Final Test Paper!!!!!!!!!!

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Date: ………………. Name: ………………………………..

Grade: …………………


I. Translate the text into Romanian. (2p)

Sea Turtles in Danger

Each year in the breeding season, the female sea turtle crawls from the sea at night to lay her eggs on the beach in a
sandy nest. She lays about a hundred eggs the size of ping-pong balls, covers them with sand and then goes back to
sea. After about two months, the baby turtles emerge from the eggs. They are very tiny and struggle to reach the
sea. During this time, the eggs and the new-born turtles are in danger of being eaten by birds, crabs and small
animals like rats.

II. Complete the sentences with the following words: amazement, pleasure, surprise, excited, worried. (1p)

1. She looked at him in complete ………………………….

2. It was such a ……………………….. to see Tim again.
3. She was so …………………… after you invited her to the party.
4. It’s my …………………. to introduce our next guest.
5. My mother was so ………………….. when she saw that it was midnight and I was not home.

III. Choose the correct response for each of the sentences. (5*0,30p = 1,5p)

1. If you _____easy food, you will become fat. a) eat b) will eat
2. If your sister goes to Paris, she ______a good time. a) has b) will have
3. If he _________ that, he will be sorry. a) will do b) does
4. If I leave now, I ________ in New York by 8:00 p.m. a) will arrive b) arrive
5. You ________ on your test if you don't study. a) won't do well b) don't do well

IV. Choose the correct response for each of the sentences using the second conditional type. (5*0,30p=1,5p)

1. If my grandfather ________ younger, he would do so many things. a) were b) would be

2. If he _________ more money, he would buy a new house. a) would have b) had
3. If she had a dog, she _________ it. a) wouldn't walk b) didn't walk
4. If she __________ more, she would go to university. a) would study b) studied
5. If she ________ around the world, she would recognize Taj Mahal. a) travelled b) would travel

V. Write a short composition about a person you admire. (3p)

Paragraph 1: a) Who is that person?

b) Where does she live?
c) What is her/his job?

Paragraph 2: a) How old is she/he?

b) Describe their appearance.
b) What kind of clothes does she wear?

Paragraph 3: a) Describe the person’s personality.

b) Why do you admire that person?

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