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USING SUGAR* Clostridium perfringens, and other

clostridia and streptococcal species)
is 0.91 or more but is 0.86 for
Karol A. Mathews, DVM, DVSc
Associate Professor and Service Chief
Staphylococcus aureus. All bacterial
Emergency and Critical Care growth was inhibited at an aw of
0.858 (195 g sugar/100 ml water).
Allen G. Binnington, DVM, MSc When compared with a test
Professor of Surgery medium of brain–heart infusion
Head, Small Animal Clinic
in which the aw was 0.993 (which
Ontario Veterinary College supported rapid bacterial growth),
University of Guelph the medium was adjusted to an aw
Guelph, Ontario, Canada of 0.858 by adding sugar, which
caused complete inhibition of
growth.1 This action has been pro-

ranulated sugar provides an excellent topical dressing for treating duced in the clinical setting. When
open wounds, especially those wounds that are contaminated. a wound is filled with sugar, the
Advantages of using sugar include its rapid antibacterial action, sugar dissolves in the tissue fluid,
enhanced tissue formation and epithelialization, and accelerated wound creating an environment of low aw,
healing; it is also readily available and inexpensive. which inhibits bacterial growth.
The use of finely powdered sugar to clean wounds was first reported by As the concentrated sugar solution
Scultetus in 1679, but the mechanism of action was not elucidated until the causes migration of water and
twentieth century. Many recent reports show excellent results with the use lymph out of the tissues and into
of granulated (table) sugar to treat contaminated wounds. Granulated the sugar solution, the solution
sugar is currently used worldwide to treat human patients with contami- becomes diluted, thereby raising
nated wounds or infected body cavities, but the cleansing and healing the aw. Therefore, in order to retain
properties of granulated sugar are not widely known in veterinary medi- an environment of low aw, large
cine. For many years, surgeons at the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC), amounts of granulated sugar should
Guelph, Ontario, Canada, have used granulated sugar to treat contami- be used on wounds. Dressings
nated wounds in cats and dogs. Animals with these types of wounds often should be changed once or twice
have associated problems, such as pain, shock, or sepsis, and these condi- per day initially to maintain the
tions must be treated appropriately prior to or during wound management. antibacterial aw, especially when
Sugar therapy is suitable for treating patients with degloving injuries treating large wounds (see box
caused by motor vehicle accidents; infected surgical wounds; necrotizing on page 7). As the infection and
fasciitis due to Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus edema become controlled, bandage
canis, and other organisms; decubitus ulcers; self mutilation; burns; and changes can be reduced to once
other skin defects that require a healthy granulating bed to heal. No daily or every other day.
adverse effects have been reported with the use of sugar. Other mechanisms associated
with the wound cleansing and heal-
ing properties of sugar (which are
HEALING PROPERTIES OF SUGAR similar to those of honey) include
decreased inflammatory edema,
Scientific support for treatment of wounds using granulated sugar is
attraction of macrophages to further
based on the low water content (or high osmolality) that sugar creates in a
1 cleanse the wound, accelerated
wound. In addition, because the high osmolarity of sugar draws lymph
sloughing of devitalized tissue, pro-
into a wound, dissolved nutrients within the lymph provide nutrition for
10 vision of a local cellular energy
regenerating tissue. The water requirements for microorganisms (and all
source, and formation of a protec-
other forms of life) can be defined in terms of water activity (aw) of sub-
1 tive layer of protein on the wound
strate. Every microorganism has a limiting aw below which it cannot
2 and a healthy granulation bed.3
grow. When the aqueous solution in the organism’s environment is con-
Sugar also has a deodorizing action,
centrated by the addition of solutes (e.g., sucrose), the effects on microbial
whereby the infecting bacteria uti-
growth are mainly due to the change in aw. The minimum aw for most bac-
lize the sugar instead of the amino
terial pathogens (e.g., E. coli, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Corynebacterium,
acids, resulting in the production of
*Excerpted from Mathews KA, Binnington AG: Wound management using sugar. lactic acid rather than malodorous
Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet 24(1):41–50, 2002. compounds.10

M A R C H 2 0 0 2 V O L U M E 4 . 2
Human patients have reported
that the wound management pro- Case Selection
• Crush injuries
cedure using sugar therapy is not
painful, especially when compared • Thermal burns with skin slough
with gauze packing (which is • Extensive deep tissue infection
painful).3,6 Occasionally, some • Grossly contaminated wounds following mechanical debridement
human patients complain of a burn- • Wound bed preparation for skin grafting
ing sensation when dry sugar is • Wounds in which tissue viability is questionable
placed into a cavity; therefore, a
sugar paste, which is not associated Guidelines for Use
with pain, can be useful for infusion • Lavage and debride wound or surgically excised area of concern. Fre-
quently, in road injuries, the area is lavaged with copious amounts of
into such cavities as decubitus body temperature tap water and not debrided. The sugar will debride
ulcers or abscesses. The paste can the area of devitalized tissue.
be made from 400 g castor sugar, • Use an excess of sugar (pour to approximately 1 cm thickness).
600 g icing sugar, 480 ml glycerin • Change bandage once or twice daily initially. Frequency varies with
BP, and 7.5 ml hydrogen peroxide size of wound and production of exudates. Bandages should be
3% BP (100 vol). Hydrogen perox- changed if strike through occurs. (As a guide, when granulated sugar is
ide should be combined with the still present in the wound, less frequent bandage changes are recom-
glycerin and stirred; the sugars mended.)
should then be added and the ingre- • Lavage wound at each bandage change with body temperature tap
dients mixed in a blender. This paste water. Sterile saline may be used as a substitute for tap water but is
more expensive and has no benefit. Sterile saline delivered with a 60-ml
can then be “squirted” into deep syringe and 18-gauge needle may be used to lavage crevices that are
cavities.4 A similar sugar paste5 used difficult to access.
on wounds has been shown to • Pat the area dry with a sterile cotton towel before reapplying the sugar.
reduce water available and inhibit • Monitor the patient’s hydration status and serum protein level during
bacterial growth; however, granula- high fluid losses.
tion tissue is still allowed to form • Treat the wound until all pockets and undermined tissue are closed.
and epithelialization takes place at a • When the debridement is complete, a healthy granulation bed is pres-
rate similar to that for wounds that ent, and epithelialization has begun, stop sugar therapy and switch to
are kept moist and covered with Furacin ointment.
OpSite® plastic film (Smith &
recommended that when a healthy leagues7 illustrates the efficacy of
granulation bed has formed, the using sugar to treat major wounds.
CLINICAL STUDIES sugar paste should be replaced Granulated sugar was used to treat
USING SUGAR with an alginate, hydrogel, or hydro- 19 critically ill adult humans with
THERAPY colloid dressing because application open mediastinitis after cardiac sur-
of the sugar paste may cause gery; 11 patients were treated imme-
One study6 reported that packing bleeding.6 Bleeding has not been diately with sugar, and 8 patients
cavity wounds (e.g., infected, mal- a problem at the OVC when using were treated with sugar after irriga-
odorous decubitus ulcers) with a granulated sugar to treat animals. tion with povidone–iodine and
thick sugar paste cleared the foul When healthy granulation tissue has physiologic saline was unsuccessful.
odor and debrided the necrotic tis- formed, most wounds are surgically Eighteen wounds were contami-
sue after several days. Granulated closed using various techniques nated with Staphylococcus,
sugar or sugar paste can be instilled based on wound size and location. Streptococcus, Enterobacter, E. coli,
into deep wounds or cavities instead Otherwise, epithelialization is allowed Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, or Serratia.
of packing them with ribbon gauze to continue until secondary healing The mediastinum was packed with
and antiseptics, which delays heal- has ccurred. This may be accom- about 150 to 400 ml sterile granu-
ing and can be very painful to plished with the application of lated sugar (obtained from the super-
remove. In addition, gauze becomes nonadhesive bandages. market); additional sugar was added
enmeshed with the developing Traumatic wounds, diabetic every 3 to 4 hours to keep the cavity
granulation tissue, which is then ulcers, peritonitis, and thoracic cav- full. Dressings were changed twice
torn away when the dressing is ity lesions have been treated using daily, at which time the wounds
removed.6 In human patients, it is sugar. A study by Trouillet and col- were irrigated using physiologic

saline mixed with povidone–iodine.
Debridement occurred at each
dressing change. Almost complete
debridement of the wound and
rapid formation of granulation tissue
occurred in all patients after 5 to
9 days of treatment; only three
patients required surgical debride-
ment, and none developed hyper-
glycemia. Because sugar is a
complex molecule, it cannot be
directly absorbed from the wound.3
In another report,8 sugar paste
was used to heal liver abscesses
and infected chest cavities without
development of hyperglycemia. A
case study that compared the heal-
ing properties of granulated sugar to
conventional methods of chlorhexi- Surgical wound being treated with granulated sugar. The sugar layer should be at least 1 cm
dine wound lavage and subsequent thick and completely fill the wound.
packing with gauze in postoperative
wound infections was carried out on formed prior to the application of is diluted rapidly when wounds
nine human patients (age range, 4 sugar. When superficial contamina- (especially large ones) are initially
months to 32 years) and two older tion of wounds occurs in an other- infected and edematous, and thus
patients (65 and 80 years old).9 In wise healthy animal, systemic bandages should be changed and
this study, healthy granulation tissue antibiotics are frequently avoided sugar replaced at least twice daily to
formed earlier in the wounds treated and topical treatment with sugar maintain a high osmolarity. Bandage
with sugar and the wounds were alone is used. changes can be reduced to daily or
less painful than those treated using alternating days as granulation tissue
Granulated sugar is poured into
conventional methods. forms. Moderately infected wounds
the wound (the layer should be at
least 1 cm thick) and should fill all are usually clean in 2 to 4 days;
DRESSING pockets and undermined areas large, severely infected wounds may
TECHNIQUE (Figure 1). The wound must be filled require 5 days or longer. In distal
USING SUGAR because the osmolarity within the limb injuries, once-daily bandage
wound area must remain high in changes are adequate in most cases.
When using sugar, the old adage order for bacterial killing to occur. A guideline to when bandage
“more is better” holds true. Various Sterile absorbent towels can be used changes are required is the presence
types of injuries, burns, and infected as a primary bandage layer for large or absence of granulated sugar in
or necrotic wounds are all managed dogs, and sterile lap sponges can be the wound. The lack of or presence
using a similar technique. Grossly used for cats and small dogs. A large of only small amounts of sugar indi-
contaminated wounds are lavaged amount of absorbent material is cates that frequent changes are
initially with body temperature tap required to absorb the fluid. A sec- needed, whereas the presence of
water using a kitchen-type spray ondary bandage layer should be a good covering of granular sugar
nozzle over a grate to allow drainage. added to hold the absorbent mate- indicates that the change interval
Although not all wounds require rial in place. This should be covered can be lengthened. Bandages should
irrigation, irrigation of wounds with with an adhesive tertiary layer. be changed any time strike through
tap water under pressure may be a Because edema fluid is mobilized occurs. After removal of the cover-
reasonable alternative to saline irri- due to the hygroscopic nature of ing material at the appropriate
gation.11 Large breed dogs may sugar, a plastic bag or plastic bandage change interval, the
require up to 50 L of lavage fluid to kitchen wrap can be used to further wound should be gently lavaged
irrigate large, dirty-infected wounds. cover the bandage to prevent seep- with body temperature tap water
After the wound is irrigated, it age during the first few days. For (using a shower head) and patted
should be patted almost dry with wounds that are difficult to bandage, almost dry, and an excess of sugar
sterile towels. Resection of necrotic kitchen wrap may be used until should be applied again.
tissue or debridement of a traumatic gross contamination is cleared, Analgesics are frequently neces-
or surgical wound should be per- which usually takes a day. The sugar sary during the first few days of

M A R C H 2 0 0 2 V O L U M E 4 . 2
bandage changes. As the granulation Following the use of sugar treat- 2. Scott WJ: Water reactions of Staphylo-
coccus aureus at 30˚C. Aust J Biol Sci
tissue starts to develop, many ment, the resultant wound scar has
6:549–552, 1953.
patients no longer need analgesics been reported to be more resistant
3. Kamat N: Use of sugar in infected
to facilitate routine bandage changes. and supple.9 wounds. Trop Doct 23(4):185, 1993.
A pale, healthy granulation bed When Pseudomonas species are 4. Tovey F: Honey and sugar as a dressing
begins to form in 2 days. As the present, the minimal aw necessary for wounds and ulcers. Trop Doct 3:1,
bandages are changed, the viability for multiplication of strains of this 2000.
of the tissue will become evident. At bacteria is reported to be higher 5. Archer HG, Barnett S, Irving S, et al: A
this time, sharp dissection of devital- controlled model of moist wound heal-
than that for other bacteria that com- ing: Comparison between semiperme-
ized tissue can be performed (often monly infect wounds, indicating that able film, antiseptics, and sugar paste.
without analgesics). During the Pseudomonas are more susceptible J Exp Pathol 71:155–170, 1990.
period of heavy exudation (caused to the high osmolarity of sugar.12 6. Seal DV, Middleton K: Healing of cavity
by the osmotic draw of the sugar), In our experience, superficial wounds with sugar. Lancet 338:571–
572, 1991.
the hydration status and protein lev- Pseudomonas infections are rapidly
els of animals with large wounds 7. Trouillet JL, Fagon J, Domart Y, et al:
eliminated with the use of sugar. Use of granulated sugar in treatment of
should be monitored frequently. The open mediastinitis after cardiac surgery.
duration of sugar therapy depends Lancet, July, 1985, pp 180–184.
on the wound. Sugar treatment has CONCLUSION 8. Archer H, Middleton K, Milledge J, Seal
been used from 4 days to 21 days in D: Toxicity of topical sugar. Lancet
Sugar is an excellent topical 27:1485–1486, 1987.
cats and dogs at the OVC. Once a
dressing for treating open (especially 9. Dawson J: The role of sugar in wound
healthy granulation bed has formed,
contaminated) wounds. The advan- healing: A comparative trial of the
infection is eliminated, and all pock- healing of infected wounds using tradi-
tages of using sugar as a dressing
ets have closed, sugar is no longer tional gauze/antiseptic packing, and
include its rapid antibacterial action, granulated sugar. Ann Royal Coll Surg
needed. The wounds can be surgi-
enhanced granulation tissue forma- Engl 78(2):82–85, 1996.
cally closed if adequate skin is avail-
tion and epithelialization, acceler- 10. Molan PC, Cooper RA: Honey and
able, or skin grafting techniques may
ated wound healing, decreased cost, sugar as a dressing for wounds and
be used. Alternatively, the wound ulcers. Trop Doct 30:249–251, 2000.
and ready availability.
can be covered with a Furacin oint- 11. Moscati R, Mayrose J, Fincher L, Jehle
ment using a nonadherent primary D: Comparison of normal saline with
layer to encourage epithelialization REFERENCES tap water for wound irrigation. Am J
Emerg Med 16(4):379–381, 1998.
and secondary healing. Granulation
1. Chirife J, Scarmato GA, Herszage L: 12. Cooper R, Molan P: The use of honey
tissue will cover bony surfaces; as an antiseptic in managing Pseudo-
Scientific basis for use of granulated
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months for complete coverage. Lancet 1:560–561, 1982. 8(8):161–164, 1999.


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