Current Trends

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Current Trends

Data Warehouse
• In today’s world, the competitive edge is
coming less from optimization and more
from the proactive use of the information
that these systems have been collecting
over the years.

• Companies are beginning to realize the vast

potential of the information that they hold in
their organization.
• If they can tap into this information, they can
significantly improve the quality of their decision
making and the profitability of the organization
through focused actions.

• The problem for most companies, though, is that

their operational systems were never designed
to support this kind of business activity, and
probably never can be.
• Even the latest technology cannot be
optimized to support both operational and
multidimensional requirements cost-

• Operational systems also tend to be

numerous, with overlapping and
sometimes contrary definitions.
• To meet these needs there is a new breed
of system, one that has evolved and
matured in recent years and is now known
as a data warehouse.

• Industry analysts expect this to represent a

substantial percentage of all new spending
on computer systems in the next 20 years.
What is Data Warehouse
• A data warehouse, in its simplest perception, is
no more than a collection of the key pieces of
information used to manage and direct the
business for the most profitable outcome.
• This could be anything from deciding the level of
stock on a supermarket shelf, through focused
targeting of customers for loyalty schemes and
direct mail promotions, to strategic decision
making on major segments and company
• A data warehouse is the data (meta/fact/
dimension/aggregation) and the process
managers (load/warehouse/query) that make
information available, enabling people to make
informed decisions.
• Data warehousing solutions are fundamentally
different from operational systems because they
have to evolve and grow as the business
requirement for information changes over a
period of time.
• Data warehouses are never static, in the
same way that business needs are never

• In order to respond to today’s requirement

for instantaneous access to any corporate
information, the data warehouse must also
be designed to provide that information in a
performant way.
• In practice, this means that data
warehouses must be designed to change
• As the business grows and changes, its
needs will change.
• Data warehouses are designed to ride with
these changes, by always building a
degree of flexibility within the system.
• In order to provide this flexible solution, it has
been found that the process that delivers a data
warehouse has to be fundamentally different
from a traditional waterfall method.
• The underlying issue with data warehousing
projects is that it is very difficult to complete the
tasks and deliverables in the strict, ordered
fashion demanded by a waterfall method.
• This is because the requirements are
rarely fully understood, and are expected
to change over time.
• The knock-out effect is that architectures,
designs, and build components cannot be
completed until the requirements are
completed, which can lead to constant
requirements iteration without delivery,
i.e., “paralysis by analysis”.
Data Warehouse Delivery Method
• The delivery method is essentially a
variant of the joint application
development approach, adapted for
delivery of data warehouses.
• The entire delivery process is staged in
order to minimize risk, by producing
production-quality deliverables, which are
designed to grow to a full solution.
• It has been seen that most enterprise data
warehousing projects tend to have a
development cycle of between 18 and 24
months from start to end.
• This is clearly difficult to justify, because
the required investment is substantial and
no business benefits can be generated
until the system is delivered.
• Enterprise data warehouses provide an
accurate and consistent view of enterprise
information, regardless of which point
solutions they may be addressing at a
specific point in time.
• The business benefits that can be derived
are clearly much greater than those
derived from a point solution.
Data Mining
• Traditional database queries, access a
database using a well-defined query
stated in a language such as SQL.
• The output of the query consists of the
data from the database that satisfies the
• The output is usually a subset of the
database, but it may also be an extracted
view or may contain aggregation.
• Data mining access of a database differs from this
traditional accesses in several ways:
– Query: The query might not be well formed or
precisely stated. The data miner might not even be
exactly sure of what he wants to see.
– Data: The data accessed is usually a different version
from that of the original operational database. The data
have been cleaned and modified to better support the
mining process.
– Output: The output of the data mining query probably
is not a subset of the database. Instead it is the output
of some analysis of the contents of the database.
• Data mining involves many different
algorithms to accomplish different tasks.
• All of these algorithms attempts to fit a
model to the data.
• The algorithms examine the data and
determine a model that is closet to the
characteristics of the data being
• Data mining algorithms can be
characterized as consisting of three parts:
– Model – The purpose of the algorithm is to fit
a model to the data.
– Preference – Some criteria must be used to
fit one model over another.
– Search – All algorithms require some
technique to search the data.
• Data mining
– Predictive model
• Classification
• Regression
• Time series analysis
• Prediction
– Descriptive model
• Clustering
• Summarization
• Association
• Sequence discovery
• A predictive model makes a prediction about
values of data using known results found from
different data. The modeling may be made
based on the use of other historical data.
• A descriptive model identifies patterns or
relationships in data. Unlike the predictive
model, a descriptive model serves as a way to
explore the properties of the data examined, not
to predict new properties.
• Classification
– Maps data into predefined groups or classes.
Often referred to as supervised learning
because the classes are determined before
examining the data. Two examples of
classification applications are determining
whether to make a bank loan and identifying
credit risks.
• Regression
– Is used to map a data item to a real valued
variable. Regression involves the learning of
the function that does this mapping.
Regression assumes that the target data fit
into some known type of function (e.g., linear,
logistic, etc.) and then determines the best
function of this type that models the given
• Time Series Analysis
– With time series analysis, the value of an
attribute is examined as it varies over time.
The values usually are obtained as evenly
spaced time points (daily, weekly, hourly,
etc.). A time series plot is used to visualize
the time series.
• Prediction
– This can be viewed as a type of classification.
Prediction applications include flooding,
speech recognition, machine learning, and
pattern recognition. Although future values
may be predicted using time series analysis
or regression techniques, but ‘prediction’
techniques help in some special cases.
• Clustering
– Is similar to classification except that the
groups are not predefined, but rather defined
by the data alone. Alternatively, referred to as
unsupervised learning or segmentation. It can
be thought of as partitioning or segmenting
the data into groups that might or might not be
disjointed. The clustering is usually
accomplished by determining the similarity
among the data on predefined attributes. The
most similar data are grouped into clusters.
• Summarization
– Maps data into subsets with associated
simple descriptions. Is also called
characterization or generalization. It extracts
or derives representative information about
the database. This may be accomplished by
actually retrieving portions of the data.
• Association Rules
– Link analysis, alternatively referred to as
affinity analysis or association, refers to the
data mining task of uncovering relationships
among data. An association rule is a model
that identifies specific types of data
associations. These associations are often
used in the retail sales community to identify
items that are frequently purchased together.
• Sequence Discovery
– Sequential analysis or sequence discovery is
used to determine sequential patterns in data.
These patterns are based on a time sequence
of actions. These patterns are similar to
association in that data (or events) are found
to be related, but the relationship is based on
Data Mining vrs. Knowledge
Discovery in Databases
• The terms knowledge discovery in
database (KDD) and data mining are often
used interchangeably.
• Generally, following definitions can be
– KDD: is the process of finding useful
information and patterns in data.
– DM: is the use of algorithms to extract the
information and patterns derived by the KDD
• The KDD process is often said to be
nontrivial, however, it is taken as the larger
view that KDD is an all-encompassing
• A traditional SQL database query can be
viewed as the data mining part of a KDD
• KDD is a process that involves many
different steps.
• The input to this process is the data, and the
output is the useful information desired by the
• However, the objective may be unclear or
• The process itself is interactive and may require
much elapsed time.
• To ensure the usefulness and accuracy of the
results of the process, interaction throughout the
process with both domain experts and technical
experts might be needed.
• The KDD process consists of the following five
– Selection: The data needed for the data mining
process may be obtained from many different and
heterogeneous data sources. This first step obtains
the data from various databases, files, and non-
electronic sources.
– Preprocessing: Erroneous data may be corrected or
removed, whereas missing data must be supplied or
predicted (often using data mining tools).
– Transformation: Data from different sources
must be converted into a common format for
– Data Mining: Based on the data mining task
being performed, this step applies algorithms
to the transformed data to generate the
desired results.
– Interpretation/evaluation: Various
visualization and GUI strategies are used at
this last step.

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