Where Im From

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Martyna Laszcz

June 7th
Period B + D

Where I’m From Poem

I am from Szczecin, Poland

From Christmas Eve Vigils and Easter festivities.
I am from parties and celebrations.
From staying up ‘til 3 AM just to be awakened by my 5 year old brother.

I am from kielbasa and pierogi,

From soup almost daily, and the smell seeping through every room.
I am from close friends, and obsessions with BMW’s.
From going on vacations every couple of months to spending nights in New York City.

I am from Berlin, Connecticut.

From the quaint little town, with the best people I’ve ever met.
I am from the arts and the soft, beautiful melody of a piano.
From singing songs about love, and musicals on Broadway.

I am from bonfires every summer.

From Silver Lake, and annoying mosquito bites.
I am from “when I was your age” and silly accents.
From “cinnamon squirrels” and weekly Starbucks visits.

I am from scrapbooks and drawings scattered all over the living room.
From energetic little kids and friendly old dogs.
I am from computers overloaded with memories, and overused cameras.
From pictures of my grandmother, and thoughts of compassion.
I am me.

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