.Value
Case "Mike"
If pwd <> Mike Then Oops = True
Case "Bob"
If pwd <> Bob Then Oops = True
Case "Alan"
If pwd <> Alan Then Oops = True
Case "Pete"
If pwd <> Pete Then Oops = True
End Select

If Oops Then
MsgBox "Bad password"
cell = ""
End If
End If
Next cell

Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

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