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First and foremost, gratitude and praise goes to our GOD Almighty, in whom we
have put our faith and trust in during the entire course of this study, our faith has been
tested countless times and with the help of the Almighty, we have been able to go pass
the obstacles that stood our way.

We also would like to take this opportunity to express profound gratitude to our
class adviser, Dra. Leizl Fallarna for her noble guidance and valuable advice all
throughout the period of our study. Her patience, time, and understanding are highly
appreciated. A word of thanks also goes to the staff of the Bureau of Research and
Standards for accommodating and providing us assistance in many ways, especially Sir
³Nitoy´ who supervised us during our stay in BRS and also for his advice and guidance
to us.

To our professors, Engr. Edison Dizon, Engr. Rhonnie Estores, Engr. Hadji
Aranda and Engr. Allan Benogsudan for giving us advice.

To our fellow classmates, to the group of Mark Lorence Magbata and Christian
Ablong that should be recognized for their undoubtful support and help in our group.

Last but not the least; we would like to say our deepest thanks to our loving
family whom we owe a debt of gratitude for their prayers, encouragement, immeasurable
support and guidance all throughout the whole duration of our study.



Technology in concrete has been developing in many ways to enhance the quality
and properties of concrete. One of the technological advances in improving the quality of
concrete is by using admixtures. Admixture is a substance added during or before mixing
the concrete, typically so as to improve its properties.
This study is conducted to evaluate the possibility of incorporating different
natural fibers which is abundant in our country as an admixture for concrete mix design.
This study will evaluate the compressive strength of the concrete containing coconut coir,
sugarcane bagasse, pineapple, and abaca fibers. The behavior of fresh and hardened
concrete was investigated with various amounts of natural fibers. The average
compressive strength of concrete cylinder samples with the dimension of 150mm in
diameter and 300mm in height were taken for strength comparison. The mixes were
prepared with fiber-cement ratio of 0.10%, 0.15%, 0.25% and 0.75%. Water-cement ratio
of 0.68 was chosen for this mix design with the design compressive load of 20.7Mpa. The
constituents were calculated based on the ACI Design Standards.
Compressive test was done on hardened concrete with the Universal Testing
Machine at a loading rate of 5kN/sec to determine the compressive load of each
specimen. The result of the experiment showed that the addition of natural fibers will
increase the compressive strength of the concrete, but the increase in strength is up to
certain amount of fiber. Among the concrete cylinder which contains natural fiber,
0.15%sugarcane has the highest compressive load of 26.4MPa. The lowest compressive
load is 10.56MPa which is the 0.75% sugarcane bagasse content.

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Chapter Subject Page

Title page i
Approval sheet ii
Author¶s declaration iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgment v
Abstract vi
Contents vii
List of Tables ix
List of Figures x

1 The Problem and its background

1.1 introduction 1
1.2 background of the study 2
1.3 theoretical framework 3
1.4 conceptual framework 4
1.5 statement of the problem 5
1.6 scope and delimitations 5
1.7 significance of the study 6
1.8 definition of terms 7

2 Review of related literature

2.1 foreign studies 10

2.2 foreign literatures 14

3 Research Methodology

3.1 Research method 19

3.2 project Design and development 20
3.3 quality test for fine and coarse aggregates 21
3.4 ACI mix design method 21
3.5 collection and preparation of materials 26
3.6 distributions of test specimens 28
3.7 test on fresh concrete 29
3.8 curing of the concrete cylinders 29
3.9 test on hardened concrete 30

4 Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

4.1 results of quality test for fine and coarse aggregates 31

4.2 design parameters 32
4.3 design mix 32
4.4 result of slump test for first trial 33
4.5 result of slump test for second trial 35
4.6 result of compressive strength test for first trial 41
4.7 result of compressive strength test for second trial 43
4.8 comparison of compressive strength 45
4.9 effect of percent fiber 45

5 Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

5.1 general observations 49

5.2 conclusions 51
5.3 recommendations 53

References 54


A.m laboratory testing procedures

Absorption and specific gravity of fine aggregates 56

Absorption and specific gravity of coarse aggregates 57
Fineness modulus of fine aggregates 58
Loose unit weight of fine and coarse aggregates 58
Rodded unit weight of fine and coarse aggregates 59
Abrasion 59
Moisture content 60

B.m Apparatus and equipments 62

C.m Procedures of slump test 64
D.m Process and procedures 66
E.m Computations of design mix 68
F.m Result of tests 70

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Table no. Title Page

2.1m Properties of coconut coir 15

2.2m Properties of sugarcane bagasse 16
2.3m Properties of pineapple fibers 17
2.4m Properties of abaca fibers 18
3.1m Choice of slump 21
3.2m Mixing water and air content selection 23
3.3m Water-cement ratio 24
3.4m Coarse aggregate content 24
3.5m First estimate mass of fresh concrete 25
3.6m Chemical composition of cement 26
3.7m Distribution of specimens for first trial 28
3.8m Distribution of specimens for second trial 28
4.1m Result of quality test 31
4.2m Summary of design mix 32
4.3m Result of slump test for first trial 33
4.4m Result of slump test for second trial 35
4.5m Result of compressive test for first trial 41
4.6m Result of Compressive test for second trial 43


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Figure no. Title Page

1.1 Research Paradigm 4

3.1 Project design and development 20
3.2 sieving of coarse aggregates 27
3.3 natural fibers 27
3.4 curing of cylinders 29
4.1 result of slump test for first trial 34
4.2 result of slump test for second trial 36
4.3 compressive strength test results for first trial 42
4.4 compressive strength test results for second trial 44
4.5 average compressive strength vs. fiber percentage 45

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